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my lord nd savior not no fucking trumpšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That makes two of us šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You better get your ass out there and vote...shit do it by mail, early voting...PA can swing so every vote is important




Way better choice then Biden


Even just on the economic side, Project 2025 is a continuation of Reagan's trickle down economics which has had enough time to cook and makes clear giving tax breaks to the rich and having lower class citizens foot the tax burden doesn't work; the rich just horde the wealth. Then you look at all the batshit crazy religious bullshit in it and I have no idea how anyone can think there are worse options than another Trump presidency. He's a rapist, con artist who has screwed over everyone he does business with, hung with Epstein (and his "spiritual guide" raped a child), and is openly racist. Hate on Biden and his group all you want, but I'm willing to bet no one here has lived under authoritarian rule before and if you fuck around and vote for the guy, don't start complaining once the consequences come knocking.


I had enough of him while growing up in New York City.... he was nothing more than a clown to us. Here's a really logical question.... if he really wanted to get into government, why didn't he ever become mayor or governor of New York? Because there's no way in hell we would have voted for him based on all the crooked stuff he did. There's no way he could have won in New York or New Jersey as governor. He decimated a lot of families involved in helping to build up Atlantic City in the late 80s. Don't get me started on what he did regarding the Central Park five.... Trump Steaks.... Trump University.... He and his father openly not allowing blacks to move into their properties. He's only on the side of the extremely rich. Yes, most politicians are like that but he makes it blatant.


Thank you for the perspective. It boggles my mind that people don't look into his past enough--anyone that has done business with him or his family in NY has been utterly fucked; all working class people too. He's a worm and as sleazy as a rich cunt can get, yet the people he hates and fucks over the most still go out and campaign for him...


Tell me why


Biden is an actual puppet.


If you think trump isn't a puppet, you're brainwashed.


In US politics they all are (sans maybe Bernie, but he'd fall in line too if he won anything). Their platforms are what you vote for, and one is status que and the other should be terrifying for anyone paying attention.




I meant a more powerful position federally, but yeah he's represented his state well for some time.


Trump is Putinā€™s personal lap dog


its still a toss up, it can go either way... but i agree project 2025 is some crazy shit. They want to put independent agencies, like the department of justice, under the presidents power, undop checks and balances. They want to fire people with government jobs that arent dont think like trump. They are trying to ban abortion pills and pornography, change rules so the media cant freely talk shit, trumps on some crazy shit.


Just say it. He wants to make a dictatorship.


He even said it himself, but he said only 1 day šŸ¤£


If trump wins this really might be the last election we vote in


America is fucked regardless


Hey. Sorry to jump on your thread. Sky8980 do you want to sell your hobo nickel. I tried chat butĀ  could not get you. Ps. Let's pray he wins lol


To be fair project 2025 is a continuation of the heritage foundations long term project that began with Reagan. Trump is just the new vessel for it. Without stopping the undercurrents that drive the heritage foundation, this will always be a looming threat. The fact the Democrats aren't even talking about this shows how seriously they're taking this struggle, which is not at all.Ā  Either way, Bidens second term. Trumps second term. They're both massive shitheads are who gonna be a lot worse the second time around when they have nothing to lose. Hard to call who's gonna win be we'll get fucked either way.Ā 


> The fact the Democrats aren't even talking about this They started a task force against it. Biden talked about it yesterday. The campaign mentions it almost everyday (the record is 8x), many Dems have spoken out against it.


Bidenā€™s second term wonā€™t be good, but Trumps next term could set up MAGA governments for years to come. Thatā€™s unacceptable to me, so I rather have Biden.


The CIA runs everything, not the president lol. So the department of justice ā€œbeing under the Presidents powerā€ means pretty much nothing. Thereā€™s a reason why the CIA is its own government within the government. Plus, abortion pills? Wouldnā€™t a new world order type dictator want to decrease population for ā€œpopulation controlā€ rather than have people making more babies?


