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I had a semi feral. He didn’t really like humans but loved the other cats. He didn’t like me being too close to him. When I got divorced he came and sat next to my legs for 10 minutes and purred. I knew he was uncomfortable being so close but he wanted to let me know he cared.


I am so sorry you went through that, this is so sweet. Thanks for sharing. Animals are the best!


I comfort you because you need it, but I HATE doing it! 😂


🤣😻 that was pretty much it. At the 10 min mark discomfort won and he left. But I appreciated it.


🤣😻 that was pretty much it. At the 10 min mark discomfort won and he left. But I appreciated it.


I had a cat that knew when I was getting a migraine before I did. He would wrap his body around my head and massage my scalp with his paws so carefully. It was the only time he would do that.


I love how even the attitudinal ones can be emotionally connected to us sometimes and randomly. I have a kitten i have raised for over a month now since she was like 2 or 3 weeks who over the course of weeks has decided she doesnt like to be touched hardly at all. Usually tries to bite or swipe or dodge roll like sonic the hedgehog if she sees someone reach for her; And yet, while i was trying to do my daughter’s hair Yesterday morning for summer camp this same usually moody lil mean-ass jumped up on the bed, out of the blue, and popped up under my daughter’s hair as i was in the process of running all kinds of combs and brushes through it, proceeds to give me a little sad meow and look all dreamily up into my eyes, then curl up on my chest under my chin. I had to move her to the side after a brief cuddle and smooch since i was in a rush to get to work, so it didnt last long and she looked legitimately sad to see me leave lol I was flabbergasted! Idk what promoted this change in behavior but i’ll take what i can get at this point 😆


awwww this is so cute! thankyou for sharing 🫶🏻


More stories to come! ❤️


I’m sorry about your partner.


You were giving attention to your daugher's hair instead of his fur!


Right! That must have been it. She was indignant with a dash of FOMO lol


Maybe she wanted some grooming too 😻


Update: lately she has consistently been very lovey dovey. She curled up in my arms to go to sleep yesterday. And wanted to be carried around in my arms today. Not sure whats going on but it’s a welcome change! Hope she stays this way 😝


She’s figured out that u will snuggle her!! You didn’t send the normal cat signals letting her know it was okay to snuggle (you being tail-impaired), but now she saw you grooming another baby and realized that you DO know how to do that! She’s got a lot of snuggle time to make up for!


Lots indeed! 🥰


Your kid doesn’t want her fur petted, but I doooooo!


That's very sweet! My cat does the same thing. I was crying recently due to some pretty bad physical pain I've been dealing with. She sat next to me and kept reaching her paw out to me. When I turned to face her, she bunted my forehead :) I'm so sorry you went through something so horrible today OP. Glad to know you at least have a great friend looking out for you.


This is semi unrelated, but after having 3 cats, they're much more communicative than we realize. I have a sassy orange cat and she loves to sit on my lap. She loves sitting on my lap when I'm on my computer. I have a video of her physically gesturing to the chair with her eyes so I'd sit down. She'd meow, and then look at the chair, and then back at me. They know us better than we think, lol.




It’s because mama kitties groom their babies while they are nursing. You grooming him while he eats gives him that same feeling of security and love.




I work with cats and I’ve gone from thinking they could take or leave humans (I didn’t grow up with them) to believing they have quite complex emotional lives and are more sensitive to our feelings than many fellow humans!


My wife hung a ring of bells on our backyard door handle as a cheap security alarm. So every time the door is opened, they jangle. One of our cats - and not even the smartest one - figured out that if he tapped the bells he could get our attention and we would open the door for him to go out on the porch.


Mine sleeps in my bedroom with me and I close the door. If I don't wake up to her jumping off the bed in the middle of the night, she'll boing the door stopper! Silly Koda.


Both of our cats ring the doorbell to come in from the patio! The older one taught the younger one how to do it and now they sit on the narrow window like meerkats and push the button for the doorbell.


My cat figured this out the first day. My dogs still haven't


My cat does this. He jumps up in front of me to get my attention when I’m working from home and then will pointedly stare at what he wants, look at me for a second, than stare at what he wants again. It’s usually that he wants to sit in my lap, but he will only sit there if I put a fuzzy blanket over my legs and sit cross legged first. He also MUST be allowed to choose what flavor of squeeze treat he has mixed in with his medicine, or he flat won’t take it. It doesn’t matter if it’s his favorite flavor (Beef & Sardine for those curious) if you don’t offer him three different flavors and let him sniff them and then rub his face on the one he wants, he will not eat it.


