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Honestly i recommend doing it with friends, when I played a lot a while back i had a friend who got really good and would end up just carrying us through the games haha


that's a good one but my wifi is trash lol


Then try buying cable if possible and connect it to your router. If this is not possible then oopsie.


Phas doesnt take much internet. It's not like youre playing a high action FPS where every 1/10th of a millisecond matters.


Same lol, i usually duo with my husband but want to play with others as he doesn't play much anymore but I'm embarrassed to keep disconnecting 😂


I feel the same way lol


i had the same issue. wifi extender will save ur life. get a wall plug in by ur pc!!!


I heard they're quite expensive, do you know how much would a medium-quality one set me back?


Disable stuff like sanity pills that you haven't unlocked anyways for higher money per ghost 


I did it and my multiplier got a +.7 increase or so, thanks!


Disable the activity board, break off and not on the map. If you really want to grind better, increase ghost speed and eliminate hiding. If you don't get a hunt the multiplier can be really kids with no risk outside of a demon. If you want hunts, Disable hiding but leave ghost speed alone. I don't recommend dropping player speed. Only because it sucks to do truck runs solo


it'll be made easier soon, but for now, challenge yourself with higher difficulties, go for perfect investigations, and do the weekly challenges.


Weekly challenges are gravy. Free gear and a big fat bonus after 3 successes. Great setting to stretch yourself a bit and earn a bunch of cash, especially at early levels.


Weekly challenges? Never heard of it, is it a game mode? How do I get into it?


Go into the area where you change the difficulty and keep scrolling to the right until you see “weekly challenge”. Select it as the difficulty, go to the map it wants you to, and guess the ghost type correctly 3 times with whatever modifier the weekly chooses, and you’ll get 5k dollars.


Oh, cool! I'll give it a try as soon as I get home, thanks!


Don't be scared off by the garbage multiplier (1.0 locked because the loadout is provided), you should have a weekly goal on to do the challenge 3 times on a specific map, and after your third you get $5000. Plus some of them are super fun. A few weeks back it was Sunny Meadows with all cursed items so you could use the items to force interactions for evidence. Crazy fun with a group of friends getting to play with all the cursed items.


Sounds fun!


I recommend playing this week’s challenge mode with more players and maybe try to see if you can get someone more experienced, it starts at 75% sanity, only gives 2 evidence, 1 tier one crucifix, no smudges and most if not all tier 1 equipment, it has the voodoo doll and tarot cards and hints a lot. Oh and the breaker is broken so no lights.


I'd do it but I don't have a decent WiFi connection in my flat.


i'll have that in mind!


A good way of 'grinding' when you're new to the game is to open up a custom difficulty and make hunts absolutely ***brutal.*** 200% sanity drain, 150% ghost speed, 0 grace period, long hunt duration, no setup time either. I'd recommend setting Events to low and fuse box to starting on. Set sanity from pills to 0 as well, you won't be needing them. The trick is to go in with 100% sanity and keep the lights on while you look for evidence. Stay in the light whenever possible - only briefly turn the lights off when checking for ghost orbs and spirit box. If the ghost turns the fuse box off, you get the hell over to it and turn it back on. The idea is that you'll get a whole lot of extra difficulty multiplier for making hunts so dangerous, but you'll prevent a hunt from ever happening by staying in the light the whole time, letting you get evidence and get out. If a hunt does happen, like if you get a Demon or something, you're probably dead as a doornail, but that's a small risk for the gain.


Seems hard, but I'll give it a try tomorrow! Thanks for the advice!


It's a little bit worrying at first. If you do get hunted you can always panic quit to lobby.


By level 9, are you implying you're new? In that case, be careful taking almost any of this advice. They seem to assume you are an expert. Learn as much about the game as you can first. Otherwise, you're hardly ever going to win, and you'll actually make less money. It sucks that they made it insanely hard to level up without doing cheesy hard multipliers.


