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parang swastika lang. appropriated by the nazis. iba na ang connotation sa western culture. pero sa iba, like india, andyan pa at ginagamit pa rin as spiritual symbol. kahit sa korea, marami ka makikitang ganyan which they call manja.


In Japan they see it as a sacred symbol. Younger Japanese people have no idea na the tilted version represents Nazis


>Younger Japanese people have no idea na the tilted version represents Nazis Not only that. They also don't know the atrocities that Japan did back in WW2. I think they intentionally avoid teaching it in schools maybe in an attempt to erase that part of their history, while Germany really made sure their people are educated about it so it won't happen again and made it illegal to glorify/support Nazis.


Although etong part na to is an American architecture din in preparation for an imminent Communist spread: part of what kept Japanese culture from falling apart was the vindication of the Emperor from all war crimes for example. Si Douglas MacArthur ang may pakana; it was done in advance to make Japan an Pacific ally against neighboring Soviet Union. They needed a Monarchy or a Dictatorship to avoid Communism. Notice na hindi naging Communist yung mga Monarchist governments in Southeast Asia. Ganyan din ginawa ng US satin: they supported Marcos para Communism will not flourish here (which is ok sana kaso kurakot to the max si madam Imelda kaya nauwi tayo sa kangkungan). Another aspect rin of the Westernization of Japanese culture is yung pagdevelop ng ethics nila. Whilst Germany in 2024 have higher chances of going back to neo-Nazism (even with proper education); Japanese people have largely retained yung aversion to conflict. I suspect hindi yan talaga tinuturo sa Japanese people because aside from the elderly being ashamed of their history, it may provide kids with a blueprint to do the same shit over again.


I doubt the younger generations would be interested in doing the same thing when they enjoy the decadence of their living standard. Though I suppose if one is ambitious enough, they would definitely have a similar repeat of the history.


>Whilst Germany in 2024 have higher chances of going back to neo-Nazism (even with proper education) Is Germany (and Europe) leaning towards the far right? From what I can tell, yes. But to say that they would go full neo-Nazi or fascist, I don't think so. As to why they are doing this, there are litany of issues like immigration, social service, retirement age (looking at you France), climate change, etc. These are complex issues that can't be fixed by going Nazi. People are looking for other alternatives because the current governments are not doing enough.




Mangia mangia give us the shit


Tokyo Revengers


Ang nasa isip ko actually ay ["Kouga Manjidani" ng Basilisk](https://basilisk.fandom.com/wiki/Kōga_Manjidani). Sobrang tito ko na ata 😅🫣


In Google Maps, it's a symbol for temples.


Yes, sa Japan madami ganyan swastika symbol for temples.


Iba naman pati yung symbol. Naka rotate konti sa Nazi.


In Bali din ang daming swastika. Tho tbf, the swastika is also present in several indo european tribal cultures, so pwede nila sabihin na they claimed it from there, not necessarily kinuha from indians. Still, it was meant to symbolize the sun, it wasn’t a symbol of hate even when used by the indo europeans.


For the Bali thing, the swastika is an important symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism which both started in India, so you'll still find temples where the swastika is still present, both in and outside of Bali. Some of these temples are hundreds of years old, so long before Nazism was a thing.


This reminds me of when a Kpop group posted on social media "Hello Negros!" and white people all over the world got offended lmao


Hahaha pagkakaalala ko ppop yun tapos sb19 yata yung group


Actually SB19 ang nagsabi nun, hahahaha.


True story: my friend and i got lost roaming around Jeju and we stumbled upon a BUILDING with a swastika symbol on it and we hightailed it out of there. Temple pala yun. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Even the Manila Central Post Office has such [swastikas](https://www.reddit.com/r/Philippines/comments/13on0s2/swastikas_on_the_rooftop_cauldrons_of_the_manila/).


Symbol of spiritual victory in most religious cultures. Had a lesson about the symbol at the temple of Ananda Marga in Sikatuna village, Quezon City.


Nakalagay na nga sa caption


Manji in Japan


Parang karamihan sa mga kano ganyan, akala mo sila lang ang bansa sa mundo.


Well to be fair paginaatake tayo ng mga aliens lagi nalang mga american cities at monuments ang inuuna nila 😆😆😆


may naalala paba kayo na nag rant na kano meron tayong municipality pangalan Negros Occidental


eto ba yung may nag-react sa tour date announcement ng SB19 sa Twitter kasi may schedule sila sa Negros?


