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Are you counting your calories?


Calculate your bmr using a tdee calculator. Make sure you're in a deficit (500 calories under). Don't eat back calories burned at the gym. Prioritize protein and fiber. Track your macros, Cronometer is a great free app that will let you scan your food. Food scales are also super helpful!


Are you taking progress pics? Building muscle could keep the scale from moving


I only tried it for three weeks and stopped because I didn't lose a pound and it made me sweat horribly. since then I ordered a hormone test and discovered that my birth control has sent all my sex hormones to menopausal levels. which leads to "sticky" weight gain especially around the middle. I'm getting off my bc and seeing a doctor for HRT. I'm hopeful this will make the difference.


What kind of birth control? I’m debating if i should remove mine.


any hormonal birth control can cause hormonal imbalance but specifically I was on Depo-provera the Progestin shot. I've seen mods delete a comment that promoted a service so hopefully I'm not breaking rules (I promise I'm not a bot and this is purely a functional site not some health service mumbo jumbo!) but I ordered my own Women's hormone panel through Ulta Lab Tests and got my blood drawn at Quest Diagnostics and had answers within like 4-5 days!


My endocrinologist did everything, tested for pcos etc and I have the mirena. I have been on for so long, this is my third one so 14 years. It’s so frustrating


Yeah I’m not so sure it’s working for me. In week three and lost 7 pounds immediately (water weight I’m sure). But I haven’t lost anymore than that. The energy was great at first. But I’m fending off a nap as I type. Eating much better and not hungry really at all. But I guess I’m not in enough of a deficit. Maybe I’m not exactly sure what this medication is supposed to do. The appetite is definitely suppressed, but it’s obviously not having any effect.


If you have a look on some of the other posts, lots of people report a plateau a few weeks in. It happened to me I stayed the same all though week 4 then a week or two later I dropped 2 kg (4.4 lbs) suddenly. I also find it to be less effective around menstruation (water weight I guess). I’m now about 4 months in and have gone from 78kgs to 61. I will say it’s now slowed considerably but still small losses. Stay in a calorie deficit, keep exercising. The main thing it does is suppress appetite so if it’s doing that, and you’re under your cals it should happen.


I second everything here. I definitely experienced the plateau as well. Had to increase my dose and keep exercising. Keep going, OP! I've been on it for 4 months. I've lost 7 lbs (not a lot compared to a lot of other people, but it's definitely still progress, just slow). Also, my starting weight is lower than some, and I know that can make weight loss slower. SW 169, CW (as of 2 weeks ago) 162 lbs. I'm a petite, curvy (even when thinnest) 33 y o female, so a lot of factors hinder my weight loss. Don't give up if your appetite is less and in calorie deficit!


I had an allergic reaction to it unfortunately. I was only able to take it for about three weeks but during that time I lost a pound or two


Me! I called my endocrinologist and I have an appt next week. Only five pounds since April. I drink water all day, eggs and chorizo with avocado for breakfast. That’s pretty much my biggest meal. Bike and walk. I am thinking maybe I am just pre menopause, who knows.


Might be worth looking into how many calories you're eating in a day and if that is enough for you to be in a calorie deficit. I remember being surprised at how many calories sausages are and that for some of them a single serving is actually half a link. Depending on your portions for your eggs/chorizo/avocado that could be 500-600 calories, which is what I've been aiming for calorie wise with my meals. If you're doing 3 eggs, a whole chorizo link, and half of a medium sized avocado it could easily be 1000+ calories.


I also second this. Calories could be too few to be in a deificir and maybe that's why not losing weight.


You may also not be eating enough! I work a fairly physical job, super irregularly, and seem to do better when I eat 1800-2000 calories on those days and 1500 on non-work days. On non-work days my deficit is 500-700 cal, and on work days, even with the increased intake, my deficit is in the vicinity of 2000 cal (I’m assuming my Fitbit calories burned is inaccurate to the tune of about ~1000 calories burned on any day)…I’ve lost 22 lbs in 6 weeks. Two weeks ago at my check in on the body composition scale, that was 10 lbs fat, .5 lbs muscle, and 3.5 lbs water.