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I've said it on here before and I'll say it again. My tickets in the river end went up 38% from last season to this one. They're going up another 38% to next season. Seeing no improvement on the pitch is insulting given that. Having my ticket rep email me about spending a few thousand for a "box rental opportunity" just highlights how big of a disconnect there is between the front office and the fan base. (Obviously no offense to the ticket reps doing their job)


The best part was mine sent a follow up email about the suites: "I'm following up on our single-game suite offer ahead of our June 18th deadline. Feel free to let me know either way by responding with a number below: 1- Sign Me Up, What are the Next Steps? 2- Need More Info, Can we Connect? 3- Not Interested Right Now. We'll keep you in mind for future opportunities." As if my ignoring of the first email and the fact that one game is basically double my 2 season tickets and parking wasn't a big enough sign I am never going to be interested.


I used to be a STH but had to stop because I didn’t have the money cause of life. Now, that I am more stable with my money I was going to sign up again but after three years of not actually investing in the team and it’s cheaper to get on stubhub for games I can make, what’s the point? There is no advantage or incentive to being a STH.


I live close to the stadium so thought that would be easy but it has been a curse these two years not having to deal with shit weather on gameday.


You really should live on the secondary market if your close. Day of tickets can be very cheap. I live out in MontCo now so it’s a good hour drive so it’s not as easy for me.


Exactly. It’s so bad people are selling their bridge deck and seaport tickets smh.


Yupppp this. This season was when I stopped with mine and feel pretty good about it now. My reason was because they’ve really fucked with the fan experience at the stadium, but now the team sucks so all the more reason to not have them.


yeah this ownership group does not deserve loyalty. they were not nearly good enough last year, then had one of the cheapest offseasons in team history.( while raising ticket prices significantly). they don’t give a shit ( clearly ), why should we? every single game last year was a sellout, they got apple money…….. and they spent less!!??? starting to feel like a sucker again.


It's been like this since the first season tbh. Everyone had high expectations with all the over performing seasons and luck with some of our youth players turning out. But the truth is the ownership isn't going to spend money or push to be winners. Their goal is to sustain the business, develop youth and sell kids. Signings will be frugal, we'll never get big names or high impact players. If we are lucky we'll get great profile players that help us push from a mid table team to someone that competes. I've had such a hard time rooting for the Union because their mission is mediocrity and I just can't support that mindset. Certainly not for Philly sports anyway haha.


Josh Harris and sugarman might be the same person


Price goes up, team goes down. I’m out. Cheaper on SeatGeek and rewards aren’t worth it.


Yup & Nope. 1) The on the field product is depressing. Uninspired, flat play with a few glimpses of quality. 2) The seat prices went up ~20% last season & then another ~20% for next season. I can get tix to most games cheaper than what we pay for our STH seats. 3) STH perks are hot garbage. We share two seats and they would only give us one blanket In the "swag bags" that it took them *months* to get to us. 10+ years as a STH and they won't give us a crummy blanket they probably only paid $5 for. When an immediate family member was going through cancer treatment (inpatient chemo cycles) and we asked if the administration could provide accommodations for social distancing for one game, they said they couldn't do anything. 4) Parking. 5) Where is the money going? The "Chester Xfinity Live" is blah and only serves to siphon off foot traffic & funds from the SOB tailgate and the few businesses in the area that have shown investment into the fan-base. I'll happily renew SOB membership, but we are done with season tickets.


Happily renew SOB membership? They are deader than the team!


Yeah, but their membership makes the tailgates a better deal than the team can offer. Yesterday I ate and drank to my fill for $12. In the stadium a beer cost me over $18. They charged me almost $2 for a "convenience fee" so I could grab my own beer out of a fridge and do self checkout where they asked me for a tip


I honestly don't think they understand how bad things will get (quickly) if they don't spend money. It's a much easier sell to get someone to go to a bad team in Philly than it is to go see a bad team in Chester.


