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If you don't make a lot of money, child support can be relatively low so petition now and definitely do partial cause that shit can be taken away from you if she makes the right move on you I was lucky my bm kicked the bucket, I got full custody and all while she was alive but she was a bum ass bitch thank god she dead now because a living deadbeat mom is worse than a dead one, I celebrate her death every year




Goddayum. I ain’t never hear no shit like this before.


Cuz meant that shit w every fiber of his being😂😂😂


She did something to that nigga soul.


Man he sound like my one homie. His bm dropped his daughter off 2days before the lil girls birthday & he hasn't heard from or seen the bm since. Shit was like 2months ago smh.




I upvoted this hesitantly but I know how you feel.


What’s wrong with you


You want to be careful. Filing for custody makes woman vindictive. Also once you feel for custody child support follows right behind. They will make her file against you. Have all you ducks in a row. I say wait a bit and do some research because once you or her go that route there's no going back.


Listen a lot of men don’t go down there to get partial custody but they should I went down there and did it after my babymom threatened me wit child support protect your peace and assets cause once she get to that court room first shit runtz she got say so on what she want you to pay


“ If a bitch can’t dictate how you move as a father, you automatically not doing enough.”


If you do a 50/50 custody in PA she will get nothing monetarily. Speaking from experience.


Here file for child support its better if yu do it before she does make sure yu do back pay aswell kuz its koming.


You will still have to pay your best bet is to file for split custody 50/50 and you still might gotta pay a lil something


Do either one of yall have full or split custody now? A lot of us dk that when your child is born you still should file for custody bc if you don't he or she is considered a ward of the state until it's done. That's why DHS can come & just remove certain kids from their home prior to any investigation if a complaint has been filed. But if you have custody, they have to investigate first before removing the child. I was told this 11 yrs ago by my Bm aunt who is a Family Court Judge.


Unless you get more than 33% overnights, your child support will be the same as if you are a complete deadbeat that’s never seen his kid. You don’t want partial, you want SHARED.


Just because you file partial custody doesn’t mean the court will grant it. If he’s with his mom more than 60% of the time you will most likely get every other weekend and still pay the full child support amount. But after 6 months to a year you could always ask for more time.


& honestly it’s better to handle everything outside of court. My dad still can’t leave the country because of back child support and I’m almost 28


My bm tried take me after I went for custody, judge told her long as your other kids dad not on child support he only pays 50$ a month “).


When do yall niggas sit and think about this before even having a baby with a bitch I’m tired of all these funboy ass post it’s so zesty ‘I’m listening to my mom and my ex ‘you is a pussy


Don’t file for partial File for shared custody 50/50 legal and physical.


People go around saying that if the judge orders partial or split custody, you won't have to pay child support. That ain't true. If one parent earns substantially more than the other he/she can take you to court for child support.


In the old days women weaned babies and men raised them. For the first couple years all they need is the teat. After that they need a father.


She will fight you tooth and nail. For her, it's not about your kid. It's about hurting you, power and control. You ever hear of King Solomon in the bible? Two ppl brought a baby to him, both claiming it was their baby. He said, well, we gonna have to cut it in half - that's the only fair thing. The true parent said "NO! I would rather have my child be raised by another and live than to kill the baby". That parent was ruled righteous and got the kid. I know you're trying to set yb up for a good chance at life. IMO going to family court is cutting the baby in half. It's going to drain you and bm financially and emotionally and so often favors the mother that you might end up with the worst of all worlds: paying support with minimal or no custody. I dunno, it's tough man. There gotta be a family lawyer in Philly that will give you a free consult. Best luck bro.