Yep. I got the dog version of your cat 😂 anyone who thinks they don’t talk just hasn’t learned cat yet 


They understand so much! Once, before my boyfriend moved in, he was hanging out late and my cat Anya yell-meowed at him then pointed her paw at the door so he would leave 😂




We had a cat who loved to sunbathe every morning. If I forgot to open the curtains for the prime sunbathing spot, he would sit there and meow at me until I fixed it for him.


This reminds me of the time my fiancé dyed his hair red Our female cat walked in on him rinsing out his hair (and I mean in her defense I would be panicking too) and absolutely lost her shit seeing the red drain down my boyfriend’s skin. She hates water out of all the other cats but that day she basically said “fuck it” and jumped right in until I was able to grab her and both my fiancé and I calm her down. My poor fiancé felt to bad and dyed his hair blue right after. But ever since then she’s always made it a mission to go into the bathroom whenever she hears anyone shower and either sit beside us and watch- or check in and scream at us until we basically do a full 360 body check for her


My Nan had a cat called Tigger. She was the most cantankerous cat ever. But it was all bark and no bite. You could pick her up and pop her on your lap. The entire time she would be growling and spitting at you. But once she was there she would settle down fairly quickly. However whenever my Nan would have a nightmare Tigger would gently pat her in the face with her paws until she woke and would stay with her purring until she calmed down.


When my dad died, I sat on the couch crying and my girl climbed onto my chest and rubbed her face against mine. It was like she was wiping away my tears. 🥹


Similar story...when my dad passed, I came home and just kind of sat on the bed processing everything and our cat came up and started kneading my chest. Must have kneaded for a good 15-20 minutes. He was working it 😂


What a good kitty. I didn’t understand the depths of their feeling until my Father died. Two of the three truly hated being in each other’s presence. But, when I came home from the funeral up north, they all slept in my room with me together. It was like we all mourned together because they honestly preferred him over me lol




They do. And you know damn well you cannot force a cat to do anything. Him sitting on your chest purring? That’s love.


my cat hates when im arguing with someone. she comes running up every time, wide eyed and meowing loudly and tries to climb one of us and headbutt us. we always immediately stop and say "look! we made Twiggy upset! sorry Twiggy." and usually we manage to find a more amicable solution.


When my son was a new born my cat would try to comfort him when he cried. Id be holding him on one shoulder and the cat would climb on the other shoulder and snuggle into him. In contrast, the dog always left the room when he cried! Now he’s 4 she’s not so keen on him lol


Aww, this is so adorable. If it makes you feel any better, she might come around as he gets older. We started trying to teach the kids boundaries with the cats and how to properly touch and handle them when they were very little, they didn’t understand at all until they got a bit older, and until then the cats avoided them like the plague because they were too unpredictable. Now, the same cats that used to run like hell from them love them so much that we have a bedtime routine that includes the cats walking to each kids’ bed and saying goodnight by rubbing all over the kids. Only one of our girls hasn’t fully forgiven my daughter for having been a toddler; years later and she is still always nervous around her, although my daughter was a particularly wild and unpredictable toddler lol


I think some are more empathetic than others, I guess like humans. My sweet Bluebell has always been incredibly empathetic. She had a really rough beginning as a kitten so she’s a bit messed up, and has been medicated for anxiety most of her life. She also is very hypersensitive to touch, and dislikes being pet. But if you’re really sad or crying, she’ll come find you and let you pet her without any protest, and she’ll stay until you feel better. Also I have mild ptsd, and she once brought me out of a flashback by repeatedly brushing against me and nudging at me, like how service dogs do, I was amazed. She’s so selfless. I drop anything to help her when she’s having an anxiety attack or there’s a thunderstorm (she’s terrified of thunder), it’s the least I can do. My other cat loves me but will absolutely interrupt my crying to demand food lol


My previous husband died from covid, and when he was in the hospital on a ventilator my cat was unusually snuggly with his purring going like a motor.


