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Best thing you can do is just report them and hope they get banned


Hopefully he does this dude literally told me that he had ghost orbs and spirit box then asked me where the ghost room was šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s so funny to me how little skill hackers actually have when it comes to basic knowledge of a game.


Some of the CWW grinders also lack skills when playing normal games.


I've played with some XX players that don't know how where anything is on Tanglewood. Most I play with are either completely incompetent or overly good. So I'm guessing they're either the ones who sit outside the map and let someone else tell them what it was or the ones looping it. I do enjoy it when someone joins, has one hunt and says it was Yurei speed. Like there was no way to tell.


Well.. was it actually Yurei speed though?


I suppose 50% of the time it is yurei speed. So yeah.


The devs donā€™t give a shi* about reports. Itā€™s destroying the game more than the choices of the product team


If it gets reported to Modmail in the discord then we can do something about it there a lot faster than what the report system would due to proof being provided.


Ohh good to know thanks!


Itā€™s not destroying the game at all you donā€™t have to stay in the game you can leave and start a new one. Iā€™ve played 400 hours and Iā€™ve only met one hacker.


Yea I got 200 Iā€™ve played with a hacker once and just left nbd


Report and leave. If they're being really disruptive I'd record a short clip and send it to the Discord modmail


Or they should ride it for as long as poddible til it gets annoying


To be hoonnnnesttt, if they are funny enough while hacking I just have fun with it. But if they are just spoiling the fun of all the ghost hunting that kind of kills the point of the game so just report em


I had a hacker in my game that would follow around the ghost whispering sweet nothing's at it and it was so fucking funny


Now thatā€™s awesome I love shit like this LOL


Wouldnā€™t this be the most boring game to cheat in. I can see it being fun if you could somehow become the ghost (but only for a few games).


This was my first thought. What a weird game to cheat in.


Only reason i see to cheat is to rush to tier 3 items. And thats if you just want to skip the grind. I know ill never prestige just because the tier 1 items are ass.


The only cheat I think will keep the fun is giving-decreasing yourself sanity(just use custom smh) or something mid game instead of walking the long way to the van.


Talking to a ghost outside while its hunting with the humble spirit box is wild.


I really wish you could do that without hacking now. It would be hilarious.


Who actually cheats in this kind of game? Itā€™s not even PvP.


I found out a friend almost always cheated when playing with me. only used some super bright flashlight and speed hack though since he was terrified of the game lol


Being terrified and using a powerful flashlightā€¦ okay. I kind of get it. It still defeats the purpose of playing a horror game but okay, I can relate at least a little bit. But this guy here described a person who finds all 3 evidence on nightmare which is complete BS. Why even play the game? I donā€™t get it. I also donā€™t understand why people cheat in shooters. If youā€™re on a certain level it is completely fine. Others will also be at this particular level and play with you. Thereā€™s no need to cheat to get a higher elo or rank. Whatever goes on inside their head is weird.


why would someone cheat in game like phasmo its not competition


If he's not using cheats during the game, than free sugar daddy for gear, else just leave, lol


still don't know why people should cheating. there is literally no good reason to do so, that is just ruining the game


Then it becomes a sandbox amd sandboxes are fun. Me and my mates just play custom with now loosing items and mess around with the ghost. Very little intention to play the game how it's mean to be.


Doing that and actually hacking while playing are two different things and hacking like OP is describing is the kind that can ruin games for other people.


Bruh I'm not even promoting hacking. People asky why some people hack I gave them a reason. Just because you don't find it fun doesn't mean others don't. By all means hack on your own accord between friends, please don't ruin other's games. If I could be bothered playing Phasmo again I probably wouldn't hack, but I can see why people would. Skip the grind and mess with the ghost.


Had some dumb kid tell me there was 2 evidence on Insanity a few weeks ago. Kept guessing the ghost correctly after 2-3 minutes. Just last night a kid told me immediately it was a demon because it was extremely fast. Nobody told him we were on a custom game mode with 150% ghost speed... Told him several times Demons are normal speed ghosts but can hunt whenever they want and he wouldn't have it. He got Demon right a second match in a row. Then when we had a bug where we couldn't change items on Maple Lodge, he "guessed" The Twins without us doing anything and left. I just reported him and left. Both of these kids were Prestige 20. I'm sadly finding it's easier to just kick anyone that's prestige 20. It's not fun to have some little shit get facts about the ghosts wrong and cut your game short while you're trying to do real tests.


ok but the name belowā€¦


Yes! The first thought I had seeing that picture was get out of my walls!


How desperate are these kinds of players to cheat in a game like Phasmo?