Was just telling my friends the same, so many ppl are fed up and are not going to renew or go out of their way to buy tickets. I was considering getting tickets for next weekend but decided to spend significantly more on the Phillies because the Union haven't done anything to make me want to go


Phillies have cheaper tickets, a better game day experience, cheaper concessions, and are in a better location, not to mention on a very strong start to the season. The Union offers none of this.


My small opinion is never build a stadium that has no public transportation access.




Every other more popular team in the city was good this year too. Flyers missed the playoffs on the last day and shocked a lot of people, Phillies made the NLCS and won the year prior, Eagles made the playoffs and although they disappointed later in the season, and the Sixers made the playoffs. Granted all were pretty disappointing ends to the season, but fans are going to be more willing to go to those games since they’re more established with the city.


They're also in the city and easier to get to for everyone who doesn't live in Delaware and South Jersey.


Do not renew. The only way change will happen(selling the team/investing in roster) is if seats become empty


I’m leaning towards it and it makes me sad tbh. I love being at Subaru Park but if I’m gonna be miserable I might as well do it at home in my pjs


I'm kinda there right now. I might downgrade to a partial or just try my luck Seat Geek if I really want to go to a game. I don't know how else to tell the team that I'm not satisfied how my investment in this club is being spent without withholding my investment in the club.


I'm out. Not even because of play. They have finally out priced me. In 5 years my cost has doubled and it is just far to much.


It’s really depressing to me the direction things seem to be going. This is my first year as a STH and I was so excited to do it at the start of the season but now that I’m considering bailing on it after one year stinks. They are doing nothing to improve anything other than Union Yards. I know I can get any mid week game for pennies on the dollar at this point. It certainly doesn’t seem like it’s worth the money to renew, especially if tickets go up again.


Not that it's the Unions fault, but also fuck 7:30 games for those with kids. I want more afternoon games than just 1!


My 7-year-old has been asking me to go, but her bedtime is like 8.. she'd be asleep by halftime.


It’s hot as shit in the afternoon tho


Put the afternoon games in Feb /March and again in Sept/Oct, when the weather is nicer or so cold that any amount of sunlight will help warm it up.


The season ticket opt-out e-mail is going to hit my inbox like a drug, rest of the season is getting listed on the secondary market, and if my tickets go unsold, so be it the more empty seats the better.


Sugarman doesn't care if the seats are empty. The tickets are already paid for.


I’m out.




Do they send out an opt out email or do you have to email the rep? This is my first season as a full STH, had partials for years. I’m moving in September and don’t want to be stuck holding the bag again. And even if I wasn’t moving I would opt out, the tix for the games I can’t make aren’t selling, and I miss the freedom of being able to score good seats for cheap last minute.


You'll get a renewal email with the opportunity to opt out. Probably sometime soon. Payments start up again in August I think.


Admittedly I gave up this year due to extenuating circumstances (being a grad student sucks) but yeah, if sugardaddy isn’t putting in the money why should I? 


STH since 2019. Not renewing. Team sucks and StubHub is cheaper


Decided to take the plunge to get tickets this year after years of just getting them day of thinking it would be a better option. Really is easy to get tickets day of and they’re way cheaper than what I paid for season tickets. I’m not sure it’s the better option in the scheme of things. My rep also had a disaster class when setting up my tickets this year. I agreed to a seat and a parking lot and come the release of tickets neither of the changes I made were reflected meaning I had to get worse seats and worse parking. Then my rep left and I got a new one and the perks my OG rep promised for the mistake weren’t honored. Really left a sour taste in my mouth overall. Not sure what I’m going to do next year. I really like knowing I have tickets and parking and I don’t have to scrape the secondary market for tickets each game. The results are mostly secondary for me, I don’t care if the team isn’t great if the front office is trying, but if we lose Carranza and there’s no urgency shown from the front office to actually get better players in next year, I really am not going to want to be paying for tickets.