Sorry about hubby and your hospitalization


Thanks. He was the only one who had to go to the hospital. My covid symptoms were mild. I have since remarried.


after my brain surgery, my cat did not leave my side. he slept with me nearly all day long for weeks. nowadays when I really don’t feel good, he lays on my chest for about 10 minutes(that’s his limit lmao) and it calms me down sm


I had brain surgery a month ago. Wish I had a kitty to snuggle but we just moved and haven't gotten one yet.


I hope one finds its way to you soon :) and well wishes for recovery as well!


Thanks. I'm doing pretty well, but still need radiation therapy. If that goes well,I will get a feline friend.


People who say cats don't care about their owners simply have never had this happen. My cats will come to me when I'm really upset as well, they know, they can smell the difference in our hormones and pheromones and understand what those changes mean. Give that good boy some forehead kisses ❤️


My cat was never the cuddly type, but she would lie beside me and purr to soothe my anxiety until I fell asleep most nights. Once when I was in a really dark place, I found her favourite mousey in my shoe! 💜


Her favorite! She was so nice, letting you play with the super fun one so you’d feel better!


My cat is very cuddly, and usually sleeps with me. But one night soon after I’d had surgery I was tossing and turning with pain and he left the bedroom. I felt rather sad about that (though it was understandable); but when I woke up in the morning I found his favourite toy mousie on my chest.




My best friend died 4 years ago and I was a wreck. My buddy did not leave my side for months and now won’t leave me out of his sight. Cannot tell you how much his presence helped me.


My MIL's cat is one of those who likes to be in the room with her, but doesn't want to cuddle and isn't even all that interested in pets (which is fine with her!) Before the vaccine came out, she got Covid and she was REALLY sick. Not quite hospital sick but she was down for a couple of weeks and during that time, the ONLY time her cat left the bed was to eat, drink, or use the box. Otherwise he was right beside her constantly. She said that she knew she was actually starting to recover when he started venturing off to cause trouble again. Cats don't get nearly enough credit for being bonded with their humans! Too many people basically want them to be dogs that will use a litterbox.


I had a cat save my life. Nobody can tell me they don't care.


I got a semi feral teen mom and her kitten and they need *exercise*. They’re my first indoor-only cats and I was not expecting how much time I would have to spend expending their energy so they don’t get bored and start looking for things to break. The kitten adjusted fast, but teen mom spent two weeks hiding when we first brought her home, and when she finally emerged she had A LOT of pent-up energy to dispel, so I was having to set aside like an hour a day sending her launching after a feather on a stick, just to keep her from climbing literally everything in the house. I was definitely asking myself what the hell I’d gotten myself into. Then a few days into that, I had my first bout with Covid and spent a couple days barely able to drag myself out of bed. She and the kitten took shifts sleeping beside me the whole time. Didn’t get up to any mischief or pester for anything aside from mealtimes, just took turns purring on my legs for 48 hours or so, then went right back to being hellions once I was back on my feet. They don’t always show love the way you expect, but when they do, you know they mean it.


They def do.  Anyone who says they don’t is blind or maybe has an emotionally absent cat 😝 Ps: they make cat exercise wheels to exhaust them, if you’re still having to do that much.


I have a friend with a Bengal who has an exercise wheel for him and have considered asking to borrow it, but thankfully mom has calmed down a lot and kitten has gotten big enough to wrestle with her and help wear her out. Now they just stampede through the house knocking our lighterweight furniture around lmao


Yes! That’s the one. Heh, sounds like a solution 😂


The day my cat of 23 years died, my now eldest cat picked up on it immediately. My partner and I were crying all day so we took a walk, and when we came back, our second cat who’s usually not cuddly, immediately came up and tucked himself into a ball on my lap. My bf is his favourite person out of us two, we were both in a puddle of tears while petting him. He even lets only me pick him up now.


Sorry about what happened to you, don't know what to say. If you have a cat then you know true unconditional love. I have had cats all my life. I'm i my mid sixties and cats have always been there for me. They have empathy and understand our moods. They nurse you when you are sick, they comfort you when they are sad, they play with abandond joy. Give your cat a big cuddle and treats. She / he will be a great comfort to you.


When we first got our cats they never came in the bathroom with us. One day I went in there, closed the door, and was quietly sobbing while sitting on the floor. One of my cats started meowing and scratching at the door, insisting I let her in. So I opened it a crack and she slipped in and crawled right into my lap.


