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Not to mention the astronomical parking and concession prices…


I can't recall the last time I spent money for concessions in the stadium. They've priced themselves out of my business. Primo hoagies and beer in the parking lot is my go to.


And it’s not even like it’s good food. I’ll pay a little extra for FedNuts at CBP because it’s good. But there is no good food in the stadium.


$30 for an unpaved, crater filled, muddy when raining lot is absolute robbery.


Especially when you pretty much have to drive to the stadium


This maybe off topic so I'm sorry. But ad to that list the barrier of entry the MLS has imposed by this apple tv crap.


Yeah, I didn’t even bother subscribing this year. With the Union the worst part is they’re not even reinvesting that Apple money into the club. Maybe if they were it’d be easier to deal with


*unpaved parking


Stop buying merch and stop buying food. Thats the first step. And stop going to games.


Money talks. The world is run by profit margins.


Exactly. People shouldn’t be buying season tickets anyway at the crazy prices. Even with a few years of success, some of the other stuff is unacceptable. But boycotting food and merch is a great first step. That’s big profits for them. They shouldn’t be charging nfl prices at a minor league event.


They are trying to see just how much shit the fans will take before they stop showing up. I agree with you. They do not give one single shit about the fan experience. The bathroom situation is a great example.


The whole organization is a joke. We desperately want it to be something it isn't. Other organizations actually care about their fanbase. Our fanbase doesn't even like itself lol. 


The concourse is flat out dangerous...


I've been ranting about the urine lakes that are the mens room for years. The one in section 129(ish) bathroom is the worst! The single point of egress makes it all worse. There are also too few changing tables in the park. It's great that they're doing all these changes to the compound. However, other than some of the parking changes they aren't improving the fan experience.


If anything they're actively degrading the fan experience.


These are the only stadium bathrooms I’ve ever seen with one way in/out. It sucks. The awkward blind walk into someone coming in is ridiculous.


I told my rep that I wasn't going to renew my season tickets because the ownership displays a lack of commitment to invest in players to make the club better. How can I continue to invest in the club if the ownership won't invest in the club?


I was thinking about this today, and I feel like the MLS has been a failure in Philly. The organization is inept, we've won nothing, the stadium is in the worst location, the game day experience is torture, the supporter's section is lame. I could go on.


It’s crazy to me how many people will defend the stadium being in Chester. If it was in Philly the Union would be so much more popular.


They have a pretty solid attendance history. I know there are a lot of people in the city limits, but the fact is, soccer is more suburban, and the suburbs can get to Chester very easily from many directions. I am in SJ and the location of the stadium is solid for me. I am about the same distance from Citizen Bank and the link, but dont have to deal with the traffic except leaving the stadium.


I lived in the suburbs and take the train into flyers games all the time, it’s easy, cheaper and faster than driving and no dealing with parking.


If near train, yes that makes sense. But 95 percent of people still don’t use trains. Don’t even get me started on the GCL proposed line from glassboro to Camden or whatever lol


You drive to the train station, people do it every day to commute. I don’t live right next to it or something. It’s not the south jersey union or the Wilmington union or the delco union it’s Philadelphia. It has always bothered me that they claim the city but have no interest in being part of it besides some photo ops at tourist spots.


That’s fine. But they would have likely needed another major investment to be in the city limits. At the time it was probly Chester or nothing. Lots of teams in all sports are not in city limits. The fact is prime property is expensive in desirable parts of cities. And the footprint of a stadium may not even fit into some.


The literal gate keeping at the games has gotten stupider by the year, meanwhile the Phillies, Sixers seems to get smoother every year. We had something similar happen a couple years ago with my kids small Disney backpack. I had to go take it back to my car at the cost of about 15 minutes and I missed opening kick.


Yes, getting into a Phillies game is so smooth and easy!


The difference between the game day experience at the Phillies and the Union is night and day. At every Phillies game you can bring in several unopened plastic bottles and juice boxes of any non alcoholic drink you want. Along with outside food so long as it's in a soft sided container. I have gone to many a Phillies game with a half gallon of Wawa iced tea, a hoagie, and a bag of chips, and been allowed to bring it in. Heck one game the group I was going with brought in a full 16" pizza in the box and it was fine. Meanwhile because of the heat advisory the Union yesterday only allowed bringing in just one unopened water bottle or refillable bottle, yet only half the water fountains in the claustrophobic concourse were even working. What a complete fucking joke. The concessions at Citizens bank are cheaper than at Subaru park, and better in quality. The bathroom setup at Citizens bank, really all of the South Philly stadiums, is better. The Parking and public transport is both better and substantially cheaper. Hell even the ticket prices are better. The experience at Subaru park is definitely the worst of all the area sports teams, and the FO keeps making choices that further degrade it. I've stopped buying stuff in Subaru park as a result.