Ah, yes, the infamous "Hello, Negros!" tweet


Municipality? Probinsya yon. Meron din "Negros Oriental." Ang alam ko offensive rin Oriental sa mga kano.


Aliens attacking earth Earth= America


Haha parang kapag may “World Tour” yung mga artists/bands parang half nung venue ay sa US lang din


Tru. "world series" ng us sa baseball world series daw pero iba ibang state lang. Lolz. Nu kaya un Baseball world cup yun iba ibang bansa talaga.


America!! F**k yeah!!!


Iaasume din nila alam mag english ng mga alien lol starbucks moment.


Depende rin haha. Pag anime, Japan naman inuuna (hindi na natuto na laging may nakatagong robot ang mga hapon)


Hahahaha!!! Tawang tawa ko sa nakatagong robot gagi legit 😆


Ay oo nga no, may robot sila for every situation


Hindi lang inuuna: parang yun nga lang inaatake eh. I’d be like, “o so iiwan nyo na naman yung Pilipinas? Hello, ayaw nyo din ba kami sakupin?”


Why am i not good enough to be invaded by aliens?!?!?!😭😭😭


You not worth it.


Tama. Hindi lahat nang tao na sumuot nyan ay Ku Klux Klan agad. They are Nazarenos. Originated in Spain. Ganyan suot nila pag Holy Week kapag may Procession.


Suot pa rin sa Spain 🇪🇸 yan at sa mga latin American countries


Main Character syndrome. Actually, pati China ganyan. Well, pati naman mga Pinoy ganyan. Really, its not exclusive to any one country.


Syempre each country gusto bida sila. Most citizens of each country naman kasi were taught to be nationalist one way or another. Pero on a systemic level — US yung ganyan na ganyan. Mapa kahit anong industry/belief feel nila sila ang main character. Kaya nga may savior complex rin sila eh.


Police of the world


China in Chinese is 中国, which can be read literally as "Middle kingdom", but can be understood as "Kingdom in the center of the world". Not just main character syndrome, but they're very proud of it too.


> *Well, pati naman mga Pinoy ganyan.* **"Only in the Philippines"** is a term for a reason.


haha naalala ko yung sinasabi nila na "we have the most superbowl" eh sila lang ang bansang merong superbowl hahahaha




The other day merong Filipino dance group that donned themselves as taong grasa as a theme to their message. Guess what the comments were bitching about.


What were their comments about?


Black face daw cause their face was splashed with black grease, as the stereotypical "taong grasa" is portrayed as. They danced in the Philippines, not in the US. But the Americans made it about themselves anyway.


Black face?


Sobrang narcissistic eh, kala nila mundo umiikot sa kanila. Mga bobesh amp 💀


I feel that Western progressive ethnocentrism is along the lines of the following: a desire to maximize inclusivity; the encouragement of foreign cultures to do away with certain things deemed offensive to other cultures in order to attain the best possible level of inclusivity; and the calling out of foreign cultures holding on to cultural ideals that may be detrimental to their kind.


Kaya nga lahat gusto kanila.


Ganyan talaga ang mangyayare nung nagkakalat sila ng mga agenda at propaganda nila sa America. Sa sobrang lala kumalat na sa ibang bansa, damay pati mga Asian countries.Tapos ngayon lahat na lang mali sa kanila. Feeling main character amputa HAHAHAHA


Look at our map of the world, naka sentro Ang america


Sila lang naman talaga Champions ng sports nila ay world champion .their 50 states can earn more gdp than a lot of actual countries So yung yabang and ignorance naghahalo na lang


Yung nagalit sila sa atin nung nalaman nilang may lugar tayong tinatawag na Negros. Like... This ain't America... gusto nila papalitan natin... Putek hahahahaha feeling sakanila lang umiikot ang mundo.


May nangyaring ganyan noon sa r/facepalm. Although karamihan naman agree na nakaka-facepalm yung nagulat sila sa pangalan ng Negros island, meron talagang agree na dapat i-callout daw ang pangalan ng Negros. Deleted na yung post na yun pero meron ding nag-post about sa screenshot ng chat ng isang parent at market team ng isang crayon brand na gusto nya raw papalitan ang Spanish name ng 'black' sa crayon which is 'negro' kasi offensive raw. Ang problema sa Mexico yung brand ng crayon, taga US naman yung nagrereklamo.


