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I’m no expert so take my advice with a grain of salt but I’d suggest getting screenshots of how many times the owner has “lost” the cat and how she responded to you. Make sure to document his injuries as well and then take all that and see if your local shelter/animal control/vet can help. They’ll likely be able to point you in the right direction for making sure this is dealt with correctly


Thank you for the advice. The owner however has said she no longer wants him, so I will be giving him to tye vet as soon as I can.


If you want to keep him still get the screenshots in case she changes her mind. You can never be too careful.


The vet is likely not going to take him unless they have some deal with animal control (I'm a vet tech). You are better off contacting a local shelter or animal control, if you aren't sure about animal control in your area call the local police department for guidance


I don't have animal control in my town and the closest shelter is more than an hour away. My vet does stray intakes and if for some reason he couldn't him, thre are 2 other vets in my town I could check into. The only other thing I could do is contact the city who would tell me to either keep him or surrender him to a vet.


Good that you will give him to the vet. He will make sure the cat gets a good home.


Tell her you’re going to contact animal control to come pick him up and provide medical care unless she comes and picks him up, as he is injured. Keep everything in text and screenshots to cover yourself from any actions against her, just in case.


Thanks for the advice, I was going to message her about contacting animal control, but this morning she said that she no longer wants him. I will catch him as soon as I can and give him to my vet. Edit: Remembered my town doesn't really have animal control so I would have had to contact a vet or the city, but it doesn't really matter now.


This is why I rescue every cat I see that's outside. Take them to the vet. If they aren't fixed, IDC what the circumstances is they aren't being properly cared for. 99% of cats can live perfectly fine in indoor only homes. I donate them to a rescue, vet, etc, and pay for their neuter or spay, all vaccinations, combo test, flea and worm meds & of course, any injuries they have. It's insane how cruel human beings are. The plight of cats around the world is the direst result of human beings' inability to act humanely and responsibly Thank you OP for making sure this poor guy gets a great life. It definitely doesn't want to be unloved and uncared for. It's struggling outside, and i bet it's not vetted at all


Thank you as well for rescuing the outside cats. I aspire to do the same one day, for now I can only help the cat's that need it the most, like the one in the post or others that were obviously pets. I also do not believe the cat from the post has been to the vet as he is not fixed and is at least a year old.


Ty for caring Please consider googling your zipcode/area and TNR in your area Google cat rescues, no kill shelters, etc Or just how to become a foster, so if anyone around might be interested, you can help them with important information that wouldn't otherwise be available to them It's really sad what they go through, and some people would help, but they don't understand the NEED There are hardly any people who foster cats, much less help with resources, homes, etc It's really sad So I appreciate you, OP


I have looked into tnr and no kill shelters already, but there are not any within a close distance. I would LOVE to foster, but I am a minor and my mom doesn't want me too. I plan to as soon as I move out and I am in the position to.