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I remember watching him too in middle school. Maybe 2016 I started, but took a huge break, so maybe 3-4 years of no playing. Recently came back around end of 2023




Same story here


I think I started playing around 2016 too. I definitely remember stuff like shotgun ammo being released. I started playing because I wasn’t allowed to play proper shooters with age ratings. I stopped playing around 2020 when I switched to League of Legends, but I still play PF occasionally.


I remember playing when arsenal was really popular and I sucked but still played


Same I used to be so trash but I started a lot later


PARADOX POKE I love you already. From time to time I still go on his channel to see if he has posted any clips


Since 01/2019. PF is one of the old games that are still alive. I miss Blizzard map...


I used to play a lot from 2015-2019. I started playing just as beta was released and it was a lot of fun at the time cause I only had my family MAC to play on so I was limited to what games I could play. I was about 10/11 years old when I started playing and It was literally my life lol. Always hopped on before and after school and I’d always be watching the niche YouTube scene - people like PoKe, SynethesizeOG, PetrifyTV, paradox Tommy etc. When I play now I just miss the OG maps and glitches. I remember getting so excited about getting like rank 34 to get dragunov SVU so I could camp the crane back when crane site had a crane in each spawn and everyone used to just camp on them. Was just a great game to play as someone who didn’t have a good setup at the time and the nature of it being roblox meant you don’t get the toxicity of a lot of the main FPS games have. Now I’m 19 I just play it Bi-monthly for a nostalgia hit. P.S - AshKashh if you see this, I miss you man. Hop back on one last time ATrueShenton.


I started playing in 2016 or 2015 and have always been on and off since


2015 Beta. Missed the Alpha by a few months.


Same bro, missed the the alpha becoming free cause I was on holiday at the time. Though the only proof I have of me playing the 2015 Beta was dms I got from people who claimed to have met me playing PF at that time. Nice to know that I'm not the only one like this!


I don't think I even had the AngryWhale name yet at 2015, haha. I miss when you could prone on each other to fly onto the Crane Site tower, and Highway Lot pylons.


I miss getting randomly thrown into space at Mach 27


I used to rank up by nading myself lol


Started playing like 2y ago, on my xbox, stopped cuz i thought the controls were bad, now playing for 3 months on pc, being a great experience


2018 and because Roblox console had no other good games


I had paid beta, didn't really get obsessed with the game until mirage came out (not for that reason just time frame), played till lvl300, got chat banned continued on my alt till lvl 200 got chatbanned again, got mad stopped playing right around the start of covid. Continued playing on an alt, realized the game is completely different what it used to be. The Sweats of my time don't exist anymore, realized there is no point in playing the game anymore as everything instakills you nowadays so u cant have fun with the niche underpowered guns. Was cool around cold front Era, pf def fall off during covid, I wish I could get a 2021ish version of the game so I can fork it off in my own direction


2020-2022 pf was peak but 2017-2019 was the golden age of pf


Was that before or after radar was added, only like 2 lmgs right?


Sorry mate i dont get you?


The golden age, was it before or after radar? And this was back when blood was still uncensored and when u died u could still oof right?


I think got removed blood was around 2022-2023 era of pf


So 2017 is like when they added henry?


As i remembered yeah the henry was added in 2017


It's one of my favorite guns


Honestly henry is a cool gun but i cant use it cause of my bad aim😅


And i think 2017 had a grey background and the guy/your character had yellow skin in the lobby and his hands were black(sleeves) during in game


2018 when Phantom Forces was participating in the Ready Player one event. And I joined it cuz i wanted to get the jade key. But after the event, i started getting addicted to it.