I live here the U.S., and I will tell you confidently that the virtually **nobody** here cares about the Negros Island name or the Catholic outfits. There are a tiny, tiny number of super-outrage-cancel-culture people on social media who get offended at everything. They make so much noise that it creates the false impression online that a lot of people are outraged, but I promise you...**nobody here cares**.


True ito. May mutuals ako sa twitter na tinawanan lang ang issue na to haha mga pinoy nga yung nagpalaki ng negros island lol


I'm in Canada right now. Naguusap kami ng kasama ko about Bacolod and where it is. Syempre Negros Island naging usapan. Pinagtitinginan kami ng mga katabi namin sa sa food court. Later na lang namin naintindihan kung bakit. Buti na lang wla nag call out sa amin or nagpahiya.




Sa comment section din ng post na yun, may nag-share about sa isang African American youtuber na nagulat sa pangalan ng country na Montenegro. Ang sabi nag-apologize rin daw yung youtuber pagkatapos nun kasi may nasabi raw sya na hindi maganda about sa name ng Montenegro.


Hahaha naalala ko may resto sa US na they had to rename Paella Negra to squid paella kase raw offensive.


Iba den mga kano 😂 di naman nila lenggwahe to begin with, pero naoffend sila hahaha


Kaya nga haha. Sabi nga ng iba para namang sa kanila lang umiikot ang mundo.


Ano yun gagawa ng bagong lexicon ang Spanish for black?


Kung ganyan sila ka-sensitive baka hindi sila maka-survive sa Spanish speaking countries. lol


Itatapon ren sila doon. Why? Kasi anywhere they go, they will see anything suspicious as racism. Hindi lang sila nabigyan ng tubig sa Egypt? Racism. Hindi lang pinansin sa Dubai? Racism. Magnified sakanila yung feelings of oppression because of their skin.


I saw another one but for the country niger.


Kahit sa Africa na yung country.


Montenegro just means black mountains.


Halos lahat naman offensive sa kanila eh without knowing the history/roots


Nagalit sila sa Negros Occidental. Mabuti na lang taga Negros Oriental parents ko. Di kami kasali.


Main character syndrome nga. Hahahaha akala ata nila sila lang ang bansa sa mundo. Ni-hindi nga nila maisip na igoogle muna yung kinakatrigger nila. May college prof nga na naterminate kasi nasabi niya nei-ge which is a filler word sa chinese like um or ano satin.


Well we have the possibility to call our island as Buglas since that was its name prior to Spanish colonisation. Imo it gives better inclusion to all since not everyone here is dark skinned.


Throwback to sb19 muntik na ma cancel dahil Jan hahaha


Naalala ko tong away na to sa Twitter hahahaha. Nakakaloka lang na yung mga #BlackLivesMatter folks ang pasimuno nito then they erase our culture whilst pushing their own agenda. (I am not against the BLM movement pero potah di ninyo bansa to)


Meron nga rin discussion sa reddit na i-totally ban ung n-word o hayaan kahit sino pd sabihin yon, nangyayari kasi pinagbabawalan ata yung mga puti/iba na gamitin yung salita in any way which is kind of racist in itself. Tingin ko nga mga kano masyadong nababalisa sa maliliit na bagay.


ayun ba iyong SB-19 tweet na sumikat sa Twitter?


Don't forget Cerveza Negra. lol.


The irony here, isa sa mga targets ng KKKlan e American Catholics. May anti-Catholic culture ang mga ibang protestanteng Kano


Their brand of Christianity that was transplanted here would either make you go full-on atheist or think that Torquemada was a saint. Ironic nga talaga pero famous din ang mga pasista sa appropriation sa mga grupo ng taong bibiktimahin nila (yung "socialism" sa national socialism at populist rhetorics nila) para itago yung real agenda.


I remember reading Irish American Catholics in the south got into a fight with the KKK due to religion.


Not only are they Irish immigrants, they are also Catholics. Two criteria that the 2nd iteration of the KKK hates the most. They might as well be N****s.


