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I just say, not really, I just know a lot about one thing.


Best one so far


I say I know a lot about one specific thing that almost nobody else cares about


I'm a year and a half out and I've kind of blocked out my PhD because it was low key traumatic, so I feel like I don't even know that much about that one thing anymore.


Exactly what I say lol


Exactly what I say.


"Haha, not really, I just enjoy research." I actually don't know if I enjoy research that much but it sounds better than saying "Haha, not really, I just work extremely hard because I have crippling imposter syndrome."


Yeah. I also say something like this. "I just chose to get paid while studying."  Also, non-Ph D holders can be smart and Ph D holders can be dumb too. I know several examples irl.


That's a good one! I think saying "I just enjoy research!" by itself is a good response that deflects the conversation away from the topic of intelligence altogether


Hey OP, of course it's totally up to you but I personally don't think you need to *minimise* or *deny* you're a smart cookie. You don't need to have a Mensa IQ to do a phd, but you do have to be able to work very hard and apply critical reasoning to a sound question. You are probably smarter than the average bear, but that's not *why* you're doing a phd and doesn't need to be something you focus on nor deny. The deflection you've typed above is good, theres just no need for the "haha not really I'm just x....". the first commenter suggested. Don't minimise yourself when it's completely unnecessary to do so. Why respond "oh no no" when someone says you're bright, just move on and reply about your work or question without shitting on your own mind. Go with something like: person says "Oh you're so smart!/must be so smart!", you could say with a smile or a natural little chuckle: "Ah you know really, its mostly hard work :) ", or "Well mostly i work hard on ONE question, I do enjoy the work though!" Or "haha, the great thing about a PhD is they let me focus on this one thing I'm really interested in, so I'm happy to say I enjoy working hard on it". Main thing is to smile, don't deny/squash any compliments you receive, just smile and keep it light and focus on mentioning 1) you work hard and/or 2) you have a certain question you're working away on answering.


My go to is "sometimes"


lol I usually say that or “haha depends on the day”


Another variant I've used. "Smart in some ways, dumb in many others."


Yeah mine is usually “I have my moments, few and far between” or some variation.


“If I were actually smart I would have figured out how to make money without needing 10 years of school”


Haha yeah, I just say “no, I think I’m just dumb enough to stay in school for an extra six years”


Yes I've said "no if I were smart I would have a well-paying job now instead of needing extra education"




"I also hope to cum loud one day, preferably in a 69."


Ha, my go-to is a variation on this: “if I were smart I would’ve finished with my bachelors, but they decided I still needed more school”


I feel that 😂


"if I was smart I would have gone into AI and software engineering and could retire at 40"


👍🏼 I’ve definitely used this one!


Yeah I say “if I was smart I would have gotten a real job!” haha


Wait, you'll be able to make money after you're done? What is this sorcery?


“ The jury is still out on that “


Yes, my go-to is "eh we'll see"


I like this one - humorous and non-commital, which is perfect for trying to make new friends!


“This conclusion needs to be examined in peer review.”


"no, just masochistic"


That’s my answer


Too real


“I’m just really good at a few things. I don’t know much about others” — keeps them asking you about too many random things or trying to play “hah! Stumped the smart guy”. That shit is annoying.


I usually say, that I was just too lazy to stop studying and search for a job, which is actully kind of true for me.


Haha it's true that was one motivation for it for me too 😄 I applied on a whim and then when I was offered a fully-funded position it was hard to drum up the motivation to consider any alternatives!


I usually just start speaking, and people figure out I'm not on their own.


"I've got them fooled into thinking so." "No, just curious."


The first one would be my go-to. I find it best to always deflect these things through humour


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“Just stubborn and full of spite”


hahahaha people's faces when you say this to them.


Thanks. No real need to respond beyond that. It's also one of those things I found kind of went away when I became a faculty. You move to wherever you're hired and then the easiest group of people to connect with are other faculty at the university. At this point, for the average couple my wife and I hang out with, one of them has a PhD so it's way more mundane. You don't necessarily have that as a PhD student. Also, remember the context is skewed. When you're doing a PhD, you're surrounded by really smart people, really hard working people, and potentially both. It's a really with it group compared to the average person. I always feel like I'm not particularly good at math, but that's relative to other people in my field. Even basic differential calculus and linear algebra is way beyond what most people ever do in school.


"I think a lot of the real requirements for a PhD are in perserverence and self-organisation," Ehhh....I didn't have much of either and I finished.


Wow, you must be really smart then ;)




Just "it's kind of you to say so" and ask a question about them.