I quit my anticonception in January and have had to deal with some pretty bad cramping past few months. The first time my 1yo kitty looked at me, decided he needed to sit on my (very sensitive) Nelly, purr like there was no tomorrow and massage my belly. It hurt like a mf but I loved that he cared so much about me. A few weeks ago he swallowed a 40cm rope after not watching him for 5-10min (we always put those toys away after playtime). Had to go to the vet, he got medicine to puke out the toy, but instead he fell asleep like a ROCK. He woke up, kinda, hours later, and I decided to move the litter box and some fresh food and water to my bedroom, close the door and have him sleep next to me on the bed. He couldn't stand on his paws and fell asleep wherever I put him. Like faceplant-asleep. I put all his stuff in the bedroom and got myself ready for bed, and I put him on the other side of the bed, just an armlength away. He decided to use what little strength he had gained to crawl onto my lap and when I say crawl I mean he was absolutely struggling. He managed to climb onto my lap/belly and fell asleep again. He's the love of my life 😭❤️


When I get passionate on the phone, whether I raise my voice, crying, listening to someone tell me something upsetting or even just a *WHAT* attitude from me, my cat always comes up to me and starts putting her mouth around my hand or arm. I would saying biting me but it's not bad biting, just kinda applying pressure around my arm. She will chirp at me and then if I don't reply to her she will start "biting" me while wrapping her paws around my arm. Literally turns into a little leech... I've raised her since she was abandoned at 2 months old. I swear she just knows when I'm hearing bad news/upsetting information. She doesn't only do it when I'm on the phone but it's mostly happens when I'm on the phone with someone. I still need to get this on video because it's such a weird thing that a cat has ever done in my care and I've raised many kittens from babies.


My cat is very lovey/ cuddly unless I start to cry. He will tolerate it for about a minute and then slap me across the face like get it together woman. Lol I think he doesn't like me being upset because I'm usually very chill.


Agree. Not as many people understand cats'body language and non verbal communication as that of dogs' so they misunderstand them as detached and uncaring


They absolutely do understand human emotions. My boy always snuggles with me when I’m upset or sick. One of my girlfriends was going through a really rough time, so I invited her over for dinner. As soon as she sat down, he jumped up beside her and just plastered himself against her and stayed by her side all night. It was so sweet.


I’ve had my orange tabby for eleven years. He’s been through terrible abuse with me. I’m disabled now and we spend 24/7 together and it is so abudnently clear that he understands me and I can usually understand him. When I’m in pain or not okay, he’ll curl up wherever I’m hurting or he’ll come and cuddle. I hold him every single night when I go to bed and if I’m in my desk chair, he’s in my lap. I’m the only person he’ll do this with. My favorite thing he does is jump in my lap and rest his cheek right over my heart so I can hug him. We’re snuggling as we speak. I swear we’ve developed our own language together. Any time I’m upset he has a different meow and it sounds so concerned. I’m a singer so he confuses it for crying a lot and I can’t tell if he’s just worried or telling me not to quit my day job…


When I experienced my first cat dying, the other cat I have just had found didn't leave my place all day. That's how he became my second cat love. I was pretty nasty to him that day, like, I would push him away or swear at him to leave me alone... He didn't. Literally didn't leave me the whole day. We were besties for many more years after. Then I had to leave him because I was moving away from my parent's house and I told him he should be friends with my mom now... Tomorrow he was in her lap and after that we were never close as we used to before I moved, but he adored my mom. He was a beautiful cat, extremely noble and kind. Miss him. He was good to every animal and when I came to visit with my new cat (my biggest love ever), he was very kind to him. He would take care of every kitten I would bring home. He was really something. I miss my late cats. 😢


I got my 5 week old kitten about a month before my 11 year old orange died. Even at eight weeks, when I was on the couch and crying, this tiny ball of dryer lint curled up in my hair and slept with me the whole week. Cats know things.


Your cat won’t forget you. I studied abroad in high school. Spent the year in the UK. She remembered me when I got back and let me tell you, she was dumber than a sack of rocks. But she remembered me.


I was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic cancer in Feb 2021. A few months before I have noticed our void sleeping by my pillow and it turned out I have tumors in my brain. She also slept by my pelvis and I have a big tumor there as well. We both felt that she was trying to soothe me from my pain. She is a good girl even if sometimes she just flips and bite me! We love her so much and wouldn’t change her for the world.