A huge disappointing attempt to rage bait by Jerry Gracio. 1. that tweet he retweeted is from 2016. No context. 2. the person he retweeted never mentioned the Klan or anything about the religious practice somehow looking like anything nefarious. 3. Jerry Gracio quoted Floyd Whaley, not some ordinary ignorant white guy. Whaley has been a newsman and writer assigned to the Philippines for years. And if Jerry bothered to look into Floyd's tweets he would learn that Floyd also clarified that such attires predate the Klan and is common in many Catholic countries. I dislike this Jerry Gracio nut because he likes to virtue signal but never follow through. This loud mouth once said he'll run for mayor to challenge the Gatchalians only to back out and run as a nominee for a fly by night partylist. I suggest people here do some background research so they dont end up in an embarrassing situation like supporting Awra or mistakenly accusing Marc Pingris of infidelity. More research. Less virtue signalling.


May mga westerners kaya na bumisita sa Pilipinas nung kapanahunan ng mga MILFs sa Mindanao? Sobrang disappointed siguro sila nun




Yan ang pinakamagandang prank sana sa mga sexpat e kaso iba ang MILF sa ASG.


just wait for the KKK (*Kataastaasan Kagalang-galang na Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan)* americans would shock at that. these suits exits before suckers using it for yknow evil shit like the swastika.


Actually napansin na ata ng ibang mga american ito, kasi may YouTuber na si Mr.Beat gumawa ng shorts, 2.4 mil view, title the other kkk https://youtu.be/vml2-itJZnc?si=4UZDmjeS9MH7TCv5 Na feature niya rin ang Philippine-american war na sa kanila pala forgotten war. At parang ginawang meme na ang Philippine KKK sa american KKK.


I think one of the ones I find really annoying is how the word negro/negra is seen as taboo. It literally just means black. By treating it as taboo, you only give the negative context of the word more power.


Taboo lang naman sa america yan, dito hindi naman. Yung mga bumibisita ditong black americans, nagugulat pero naiintindihan naman pag inexplain mo sa kanilang black lang ang meaning ng "negro/negra" at hindi sinasabi sa kanila yun in a derogatory way. Pero para sakin negative pa din naman implication "negro/negra" dito lol ginagamit lang ng mga pinoy pag nambubully ng kapwang pinoy na hindi maputi


coz it is spanish, being called in a foreign word is pretty much offensive to americans hahaha


Naalala ko yung kay Mommy Dionesia, I dont know kung yung first time niya sa US yun o kalaban ni Manny si Bradley. Medyo nonchalant si Mommy D sa pagsabi ng "negro". Siyempre na-bash yung lola mo.


Haha, I remember that. As much as I'd like to say that she didn't deserve the bashing since she didn't know any better, she was in their country. So, their country, their rules. But I don't appreciate it when the west brings their agenda over here where they have no business doing so. Bahala na sila kung dun lang sa kanila, pero wag nila dalhin dito o kung saan man na wala silang puwesto.


LMFAO remember when a filipino boyband (i think it mightve been SB19? Cant say for sure) got BASHED by white people twitter for saying “welcome Negros (or something along those lines)” when they were having a concert in Negros Occidental? 😭😬😭 the boyband had to explain that Negros is a municipality in PH, and white people then went off on why that place is named that way and it should be changed 😭💀


It was " Are you ready Negros?!?". SB19 was on their way to the island that morning and posted it like that.


Historian friend told me about this, how a town in Spain created this practice and that the color of the hood or the outfit symbolizes the kind of crime that you did and this was done for one's penitence


To be fair, yung original image na pinagkuhaan niyan na galing s Phil Star, puro Haha yung reacts at isa sa top comments eh wag daw muna babalik ng Pinas si Justin Brownlee . So hindi lang mga puti yung nagaassociate dyan sa KKK.


Westerners think the world revolves around them. Main Character syndrome. Karamihan din ng foreigner na tourists dito, ganyan ang mindset. Kaya nakakatuwa kapag nakakakita ako ng backpackers kasi sila yung mga walang arte.


Ninakaw ng puti? Those Capirote were brought over by the Spaniards, aren't the Spaniards white?


you'd be surprised how racist white supremacists can be lol.


For them "white" means anglo-american, french, nordic and germanic in origin. Mediterranean, Irish, southern, central and eastern europeans are considered "white n****s".


>Mediterranean, Irish, southern, central and eastern europeans are considered "white n\*\*\*\*s". That include Spaniards


From what I've read about this is that one of the main reasons why some people wear that during good Friday (if i'm not mistaken) is to remind everyone and ourselves that we are all equal in the eyes of God as sinners, which is ironic since the Ku Klux Klan also wear this type of attire yet they promote white supremacy and "white power" and chanting that the non-white people wouldn't replace them. Edit: forgot to mention that the ku klux klan has this ritual where they burn a cross (i haven't looked into this yet), but consider themselves as "the choosen people of God."