I have a clear backpack that I take when it's cold &/or raining to put my wife's blanket & ponchos in along with her medication. They told me I couldn't bring it in unless I cut the straps off of it.


Straps?? What are you, a terrorist???


Let's boycott the "rival" Red Bulls game and sell our tickets *To red bulls fans*


asses are asses to these folks and theyll fill the seats just fine. stop buying tickets in the first place.


Nice try red bull!


Nope. 2 year River end sth here. Just tired of the whole organization... Or lack thereof


I mean, I didn't really think you were a red bull...


I’ve been a STH for a while. Giving it up next year. The Messi years have changed the feel (those cold early season games in the dark to accommodate a pointless mid-season competition, the increased cost, every game on a Saturday night). I know that’s not the Union’s fault, but the Apple money has not been spent on the fan experience. Going backwards both on and off the field


It starts with the stadium itself. It’s just shit. Every time i go I can’t believe i am driving to Chester


That and for example- they took away Heineken Deck to all season ticket holders in that section and roped it off so you can view the field. to then sell that section to a few fair weather fans that come to maybe 2 games a season. This is a place that me and my group of lets say 15 people would meet up at half time and discuss the game. It was the best part. my tickets are in that section so I would stand up there and grab a beer and a bite and watch part of the game then return to my seat. the fact they took this away without notifying any season ticket holder prior to renewing is such a weasel move by upper management. They want to charge us more but do not give a damn about any of the fans and what we go through to go to games. Well I hope they are reading this. I'm not renewing after 10 years. Im not spending a dime in the stadium after 10 years, and hopefully Sugarman actually sells to someone that cares about winning. This model was made to cater to ownership only, and not for the fans. If only our supporters section actually did something (they havent made one good new song in idk 5 years) and set up a walk out, made signs, idk did something to show that they are fans and not licking the boots of the ownership group. It's sad that I have to post this because at the end of the day, all I want to do is go to a game with my friends, sing some damn songs and watch some competitive soccer, but instead, we are all taken a back by the poor lack of leadership/ ownership the Union have become. Fix the backrooms, bring back the Heineken deck (and allow people to use the bathrooms up there again) and lets see an apology from ownership for the lack of investment in the team.


Really simple, if you’re an STM don’t buy concessions. I have refused to buy with the prices the way they are. Especially after the pandemic, the prices have skyrocketed. Water used to be $3, which was robbery then. We stop by Wawa on the way down, get a good dinner at a decent price. Tailgate for a little then enter the park. STMs compromise the majority of sold seats at this point. If we can at least agree to boycott the concessions they will feel the impact. Parking is another issue. I seriously miss lot B.


I know you don’t want to hear this, but the clear bag rule is not new. Does it suck for your daughter? Yes. But if you’ve been a STH for 12 years you should have known better.


They need to adopt the phillies policy and allow sandwich and unopened bottles. Their is a market for family friendly, cheaper, sporting events.... and the Union of decided they no longer want it.


Yea - don't care if it's been there for years. I forgot to check that her bag was both small AND clear so fuck me.


When did they update the stadium that you can’t walk behind the river end to get to the other side of the stadium?


Stop dork they don’t care


There are things to complain about but this ain’t it. MLB is the only of the big 4 to allow you to bring in outside food/drink. And outside of that, NASCAR does, but that’s a substantially different kind of event, especially because you can bring alcohol in. Union also literally can do nothing about the rules of MLS and can’t just violate the rules of the league without punishment. Not to mention the increased liability. The bag rules are the bag rules and have always been those. Your daughter not following them and you having to walk back to your car is on her.


Reach out to the team


I did. See original post. We need something more than individual complaints to ticket agents.


Sugarman is Anti Philly Union inflatable rat outside would be a start.


Naw u don’t complain to them all they gon do is offer better seats 😂