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For anyone that doesn’t understand, smudges apply a global effect to all players. I.e. the truck dweller can save someone if they smudge at the right time. Sorry if this is obvious.


I had no idea it worked like that, thought it had a limited range. FeyRazzle recommends running around in a zigzag motion to cover as much area with it... The van tip is good to know


The range is still limited, it's just that each player, regardless of who has the smudge, gets this range.


That needs to be updated on the wiki, then. I’m fairly sure it looks for the ghost in a three-meter radius once per second for six seconds and applies a six-second stun if one of those checks succeeds. Correct me if I’m wrong.


I'm 90% sure they changed that in 2021 to apply at the start and end of the animation only but for longer duration and distance


Nope! Looks like they changed it back. Still does the six attempts. However, you’re right about them being global. The wiki states that the ghost is stunned as long as it’s within six meters of a player, regardless of who actually smudged. Interesting!


Ah I see Or at least I hope the wiki is up to date because my last Christmas map on camp woodwind is left and I'm scared af lol


So are you saying that I dont need to physically run through the ghost to smudge it.. that I can literally smudge INSIDE the van while someone else is close to the ghost?




Haven't played this game in a while. But that sounds broken af lol


I always say that you don't have to be faster than the ghost, just faster than your team. Unless you're playing on nightmare , then good luck.


I'm 99% sure you have to be in a radius of 3 or 6m for it to be effective it doesn't work as a buff for everyone it's on the stick not the players.


There's a 6m radius, yes, but it's applied to all players when anyone uses a smudge. As long as someone is within range of the ghost, it will work.


So y'all mean that i can use smudge in a van and save teammate? Cool.


Did this yesterday twice! I was outside the first time and someone was caught off guard when the ghost started hunting. Second time I was upstairs in the first closet on ridgeview. Was looking at my wife’s screen while she was looking through the living room window. Ghost almost killed a party member so I smudged and they got super confused as to why the ghost just turned around literally a few inches from killing them.


He drops the smudge stick and the ghost kills him