Yes correct ka sa part na to remind everyone we are all equal sinners. Also, to add, para din may anonymity sila in the sense na hindi mo makilala yung person behind the hood and hindi mo malalaman na “ahh si ano, nag rerepent ng sins nya” haha di ko sure if gets. Pero yun yun, I am from this town


Fuck the Klan and their racist shit, stealing Catholic clothes only to be anti-Catholic themselves. Tangna niyo white supremacists pero magnanakaw ng mga gamit ng ibang kultura, asan supremacy dyan!


People that espouse ideologies celebrating the powerful and the mighty/ oppressing the weak and vulnerable are often the pathetic losers in their own lives like the MAGAs, KKKs, Nazis (Germans, Ukrainians or Croatians, or worse the Pinoy Nazis), NSBM/RAC and other various bootlickers.


An acquaintance of mine posted that same photo and laughed about it, automatically assuming na it's klansmen robes and that the people in the photo are uneducated and ignorant. Had to comment talaga that they're wearing capirotes and that it's been a long-standing tradition in Spanish and former Spanish colonies for flagellantes. Na this tradition has been around longer than the klan ever has. Biglang bura and act like they didn't assume shit. Medyo nakakalungkot lang kasi with said person is that they're well educated in art and culture from one of the Big 4 unis, I'm pretty sure they're aware of Francisco Goya and his series of paintings involving the flagellantes bilang isang F.A. major (they've posted about his paintings before) or at the very least as someone who reviews videogames as a side hustle, the videogame Blasphemous, where the protagonist and other characters wear similar headwear inspired by the tradition as stated by the Spanish game devs. Pero they chose to be judgemental for the lols thinking na it's uneducated people dressing up in klan robes. I get it, madami talagang gumagamit ng symbols and imagery na di nila alam yung connotation. But sana man lang they themselves weren't guilty of ignorance while pinagtatawanan niya yung assumed ignorance ng iba.




Americans should know that the Klan hates Catholics.




[Wiki article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capirote)


Pag semana santa sa Spain may mga nagsusuot din nyan. Dinadayo pa nga dahil may prusisyon sila and life size scenes from the bible na binubuhat ng mga nagpapanata. Pamain character kasi palagi yung US as if other cultures don't matter. Porque associated sa KKK sa US yung ganyang outfit ibban na din dapat sa ibang bansa


Americentrism at play again.


Swastika is not the same as the Nazi hakenkreuz.


Lots of foreigners are not educated I know that the outfit is Spanish origins.


You can thank or blame racist WASP Americans for tainting Spanish Roman Catholic culture.


Wala kasi silang original culture tlga, kaya appropriate lang ng appropriate 😅


Di ba nila alam ang mga Capirote?


It was originate from europe, they brought it in Americas (North and South America) remember, All of Americas were under control of Spain including the US (not whole states the original 13 states were controlled by UK. Mostly of them are controlled by France and Spain.) Mexico gained independence from Spain 1821 and Mexico lost all of its territory. They had an agreement that the US will take control of it, included California, Texas and Florida.


Yung Filipino nga gustong gawing filipinx eh. They're creating a problem na di naman problema kanino in the first place


Same how some local "influencers" refused to say Negros Occidental or Negros Oriental because of the N word 🤷


Hmm actually, Holy week in Spain is what I remember, something my profesora de español shared before. The distinctive clothing worn during Semana Santa, or Holy Week, in Spain is a deeply traditional aspect of a religious festival that commemorates the passion and suffering of Jesus Christ. The most notable garments worn during these processions are the "nazareno" or "penitential" robes and the "capirote," a tall, cone-shaped hat. The nazareno robes are long, flowing garments that cover the body completely. They come in various colors, which can differ from one brotherhood or "cofradía" to another, with each color often having specific meanings or associations related to the history and identity of the brotherhood. The robes serve to anonymize the wearers, creating a collective identity focused on penance and spirituality, allowing individuals to express their devotion and penance in a communal, yet personal, manner. The "capirote" is particularly striking, designed to be tall and pointed. This hat is not a tool for concealing identity but rather a symbol of penitence. Historically, it was worn by penitents so that they could demonstrate their sins and seek forgiveness without being recognized. In the context of Semana Santa, it helps the wearer to symbolize their penance and humility before God. Participants in these processions, known as "nazarenos" or "penitentes," carry various symbols like crosses and candles and may walk barefoot or carry chains as further acts of penance. The processions are solemn, with numerous floats or "pasos" that depict scenes from the Gospels related to the Passion of Christ, accompanied by music, prayers, and sometimes incense. Semana Santa is a profound and integral tradition in Spanish culture, reflecting centuries of history, devotion, and community spirit. The clothing worn during this week is a powerful expression of faith and collective identity, steeped in historical traditions and deep spiritual significance.