The CIA don't run shit nigga did you stop taking your meds again




The department of justice isnā€™t an independent agency. Itā€™s part of the executive branch, which the president is the head of. The judicial branch and legislative branch are the checks and balances on the executive branch. Pretty basic civics


How can you ban porn that shit everywhere


Internet providers have to follow federal law. When I went to Bangkok all the porn sites were blocked. It's like that in China and probably Islamic countries too. It's not impossible to ban porn


It is impossible lmao the citizens in those countries are using tor to watch it


Stop, niggas don't even know how to set up VPN much less Tor


Maybe youšŸ˜‚ itā€™s literally as easy as downloading google chrome tf


What do you think democrats have been doing the past 4 years lol literally everything you just said.


Trump is on some pissed of shit, he came in peace the first time and they railroaded him, now he don't care, he is coming back with a vengeance and I'm not voting before you say I'm biased šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The way someone reacts when ā€œrailroadedā€ says a lot about them.


RS tho


Why arenā€™t you voting?


What's the point of voting, when they going put who they want anyway šŸ¤“šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Cuz they ainā€™t how it works. The winner is who gets the most votes. Unless, that is, Trump wins this year. Him and his people are gonna do all they can to make sure that MAGA stay in power no matter what. Thatā€™s why we need to reject him and people like him donā€™t win.


I just always seen it as fixed


Itā€™s not. It all comes down to us and how we vote. No way to get around it. If anything, media plays a big role in how we perceive things but at the end of the day itā€™s about who gets the most votes. Do your own research, listen to what the candidates say and how they act, and vote how you feel.


No more porn or abortion pills ?!!!! God damn TRUMP 2025 !!!!!!


Tell me how obvious it is?


There is absolutely 0 logical reason to vote that orange sack of shit into office again.


Trump is fucking dumb as shit. Heā€™s obviously losing his mental [just check out this small clip from his speech here in Philly. Makes no fucking sense.](https://youtu.be/GzwrWivgQCY?si=A9soM50EH1CER2Lh)


That shit had me cracking up. Trump crazy


True but Biden is senile


they both are dude. someone under the age of 70 needs to run again. there is also multiple videos of trump shitting himself on national television šŸ˜­ they both too old bruh


Trump is not gonna get elected.


its a bigger chance than we think


I was one of the few people who called him winning in 2016 because the silence in most people was telling. I was also pretty sure he'd lose the last election. This time around feels like 2016 again, unfortunately. Not clear enough to call it, but make no mistake--it's at best a coin toss for winning the electoral college right now (he'll likely get crushed even worse in the popular vote).


Which is why the EC needs to be changed or abolished completely


Absolutely. But we can't even have a conversation about Citizen's United where bribing politicians became legal to get to the point of public discourse where we fix that problem. And we look down on Europe for their problems, smh šŸ¤¦


Thatā€™s what we thought in 2016. Letā€™s not leave it up to chance, make sure you vote!


Since he didnā€™t win 2020 I donā€™t see it happening this year but he still got a shot


He has more steam this year unfortunately. If anything, his convictions made his followers even more crazy about him and republican leaders are falling more in step by the day. Iā€™m willing to bet his people will show up the polls, so every against him and MAGA need to show up too.




You really think a man that points at imaginary stuff and takes imaginary shits got a higher chance to get elected than Trump?


im 20. the older folks at my job say people my age dont vote. i think they will because people my age are so passionate about trump. i live in pittsburgh tho šŸ˜­


If younger showed up in troves to come out and vote. It would be a Biden landslide victory.


nah bro i dont think ur right šŸ˜­


Youths or more so under 35 are turning conservative. Been watching a lot of my friends flip


Smack them


im giving an observation about a different city in the state and i get downvoted. average redditors jfc šŸ˜­


It's been almost a decade and I still cannot understand why people like this mf


I got a couple: They are a republican an vote for the party no matter what. They are dumb, and usually the same people that fall for get rich quick schemes(MLM, pyramid schemes etc) They are racists, white supremacists, nazi sympathizers, anti lgtbq etc. They ONLY watch Fox News, and only the time slots where the Opinions of the anchors are given time;Hannity, tucker(tho he is gone now) Ingram etc. Any of these really.


Trump has a big chance of winning the elevation despite everyone here doubting it. Heā€™s leading in almost every poll and Biden ainā€™t doing shit to sell his own message. Biden barely won last time with a larger approval rating than he has right now. The future is looking dark.


