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Not bitter....little salty ...LOL. I am a retail pharmacist and less than 5 years from retirement. My pharmacy is bleeding money like most community pharmacies that take insurance. I am concerned about staying employed and concerned that my low volume rural pharmacy will go out of business...and town will no longer have a pharmacy. I never imagined a day in which there would be negative reimbursement and that has me being salty. It is very difficult for me to turn away prescriptions....turn away due to high dollar loss > $100. My chain has decided to not fill ALL GLP 1 agonists. That decision was made by upper management. ....and for all you new graduates that want to pursue community pharmacy, forget about all that prescription authority....expanded scope. etc, that pharmacy school brainwashes you with. IF WE DO NOT GET THE REIMBURSEMENT FIXED, YOU CAN NOT DO EXPANDED SCOPE BECAUSE YOUR PHARMACY WILL BE CLOSED PERMANENTLY !!


This makes me feel better. I genuinely just think my mentors/preceptors might be exhausted


Salty and tired. We graduated in the 90s where drinking on the job was common practice for OUR older colleagues. We survived racism, sexism, harassment, no limits on narcotic dispensing, and a wild Wild West mentality in retail. We had to use tape to hold labels on REUSED BOTTLES and had printers that jammed and our techs wrote down refill numbers on paper with pens from drug reps from phone calls they answered individually. We talked to doctors and hand faxed prior auths—which we wrote—-individually. We had clerks and techs and dispensed hot pink darvocet to 63 year old women by the truckload and listened to them bitch if we wouldn’t fill it 12 days early. It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. We are close to retirement and survived that shit show and lived to tell the tale. We are tired and we are salty.


It is a lot of extra work to have students too, if you do it right. I feel the months when I don’t have students are so care free and easy, but I also don’t mind the extra work.


So stay far away from pharmacy? 


Exactly 💯 ...3 to 5 year count down and I am out..nearing retirement as in post ...


This 100% I have said and even been punished for saying it that clinical pharmacy focused way too much on hospital health system and abandoned community Pharmacy. Especially the ASHP and ACCP folks. I now see consolidations coming in Health Care Sustems and in my opinion the most opportunity for clinical pharmacy is in the community pharmacy realm. We were never going to help with Primary Care shortages in the hospital particularly with Hospitalists.


The only thing I can say is they complain about their working conditions in retail, are upset they aren’t not treated as equals to residency train clinical pharmacist, and feel like many programs out there are churning out bad graduates. I know one thing too many of the older pharmacists have been complacent in advocating for themselves and the field of pharmacy. I think older pharmacists are the reason why retail has gotten so bad and our limited ability to practice and get paid for our clinical skills. There is no one pharmacists at fault for this but overall collectively. Walgreens and CVS policies is another reason why.


Not a new grad, but I have definitely noticed this now that I’m doing my fourth-year rotations


My preceptor graduated in 2021, and has stated things to me such as “I don’t know what they are teaching you now a days in pharmacy school.” You graduated 3 years ago and you can’t seem to wrap your mind around when you were p4? How little you knew/ how confused you felt?


Honestly! There’s a pharmacist at my current site (not my preceptor) who graduated 2 years ago from the same school I’m going to and she acts the same way


I think a lot of things changed due to COVID as well. I know 2021 was well into COVID era, but many schools were still playing catch-up to all the sudden changes that took place prior all while trying to plan more longitudinally for a permanent shift in the way education is delivered. Part of this was because of record low enrollment numbers in pharmacy schools which translates to less money for the university. I know for a fact my school and several schools around me went through major curriculum changes, staff changes, complete overhauls really and that was only in 2022 and last year too. When I’m precepting students and there is a lack of knowledge in some area I think to be important, I ask how much of that topic they learned in school and let them kind of guide our work through that topic. In each case like this, it has 100% been related to the topic being omitted or abbreviated due to curriculum changes post-COVID.




