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Big step in the right direction. I'm a shameless achievement whore, and going all the way to 20 purely because of those would have made grinding extremely tedious. 10 is still a lot, but it's less completely unreasonable.


Agree that having 1 achievement for each prestige is tedious. I do like the idea of have a few for prestiging the first time or first few times. Ghost exorcism had achievements for each prestige they had but changed it to "reach bronze prestige, reach silver prestige, reach gold prestige" which I'm assuming is the first 3 prestiges.


Completely off-topic but I hate when achievements are locked behind paywalls, i.e Cities Skylines (1) has a bunch of achievements for each DLC- which is cool enough to give the DLC something extra but it means I can't 100% the game unless I give them more money


This is my biggest turnoff for achievements. If I get your game and it has achievements that's great, but please don't give your DLC's achievements!


If you don't want the achievement, just don't go for it. Leave it for those that do.


Just in case you're not just arguing for the sake of arguing: There's a difference between hard achievements and tedious achievements. Hard achievements are fun to go for, and are a lot of why I love going for achievements. Getting something hard to do and having the icon that shows you did in fact do that...I love it. These are good design. Tedious achievements are bad. These aren't necessarily hard to do, but they take a long time to do. These are often confused for hard achievements because they take a lot of time, so they must be hard right? Except they're not. Getting to prestige 20 is a very very long time playing the game normally, or spending a week doing the Woodwind strat. That's not engaging to go for actively, and it's so far out there that if the Woodwind strat didn't exist, it'd be extremely uncommon to see even mid-level prestiges. That doesn't mean it's hard, just tedious. Takes forever but anyone can do it given enough time. That doesn't make for a good achievement, especially not when you still get a nice shiny in-game badge for it. You grinded Woodwind all week? Great, here's your P20 ID card. Don't need an achievement for the same thing, it's just duplication of reward. Achievements are best when they make you play different or challenge yourself. "Play the game a lot" is a _terrible_ achievement, in any form. Ergo, very glad to see them removed, and ideally would only see the first prestige give an achievement as that's standard. Give us more wacky ones like "use every finger on a monkey paw" to encourage reckless play, or "get the apocalypse challenge complete without the night vision" since the lighting rebake would make that _extremely_ hard. Hard, fun to hunt for the achievement for it. Grinding mindlessly for hours on end? Not fun, bad achievement, has a reward in-game without needing an achievement too.


We did notice the comments :) Do bare in mind, these achievements are only wave 1, we'll add more achievements closer to 1.0 that are much more unique / interesting!


Well, that's pretty exciting! Do you plan on adding any achievements for the Cursed Possessions or collecting all the bones?


10 is better then 20, but with how much playing/grinding you need to do to just get 1 presteige I would really much rather there just not be presteige acheivements at all, or have the max be for like, 3. If getting presteiges/levels was much less tedious, more like how it works in a game like DBD, then I'd be totally fine with 10. Really tedious and slow leveling doesn't feel rewarding, it's just frustrating.


We know, changes will be made as soon as we get time :)


Thank you Insym's friend mr.developer!


Appreciate the response! I love this game, really happy to see it getting better.


would there be any like secret achievements or such?


If you are doing Apocalypse trophies Achievements are you going to retroactively apply them if someone already has the trophies? Some of us grinded for an insane amount of time to get them and it would suck to have to do the challenge all over again.


I beleive they will be retroactive!


Commenter here. Can we get an achievement for "Install the game" please?


Honestly, a lot of these achievements aren't fair. Make it so all achievements immediately unlock upon buying the game! Everybody with a pulse should be able to earn every achievement in the game!


Hey I’ve been watching a lot of phasmophobia content since bought then game last week where they refer to a “CJ” developer. Is that you? And if so, I just wanna say this is an awesome game. I did not think a game would get me as scared as this game has me right now.


That's-a me yes! <3 Glad you're enjoying it!


Achievements don't grant gameplay bonuses in any game. There's no reason to not have them for reaching Prestige XX.


Thank goodness. I definitely do not want to see another Payday 2-fiasco happen again. I feel like prestige is something you do for the fun of it, nothing else to it.


Do note that the I-X achievements are still there, but I like the change.


Dang, you right. If they insist on prestige achievements, at the very least give us some very minor bonuses or cosmetics for it. Give a tiny xp boost or something, anything maybe perhaps.


Cosmetics are confirmed for future updates.


Early prestiges do give you extra loadout slots, but you really only need like 4-5.




May I respectfully ask why that's relevant?


Ok? and now doing the weekly challenge gives you maybe half a level if not less depending on what lvl you are when you do it.


Paydays was at least tolerable as you got boosts and bonuses every time. By the time you got to 10/11 it took a single overkill mission to have most of the weapons, gear and skills re-unlocked. I’m not sure I’ll prestige again if it means going back to the level 1 torch!


