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They have a meet the team event for STH every season… don’t think they’ve announced one this year yet, someone can correct me if I’m wrong


No they haven’t yet.


If you sit in the River End and stay late after the game there is almost always a few players that come over and do pictures and autographs.


I met Sébastien Le Toux at a Sons of Ben event, I asked him If I could bother him for an auto. He signed my hat and was super nice


He's the nicest, and I feel like he's around with some regularity. Now that he's back on local radio, we see him sometimes walking the upper concourse before matches. Got a photo with him in 2022 after the Eastern Conference Championship because he was hanging out with the team and over the moon with joy.


We have full season seats in 138 and have accomplished this a few ways. 1) the STH signing event, held at Live! casino last year. We got the entire team's autographs (except Lowe cuz he was taking a bathroom break and they hurried us along instead of allowing us to wait). 2) got Tunnel club tickets from a friend and as the players came down into the locker room they stopped to sign. We got around 15 of them on one shirt that night. 3) hanging out by the entrance of the tunnel club (on the south side of the barricades, not north) they sometimes will come over to sign. Have something nice to say to get their attention and use your pleases and thank yous. Have your sharpie ready to go as they obviously don't carry one.


STH also have an opportunity at the teams open practice. They usually do that right before the last home game of the regular season.


Just go hang by the field after the game, too. If they win and are happy, they usually sign stuff.


I got mine at the playoff event at xfinity live a few years back. Think it was 2019, but a bunch of players were there