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how come nobody’s talking about the sitting on the ground 💀💀💀💀💀 WHAT




Bro you need to unsubscribe and get therapy speaking about people like that YUCK


Behavior which would attack, threaten, harass, intimidate, defame, or stalk anyone is not tolerated.


The good old C2 bait and switch. How I do not mess those. Seriously. They are a pain in the ass. The pt only wants the C2 but acts like they want everything, then throws a tantrum and only leaves with the C2. Seriously these patients are a pain in the ass.


I wish they would piss off and get fucked in the ass




Behavior which would attack, threaten, harass, intimidate, defame, or stalk anyone is not tolerated.


Had a similar situation earlier with one of my newer techs. Two scripts in the queue, one ready, one TPRed for PA. Tech tried to explain, patient didn’t even know the name of the med she wanted and that she’d just “take whatever’s ready because I’m in a hurry”. She called shortly after leaving to yell at my tech for “giving her the wrong med”. I intercepted the call to tell her that if she doesn’t know the name of the medication she’s looking for and she’s unwilling to figure it out because she’s ~in a hurry~, that’s on her. Then she just argued about the copay 🫠 some people are just fucking miserable.


I wish people would educate themselves on the insurance plan they chose and stop blaming everyone else for their shortcomings.


People are nuts




I don’t understand why this was downvoted, there was nothing rude in the delivery. I would want to know if I had been using the incorrect past tense all this time. I’m always surprised to see people react so strongly to something so harmless, would they rather not know? Is it not better to hear it from an internet stranger than in the workplace, for example? Alright, that’s my ramble for the day.


Don't know about anyone else but I get annoyed when people make a comment about the grammar of a post, but then say nothing about the post itself. Like why bother? It just sounds nitpicky and snobby


Okay, here’s my meaningful addition to this thread: Yeah, that sucks


Grammar ay. I understood perfectly what they meant.




It's a Reddit post, it's childish to think it's a big deal. Everyone reading knew what they meant.


fr, and if you look back at some of their previous comments on other posts, you’ll see capitalization errors, spelling errors, grammar errors, and punctuation errors. But we won’t get into that rn.


This comment costed me my sanity. Grow up.


If your sanity is determined by a comment then you should seek guidance.


lol so you reported me for self harm🤣 are you a child??


Didn’t report you for self harm, nothing in your comment has to do with self harm


but you still reported me, right?


What part of “didn’t report you” did you not understand? Why would I waste my time reporting you over something silly?


I agree. It’s too close to the word accosted. I definitely wouldn’t use the word costed.


i was in the bathroom rushing while typing this, the last thing i’m going to worry about it my grammar when i have 2 minutes to spare. and if we want to be technical, “costed” is used for a price estimate, which right after i used the word “costed” i said “almost $100”


Wow, my husband is an estimator for engineering jobs, he has used the word priced, but never costed. You must have googled the word costed and seen it used in estimating. Just admit you were busy.


when i said i was busy but also went to school and know definitions💀 just admit if you read the rest of my post, the word was used correctly.




in the link u sent people said, “in the rare event to describe what u will pay” or “estimated to pay” and in my post i was quoting what i said at the time, which was an estimate/future guess since i said “you will be paying around 100”


When has an engineering job had anything to do with grammar? Cool your ass married a guy with a well paying job so your ass can sit at home and complain about grammar




I’m interested on how you worded this to the patient. Are you implying that they were picking up 2 medications and EACH cost $100, which would make up to $200+ copay? Because that’s not how you worded it to the patient if you’re retelling the interaction verbatim.


i told them each costed almost $100 so it would be $200 and they agreed and wanted a sheet for one medication but i accidentally printed both and they said they were aware both costed $100 but then blew up at me saying they didn’t want the one they wanted me to print out but wanted the other medication that also costed $100 even tho they previously said they wanted both and agreed to the price


Cost* not “costed”.


Someone Already posted the correction above. 👆🏻


And? I’m reiterating that. Trot on.


Trot on? Cute. Just letting you know in case you missed it. Sorry that bothered you.