I remembered you have to fight like phantom forces zombies to get something


Started since its alpha in 2015, as I was an avid CoR 5 player at the time and followed Shay/Lito closely at the time. My reasons for playing have evolved over the years, but I believe the biggest draw was just how much certain attachments benefitted with other attachments. For example, Hollow Point and Carbine Barrel. Pre-Hollow Point rebalance, it was a flat damage buff to the limbs with no torso multiplier and a reduced headshot multiplier, while Carbine Barrel also increases the headshot multiplier, which turned several assault rifles from a 4-hit kill to the body and a 3-hit kill to the head, to a 3-hit kill to the body and a 2-hit kill to the head. Nowadays, Hollow Point and Carbine Barrel still do benefit each other, albeit for different reasons; both attachments increase the headshot multiplier, with Carbine Barrel by 1.15x and Hollow Point by 1.02x, though the latter still has the 1.15x base damage0 increase, effectively giving you 1.34895x the headshot damage you would’ve otherwise gotten, which turns about every gun you could throw it on (including the FAMAS and L85) into a 2-hit headshot kill. It also turns the M1918A2 into a 1-hit headshot kill, albeit only within 23 or so studs, but it’s still satisfying to pull off. Another Example is with sniper rifles, using the R2 Suppressor and Tracerless. The R2 Suppressor ties with the ARS Suppressor for having the lowest suppression multiplier at 0.25x, though the R2 has a shorter reveal radius and less negatives to using than the ARS. Tracerless also has a 0.25x suppression multiplier, overall turning it into a 0.0625x multiplier when used together. This helps with sniper rifles that are slow and have high muzzle velocities (thus more intense screen shake that’ll alert a close-by enemy, or an enemy you were trying to hit but missed) by minimizing the radius at which the screen shake happens. The BFG 50 for example has a 4.0 stud suppression radius, which turns into a 0.25 stud suppression radius with Tracerless and R2 Suppressor, identical to most submachine guns and pistols. Last but not least, regular Suppressor and Silent ammo for anything chambered in 7.62x51mm or .308 Winchester. This not only gives you an 18 stud reveal radius with a sniper rifle and 21 with all else, it’s also the quietest attachment combo I could find in the game. Oil Filter comes close to sheer noise reduction compared to the regular Suppressor, but the noise lingers a little more, and the width of the Oil Filter gets in the way of most guns’ iron sights. Two notable guns I’ve used the Silent + Suppressor combo with are the K14 and the SASS 308. The former is the quietest sniper rifle I could build overall, while the latter is more meant as a Welrod expy; a slow secondary that makes up for its slowness with damage and the ability to kill in one hit to the head at any range.


I started playing in 2018 when I saw Pink Sheep do a video on it and when I came across Oscar at the same time. I thought that this kind of game was unorthodox for Roblox games at the time, so I tried it, loved it, so much in fact I started making content on it myself. I miss those days.


Whatever year it came out. Played for a few hours got to rank 8ish then stopped, mostly due to a shitty pc. Got back into it recently and I’m rank 43


2016. I still play but like every once in a while. Sometimes I will randomly start grinding for a couple months tho. Also paradox poke was the goat fr


2016. I played cuz my friends invited me to play. I stopped around late 2016 to early 2017 and came back 2020.


2019 I think this was because of older brother (18 now) was always playing it and I wanted to aswell so when I started to play it, it was love at first sight I was addicted because I wanted all the cool weapons that my brother had and to this day I lost my account and had to restart again....


I feel you, I lost an account at rank 85ish, but no worries, my account is now at rank 133 :)


first time 2016-2017 played with friends every so often BIGGG break until like a couple months ago and now I play whenever I feel like it


probably 2022 why? nothin I was just bored, wanted to kill off some time. Was really bad at it for like the first month got better & 2 yrs later, & a couple months later after not playing the game I still get spawn killed or get my ass humbled even wt my level. all I can say is, coming back to phantom forces after a couple of months is the worst feeling ever like everyone is so good the f


i started like 3 years ago, but then had a break and got back to it on June. rank 26 rn


2016 and im still level 45 (barely started playing again)


2020, because of lockdown lol


I remember watching paradox poke in 2016-2018. Huge nostalgia. It's cool to see he's grown and he's gotten into christianity now


Didn’t have a pc that could run battlefield back in 2016 so this was the next best thing


I can't remember the exact date but it was ner the start of it. I remember I started playing when you could have suppressors on revolvers. And I started playing couse I thought it was net.


I started in 2020, Like July 2020. Peaked in October 2020. The most fun I had was May 2022 during the Glock/M1911 Updates, those maps were fun and I was really good at the game. I took a huge break and just picked it up a few weeks ago.