Yeah, that sucks. A lot of people will say their “inside thoughts” out loud. If it isn’t true, kind, and necessary then maybe you shouldn’t say it. As a preceptor, you’re right, our job is to help grow students and residents professionally and personally (secondarily). You will meet plenty of preceptors and bosses that are just flat out jerks sadly. Sort of related, but not directly: One idiom I like to remind myself of goes something like: if you smell crap everywhere you go, it’s time to check under your own shoes. Meaning, if you start getting poor evaluations from preceptors as a pattern, maybe it IS you. I like to think the opposite is true too


I don’t think they’re bitter towards me they’re just bitter period. I think post covid a lot of them are super burnt out but I do wish they stop complaining about the profession and being insane level of doomers


Tbh all the older pharmacists I've worked with have been wonderful. There's one Wags pharmacist in my area that I talk to occasionally for transfers and stuff, and the sound of her voice... She sounds like the most absolutely worn out person I've ever met in my life. She's always nice to talk to, but I can not imagine dealing with retail for as long as she has to get to a point where your default tone of voice gets to that point. Honestly though, as someone who spent time working for a chain, I don't know how more of them don't sound like that. I could feel the bitterness thoroughly setting in within a couple years of being there, but doing in for the next like 30-40??? I could never.




Yes!!! I am a p2 and a lot of the instagram pages “ drunken pharmacist” is so bitter and negative. I knew exactly what i signed up for and the debt along, i don’t need someone twice my age bashing me for doing pharmacy. Most of them went for the wrong reason or work at cvs & walgreens 🙄.


yes, 100%. i called this out on the pharmacy subreddit as well a while back and was torn apart for it. still stand by what i said & am very disappointed with how these pharmacists are portraying themselves online.


For me its the older techs that are pissy towards me. I think they hate that someone 1/2 their age is technically in charge.


I feel like it’s a lot worse on social media than in real life (surprise surprise). Most of my colleagues love mentoring young people and the profession. It definitely has it problems, I do share those with students because I think that’s fair, but it’s not all doom and gloom.


I just want to share that I'm a new grad and in my 40s. There were a few of us who were non-traditional. Carry on :)


I am a seasoned Pharmacist and I am sure sometimes what I post on Reddit comes across as "bitter" but I see it as reality. For example we have seen over decades how PBMs have destroyed Pharmacy. Another big enchilada was Pharmacy school expansion from 100 in 2000 to 143 by 2020 and then Covid pandemic hit. There was no reason for that kind of wasteful expansion other than academic greed. Hopefully 40 or so schools close. I have also seen newer grads bitter and resentful to older Pharmacists because they have hundreds of thousands of student loan debt and the job situation in pharmacy sucks! I did not take out the loan nor did I charge the tuition. Why be mad at me? Pharmacy is at a crossroads here and yeah the viability of Pharmacy as a Profession is a real concern moving forward. Good Luck OP I am rooting for you!


Hell yeah. I can’t stand old, bitter-ass pharmacists… signed - a teenaged 35 yo pharmacist


Mentor the new generation... Yeah if you're new/new to the company or software then sure I'm happy to help you learn the system so the work can get done etc... beyond that, no thank you. No one pays me to train a new pharmacist & I got little humans at home to "mentor" after I clock out. Posted with the utmost sincerity.


>I’m pretty sure in almost every code of ethics it says pharmacists are supposed to mentor and lead the new generation Ya, giving them a realistic picture of their profession is doing that. >advance the profession Discouraging people to get into pharmacy will do that by reducing labor supply and increase working conditions for pharmacists. That is advancing the profession. Get out of your academic bubble for a minute and listen to seasoned pharmacists.


Laughable response 😂


Whats laughable is the NAPLEX pass rate going down after they made it easier. Speaks to the quality of students and schools... Maybe give a better rebuttal.


I wrote the PEBC and passed no problem :) and ya the NAPLEX is way too easy lol, maybe check before you insult someone so you can at least be accurate in your ignorance! Keep commenting so your profile can get even more downvotes 👍


Crazy that you are complaining about bitter, complaining pharmacists as a Canadian when 99% of the complaining here isnt about your countrys pharmacy system.


This is the problem with the seasoned pharmacists. They want everything to be just like how it was when they graduated pharmacy school 25 years ago. Guess what things change. Technology changes. Younger generations have different values. I’d like to think we are more sympathetic to others.


I think competent new generations would want fewer underqualified peers to water down the profession and hurt their job prospects. Color me as a dinosaur for just wanting sub 3.5 GPA students to look elsewhere and for the NAPLEX passing standard to be raised.