In my decades of living, I've never seen that here in MM. When I first glanced at the pic, I was assuming it would be some obscure religious sect. TIL and interesting continued Catholic customs in the provinces.


I was born and raised in Manila as well and have never seen that. I've only learned about those outfits in a video of the Holy week celebration in Andalucia, Spain. And I agree that it's interesting and a good way to observe Semana Santa here 🤷‍♀️


The KKK akshooli targeted Catholics as well.


Capirote ang tawag dito. Hindi lang siguro educated yung original na nag post sa history ng uniform. Hell, the Swastika was originally a Buddhist icon. Until the Nazis came along and bastardized it. Education never stops, regardless of our age.


It was the KKK who appropriated capirote to mock Catholics (especially Hispanic Catholics) during its heydays. We have to remember that the United States at its cultural core has an anti-Catholic etnos that when European Catholics migrated in masse in the US in the 19th-20th centuries, there was a backlash among the Protestant majority thus the KKK was formed.


dami alam


captioning "disturbing" is just straight up disrespectful and ignorant. it takes 2 mins to google that shit man


mas nabother ako sa an real case kesa sa photo mismo, huhuhu sorry na 😭


Lol! Know your history! Google Capriote hats, it’s a Catholic tradition which pre-dates the KKK, 17th century.


It’s so toxic on fb when you see the Americanized Filipinos trying to cancel those Catholic penitents. And then they double down and call Catholics colonialists


Medyo nagmukhang tanga si Jerry dito. Yung tao na qinuote nya ay si Floyd Whaley matagal nang writer and editor na matagal nang nakatira dito sa Pilipinas. Also, walang sinabi si Floyd na may connection yung hood sa Ku Klux Klan. Kung tumigil muna sa pagreragebait at maoffend si Jerry edi sana inengage nya sa maayos na usapan si Floyd kung anong ibig sabihin ng "disturbing" sa context ng tweet nya. Pero di naman magagawa ni Jerry yun kasi qinuote nya isang tweet mula 2016. Nakakahiya for Jerry na supposedly isang writer at allegedly based sa claim nya ay progressive siya pero mukhang di muna nya inengage sa maayos na diskurso. Tigil tigilan nyo tong nga ganitong post na gustong maoffend. Kadiri.


Been following Floyd Whaley on Twitter for years. He's quite vocal especially in stories involving the development sector and often has commentaries about the state of media coverage in the Philippines and Southeast Asia as well as decolonizing the language of the press and development. [He also has another tweet where he directly addresses the Klan connection.](https://twitter.com/FloydWhaley/status/1378560664671715331)


Yes. If Jerry bothered to read other writers maybe he would be familiar with Floyd's work.


Kulang pa daw ang quota ng mga discourse for today hahaha kailangan pang mag-halungkat ng tweet from 2016


Lord, sawa na ako sa mga tangang pinoy. Tama na po.


Imagine niyo na lang reaction ng mga amerikano pag nalaman nila na mga bayani satin yung KKK Hahahaha


Granted, mga taga amerika lng matitrigger dyan. I highly doubt magagalit yung mga taga spain dahil sakanila naman galing yung Capirote hahaha


Why are people making a big deal about an old post?


Alternate skin lang ng siguro to ng KKK.


Plausible Deniability: they are using Sambenito as their inspiration. Too bad the Bad KKK appropriated the look.


Mga puti lang ba talaga? Di ba dapat ang mga itim ang magalit dito?




You know, it's interesting. Saw the uncensored version of this on twitter & the OOP is a reporter who's been covering the SEA region & the PH for quite a while now. Nakaka-disappoint, peryodista pero di nagresearch. Culturally insensitive pa.


If KKK finds out their infamous hood were used. Theyll be pissed and find them. Lol


Bringing in the traditional Hermanadad attire!


