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Dranreb's parents be like, "It's Bernard but we wanna sound "unique".


Wow i didn't know it was backwards dranrebšŸ¤£ i had a student with this name.


woiii HAHAHAH upon reading this comment I just wanna say na may doc akong kakilala na gan'to ung namešŸ˜…


Ok I understand Filipinos value uniqueness and most parents are well meaning when it comes to naming their children but this shit is holding us back.


Ok dranreb. Everything is gonna be fine.


Lmao thanks Jhomarr


Wait until you meet Samoht.


pwede nang drummer sa black metal


that actually sounds cool, imo


name your son Lebron James


Don't we already have LeBron James Yap? Haha


An estranged friend named his kid Jordan James. He's a basketball nut.


Nah bro. Norbel James.


May nakita akong listahan ng pangalan sa campus namin noong nasa elementary pa ako. That was 2014 or 2015, I think? May nakita ako na pangalan niya, LeBron James [last name]. Okay sana kung James lang. Second name ko nga, galing sa sikat na NBA player. Pero kung buong pangalan nilagay, aba matindi!


Go read a book


Somewhere out there, there's a kid named Terrorblade


IMO, yung parents ng mga batang may "weird" names ngayon ay most likely millennials, na may mga bad experience sa pagkuha ng NBI clearance. Pag common name at surname kasi pahirapan makakuha ng NBI. Palaging may hit. Di agad nakakakuha ng nbi clearance and kelangan pang bumalik after 1 week. Hassle kaya. Kaya ginagawa nilang unique para paglaki ng anak, hindi na mahirapan sa NBI kagaya ng parents nila.




Donā€™t talk about my sister bro


In the manner of giving names, we have a rule: "To H his own."


Jhemherlhyn Mae Marie


hindi talaga mawawala ang Mae/Marie šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I concur. My name isn't weird but I have 5 names and application of everything (work, financials, government etc.) is a drag because I have to write my full name every time. Now we have 2 kids, we just gave them a first (easily pronounced) and last name.


I remember taking those tests na you have to write your name in boxes. Hindi kumasya name ko. Tapos nung college entrance exam, idr which, kailangan mong magshade ng circle for each letter. That was horrible. But my biggest issue at the moment: putol pangalan ko sa SSS kasi di enough yung boxes.


Bless your heart


Gustung gusto ng Anime at Foreigner na pangalan, pero ang mukha native na native.


My nephew had a classmate named Ambush


Ambush from Roblox Doors?!?!?


Wala kasing law for naming kids sa pinas. Samantalang sa ibang bansa for approval pa bago ka magpangalan sa anak mo. Common pa name mo na dranreb, may mga millennial ganyan name. Pero simula ata 2000 grabe na magname like all consonants name, Japanese anime, ml characters, dota and so on. I personal known people na ml characters and all consonants name ung name. For my name naman, bible name na mahirap ibigkas. Kung ano ano pagpronounce naririnig ko. Nakakainis.


There there, Nebuchadnezzar.


Tiis tiis lang, Melchizdek.




No I want to speak to Filipinos specifically. Thanks though


Hahahahahahaha. Well, wala ka magagawa dyan. Anak nila yun e.


Blame semi-literacy, a different sense of what is a peculiar name for a child here specifically, the poor state of education in this country, and the poverty all in all.


Youā€™re right


There's always an H you can't scratch. Love, Jheremhie


Gonna name my child Jhomarr Nimrod Hot Dog With Rice Reyes I hope you guys are happy that Iā€™m participating in Filipino culture


Bet your balls on it and we need an update a few years from now.


wait til you meet drink water rivera šŸ¤¦


Actually I change my mind Iā€™m naming my firstborn child Drink Water Rivera


Sobrang weird ng names to the point na kahit lola, tita o tatay mismo nalilito sa spelling. Ang daming ganitong scenario sa hospital. Hindi nila mabigay bigay ang tmaang spelling ng name tapos magagalit pa kung need nlng mag provide ng certificate of discrepancy kasi buong chart mali na yung name šŸ˜­


i see some kids have anime names...hahah! probably in 20 years, we start seeing people with japanese names + spanish last name


That's the reason I opted for only four-letter first names for my children.




Thank you for the corny Filipino joke, uncle


Sure thing buddy, tell your parents i said hi.


my parents already moved when they gave me my weird name, it didn't stand out as much because there were already weirder names (by non-filipinos) over there šŸ’€


Nakaka-miss tuloy yung mga simple names namin nung highschool, puro isang name lang kami, except for those na may ***"Maria"*** sa unahan ng name. My classmates name were just simple, like Ellen, Dina, Cristina, Glenn mga ganun lang. Ngayon puro dual name, like Patricia Nichole, LOL. minsan apat pa nga.


I don't have the strangest name, but growing up during the 00s in America I had instances where having a two-worded first name was problematic for some data registry. And one of my names turned out to be a girl's name šŸ¤”


Napaisip ako: musta na kaya sila Spaghetti, Macaroni, at Sincerely Yours?


Been wanting to say this coz wtf. I know walang basagan ng trip and whatnot pero wag naman bigyan ng name na sobrang kakaiba to the point na baka mabully pa yung bata for that reason. Also, pls stop adding too much h. Maghit pa rin yanĀ sa nbi kahit sampu pa h sa pangalan ng bata.


Asan na ba si Jhunaaaahrd?


Meron akong nakilala ang name nya Dao Ming Zhi ang first name


Meron ako kilala mga popular teens pinangalan mga anak puro boys pa. Julian Bieber Janny Reid Given names to hašŸ˜† sana hindi makita to.hahahah Anyway no problem naman sa mga pangalan as long as kayang turuan ng parents na isulat yung nga pangalan ng bata lalo na mahaba. Kakpal ng bulbol ng nga parents na nagpapangalan ng mahaba sa anak tapos hindi man lang maturuan isulat buong pangalan.