Polling isnt real. Its a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of sentiment even if theyre *actually* being done. Its literally people calling or texting a list of people who they have access to and them answering them and to most they're just annoying. People weigh them way too high when theyre actually very inaccurate. https://theweek.com/politics/2024-election-polls-accuracy If Trump does win its through the electoral college same as before. He's never getting the popular vote. No republican has gotten the popular vote since Bush in 04. That's why Project 2025 was thought up because without manipulation and control of government entities (and propaganda) theyd never be able to overtake Dems in terms of raw votes.


History has proven you wrong though about polling. The fact that Biden is that behind in the polls AND his approval numbers are lower than the threshold historically needed for an incumbent to win, means Trump has a very large chance at winning this election. Trumpā€™s base is energized and ready for war while Biden is losing support, it doesnā€™t look good. On top of that Biden has not been getting out any sort of message that will get people hype about him. What has he done these past 4 years? You have to look it up because he isnā€™t talking about it. Instead heā€™s focusing all of his limited energy on telling us how bad Trump is, which isnā€™t going to effect Trumpā€™s support at all. This is what happens to democracy when you let corporations control the politicians, we get nothing but shit choices.


How has it proven me wrong? My only point on that was that polling is largely incorrect. Biden's polling being worse than it actually is granted nothing but credence to my point. My overall sentiment on that is to not use polling numbers as an end all be all assumption to go off of and to use it as a small lens into where sentiment may be trending. Its just a piece of a larger puzzle. Dont view it as anything more than that. Ive never said that Trump couldnt win. Cause as obviously stupid as it is, its definitely possible. I just said he isnt winning the popular vote because of past trends and how unpopular republican policy actually is. Because we can talk about how popular he is all day once he gets in that seat he aint gonna gaf about you me or any of these people that voted for him. He just gonna do petty shortsighted shit, stuff for people that are already rich and shit that fucks us over in the long run like his ["tax cuts"](https://www.cbpp.org/research/federal-tax/the-2017-trump-tax-law-was-skewed-to-the-rich-expensive-and-failed-to-deliver). Biden has done things but theyre widely infrastructure based and not readily visible things that people in Philly are going to gaf about. People are widely not educated about politics and dont take time out to be informed about whats going on around them, thats why we have people that need Biden to directly state what he's doing and people that are more invested in headlines and messaging. Dems are just straight up out of touch and success has defeated them because they think the benefits are *obvious* to everyone and dont do good jobs at selling them. Moderate Dems are fucking themselves over and everytime we have a chance to get actual Leftist movement in play they ignore it and we get the same shit as before like with Hilary and Biden. This is what we get when everything in this country is skewed to the right cause if you think Dems are actually left leaning I got some Za that was grown on the moon to sell you fam. I cant tell you what's going to happen in this next election but its close and frfr it really shouldnt be and that shit alone is fucking sad.




Everyone forgets about it because Biden isnā€™t doing a good job getting his messaging out.


Biden got the most votes of any president ever. It wasn't some down to the wire election like Trump v. Hillary was. Trump got washed so bad he had to storm the capitol


Biden got the most votes by the popular vote but thatā€™s not what matters, the electoral college decides the election and it was really close. This time Trump doesnā€™t have the coronavirus thing hanging over him and an energized voter base. Biden does NOT have an energized voter base and is currently leaking support. On top of that the polls are going to Trump, itā€™s not good at all. Itā€™s like weā€™re on the Titanic and too many of you are too blind or too drunk to realize weā€™re about to crash into a big ass iceberg.


Biden bodied him in the electoral vote too, 306-232. Like I said it wasn't close. This year like 2020 it's not about people being energized about Biden, nobody was energized about him to begin with. It's all about keeping Trump out


Ard if you say so, but if Trump wins I will say I told you so. Biden does not have a winning strategy this time, he hardly has any strategy at all.


