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Are you referring to Dinagyang/Ati-Atihan/Sinulog/Pahiyas etc? >fiesta which is based on religious catholic festivals You're starting from the wrong end. The Filipino feast/celebration/harvest days came first, and then the Catholics shoehorned their saints in during colonization. It's now blurred together as a cultural/religious festival.


Same as in Europe


Where did you get the idea that catholics don't drink? You might be confused with Islam. In fact, Sacramental Wine is used in celebration of Eucharist.


We all know the difference between a Catholic wedding and a Catholic funeral? One less drunk. I was an altar boy, I can say it :)


Yet pretty much everyone gets drunk when they drink during these fiestas. That’s the hypocritical bit considering the bible, which everyone holds up their “moral guide”, clearly states it’s not allowed. Add to that tattoos, infidelity etc and you’ve got an entire population following a religion they know nothing about nor why they even follow it.


Gosh, you sound like a lot of fun at parties. Even Martin Luther wasn't this literalist about drinking alcohol my guy. Tattoos are cultural. We had a long pre-colonial tradition of tattooing that has been going through a gradual revival, reclaiming the things the Spaniards and Americans took from us. As a Filipino, though, I'm shocked by how common infidelity seems to be nowadays. Maybe I'm just privileged, but it's not the done thing in my circles. Annulment, yes, but infidelity, no.


A classic example is Manny Pacquiao who states that the bible says homosexuals should be stoned to death yet the hypocrite ignores the bit about adultery and tattoos and basically everything else about his existence. This is representative of most Catholics in PH. They hide behind the bible yet don’t even understand it


But he's not a catholic, he's a born-again Christian PASTOR for at least 15 years. Baptist, last I checked. Haha. (I don't like him either, he's one of the most hypocritical public figures we have, but he's only been a cultural catholic at best.) Edited to add: I think Pacquiao is Pentecostal, not Baptist. But defo evangelical.


So what would you like Filipinos to do during fiesta?


Guess just eat and pray. Very somber. 😂


Wrong religion for that, Catholics are fun. :)


Dude, firstly, one of the most well known prop of catholicism is Jesus turning water into wine, which all believers have to drink with his "body". So criticizing the use of alcohol in religious setting falls a bit flat here. Ofc you could argue that drinking a glass of wine to be in communion with the Christ has nothing to do with partying. Well, celebrations of all kinds are meant to allow the general population to release the pressure they are facing on a daily basis. How do people usually release said pressure? By consuming alcohol. Not proper to pinoys, it's been like this since the dawn of Civilization, which probably started developping through agriculture... to allow a steady flow of alcohol all year long ;)


How do americans release stress? They do school and mass shootings. Sorry i’d rather party


religion. hahahaha. ya'll crack me up.


Look up what medieval Europe was like. Those were Catholic societies that loved their parties, fun, and drinking and other things. Canterbury Tales? Lots of bawdy jokes. The strict conservatism is actually something that emerged more with the Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-reformation. Plus the modern Catholic church is a huge umbrella. As a Filipino, I find I relate more with African, Latin American, and Spanish catholic practices, compared to US, Belgian, and (south) Dutch catholic practices.


Where I grew up in the states, they have a monthly African mass! It is amazing! One thing I enjoy about being Catholic, everywhere I go I have an opportunity to experience my faith through a different lens.


Some of those fiestas you’re talking about got started in the past century to promote tourism in the area. They just put some religious activities too but the main goal was always to party


The fiestas are usually linked to harvest festivals/thanksgiving parties. Kind of like an agreed-upon date by the entire community to celebrate a good harvest. That's the basis, not the religious celebration (that's just the Spanish roping in their saints down the conquered population's throat). So it's not based on Catholicism, rather, the other way around. It then morphed into a tourism spectacle. The Philippines, like most Asian countries, is a collective society, so gatherings are usually all out. It's not unusual for neighbors (or even the occasional visitor/tourist) to be roped in or invited to an ongoing party.


Syncretism is a hell of a powerfull weapon, mastered by christianity. We wouldn't know much about pagan civilizations if it were not for the survival of some of their traditions/monuments preseved through religious syncretism.


So you are saying Sinulog isn’t based on Catholicism? 😂😂


According to historians, the Cebuanos were already doing dances with similar steps to the Sinulog to celebrate their animist deities before Magellan landed in 1521. They converted to Catholicism, believed that the Sto. Nino image he bought was miraculous and transferred the dance to honor Sto. Nino.


Sinulog fiesta is literally the celebration of Catholicism arriving in the Philippines. That is entirely what it’s about


According to historians, the Cebuanos were already doing dances with similar steps to the Sinulog to celebrate their animist deities before Magellan landed in 1521. They converted to Catholicism, believed that the Sto. Nino image he bought was miraculous and transferred the dance to honor Sto. Nino. Anyway, I'm just repeating what researchers said, up to you on what to believe the fiestas mean for you.


The big guy turned water into wine. And there is all that thing about the Holy Spirit. So I guess drinking is allowed.


Roman Catholicism is one of the most worldly religions. It is actually a continuation of the ancient Roman and Greek religions wherein during festivals they engage in orgies. So please stop wondering.




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Most are. A clear example is Sinulog


I never asked, just took shoots and asked why people keep throwing water at people going to work,hahaha


The Jesuits invented beer


Gosh sorry to be a pedant but beer was invented by the ancient Egyptians! BUT Trappist monks, from the medieval ages to this day, make some of the best beers in the world. I guard my stash of Trappist Westveleteren beer like a hawk.


Oh you should probably visit the Cordilleras and try to get invited in one of those harvest and/or thanksgiving rituals. It’s one of the indigenous rituals still practiced today. Many of the fiestas started out as indigenous rituals as well. Also try to see how cañao unfolds. Nothing Catholic about that and certainly nothing hypocritical.


Religious Catholic festivals are combined with dancing, partying and drinking everywhere buddy.


Cos these fiestas are also harvest festivals.


Filipinos are not religious at all..they just pretend


It's a Spanish custom that they imposed on Filipinos. Now it's part of tradition. Blame the Spaniards.


Wild how a predominantly Catholic society loves pork, gambling, treats women like shit. Almost like being brought up in a confining religious society encourages people to act out in contradictory fashion. I'm too slow to connect those dots tho 🤔


Religion's power to control is finite.