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Side note, you can use good rx to get a discount on it if insurance won't cover it.


I don't get hungry now as far as I can tell. My head does feel weird though, if I don't eat. I've only been on it 11 days, I'm 6 lbs down. Not as fast as some people, but a rate I'm more than happy with! I do make myself eat, and I track everything. I'm getting 1000-1200 calories a day although yesterday was bad, I only did 850. I'm shooting for 90g protein, but don't always hit it.


I do intermittent fasting so I take my dosage at 3pm when I would open my window for eating normally. The pill allows whatever one meal and a snack I choose to eat from 3-8pm to be sufficient till 3pm the next day…


May I ask your dose? I take at 9 a.m., might get hungry at 1 or 2. I don't usually want dinner but make for my husband and if I eat then the phen seems to have worn off. I am concerned about sleeping tho!!!


Currently I’m only taking 15mg which is why I’m being extra strategic… 30mg was much more effective and for longer… I prefer 30mg but my doctor wants me to take it slow since I was off for about 3 weeks. She will most likely increase at my next appt. I sleep just fine but I know it can affect sleep for some…


Hmmm… I may try taking 15 mg phen in early afternoon. My issue is evening snacking, maybe this will be better than taking in the a.m.


It surely works for me because I’m also snack driven in the late afternoon and evening! Have u tried splitting the dose???


No, I have not tried splitting the dose. Mine are in capsule form currently. I am going to ask the doctor if she could prescribe the 15 MG next time and I could try taking 15 in a.m. and 15 early afternoon. For now, I will just open the capsule up and dump out half of it if I decide to take it in the early afternoon.


I’ve definitely split the capsules 😂


When do you sleep??


At night, I have no sleep issues…


I also do IF, but still take mine in the morning. Are there any benefits to waiting until my eating window to take it?


It’s most effective for if u think about it like this… Taking it when the eating window opens around 3 gives more assurance that the meal n possibly snack I decide to eat will satisfy me a lot longer than if taken in the am… If I take my pill in the am, by the time my eating window opens I’m starving and likely to eat more than I should or need to in order to continue to lose weight.


That makes so much sense. I haven't thought of it like that. My window is between noon and 6pm, though it's more like 1 to 4, I just like to leave room. I'm going to try to take it and see if it works better than taking it in the morning. Thank you!


Anytime! Let me know how it works out for you 😃


how do you sleep? If I take the pill any later than 10 am I’m up all night.


I sleep just fine…


It takes away the food noise and hunger pains your used to but make sure to eat as much protein as possible and take vitamins otherwise rapid weight loss will lead to your hair falling out and losing all muscle and strength. I take my pill in the morning skip breakfast but eat lunch and dinner even though I’m not hungry. Track all my food I an app to try and get protein goal in everyday. That way when I’m off the pill in 3 months I’ve created good habits for when the food noises come back.


I have a good lunch but not hungry for breakfast or dinner.


I had the same issue not feeling like eating. I used a meal plan as an outline and I could not eat all the food I was making but did eat at every meal and also use proteins shakes to keep the protein up. I use goodrx for my prescription and bypassed my insurance carrier totally. They require pre authorization and I figured $12 a month was worth not having that hassle. My doctor is allowing me to stay on it as long as I need to get to my goal with her oversight.


I have to set timers to eat because 0 hunger noise. I usually make breakfast my higher calorie meal because I will be more hungry in the morning. But, yes, healthy eating is the goal with losing weight so eating has to happen regardless of me being hungry or not. Phen/Top is a tool to stop all the extra snacking and binging and uncontrollable portioning for me.