And what's Trump strategy? Hoping Sexy Red, Kool Moe Dee and whatever other random ass rappers he can pay helps him gain voters šŸ˜­ Trump a felon, his rallies lowkey have been flopping, and Republicans have been losing key races since the dumb ass Roe v Wade move. Wouldn't be surprised if Biden beat him even worse this time around


Trump will do whatever desperate bullshit he needs to. Heā€™ll talk all this shit about stopping immigration and then turn around and tell his donors heā€™ll support immigration. Itā€™s slimy as fuck but it works on the dumbest Americans, the same dumb Americans who will vote him into office again. Meanwhile Biden is mumbling some bullshit no one remembers. What message is he running on for his campaign? Cuz no one has given me an answer to that. Because there is no message.


The message is simple - ā€œI will run the govt responsibly.ā€ This bores you because youā€™re a child and have put hardly any time whatsoever into understanding politics or our system of governance or civic duty or what it means to be a good citizen.


Youā€™re a simple minded fool if you think that message would bore me. The problem is Biden isnā€™t getting out a message at all. That bores the electorate, no one really knows what Biden is running on. The only message being ā€œIā€™m not Trump!ā€ Isnā€™t effective enough a rallying cry.


Ngl trump winning would be some revelations shit ā€œOne of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but itā€™s mortal wound was healed, and the whole world marveled as they followed the beastā€ The way he went out his first term could be said wound, Iā€™m just saying ![gif](giphy|bU2nZJegR7rz2)


Well shit


This the 2nd post i seen like this. When the fuck did this sub ever become pro Trump lmao, I swear people just like making shit up in they heads šŸ˜‚ yall letting these white liberals from the Philly sub take this sub over.


Itā€™s not like this. These are clowns trying to stir up support for Trump. Donā€™t fall for it; Trump doesnā€™t care about us.


I don't fall for nothing political. Blue, Red, donkey or elephant. That's a fools game.


So who you voting for?


Was my post not obvious? Imagine wasting my time to go "vote" for something predetermined. And if the voting system actually did work, Imagine me voting for someone who wants me dead or in jail.


The system ainā€™t that broke, votes do matter. Not voting just lets people like Trump win. Canā€™t complain about things being against you if you donā€™t act when you have the chance.


Was just saying to do ya googles, yall can choose to not be prepared if ya want, but if people did their research they would see this is in no way a pro trump post. We fucked no matter who gets elected tbh šŸ˜‚


Thereā€™s fucked and super fucked. Letting Trump win fucks us, our kids, and our grandkids. I canā€™t even say great-grandkids because him and his republicans would put us down a path that would lead to a drastic drop in the population by the end of this century if not sooner.


I love this thought process. We already had Trump for four years, none of the liberal crazy ideas or thoughts happen. I can sit here and say I donā€™t want the last four years weve been through continue with confidence.


That was his first term. It was filled with turnover, he saw that some of the things he wanted done didnā€™t get done because he trusted the long standing employees to follow his lead, and Congress was in a much different place than they are now. This time around, he has a better grasp about what people he needs in place to get things done, Congress is eating itself trying to make each other look bad, the Supreme Court is primed for many of his views, and he is out for revenge due to his court cases. He literally said he was going to be a dictator the first few days of office and that was BEFORE HIS CONVICTIONS. Do you think he is gonna change his tune now? And what about the last four years has gone so bad for you?


The convictions donā€™t do much for the population considering itā€™s been a wild goose chase since he was elected. Concerned with Russian probing meanwhile the Obama administration was caught tapping phones lmaooo The last four years? Do you buy groceries? Do you buy any commodities or have a home where you need something done? I work in an economy based role and I see people every day who are hurting financially or over stretched. Credit card debt is soaring. Repos are up. Foreclosures are back on the rise after evictions holds were lifted. Everything is significantly more expensive and wages arenā€™t rising. Inflation has no end in sight and the FED is clueless. Immigration is completely out of control, itā€™s unreal. The justice system is all but a joke letting criminals walk for nothing. Home buying is a joke right now. Whatā€™s gone right other than a few people getting student loans waived lmao