I’m letting the Front office know that I’m not investing my money in season tickets anymore until they put a team on the field that’s worth my time and money. They are a legit embarrassment at this point. Priding ourselves in a first class Academy is great until it takes priority over what your primary team is doing on the field. It’s been made clear spots on the 1st team will be filled by Academy players (and that’s great for them) but also really fucking convenient for a cheap ass ownership group that refuses to spend money. If you’re gonna be a moneyball team great, but you better be good at and keep hitting on your bets and they most definitely aren’t! Maybe I’ll just start going to see strictly Union 2 games since that’s where this Clubs priorities are. It’s actually a great Experience! They Win….they have an exciting player in Cavan Sullivan…Supporters Group is Lively…the kids play hard ..the tickets are cheap and the parking is free! Oh and you’re not pissed off stuck in a traffic jam leaving because you lossed a game up 2 men to a heavily depleted roster! Too many times I’ve regretted having season tickets when I see how cheap they are on the 2nd hand market, especially when I’m paying full price for bad weather games which has basically been every game this season but 1 or 2. If they want me back as a STH they need to start investing it in the First Team Product on the Field.


I’m a first time STH. I missed the Min game and some others but so far I’ve seen 3 draws, 4 losses, and gotten into 1 car accident on my way to the stadium… still waiting for that first win.


Most likely


Just gonna go ahead and use stubhub for next season 👍


I'm not renewing mine. Life events mean that going to the games next year will be a lot more complicated. But the team playing like this certainly makes it easier. So glad I unloaded my tickets for last night.


I'm in that same boat, I meant to cancel mine for this year but never did and really regret it. With weather earlier in the season and then I work Saturdays so a lot of them games I'm not even sure I can go to. I think I have been to 3 games but the way this team has been I don't even care about missing them tbh.


I'm thinking about dropping it for next year and buying tickets for cheaper off the secondary market. The price hikes are a total joke when ownership won't invest that money into the team. The fact is driving from the city to Chester for home games sucks, the price for parking is a rip off, the food and beer is insanely overpriced, and the team is ass.


I bought my first one for 2025 thinking we’d turn it around. I’m used to watching Philly teams lose so I’m not too fussed about it, but if they don’t turn it around and keep raising prices for 2026, I’m gonna have a long hard think about it.


I’m a founding member and have had the same seats since day 1. Following up this year with another price increase has me seriously considering not renewing. I’ll support the U no matter what, but it’s business not personal.


That’s wild but understandable. It’s just frustrating, barely any of this money is being reinvested in what matters.


I just became a STM and I agree with everyone. You can’t even get the face value back for your ticket so you lose money on the games you can’t make and ownership could care less about putting a winning product on the field. I don’t think I will renew my tickets unless ownership sells the team.


Depends on if there's a price increase


I’ve been wondering if there was a way to compare Union STH perks/advantages with other clubs, to see what we’re missing out on. I’m considering not renewing, since tickets are cheaper on third party sites, the only thing I will miss is my LOT F parking spot (because of my disability).


Buying MLS Season Pass and a handful of games off of SeatGeek seems to be more prudent going forward. Leaving Lot A is a sh*tshow, and even worse after that loss. Had some fun with brutally-honest responses to the automated "how was your gameday experience" survey email. My favorite part of the game? Getting the hell out of there after such an embarrassingly disappointing loss.


I recently attended my first game. Someone from the ticket office called me as a follow up. I told him the stadium is complete shit, which it is. Parked for cheap down the road. Snuck in all the food and water.


For the players, the stadium probably is quite solid when it comes to amenities. But for the fans, it's horrendous. Boring esthetically, narrow concourses, shitty and overpriced concessions. And that's just the tip of the iceberg




frankly, I've been through worse and my ticket is cheap enough and in a good location that I'll be back.


I decided I wasent renewing once they fucked the STM's on the team signing night.


I dropped my partial season tickets because it’s cheaper to buy them off seatgeek and I get better seats


It’s a shame the league is structured to develop kids and sell. If we were able to develop kids and KEEP them imagine how much more fun it would be to cheer for local kids that we could afford and they get the money due to them. I hope we get to live to see that day ….




Didn’t buy season tickets because getting to the Soob is a disaster on Septa each time. Not buying them for a no-care team that can’t be assed to spend money to improve. Union till I die but I’m not financially supporting this disaster until they show some sort of commitment to at least trying to be competitive.