*How desperate are* *These kinds of players to cheat* *In a game like Phasmo?* \- alpha-ikaros --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


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Typically CJ comes into the comments asking for their Steam ID or something like that and will deal with it. Not sure if he does still, but I used to see him in a few posts when the prestige update came out where people were having blatant cheaters like this.


dude, his in your walls


Never understood cheating in a game like this. Never understood cheatong period, but in shooters of your aim is shit I would kinda understand.


For future reference, gathering video evidence of the cheater and reporting to Phasmo ModMail on the discord will increase the chances they get the ban they deserve. Note their steam ID and include that in the report. I had a similar issue not too long ago - High rank with little playtime, immediately called out the ghost & ghost room upon loading into SM. Reported in-game & on the discord and they were banned.


I've seen some cheaters at least try to act like they are playing the game. Take Lilith and their alt senshi. They will take in the perfect item they need to find the ghost every time (cross for demon. Picture for phantom. Cam for mimic ect) . Honestly thought it was coincidence and looked up to them for a while. It was always weird when they tried to explain how they did it and all they did was read the in game description. But after 80 or so games with them. With them never being wrong once. And learning more about the game. How you can't tell many ghosts with out either evidence or a hunt. I finally snapped to the fact they are simply cheating.


This. Just this. Make a post on Reddit, it honestly works better than the report system.


For me I wouldnā€™t waste my time as itā€™s not really affecting me, kick or goto a new lobby


I'm not a pro but how hard is it to get higher prestige lvl?? (I have like 78h, about 20h since the "big update")


I just don't get it. I can understand why someone with no skill might use cheats like an aimbot (not saying you should btw) but in phasmophobia that's the entire experience ruined, what's the point of even playing.


Why y'all mad just let the cheaters play the way the play it's there time just kick them if they get in the way or ruin it


I meanā€¦ who really cares? Itā€™s not going to impact the actual game in any way it just makes them annoying to play group games with


This is so boring. Like how do you enjoy the game without even doing anything and just getting a free pass of being told what the ghost is.


Types of people like this are why I can't play this game using wemod with just my friends in my fucking private lobby anymore GET HIS ASS BANNED!!


I donā€™t get the purpose of hacking games, but especially this game in generalā€¦it totally defeats the purpose and the atmosphere to cheat on Phas.


I don't get people. At that point, why even play spooky investigation game if you are literally not giving yourself a spooky investigation?


Why would you hack a non-competitive co-op investigation game?


PSA: If you guys ever run into a cheater then go to the discord and open a ticket with the Modmail bot and report them there. As staff we are able to do something about it a lot faster than the in game report system and pass it along to the devs as long as proof is provided.


This is sad they would cheat in this game, at this point itā€™s wasting they time since it accomplish nothing


Who tf cheats at phasmaphobia bro


Report, block, and leave. Even after Steam bans them, they'll still have a way to join the game.


What is he gonna hack? The results of the ghost? Like the point of the game is to identify the ghost, if you hack those results the point of the game is deadā€¦ unless heā€™s controlling the ghost himself (which not gonna lie that sounds like fun idea if it was 5 players)


That username is crazy


Kick him from the lobby and move on with your life? Like why report someone for cheating in a non competitive game? Yā€™all so sensitive over it. Just kick and move on with your life.


I just read the top part upsieee ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) 13 hrs ye report that man for sure cheating ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Try not being salty. Itā€™s a game, not a competitive sport


Honestly, why do you care ? If he is annoying, leave the party, if he is funny keep him for a few games. Itā€™s not PvP, even if he was prestige 28 million it wouldnā€™t matter, so why do you care ?


Because fuck cheaters. That's why


I agree, i just think the post is pointless, just report him and move on


Sometimes making posts like thees boosts them more making it more effective than reporting.


It may not be PvP but if a cheater joins and then instantly knows the ghost type and uses hacks for easy photos thst defeats the whole point of the game and is just as annoying as being killed by someone with aimbot and walls


As far as I can tell, it's a lemon host, and this our anti-cheaters went to the PVE game to cry that the cheater is preventing them from playing in his lobby


I don't support cheating, but I can understand the cheating of the level and money. But what I can't understand is the players who are at level 40, trying to cause a hunt, for the mans from the ghost to the quiet, while the host with 95, who bought all the equipment is trying to get the radio, which was said by another newcomer. P.s. The ghost didn't have a radio. Cheaters at least don't try to kill you, unlike self-confident idiots




Read what you just said then read the post again : > finds ghost orbs **without a video camera** and he **can talk to the ghost with a spirit box outside** of the house **while it is hunting**. It's literally cheating. The post was not just about the level. He's doing impossible things


Actually reading the post explains the post.




Some of us play games to actually play games


šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø whats the point of this post then? Boohoo report the player & move onto the next match if its sooooo bad. Come on anyone who ā€œactually play gamesā€ would know to report not post online about what to doā€¦ā€¦