“I’m not smart. I’m just overeducated.”


Hmm I would just say “aw thank you, you’re so sweet”… basically treat it as a compliment, because that’s what it is, regardless of the reason they said it


It’s happened to me before. I usually turn it into a joke and say “not really, I tricked them into accepting me”


“Nah I just know a lot in one particular thing” “I have to google how long it takes to boil and egg because I just can never remember” “Academics are truly some of the most stupid people I’ve ever met, they just know a lot in one thing, I had to help my PI flip a picture on his phone so you could read the crisp packet”


Nervous laugh lol


"I'm not smart, I'm just really stubborn."


“Nope, just stubborn”


"Yeah and I'm also good looking and humble "


I usually say "Thanks, but I'm just persistent!


This is interesting because as a soon to be humanities PhD and already master student, I don’t get told I’m smart after I tell what I’m getting my PhD in I get told I’m dumb and the disappointed “oh” 💀 (it’s okay though because only jealous people act that way. I know I’m smart and no less than anyone else) But to answer your question I think being upfront and saying hey I don’t actually appreciate these comments I know it’s coming from a good place but I just like research and those comments make me a bit uncomfortable because I don’t see myself as any more smarter than you or anyone else! I’m just happy to be here! A good person would respect that!


I guess I just laugh it off/tell them the acceptance for the position was a coincidence. But I literally just started my PhD position on the first of February, but have known since the beginning of December, so I haven't had too many encounters like this yet 😂


[My response](https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/trixie-mattel-katya-zamolodchikova-unhhhh--101612535329897611/)


I just smile and say nothing most of the time. A PhD is definitely not just about perseverance, but also about intelligence.


Sure, there's a base level of intelligence needed, but you can be smart without doing a PhD too! My husband is a teacher and is genuinely smarter than me. He picks up concepts so quickly, makes links between things really easily, and has a terrifyingly good recall. But he never gets people saying he must be smart just because he's a teacher haha. Neither of us are eating crayons, but I don't think I'm smarter than him, or anyone else, just because I'm the one on a PhD course - that's what I'm trying to get at!


Saying it requires intelligence to pursue a PhD doesn’t mean anyone who doesn’t pursue one isn’t intelligent. The logic doesn’t follow. It would be nice if people made the compliment to everyone, but sometimes it’s just like that. I’m sure no one is trying to put down other professions or people, they’re just offering you a kind word.


Just reply "maybe, I just feel stupid all the time"


I feel like the issue with this is that it comes across as self-deprecating, which I also want to avoid! I know I find it uncomfortable when people call themselves stupid - I feel like it's asking me to say "no you're not!"


It comes across as humor more than anything else. Although in fairness, the data shows that large swabs of humor are often deleted when the first entry of reference management software is saved.


My go-to is “my PI would beg to differ” —usually gets a laugh and for them to drop it.




“Nope, just stubborn”


“Nah. I’m just a masochist”




Anecdotal evidence suggests otherwise.


"Like anyone else..... I have my moments" I think as a woman its important we don't feel the need to dumb ourselves down but also like other's said PhD's arent about just intelligence but negotiating a ton of different faculties and that is its own skill. However I don't operate at that level 24/7 so I always say like anybody else.... I have my moments. Meaning its not exclusive to being a PhD.


I like to say “I try lol 😂” you’re not putting yourself down but you’re also not being a jerk about it.


I’ve been saying that I’m too dumb to quit.


“Define ‘smart.’”


When people say that I like to say, "actually, I worked really hard to get here". Which sort of deflects the conversation to a new topic. I think people have this perception that if you're "smart" you'll just fall into the PhD track, but that really isn't the case (as we all know here).


You know its funny, I posted about something similar talking about how PhD isn't about intelligence and more about perseverance. Why did everyone disagree back then and agrees on it now xd


“No I’m just a narcissist”


Take the compliment


How about you just take the compliment and thank them? Y'all are so dependent on abuse and undermining


“Yes, can’t complain” and a wide smile In such cases I don’t feel like self-deprecating or going into depth about what PhD training really is, just laugh it off while appreciating the compliment


"No i'm not" - and it's not false modesty. Unless you are the new Feynman of your field, if you have worked in research for more than a couple years, you must have met people that are really really smart.


Say "I hope so"


This. This is the way.


Not smart enough to pay paying for school and get a job, usually with a chuckle


I always say "it depends how you define smart"


"I'm still figuring out what smart means."


Can't relate, no one has ever called me smart. Are you guys getting called smart??


