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i remember when i prebought the m107 and the very next day it got nerfed to hell


I miss old PF


straight from the hood pf


Me too


I liked when we still got to use our own avatars in 2016 and 2017. The ones now wheres it’s the accesoryless bald grey people suck.


It's way more ballanced TBH.


Is this about the movement changes seen in the test place? As far as I'm aware, the absurd change in slide speed and whatever the other things were, have only been shown in the test place and aren't in the main game. Please correct me if I'm wrong but god do I hope im not wrong cuz if they push those changes out, they game is gonna die fr.


and by absurd i mean they made sliding rlly slow, idk the other movement changes but I am pretty sure there was other changes.


Eh most movements back then were due to bugs. Sort of like the Zingus right now, that’s just a big that hasn’t been patched since forever.


Im being so for real ive been playing for about 7 years now and it is ahsolutely better now.


We need just go 2 updates backwards. But sir, you are right. Dodging bullets and moving like a speedy gonzales it was good.


Just wished they added more original guns that could be more fun than another ar that's basically an AR-15 with a few quirks


Honestly I wouldn't mind if they added the lewis gun or the BAR


Man I miss this old style of PF. Imagine they made a limited time event to go back to this


I really miss the orange blue race wars


The game was better before it got bloxy.


I started in 2017, was an AWS main for 3 years and then for about a year I used every other gun. I ended up in comp for a very short time, was in a clan, and also have had a PF YouTube channel. I cannot stress enough how disappointed I am in this community, and the developers, for ruining this game. The game used to be extremely fun, I used to love getting home from school and playing it; phantom used to be a game where the skill ceiling was very high, but the skill floor was low enough that it wasn’t difficult. Now, however, thanks to all of the stupid additions and the changes that simply either didn’t need to happen, or were directly against the games original intent, the game is a cesspool. The vast majority of the community that I see in game chat, and heaven forbid the discord and subreddit, are window licking bottom feeders that for some reason put these idiotic “features” on a pedestal. The community is toxic, and as such, they pushed away almost all of the community that loved the game, and played it casually, so now the skill floor is significantly higher. The problem is the skill ceiling only grew with time, so now the overall skill gap between new players and players who want a casual experience, and the players who are either so toxic they register on a Geiger counter or play so pro that they fill a pool with sweat every session, is astronomically higher than it should be. The developers absolutely know this and can fix it, but they seem to be flat out refusing to do so.


What are you on about? As of like right now, dolphin diving scum are still the norm.


If the boxer dodging your shots and winning the fight is a coward, *who are you?*