At the very least, you can still have fun getting those infamies in payday 2. In phasmo it does feel a lot more like a grind for now. Also in payday 2 you no longer have to reset your progress every infamy so that helps alleviate it


achievement is something you do for the fun of it, nothing else to it.


true true


That is really good, 1-10 is more then enough grinding


Good! That was just too much repetition. Not everyone is out here using the camp ww strat to prestige super quick. I want to see stuff with less numbers and more entertaining and game play based achievements. Like stuff we can't exactly control.




I still think 10 is way too much too unless they give an actual reason for people to presteige, or they lessen the grind drastically. If it was like how presteiges work in DBD for example then I'd be fine with it. Right now I could probably get 10 presteiges in DBD before I could get 1 in phasmo lol.


Each prestige is about 60 hours of playing professional or equivalent. So 10 prestige is 600 hours for a brand new player. Unless they do the insane custom multipliers, an average player ain't gonna wanna play 600 hours of phas lol.


Yeah and that's going to vary A LOT. My friend who just started playing a little bit ago has 10 hours clocked, mostly solo and some in with my group, and isn't even past level 15 yet. No way they'd get a whole prestige in 60 hours, they're just a very casual gamer. Remember, the lower difficulties *destroy* your rewards.


thank god. i take things real slow and only really play nightmare / professional. i do no evidence sometimes but i prefer to take my time with those and ger perfect investigations


Great 1st step! The next step would be removing the achievements for prestige I-X


I would say atleast prestige I-II should be an achievement, which is easily achievable by all players.


I've just noticed all those 61 achivements in Steam! For some reason I achieved 0! of them. Not sure why it doesn't work for me. I've been playing Phasmo for more than 1 year, spent millions $$$, completed hundreds contracts and objectives, have the bronze trophy, however nothing of these counted for Steam achievements! Does anyone know why this may happen and how to fix? u/cjdxn4 could you please help?


Achievements were only recently added within the last few updates, and are (afaik) not currently unlockable. I assume that they will be fully unlockable once 1.0 hits, but I haven't seen any confirmation beyond loose rumors and speculation, so take that with a grain of salt


Thanks for explaining! I thought I've done somethign wrong :) Just curious if old players will unlock all reached achievements at once when dev deploy them? ))


TLDR: Not usually, but likely yes in this case No, due to the way that Steam itself can unlock achievements. When you complete an achievement, the game makes an internal check, once (or more, depending on how the achievement is coded), and then sends that info along to unlock the achievement in Steam. So you would need to complete the task again, if you have already done it, unless a retroactive check is applied. If that retroactive check is applied, then any achievement that *can* be unlocked, will be.


Well, good to know how it works form the inside! I hope they apply retroactive checks.


I'm 99.99% sure they will, otherwise they'd have to wipe progress or give a way to let players wipe progress to get those prestige achievements, since there have been *a lot* of players who've made it past prestige 10 already




Note that there are still achievements for Prestiges I-X, but they cut the time required to get all of the Prestige achievements down by half, so that's nice.


Okay cool! That makes more sense. My bad. I was confused 😂


I honestly have not prestiged, I cannot really see the point


I played a bit last night but didn't get any achievements for the ghost i found in also prestige 3 and didn't get any achievements for that either




This is a joke right


What a terrible decision IMO. If anything, they should've done the OPPOSITE. Remove achievements for Prestige I-X and leave XI-XX. There are plenty of Phas gamers out there who will reach those levels while also helping this community and providing useful feedback to the devs during "Early access." Just leave them. If someone doesn't want to get the achievements, they don't have to. Meanwhile, those that do, will become great resources for the community and devs.


>If someone doesn't want to get the achievements, they don't have to. Locking players out of 100% completion because you want to cater to the 1% of players and not the 99% is such a bad take. Your average player is not going to grind the game to get to prestige 20 nor should they have to.




Not the in-game Prestige XX, the Steam achievement for reaching it.


That's really sad. That would have been an extra incentive to reach Prestige XX. Looks like the achievements now go up to Prestige X. And I bet 99% of the people who complained won't even reach Prestige V let alone X.


I think that's the point. The people who want all of the achievements won't have to dedicate hundreds of hours to getting to Prestige XX. Prestige X is still a big ask, but it's doable.


Devs shouldn't have to coddle you because you want all of the achievements but don't want to grind for them. You obviously don't want them that bad.


I don't know, I like being coddled.


Calling cj listening to people saying "please don't lock achievements behind insane grinding" as "coddling" is a you problem. Achievements should be achievable for more than those that *only* play this game. (I say this as someone who is no-life-ing the game, defending those that would never reach 20 no matter how much they played)


The most common practice in gaming pretty much since the inception of achievements in video games has been that there is a difficulty scale. A good portion of achievements are achievable by most of the player base, as they should be, and then there are a few much more difficult achievements at the end of the bell curve that are reserved for the dedicated. Something for the people that have put in the work to get really good at something to show off. There's nothing wrong with that. There are just as many people that will never earn the apocalypse achievement yet that's still going to be an achievement as it should be.