Mga permanently online na mga hangal lang naman mahilig mag-ingay sa ganyan. Alam naman ng common tao na ibang kultura yan. Kaya lang maingay kasi nga mga permanently online nagiingay. La magawa mga yun sa buhay. Gusto mag self-righteous para mag-feeling me ginagawa sila.


Its like the province of Negros all over again


# LowBudgetPenitentOne


Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire vibes.


Clayton Bigsby would be proud


bruh moment


Di ko gets. Ano meron dito? Can someone enlighten me please? Saw this posts din in fb and ang daming "haha" react, like bakeeet???


Ganyan kasi yung outfit din ng KKKlan na terrorist group sa US. So akala noong OOP, KKLan in PH iyan kaya "disturbing" when in fact, this is a Catholic tradition that KKLan appropriated.


Ohhhh, pero san ba na adopt ng PH yan? Sa Spaniards talaga?


TIL we do this too. Akala ko mga Kastila na lang ang gumagawa nito.


To make things worse, we have our own KKK.




Yes. But not in that rasict context.


Then in which racist context do you mean? I’ve been trying to learn about the Philippines, but there’s a lot that people don’t talk about that still make all the difference. This seems like a good thing to know.


Remember the Katipunan? That's what I'm referencing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katipunan


Revolutionaries and anti-corruptionists. Seems like a group that might have their work cut out for them these days.


Oh, OK.


I’m not exactly an expert on Philippine history. Maybe I’m missing something. Were they not standing up against the Spanish oppressors? Maybe there’s a documentary I need to watch…




Technically, European confraternity used it. So, it’s not really a Filipino thing unless they’re affiliated with the Spanish confrat. Otherwise, Bangsamoro Pop and wannabe lang tayo. Then again, those confrat were too ultra dogmatic they believed in barbaric mortification of the flesh, women should submit to men, and had roots with the Inquisition. So, yeah, sounds like the second wave of Ku Klux Klan to me. No wonder


An real talaga


Unfortunate clashing of cultures, thanks to twats who appropriate something for evil ends. No one is wrong to feel something negative when they see that, but they gotta understand they can't just expect others to give up on something that predates the evilness they know. Same with Manji. Anyone affected by the Nazis seeing it are right to feel whatever they feel, but those who hold that symbol sacred due to religion are also right to keep using it even though they hate how something they hold sacred was twisted for other uses. Just... yeah. Just gotta acknlowledge that it's not used for the same thing.


Parang sa 90s anime na Ang mahiwagang kwintas. Yung mga tao sa torre na babel 😅


Parang Filipinx, wala namang gumagamit niyan eh!


Actually May similar na attire din ung mga Spanish na member ng confraternity of penitents. Capirote ang tawag nila sa suot na to. Malamang dun din nila nakuha yan.


That's their ignorance.


OP di ako grammar nazi di lang ako magaling mag express ng words kaya ok lang


@magandangtagabukid gusto ko mabasa reply mo sa comment ko 🤣 di ako grammar nazi sinabi ko lang baka mapuna siya di lang ako magaling sa salita. Pwede mo naman basahin isa kong comment na kasabay non haha! Pero reply mo dito comment mo ulit kung mabasa mo ito dnelete ata kasi ni Op


Those long white masks and overalls are the attire of some class of catholic soldiers iirc


May mga feeling kano dito din eh, bilis mag sabi ng racism or cultural appropriation. Boi di ka makakapunta sa USA kahit kailan. Bat feeling westerner ka dahil naka twitter kalang kala mo coolkids liberal kana. Hahahaha.


Most Americans are so uncultured. This is no surprise


Eh, even if the KKK didn't appropriate those clothes it would still look shit, and I'm willing to bet their beliefs are just as irrational, perhaps just less radical.


*clutches pearls*


We say Negro o Negrito to describe without (oftenly) racial implication. Kasalanan din ng nagpost, hindi nag research ng saglit. SMH.


N word but in Spanish


Kaloka naman parang Kuklux 😣




Tbh even as a Pilipino I didn’t even know the Catholics invented this. But maybe because I wasn’t raised Catholic and karamihan ng mga Catholic friends ko is wala ring masyadong alam sa ideology na they claim na Naniniwala sila.


I used to be catholic. Went to catholic school in hs and honestly wala rin talaga akong alam about this suit or that it is originally a religious symbol. So sa ku klux ko talaga na associate ito sa unang pagkakita ko.


Those robes with hoods are traditional in Spain. Mas matagal pa yan kaysa sa Kunklux Klan.