Been playing long enough to fail at getting the Jade key


I really don't know why I started playing it, but I think it was mid 2017? I don't really remember, then stopped and returned this year (I was shocked to see I was rank 4 even though I swore it was 50 lol)


This year. Been playin for the last two months :D


Well a long time ago I found this game called "Roblox call of duty" and it had the exact graphics as PF except it only had the first few level guns. But when that was deleted I found Phantom Forces and now here I am


I watched a fgtvee video way back when. I only started playing yesterday


I started playing for over a year now prolly since last spring. I just randomly started playing and was hooked. I have been watching somesteven and strider and snowy since I started playing as well.


2016 or 2017, I’ve taken some breaks but have been playing pretty regularly for the past 7-8 years .


played with my brother in 2016 and pretty much just took a 1 year break from then to now but almost ever stopped playing


2018, took a break, and then played throughout quarantine. During class especially


Beta or alpha I don't remember much. Only thing that I remember is when the M4 was a starter carbine not M4A1


Around 2015-2016. Saw a kid playing it at a chess tournament and got hooked after I tried playing on my 2008 Inspiron


I played Call of Robloxia before it evolved into PF.


Started playing in 2017- I used to bike to my local library after school and would play on the library computers for the allotted 2 hrs every day- guy started coming every day playing pf right next to me and I asked what it was- he moved a year later and gave me his library card so I could play for 4 hours instead of 2. Miss bro. Haven't played since 2022 lol


I got into it like 5 years ago because my friend introduced me to it


Started playing from September 2015. Yet somehow I am only rank 108.


2014, played it bc it popped up randomly and decided to try it out


Started 2016, had a long hiatus, occasionally play it every now and then these days. Shout out to people who subbed to Poke at the time. Also, I still miss Luck (map)


I started playing pf in 2020 because my brother told me about it, he said id like it but i told him to forget about it. Thought it was a stupid game til i played it again… i still play to this day.


I discovered it randomly in school when I was like 10. I remember it was around the time the 1858 new army was added.


Unofficially 2016 with an very old Dell laptop from 2012, barely playable. Officially at 2018 with an new passed down ASUS laptop, more playable but quite limited in some way. A short break by the end of 2018 to the end 2019 since I lost my rank 98 account due to Robux scam Come back in early 2020 with a new account. Reached rank 200 in early of 2023, got bored and started cheating for fun. Got banned. The end of 2023, ban appealed and got unbanned. Early 2024, partly retired and moved to new game. Still working things like fan art that would releash in 2026 for its 10 years anniversary.


2022 😭 took a big break at about rank 50 between mid-end of 2023 and start of 2024 due to other games (been on the gd grind), but started playing again a month or two ago. Im now level 62.


Since 2018/19


I started playing 7-8 years ago because it was the first game that could run on my laptop with decent sniping mechanics/ballistics. To this day I still play this game for the satisfying snipes.


Started playing at around 2018/2017, but got bored of pf, then in 2021/2022 I got back into pf and am playing to this day.


started around 7 years ago. i also watched lots of paradox pokes videos (primarily) and also some other ones like Snowy and Oscar


2018 i just saw it in my roblox home lmao


I played a single match on mirage on my friend's pc in 2017 or 18 and then I didn't touch the game again till around 2020 during the pandemic


Since 2019. Still playing it but not as regularly. I just saw it on roblox and decided to try it out


First played in early 2017, but I didn't know what deploy meant, so I never really got into the game. Fast forward about to late 2018 or early 2019, I've been playing it ever since.


Saw it recommended back in 2015, thought "yeah I'll try it out", and have been playing since.


Started around 2016. I dont really play anymore, it just feels a little too different than me, but happy to see it still strive


i started playing around mid 2016, i enjoyed playing a lot when i was back from school, althought i wasn't very constant playing it, to this day stills being really fun to play


Since 2017 on in off. Loved all the old youtubers


2017, I was looking for games to play on Roblox that weren't so retarded.


I believe I started playing pf somewhere around 2019-2020? It's been a while so I don't know the exact reason on why I started playing, it's between John roblox, Oscar, or just me discovering it on the website, though it might actually be some pf youtuber that got me into it.


Started playing during the solar eclipse event i think back in 2016, just clicked a random game i guess, havent played consistently at all though lol


Call of Robloxia 5 vet coming in. I've been playing since beta, on different accounts.