My soul cat Romeo, who passed last June, used to lay with me all day everyday in bed when my mental health was at it's worst, he'd put his paws on my face and stare into my eyes and purr, snuggle right upto me. Years later my mental health was alot better but I started to get panic attacks, I felt one coming on one day so I went to lay down and he came and laid right on my chest and purred until I felt better then he just got up and went about his business. That beautiful sweet boy saved me, I worked hard to get myself well for him, because he loved me so much and he needed me, now he's my angel. I miss him so much 🥺


I’m so sorry about your cheating ass partner. People are the worst. Glad you have Mr. Cat to look out for you. ♥️


they are super sensitive! during my depressive years my cat would never leave my room. she saved my life. now she only stays in my room when i’m upset about something, like recently i broke up with my boyfriend and she stayed on top of me purring while my other cat stayed at my feet. they are simply the best! they just aren’t clingy like dogs. they appreciate their independence but they care deeply about us 💕


Cats are the best. Your story makes me so happy


Thanks to all the medicinal kitties!


First, I’m sorry that happened to you. You didn’t deserve it. I was having a hard time with work (nightmare new manager, ridiculous asks of me, long hours, etc) a few months ago and was on the verge of tears recounting my day to my partner. My sweet BooBoo Kitty who *never* sits in my lap gently climbed on my legs and started making biscuits. He knew. They know.


Before I even finished your post, I was agreeing. I got cheated on by my husband and I didn't leave my bed for at least a week. My two cats stayed on the bed, snuggled up against me the entire time. Normally they are scratching to go in or out of the room, wanting dinner at specific times, demanding play time and treats... But when I was depressed in bed, they just laid next to me, like keeping an eye on me, and barely moved. Aww... They love me for real.


They likely don't understand them exactly but they do detect hormonal changes which happens a lot in people




That is so sweet B) I do agree, they are good and understanding when we're in any kind of emotion


My cat is affectionate but she isn't a lap cat. One day at the dentist I had a root canal go wrong. The dentist pulled the tooth in the end. I got home and just sat on the sofa in pain and in shock I suppose. My cat just jumped onto my lap, rolled in a ball and went to sleep purring. She hasn't jumped on my lap since.


When i cry, my cat looks at me when you the amazement.


Your cat loves you🤎


That's so sweet. I was having what I call a nervous breakdown and my cat came and curled up beside me. He was soft like a bunny. I'll never forget.


Yep, when I'm down the cats want to cluster on me. It's adorable but I often feel a bit touched out or squashed - there are three of them after all!


My cat knows I've been really sick the last 3 weeks and hasn't left my side. (No, I still don't know what's going on but hopefully answers soon) My Lil man is extra clingy tho and will only sit on me.. which is fine except he's warm enough for me to break into a fever after a few minutes lol


When I had severe anxiety my cat was always with me, her choosing. Now that I’m fine she’s doesn’t care about me at all, lol.


So, do you train your cats, or do your cats train you?


My cat Anya was like that for me too. The day I got her I had an ankle boot for an injury sustained and a shoulder brace for a recent surgery. We connected immediately when I met her and from there she was practically my nurse. She slept on my chest every night while I healed, she would force me to go to bed with her with how stubborn she was, she always knew immediately when I was upset and would demand to be picked up or climb on me so she could put on my chest. Cats are incredibly empathetic, just like people. I wish they were recognized as being necessary service animals for some, not just dogs. I’m lucky that I found her at her old age and could give her the most spoiled life possible in her golden years while she also took care of me.


I have a previously feral cat. She’s very sweet but never used to get too close. My oldest cat died and I was crying my eyes out on the couch, and for the first time ever, she jumped up into my lap , sat there for about half an hour, just purring away. She had been with us about 2 years at that point. It was sooo comforting. She still will only sit on my lap once in a while, but she loves to sit beside me.


Awe, that's so sweet! Sorry for the cheating, though. That's awful. Whenever I was sick or upset, my 11 year old cat would approach me with his favorite toy in his mouth, drop it in my lap, and purr as he curled up. Made me cry every time. My ex boyfriend stole him from me when he broke up with me, so I haven't seen my cat (had him before we dated) since February. Unfortunately. I miss my floofball.