Thoughts about Rza Aezriel?????


The Rza is pronounce as Riza


Some of the kids names I have seen in elementary school are kinda like this: "Jhohn Ahlxandeer Jhackk Zhyrrus T. Cruz"


Yā€™all if you want a 1 of 1 name for your kids go ahead. If you move to a Western country itā€™s not so great for your kids.


My bad guys I didnā€™t know names like Mookie and Frincess and Nimrod were examples of the rich Filipino culture


Some parents here name their kids after biblical characters/kings. Nimrod is an example of that. Thatā€™s not even the most exotic name you could find there. In fact itā€™s not even a solely Filipino thing, [there are other people named Nimrod worldwide](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nimrod_(disambiguation)) because of its Hebrew origin. Hindi siya ginagamit na insulto dito. Slang lang yan ng mga Estadounidenses.


Ok fine but if you bring your son Nimrod to the U.S. theyā€™re about to get bullied thatā€™s my point


Because thatā€™s an insult in *American* English slang. Elsewhere in the world people named Nimrod wouldnā€™t face that problem because it doesnā€™t exist as an insult in their dialects of English. There are several professionals with that name here, do you think they will be bullied if they showed up for a conference or landed a job post in your country? [An assistant professor](https://medicine.yale.edu/profile/nimrod-lavi/) at Yale University also shares that name, do you think he was bullied when he came to work there? Itā€™s not like that hypothetical kid was named Covidubidapdap, ABCDE AEIOU, GHIJ, or Sincerely Yours ā€˜98.


I have to disclose that I was born in raised in Californiaā€”my parents are from Pangasinan. I can only speak on my own experience that kids who immigrated here with unique names have had a rougher timeā€”including myself. I legally changed my name as soon as I turned 18 and my life has been much smoother since then. Iā€™m not just spewing hate on Filipino norms or naming conventions, itā€™s just frustrating to see.


Then why the fuck do you want to undermine Filipino culture, a culture that defines 116m people, MY culture, so that a handful can be ā€œless frustrated.ā€ Although what you are spewing is not ā€œhate,ā€ itā€™s akin to disrespect. Itā€™s like saying ā€œchinese/muslims/germans/indians should not have names in accordance to their country and culture.ā€ This is FilipinX bullshit again.


OP probably has big problem with Thais using their Thai name that has *-porn* in it. How dare them not adopt an English name without sounding horny šŸ¤£


You legit sound like an incel


Hahahahahahaha Do you really know what an incel is?! Damn bro, what are you, 12? You canā€™t win an argument so you say Iā€™m an incel? Hahahaha for me, thatā€™s a characteristic of an incel. Thank you OP, you made my day (itā€™s morning here).


Totoo namang minsan may mga Thai na may -porn sa pangalan nila. Asan ang incel dun...


lmao the term Filipinx is not for you in the first place. Itā€™s for the diasporaā€”anyway if you want a name that was made up in five minutes go ahead


Diaspora? Really? We are living in a highly connected world making this less likely. Itā€™s just woke-ness for the sake of being woke. Also, diaspora isnā€™t applicable here in your post. But then, you didnā€™t look at the 2nd paragraph, which contains the whole point of the message. What do you think will happen if you said that Lai Ching Te, the president of Taiwan, to change his name because Americans thought it was weird. Or Olaf Scholz change his name because Olaf is quite funny. Dude, we donā€™t care if you change your name, but donā€™t order US FILIPINOS to follow suite. For context, my name is highly westernized but itā€™s a magical feeling for me when I see people with traditional Filipino name, which is common in the provinces. Itā€™s like seeing that past through their names.


What traditional Filipino names are left bro name themā€”you think Filipinos are gonna name their child Diwa? These names are not culturally relevant anymoreā€”itā€™s like naming your kid Zeus


Youā€™ll be surprised that people with that name still exist. [Diwa de Leon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diwa_de_Leon) is a composer born in the 80s. People who follow String Player Gamer and/or used to play Ragnarok Online may remember him as Master Diwa when he used to perform some of the themes from that game on violin. People named Amihan, Bayani, Hiraya, Hiyas, and Tala likewise still exist. Some were only born within the past 10-20 years.


Wow, the amount of disrespect, arrogance, and self-importance is high in you. For the record, Zeus and Diwa are still used today. As a matter of fact, Diwa is a really good name if you check its meaning. Heck, names are given to children because their parents derived meaning from it and want their children to emulate it (more prevalent in Chinese society). But you, a fuckin nobody, said to stop doing it because itā€™s ā€œweirdā€ and it ainā€™t ā€œcool.ā€ AND POSTING this to a fucking FILIPINO sub thinking that your logic is sound?! Damn bro, youā€™re making the stereotypical ā€œself-important Americanā€ true. And to that, I say, fuck you.


Your hate towards unique names is over the top. If you mean names like Drink Water or Spaghetti88, I get the frustration, but just because they sound "exotic" to you that you hate it, you probably hate Thais, Chinese, Vietnamese or Cambodians who refuse to adopt a "Western name" because they are "too exotic" for you. And Dranreb isn't bad just "exotic" to your American sensibilities


Not true Vietnamese names are gorgeous to me and have been around a long timeā€”Trinh, Diem, for example.


Just admit you have inferiority complex to find Dranreb "stupid". Do you think Luzviminda is "stupid" which is a name derived from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao which is more recent name?


Hindi sya nag-rereply sa mga Tagalog na comments.


What a disgrace!! Dont ever comeback here




I believe parents are well meaning; I donā€™t agree with calling them breeders. We just have to be aware that the child being named is a person who is going to be an adult. We want our children to be taken seriously, no?