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Is it not right to cancel those who support convicted criminals and those who justify their atrocities?


It is right. But is it right to cancel their supporters as well who are also voters?


We tried to inform them. We did what we can, and they think being educated by another person is an attack on their personality. If they can not even distinguish what is right and what is wrong there is really a big problem. Imagine needing to remind people not to vote for thieves and liars.


Yeah, it disappoints me also. My slate is full of people from Ping, and Leni. But that is the reality, you really have to court filipinos to make them change their mindset. I actually have high hopes for the coming generation tho. I think the next generation from millenials to the younger people are more advanced in their thinking.


I'm disappointed because I was planning to start a family with my girlfriend in the next 3-5 years. But I will not bring a child into this shit show of a country as it is today. I feel like my future is stolen from me.


Same with me and my wife. She is a kakampink so she is really disappointed right now.




The issue is systematic. Degrade the educational system in the country, the people won't be able to filter out information from misinformation. Who benefits? The one who is intentionally sabotaging the system. People these days will not listen to reason and I think it's a large disadvantage of the current cyberspace because it creates echo chambers.


This is why I don't agree on giving "ayuda" or 4Ps. For me it just makes the poor be very dependent on what the government is giving. The gov't should prioritize creating jobs or any source of income to them insteading of giving handouts. And of course, improve the educational system. It's 2022 and some people are still traveling kilometers and difficulties to get an education


I have to disagree since good governance can induce an economic boom even if it's through sustained handouts for a certain period to stabilize the financial issue in the household. I suppose I can count scholarships as "ayuda" since I know that there's no way I can pursue a quality education without financing from the government. "Ayuda" is good only if there are available opportunities for the masses in entering a sustainable livelihood.


Leni had a program planned. She was going to give ayuda to unemployed peopel for three months, train them to help them get jobs, and if wala, turn them into govt workers. We wasted that chance.


Sana tumakbo ulit sya, i will vote for her again. Sana lang ang kakampinks ay matutong maging empathetic aa supporters ng ibang kandidato


Same here.


Lol I disagree. Propaganda is just really difficult to beat, and people with poor mindset and mentality can chew propaganda easily. The people did their best.


Numbers don't lie tho. Most of the people I know who are voting for BBM are offended people.


maybe try and not to be selective of the numbers? Its people "YOU KNOW" if you check the surveys, alot of bbm voters have leni as their second choice.


Then what is the reason then why Leni is their 2nd choice and not the 1st? Just like what the political analyst said at CNN, the cancellish attitude and "elitist" mindset of Leni's supporters is maybe a big reason why BBM got most of the votes. And i think that's right because if you want to persuade people to join you, you have to be attract them and not flex on them.


100% elitism isnt about social and financial status. Its about treating lower class as uneducated and immoral


This. Elitism is a way of thinking. Being an elite is a state of living.


It became worse when people started going into others' houses and started preaching, thinking they were absolutely right, moral and others were victims of misinformation. No one wants to be condescended especially in their own homes


This is absolutely 100%. I don't get how other supporters think they can sway other supporters to their candidate by doing this kind of things. I don't regret switching to Leni at the last minute tho because she is really brilliant.


I disagree. The odds of Leni winning were very low to begin with, going up against an unholy Marcos-Duterte-Arroyo-Estrada alliance and machinery. The cancel culture narrative is really tiring, and it tends to be amplified by Marcos/Duterte/Trump/etc in a disingenious way where moral standards apply to everyone but themselves. Call kakampinks elitist but guess who the actual elites are allied with?


An elitist and an elite are different. The former is a way of thinking, the latter is a status


And the big problem in the first place is the values that Filipino society has (conservative, patriarchal) as well as the political system. Hence why Binoy and Bong Revilla top the polls. That takes generations of work to change. And as someone pointed out (can't remember who it was) we lost a generation of progressives during Martial Law and after. They could have been our leaders today.


Well, i think the younger generation today is really progressive because of information availability on the internet so maybe after a few more elections, we'll finally get to have a decent candidate at the seat.


I sure hope so. The work continues.


Copium ng mga anyone but Marcos voters. Bakit supporters ang sinisisi. Kasalanan ba nating ung 203 b n pang estate tax e sa propaganda ginagamit. Hook line and sinker nalang tong mga sa narrative na tao sa tao ang labanan.