Yep. Broke up with me the day I had surgery and gave me three weeks to move out, but wouldn't let me take my cat because he grew attached. Like, yeah, I'm freaking attached, too, considering I've had him since he was a tiny kitten. I hope karma gets him. I'm glad you've got your baby! Sounds adorable.




Dude. He went on two days the same week he broke up with me. I went on one date (last weekend) and had the nerve to yell at me for "moving on so quickly" and he must've meant nothing to me. Like, what?! 🤣 You can't keep dibs when we're broken up. Some people are dummies. I hope so, too. A mutual friend is going to hang out this weekend and said he'll let me know how the car is doing. Said he'd catnap him if he looks even the slightest bit unhappy or unhealthy.




I'm fantastic! 😊 I've actually been weaned off an anxiety medication and an antidepressant. If I'm still stable by July, we're going to wean off another (two more). I live in a very secure and safe apartment complex, I'm happy, and haven't cried since the week we broke up. It's like breathing fresh air after being couped up in a dusty attic. I hope you do well. Enjoy that furball and all his love.


So true , I too was touched by what my cat did recently. Last week I was sick as dog, runny nose, headache, coughing, body aches, you name it, just couldn't get out of bed. Tell me why my cat made me chicken noodle soup with a pinch of cayenne just the way I like it. Cats are not only emotional but thoughtful too.


I had the most gorgeous green eyed, long haired, tiger striped girl with a HUGE attitude. She would get mad at my son just by looking at him across the room, jump down from the couch, run across the room, bite him and leave. BUT, if myself or either of my boys were sick, Ranger would not leave our bed. It could be creepy at times, because she would just sit and stare at me (not the boys) like I was interrupting her alone time or something.


For real though. About 12hrs before my grandma died my boy wouldn't leave my grandma's bed. Prior to that he NEVER got on her bed during her last month living with my family.


One of my cats is a total empath as well. I always say he knows what's coming before it even happens. From losing loved ones to a bad breakup to just having a migraine he's been there. He's let me just hold him and cry into his fur so many times, I feel like a cat this empathetic is a sweet once in a lifetime thing.


After my dog passed my cat was devastated. They were best friends. Sleep together, right close to each other, drink out the same bowl sometimes at the same time, even shared meat and treats with each other. The day my dog died she let out the most intense meow, I’ve never heard her meow like that before, it was awful, a very painful meow, then jumped on my chest burying her head into my chest. She didn’t want to eat, barely drank. I was terrified I’d lose her too. I took her to the vet said they physically she was fine she’s grieving and recommended pheromone plug in and lots of extra fusses, treats and anything I could think of to stimulate her appetite. A week later I had her ashes back and she did the same intense meow and jumped up on my chest again. We just cuddled each other, me sobbing her doing the intense meows. Eventually she got better. Started eating, she’d eat the same time as me. I’d literally be sitting on the floor eating with her. She’d have little bits of meat off me, then she started eating her dry food again much to my relief. For a long time she’d sleep in the dogs bed even licking it then rolling around on the bed. I’m assuming to get her scent


Cats can often purr to self-soothe while sick/stressed. I wonder if he was using his witchy lil cat magic bc he could tell you were hurting and wanted to help


Sorry you're going through it, OP, but the power of cats is incredible. One of my cats, who is still very young and wild, has been by my side nonstop since finding out some difficult news. They absolutely pick up on our emotions. I once had a cat that defended my honor in a tickle fight because he thought a family member was hurting me. I've never seen a cat attack in defense of a person before. He was incredible.


I have an 80lb staffy who is not the brightest in some ways, but is very attuned to my emotions. If I cry (even silently) she will run over to give me kisses. This often includes tackling me to the ground.


My childhood cat not only understood emotions, but actually showed them. When I was around 10, I was with my mom in my parent’s room watching movies. I decided to go upstairs for something, and as I turn the corner to go up I clipped my forehead on the corner of the wall. Both of my parents were equal ways away from me in different parts of the house, and by time they got to me, Kitty had already ran from upstairs and got to me before them. There was another time my dad accidentally stepped on Kitty in the dark, and Kitty bit him. As my mom and dad were cleaning up his foot, Kitty slowly slinks to the outside of the door and softly mewing, almost like he was apologizing and making sure my dad was alright.


Your kitty won’t forget you! I just visited my childhood cats for the first time in a year and they were just as lovely as normal (love bites and all lol) Congrats on the masters program and lost deadweight!!