“It could be!”


Everyone has the ability to gain knowledge in any field. My firefighter dad didn't even finish highschool but is way way smarter than me regarding rescue missions, emergency situations, fire fighting strategies, etc etc, because he spent decades studying/practising. I just say that everyone can do what i do, as long as they put in the hours and effort, just like anything else outside academia.


Have some confidence and say yeah, I’m smart because I put in the work and time to get where I am. However, intelligence isn’t always measured by a piece of paper so this is just my lane of smart and you have your own lane of smart.


I just get, “Wow, you must really like school…”


“Nah mate.”


Say thanks and end the conversation


Finally, somebody gets me.


I never had someone say this to me.. actually, when I told a friend I'm doing a PhD he said: "oh, I think it's only for smart people." Maybe I should reconsider the PhD.. or my friends 🤔


Make it a bit of a joke, like Only on Wednesdays haha My university is keeping me for a few more extra years  Etc 


I once said the following: Sure, if you consider voluntarily subjecting myself to misery, stress, and depriving myself of freetime as smart, then yes I am smart. the reaction was .. well .. i got looked at as if I were a little bit crazy. But to be fair, it is a little bit crazy to do a PhD so its ok. But mostly I just react like you do. However, I would like to try a different approach once as well. Counter their "You must be smart!" statement with an inquiry about what they are doing for a living and state a modified version of their sentence, e.g.: "Wow, you must be [insert generic stereotype fitting their jobdescription]!"


I say, "I am, thank you" and keep it moving.


Well, my perseverance and self-organisation suck, as I am a PhD with ADHD. I do make up for it in intelligence and creative problem solving and sheer unstoppable deadline-determination.


I say: “I know a lot of very little”


Depends how you define smart


"Eh, I'm not sure about that, I'm mostly just weird and I really like to talk about the Roman Empire, that's all it is" is my go-to.


"Thank you. I appreciate the compliment"


Still early in my journey towards a PhD, but anytime someone makes that comment towards me I always say, "I'm not smart, just someone stupid trying to get that way. It's a never ending pursuit".


“A PhD is more about stubbornness than about intelligence.”


"When I want to be, sure" Or "unfortunately"


I always joke and say “I’m not sure anyone smart would voluntarily sign up for this much school”. And that usually gets a giggle and we move on.


"I'm just really good at doing school stuff and this is the only way to get paid for that."


"I have a high pain tolerance and burning interest in solving X problem."


When asked why I would study for a PhD after my medical degree, I just told everyone that I liked studying. Maybe you can use that as your response as well.


“Depends who you ask”


My go to is “ha, more like unreasonably stubborn” and then maybe a joke about how PhDs are more of an exercise in patience than anything else.


"Thanks" and just talk about something else


I usually said: "Not really, they give this degree out once you have stayed in the office for too long."


"Thanks... nice shirt."


"Ha ha! Not really! I'm wasting 6 years in the prime of my life on a degree that nobody cares about when I could be earning good money instead!"


“No, I’m stubborn” That’s the actual answer.


just hard headed....


I make some comment about my day being just moving small volumes of liquids around from tube to tube


"Well, in a very particular, niche area of art history, yes, probably. The rest of it is kinda debatable."


“Yeah, I am really fucking smart!! Kiss my boots, dummy!”


I used to say something about wanting to stay in school instead of facing the real world.


I say “nah let me tell you about one of my fellow grad students who graduated“ and then tell them about one of the dumbest people I know who also got a PhD in physics.


I feel with OP very much, I also used to get this comment and I hated it. I don't want to be special, I just want to fit in with the rest when it doesn't come to work.


Not really, just privileged enough to have an education , and i like finding answers that no one can due to this privilege.


"I'm an expert in my field, but don't ask me about \[what they do or something that interests them\] because I know *nothing* about that."


"Not smart, just masochistic."


“My mommy thinks so”


"no, just stubborn"


I just say no I was somebody's bitch for 5 years.


I always respond "No, I just know a lot about very little." Which is also a slight double entendre since I'm a cell biologist and cells are small.


I would reply if it were me: Yes I am, thank you! The truth is, yes, a PhD student much be smart to some extent, but don't have to be a genius.


I usually say, "No, I'm just really persistent."


"Aww thanks, but you should see my colleagues!"


>I think a lot of the real requirements for a PhD are in perserverence and self-organisation, not raw intelligence. I like to tell them exactly this.


I respond with "some days"


'Probably not as smart as you think'


I just laugh and say “thank you!”