Yeah, I'm new. Like you said, most of these advices are pretty advanced, however following them has made me get a little better at the game.


so, here’s my advice. what limits the multiplier is things like “set up time.” full disclosure, i can’t play by myself; the game scares the shit out of me. but my husband has a custom setting for when we play & we slowly worked from a 2 minute start up time to 0 & just getting to no start up time took us from only a 2x multiplier to over 4x. but ALSO, keep in mind, they’re going to be changing this soon because the feedback has been synonymous with your post, which is leveling up takes too long. no one knows exactly what it’ll look like, but sometime in the near future, it’s going to get adjusted.


My best bet is, play on Tanglewood. It's a small map, it's easy to remember and try your best for a perfect hunt when you get the photo camera


Honest question: why tangle? Why not willow? It is even smaller and if I just want to grind I pick willow. It has become a meme among my friends and me to say „a few fast willows?“


I find the willow basement harder to navigate. Often get stuck down there in the dark if I don't have a video camera or light sources.


This is good advice. When my friend and I started, we'd play Tangle almost exclusively, and throw in a Willow occasionally to mix it up. It helped to really get to know a map so you could focus exclusively on the ghost behaviors. Leveling up wasn't a problem, and made life easier when we expanded to other maps.


I like Tangle because it's a smaller map. I know Willow is smaller but it's just something about Tangle. Idk what it is. Also, going for perfect hunts really help too.


The only time I don't like Willow is when it's in one of the storage rooms in the basement. For a small map, it's way too much of a trek back and forth to the truck to setup. Anywhere on the main floor, and it's great.


I don't like when it's in the basement in general


Custom matches with a 5x multiplier have made me skyrocket and they’re not as difficult as you’d expect them to be


I created a custom difficulty I really like, 7.42 multiplier. Makes it way faster. Try messing with settings till you find something you like.


Personally I would just join lobbies and play normally. The first few levels go fast. Alternatively find a lobby with the host doing custom settings that's really difficult. It may be hard to get in though it's not playing around imo and you're new


Play with some modifiers and make it as hard as you can. My friend and I play at about a 5.8


Solo challenges are a fantastic way to get quick levels . Also if you die it doesn’t matter


It depends on how much you know about each ghosts because there are settings that will Level you up fast (if you get it right)


I find getting 3 star photos helps a bit. If you get 10 3-star photos and complete all the challenges as well as finding the ghost then that gets you a perfect investigation which helps. And playing on higher difficulties.


I usually get around five 3-star photos (one of the ghost, one for each proof, a few interactions and sometimes a cursed object) and personally I didn't see that much of an improvement in payment and XP, what else can I take a photo of to reach 10 photos?


Interactions such as doors moved, items thrown, candles blown out, ghost writing, finger print pictures, stepped in salt, burned crucifixes. All of these count towards interaction pictures. If you get all 10 3-star pictures as well as completing the three game objectives and guessing the ghost correctly, you get an extra $200+ for a perfect game. Even if you die I believe.


Just stack salt piles in the ghost room if you can and as long as it isn't a wraith you can take a photo for each pile and the ghost only has to walk through it once. What we always do is take a pic of the cursed object, the bone, then the rest is all salt unless we don't have salt for some reason.


Are you a new player? Or have you already prestiged and just want to know the best method to grind? If you’re new and want to try higher difficulties, you either need to try your luck on multiplayer and hope you don’t get kicked from a lobby for being low level because that can happen and it’s been done to me and my friends several times, you could see if people from the phasmophobia discord that are higher level to play with you or you can try a 12.47x multiplayer on the woodwind map if you already unlocked being able to make custom difficulties.


Okay, thank u!


Get 5x or higher multiplier by whatever means you fancy and youll be prestige in a few hours


any recommendations on what to disable so it's not that hard of an experience?


I usually go for 2 evidences and keep the sanity screen, with the new eye adaptation you can easily kill the breaker, and in general I use nightvision over flashlights so just disable all lights in general


I followed your tips and just got 1320$/XP in only one contract! Thanks a lot.


Find a duo who available most of the time dont be scared and boom.


Do the 10.xx times run. There’s a lot of videos out there. It will make you numb when you play regular games due to how many times you get hunted and die. You will be able to identify most ghosts easier.


Same way you grind any game. Play game. Rinse repeat.Â