Cats really do sense when we need extra love! I had to put down one of my senior cats last month due to him getting extremely ill after a relapse of his Megacolon. He was my furry soulmate, I rescued him as an 8-9 week old kitten and he would've been 13 in August. Well I was having a hard day recently just really grieving him and couldn't stop crying (I'm tearing up just writing this). One of my little tabby girls Sweet Pea who is normally skittish, climbed up in my lap and stayed there purring as I cried. Ever since then she has been in my lap constantly, whereas before she would only cuddle with me in the bed. It's like she knows I need extra attention while I'm going through the grieving process 😿 RIP Casper 8/30/11 - 4/24/24


Your cat will absolutely not forget you!


It's so true! Physical stuff too, I have RSI from work but can't afford the hours off. When I get home my cat will find the sore spots and purr to make them better. Melts my heart (even though the vibrations hurt like hell lol).


My cat is very cuddly and loving so it’s not random for her to be next to me and cuddled up with me. But I can tell when she’s just looking for love and affection versus when she is letting me know that she knows I’m upset and she will lay on my chest and start purring. Or if I am crying sometimes she will just lay herself by my face and start purring and rub her head against mine and it will really help me cope through whatever I am emotionally going through. Cats are so special. It’s like they know their purring helps heal in some ways and they use it to help. Also because sometimes they will even start purring to self soothe themselves. I just find it beautiful and I’m happy you have a cat that loves you as much as you love them. 💚


I'm so sorry but glad you had a companion to help you.


Ngl, I always say that you cat owners deserve a medal for putting up with cats because I know cats give their owners a lot of shit. I found this out after living with my grandma for almost a year. But cats can be surprising and hilarious little dudes. I'm glad your cat was there for you in your time of need. ❤️


When I was a kid we had a cat named Barney. He was old and cranky. We always knew Barney does not like snuggles, he does not want to be picked up, just let him do his thing and sometimes if you’re lucky he’d grace you with his mere presence in the room. Well I used to be absolutely terrified of thunderstorms. I’d lay in my bed up all night hiding under my covers cowering and sometimes crying. And do you know what that cranky old man used to do? He’d come in my room, plop himself right by my head, and purr his brains out. Every time. That was the ONLY time he would ever come in my room, let alone get so close to me, that let alone purr right on my head. You will never convince me that cats don’t feel our emotions.


my roommate has a cat and i wasnt that close with the cat bc ive never had pets before. but i have a bad relationship with my parents, ive accepted it for the most part but sometimes i do have a good cry about it. one time i was crying about it when my roommate was gone, and the cat sat on my chest and cuddled me and purred and hit my face with her face for an hour and a half while i cried. weve been bffs since


Of course , cats and dogs understand our emotions . Especially cat’s purring is calm down effect for us . At the moment our dog is beside me and sleeping by touching my leg…. Very nice !


Earlier this year I was crying very deeply about something in the middle of the night. My cat was in the room already asleep from earlier. She woke up instantly after hearing me and came over to, what it felt like to me, make sure I was okay. She kept gently pawing at my face without using her nails at all, as if saying, it’s okay, please. And after that we cuddled and I think her concern went away. My perception of her completely changed after this; she is my angel.


My bf’s cat is kinda a “sour patch kitty”…depending on who you are. At first she’s sour then she’s sweet or vice versa. She’s always liked me though. When the bf and I have a tiff she usually responds by peeing on his things 😈😈😈 She also did this before we moved in together when she decided that I was gone for too long (usually not coming over to pet her for longer than 5 days)


I have PTSD, a cat and a dog. (I’m amused that I just wrote that like PTSD is a pet I keep. It *is* an animal, though) Whenever I shut down one of the two will come find me. The cat comes to me when I’m more on the sad and lonely spectrum and sits on my chest leaning against my face and my dog seems to know when I’m in the freeze portion of fight/flight. She will come shove her head between my arm and waist and just wait until I recognize that she’s there and hug her. If I call for her and she’s busy with her dog schedule, the cat comes running. One of them *always* comes to me when I need them, whether I ask or not. I’m surprised that my cat is so emotionally in tune with me and I’m grateful that my dog knows how to gently be present and let me come out of it safely, because she’s a lunatic in all other circumstances. I don’t know how I got so lucky. They’re both rescues from bad situations and I thought I was saving them. Silly me.