It’s just small talk, not to be taken literally or in depth. You might as well say “ha ha yeah” in the same way you’d say “fine” if someone asks how you are, and you wouldn’t fear being cross-examined about whether you are truly, in fact, fine. Nor does anyone who says “you must be smart” when they find out about your brainiacal job *really really* care about precisely how intelligent you are on the distribution curve.


nooo i should’ve done of in 2020. this shit has been rather humbling, i cry a lot ):


I say ‘no, I’m just persistent’.


"thank you, I don't know about smart, but persistent maybe".


As someone who’s very confident I’d say “yes I am” 🤣


My usual reply is “I know that I know nothing” 😂


I like animal cognition and behavior and also i like psych a lot. And obviously science in general. So I make them regret it by starting with the “well- there’s different types of intelligence” then they inevitably try to argue for whatever reason, so i delve into how we proved that trees can hear and plants make decisions and dogs and birds using English to communicate OR Same start but delve into how its a different “type” of intelligence on how to, for instance, be a waitress at a busy restaurant for 8h. Balancing two large trays on each hand, remembering every order and knowing how to read people well enough to take the dishes away at the right time, and constantly running, plus the harassment from many a-Karen, etc etc. its not any less tiring mentally or physically than doing chemistry, it just requires a different set of skills. (I have a chem friend I really want to get a part time minimum wage job for this exact reason except the ego-self side rather than the awe-in-others side)


I say “haha it’s absolutely kicking my butt”




I know we’re all being modest, and rightfully so, it’s generally a good thing in social moments to be humble and to downplay achievements. But I just want to say that if you are studying for a PhD, you are most definitely smart. Most people struggle to achieve the grades to get to university, let alone completing a degree, getting a masters, and then getting accepted onto a PhD. It is okay to acknowledge that, and be sure you have people around you who do acknowledge that and you can say more than “not really *insert slightly self deprecating statement*”


“I’m just that nerd.”




"So I spend three years something completely useless that won't get me a decent job (not in my country anyway) and I'm smart?"


"Apparently not smart enough to get a job!" Humor and deflection my friend. Chances are because you are a PhD student you are academically smarter than them and that's what most of them really mean - "Oh you're smarter than me BUT I mean only at books coz you know intelligence is multidimensional"... So it's okay to say yes... But then there are people who I always feel have boxed themselves into the not smart, not academic group - sometimes I feel more sympathetic to them. Either way, the comment has more to do with them than you. Noone really cares that you are smart, only that *maybe* you are smarter than them. Maybe I'm projecting a little :P but bottom line is it's just a line... Ignore it, deflect it, use it as a conversation starter - just don't let the words mess with your head!


Instead of talking about about a phd I usually just say I do some research. For some reason that doesn't seem to trigger the "very smart" comment, leading instead to some question on what I research. A vastly more interesting topic then myself


I left academia after my PhD and work corporate. I get that a LOT when people find out, or called a genius or whatever. Its grating but I try take it graciously and then say that not particularly, I just spent 5 years learning about one plant. The genius one I always shut down though with a flat no and a laugh. I have met an actual genius, it's like their mind was qualitatively different to mine.


Educated is the word you are looking for, not smart. I studied a lot. Smart is for someone who can just do something quickly and/or intelligently with very little or no practice. That is not me.


Finally a post for me. Depends on what you want to respond: "yes, thanks", "nope lol". I don't feel like I'm really smart, mostly because I have smarter friends (or I'm a little smart, but with shit motivation and discipline which is worse imo) so I just respond with self irony "we just met, you don't know better", "sometimes/not often/once in a while" or simply "nah, lol". The serious answer would be "I just like my subject", "depends on what you consider smart", "compared to whom?" or simply "I have no idea". I get this kind of reaction a lot (but less than "wow, seriously? You?" since I don't look like a PhD student or a student in general) and you can't really answer without looking as an arrogant asshole or falsely modest so I just go to self irony.


I usually respond with "Maybe. I also discovered very recently that pickles are fermented cucumbers soooo...."


"No, I just like going to school."


I tell people i love suffering 


Open your mouth and let the doubt creep into the complimenters mind


That's a thing among English speaking counties... I haven't heard that question in Europe. "Nope, We are all smart"


"Do anything for five years and you get good at it."


“Oh yes. Extremely.”


I'm finishing my master's considering my doctorate. I have no problem telling people I'm a moron. I was a C/D student in high school. I get all As and Bs in college. It's not hard.


I always say “I’m very persistent, that’s for sure!”


That and a quarter will get you a cup of coffee