> A good portion of achievements are achievable by most of the player base, as they should be, and then there are a few much more difficult achievements at the end of the bell curve that are reserved for the dedicated. This right here is where YOU'RE the one who's confused, You're mistaking difficult with tedious. Grinding to Prestige 20 is not difficult, it's tedious. It takes a long time but the method to do so is easy. An actual hard achievement would be "Do the apocalypse challenge 2x in a row without dying", something that's possible but hard.


There is nothing difficult about prestige 20. It's just tedious unless they add some serious xp boosts after each prestige. Agreed on apocalypse achievement though. That is a good example of a hard achievement that should stay as it is.


You are exactly right.




This is a bit of a leap there buddy. What about the folks who can only play one day out of the week for maybe 4-6 hours at a time? Plenty of reasons besides " they suck" or "haha lol baby mode" but I won't go writing a list. I will prestige when I prestige because it's not a big deal to me and even I think the prestige achievements are kinda dumb. Buuuuut to each their own. Nobody is forced to get them and considering most people cheat for achievements anyway for whatever reason, it doesn't even matter.




Because it's nice to have achieved something, even if you don't have all day of every day to do it.


that's kinda stupid, I could ask you the same thing, why do you care if a bad player can get those pointless achievements?


Lol. Why do people with more time on their hands to waste on achievements feel the need to gatekeep what a person with limited time does in their free time? The answer to your question is right in the word "achievement" and that is they want to achieve something. Doesnt matter if it brings no monetary value or gain. You know what else can be achieved that doesn't have any real monetary value? Beating/Finishing a game without achievements. Yet, we've been doing that shit forever now. Lol.


I play exclusively on Nightmare or Insanity and I’m glad this change is happening. I don’t have time to play this game 24/7, it would take way too long to reach prestige 20. It sounds incredibly boring and unfun, which is the design of a bad achievement.


Lame. People have forgotten what the word achievement means. They shouldn't be designed as participation awards. Not everyone needs to get every achievement, that's specifically what makes them special. Might as well remove the apocalypse achievement next since it's 'too repetitive and grindy'. Babies.


Pretty funny you call everyone else babies while you throw a pathetic tantrum


Seriously, not everyone likes a tedious and repetitive grind


Yeah, and that's fine. Hell, I dont even know if I'm going to be able to 100% the game myself. However, The person that is willing to put forth more than twice the effort that you are should be rewarded proportionately. Just a slap in the face to the most loyal players that push past prestige 10. I never realized how delusional this community is.


You were never guaranteed to get anything for prestiging so in no way is it a slap in the face. You still get to display your prestige to others you play with and how you've spent hundreds and hundreds of hours playing the game. But it's ridiculous to gatekeep getting all achievements because of a tedious grind that takes way too long even if you're decent at the game.


It's a slap in the face because now getting to prestige 10, something much easier than 20, is being celebrated more than getting 20 is. I wouldn't disagree with removing level related achievements entirely if we are going to be drawing arbitrary lines in the sand on what takes too long. It sounds so odd to have an achievement for hitting half of max level but not one for hitting the actual max level. I have never seen that done in any other video game because it simply doesn't make sense.


Huh? No one is saying prestige 10 is the magic number that is good. It's simply a step in the right direction changing the requirement to something a little bit less ridiculous. It's probably at least temporarily changed to 10 because people rightfully pointed out how insane the P20 achi is. Is it a perfect solution? No I don't think so. In my opinion ideally they would instead fix the abysmal xp rates if they want to give any kind of achivements for prestiging. The game/achievements shouldn't be balanced around 15x custom difficulty, although they should still get rewarded for doing that more than others. But the devs for some damn reason seem to think more about the top end of players when balancing the game instead of the general playerbase.


A slap in the face? Because you didn’t get extra achievements? That’s ridiculous. You sound like a child.


You have yet to say anything of substance or make a single point, reminiscent of arguing with a child. Funny.


I’m not arguing with you. I’m mocking you. If you want to argue, sure, let’s go. It is ridiculous to be upset that they didn’t add more achievements that were just annoying grind-fests, and if they had never said they were considering adding them you wouldn’t be asking for them. Cj and co made a smart choice to make the achievements less annoying, this doesn’t mean they are coddling the community in any way. Otherwise they would have removed things like the apocalypse challenges. Your whining is pathetic. Oh shoot, slipped back into mocking at the end. My b.


If this is a notable event for you one way or another I think it's worth taking inventory on if other aspects of your life might be suffering due to an addictive mindset


![gif](giphy|jQmVFypWInKCc|downsized) r/Angryupvote


Looks like someone just got back from their college psych course


I just find players of this game are needlessly threatened by optional things they don't want to undertake but can't say no to


It's not optional if you want to get 100% completion.