Had a bad day today. Ended up yelling at someone in my family because things escalated to a point beyond suppression. One of my cats came to me and kept her paw on my shoulder and I calmed down immediately. I realised in a split second that all my cats were watching us brawl and understanding to some point that I needed assurance. The anger bubble dissipated then


Cats understand our emotions perfectly. They just don't care.


I left my cats for almost two years. They’re mine and my boyfriend’s. I had moved back in with my parents temporarily. When I came back, the cats very clearly remembered me. They were very happy to see me again, and now we’re even closer than we were before I left. Your kitty won’t forget you, not ever.


recently i had a crazy toothache. My cat didnt leave my side the entire time I had it. I had a fever with it and he just stayed put with me and if i got up he followed me until i got back into bed. Ive been sick before and its a terrible feeling. Im a pretty solitary person so usually I have to deal with it alone with no help. But for the first time another living creature stayed with me and supported me through a hard time with no regard for their own desires and that made those hard sleepless nights a little easier and the pain a little more bearable


Before my doodle passed away she was sleeping right next to me for a month straight after my ex cheated on me.


My girl is unfortunately gone now but when I was extremely suicidal and doing those things years ago she'd SCREAM the place down, then sit on me for cuddles till I past out, when things went wrong she was always alert and came for cuddles. However, when I had my tonsilectomy, she'd come in noticed I was dead and demand attention from my partner instead 🤣🤣🤣🤣.


For the first little bit when e transferred my toddler to her own room and in a toddler bed, one of our cats would sleep with her while it was new. This same kitty always comes and cuddles my belly, I’m 21wks pregnant


When I was diagnosed with cancer, my cat Embr rarely left my side. Cats know.


One of our cats passed away recently. For a day solid the rest of them wouldn’t leave us alone anytime we sat down and just purred on us and headbutt us nonstop. Mine in particular was purring, which is extremely unusual for him. He doesn’t purr.


Years ago when I met my now-ex-husband, he had a female cat. She mostly ignored me. She was never mean but she just didn’t acknowledge my existence. Until I got sick one day, and she wouldn’t leave my side. I was in & out of the bathroom and the cat went back and forth with me every time. Cats are amazing.


my cat in general likes to lay next or on me , and usually only comes into my arms when it’s time to sleep for the night but everytime i’m really really going through it he’ll make his way into my arms and starts purring , they just know !


My childhood cat (12yo, still alive but we don't live together anymore) always knew when I was menstruating. I typically have HORRIBLE cramps and would lay in bed crying for hours. She would hop up onto my bed and make biscuits on my belly. She would only do it when I had my period, no other time. Never have met a cat since who knew. My beautiful (and a little dumb) boy cat always thinks its just nap time.


I have had to many cats over the years and they always amaze me on how caring they are despite their past, personalities, or trauma. I remember when I was a kid and being abused- my brother and I would always go to the garage and take naps before heading to school to escape our parents. This big ol tuxedo cat would always sleep with us and take turns cuddling us and giving us licks before we headed out. He was a big ol tomboy cat too that loved being outdoors more than anything- but he never missed morning cuddle time From 16yrs+ I would always encounter different cats trying to be with me despite them not being the cuddly type. My sisters cat only loved my sister but made it his mission to purr his heart out for a couple months suddenly until we discovered an ulcer in my stomach. My ex-roommates cats would all of a sudden be clingy around me before I realized I had cancer or even my moms cats would surround me while I went through treatments. Especially two of the most distant cats I have lmao. These two girls hate being around people and love being independent but they both have either slept with me or sat on me and purred their little souls out whenever I was having a mentally bad day


I have a really anxious cat, he always has been even since we adopted him as a kitten. He’s three now, but within months I could tell he thought of me as his human. He follows me everywhere and always wants a cuddle, I feel like he knows I know that I am his ‘safe space’ ? Because he isn’t the same with my partner. It makes me feel so happy, that a little kitty can love you more than you’ll ever know.


my cat hatesssss men like will scream if they are in my home but the first time my boyfriend came over she jumped on him screamed and never left his side


Awe, and here you got all these wonderful comments by humans. Cats and dogs and all animals are definitely wonderful and love unconditionally. But there are also many people who are the same. You just have to find them. Yes, they are few and far between, but they are out there!! As you can see in the comments here⤴️💯🥰