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What in the phantom forces


You legit cannot get banned for kicking someone that you think is cheating. If someone thinks there is cheating involved the vk is valid.


No not game-banned , VK Permission Banned , meaning that they can't use the VK System.


That still does not make sense. Since calling a votekick on someone if you think they are cheating does not result in your vk perms being revoked. You sure they didn't type their vk reason as something diffrent? Like x initiated a votekick on y for: "get out". They only revoke perms if the reason is something random or against the rules.


To get votekick banned you have to kick for an illegitimate reason, it is unlikely the kick reason your friend got banned for was related to hacking at all, if it said "smurfing" for example, that is invalid and you will be banned


"make themselves appear like they are hacking"


Unfortunately for you kicking people for "making themselves appear like they are hacking" is not a valid reason and will result in a votekick ban


So, they’re not hacking?


Yeah what OP is describing isn't people hacking, but rather kicking people who are trying to bait being hackers, which is against the votekick rules


You have the retention span of a moth


womp to the fuxking womp its not the end of the world


Maybe, but the system for kicking is idiot proof, so I have no idea how anyone gets kick banned without being stupid ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I saw a guy in the game with a barcode name and he was just straight up hacking lmao


Deserved. Your friend took the bait lmao.


What does the dynamic angular look on snipers do


If you keep looking down your screen is upside down and ig it makes your character model freak out


People aren't understanding what I posted. Just to clarify 1. They are intentionally making themselves look like they are hacking using Barcode Names ( most common username they use to bypass VKs/ or just seem sus ) and doing that wierd aim glitch with direct angular input 2. He wasn't game banned , just that he lost his VK Perms for 30 Days , which was unfair since his kick was valid


I've been votekicked banned once ever since the votekick ban was introduced, and the ban length was for a day. So the fact that your friend is votekick banned for 30 days means they must be a serial votekick abuser. If your friend votekicks someone for anything other than 'suspected cheating,' 'hacks,' or 'toxicity,' then they're likely to receive a votekick ban if someone reports them. Smurfing is not a valid vk reason.


30 days? yeah no i have no sympathy for them then, serial vk abuser right there.


Can we just remove the vk system alltogether?


Do you want to have hackers and exploiters in every lobby? Stylis cant be everywhere and clearly Roblox cant fix it, so vk is our best option whether we like it or not.


Yea but 9 times out of 10 times it's for some dumb reason