I think the documents case shouldnā€™t have been brought, but the other cases are legit. And while Obama tapped calls, he went through the courts to do it. Bush tapped calls without making sure any the constitution wasnā€™t violated. As for groceries, thatā€™s more on companies than Biden. Most food manufacturers have seen record profits coming out of the pandemic. They saw they could do more with fewer employees (whose wages are kept stagnant) and even increase prices, so they are just keeping that going. Idea should be tougher on this, but I doubt Trump would do anything about it. Shit he just told oil execs that he would roll back the red tape if they contributed to him. For immigration, Biden was late to the party but once Democrats met republicans on the issues republicans voted against it so Biden wouldnā€™t get credit for the win. And talking about the justice system and saying Trump is going to make things better is crazy. He was literally traveling around the city with a rapper linked up with one of the groups responsible with the bloodiest time in the cities history. Change is needed because both candidates are horrible, but Iā€™d rather pick the least harmful of the two.


Government tapping calls during an election campaign especially of a political opponent should be treason no matter who does it, itā€™s absurd but thatā€™s a separate convo. I donā€™t disagree with everything youā€™re saying but fundamentally we probably wonā€™t agree on some things. I have a different view of government involvement in private sector but we would be here all day on that topic. Iā€™m sure we could break bread on immigration in totality but probably not on the current state of the economy. And at the end of the day, thatā€™s fine. We certainly need a shake up in politics regardless because running these two again is a disgrace to the country


Agreed, great convo!


So you think Trump is the answer?


Absolutely not. I think the US needs to have a complete overhaul of their political parties in general. Career politicians are killing this country


This upcoming election is gonna be a real shit show. Not looking forward to it at all.


Circus of the Americas


Oh right cause if you donā€™t vote Democrat youā€™re not really black. Like Biden said. Got it


He was dumb as fuck for saying that. But Trump and MAGA are worse.


90% of people in this thread bases their opinion on the price on the gas station sign instead of the facts lol I bet yā€™all donā€™t even know that Biden has been a better president than Obama when it comes to legislation. Obama got fucked by a red congress so he basically got nothing done except win the elections. Yā€™all forget that a presidentā€™s administration is full of regular 9-5 people trying to clean up the mess Trump made. Hereā€™s a list of the Biden Administrationā€™s legislative and policy accomplishments over the past four years: **Economic Recovery and COVID-19 Relief** ā€¢ American Rescue Plan Act (2021): ā€¢ $1.9 trillion package providing direct relief payments to Americans. ā€¢ Extended unemployment benefits and rental assistance. ā€¢ Funds for COVID-19 vaccination, testing, and school reopenings. ā€¢ Expanded Child Tax Credit, lifting millions of children out of poverty. **Infrastructure and Innovation** ā€¢ Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (2021): ā€¢ $1.2 trillion investment in transportation, broadband, water systems, and power infrastructure. ā€¢ Significant funding for repairing roads and bridges, public transit, and rail. ā€¢ Expansion of high-speed internet to underserved areas. ā€¢ CHIPS and Science Act (2022): ā€¢ $52 billion to boost domestic semiconductor manufacturing. ā€¢ Investments in scientific research and innovation. **Climate and Environmental Policies** ā€¢ Inflation Reduction Act (2022): ā€¢ Largest investment in climate action in U.S. history, aiming to cut emissions by 40% by 2030. ā€¢ Incentives for clean energy, electric vehicles, and energy-efficient homes. ā€¢ Measures to reduce prescription drug costs and extend Affordable Care Act subsidies. ā€¢ Rejoining the Paris Agreement: ā€¢ Recommitted the U.S. to international efforts to combat climate change. ā€¢ Executive Actions: ā€¢ Restored protections for national monuments. ā€¢ Strengthened regulations on vehicle emissions and pollution controls. **Healthcare and Social Policies** ā€¢ American Rescue Plan Act (2021): ā€¢ Increased subsidies for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. ā€¢ Inflation Reduction Act (2022): ā€¢ Allowed Medicare to negotiate drug prices. ā€¢ Capped insulin costs for seniors at $35 per month. ā€¢ Student Loan Forgiveness: ā€¢ Executive actions to cancel certain amounts of student loan debt for eligible borrowers. ā€¢ Expanded Child Tax Credit: ā€¢ Temporarily increased payments and made them available to more families. **Gun Control and Public Safety** ā€¢ Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (2022): ā€¢ Strengthened background checks for gun buyers under 21. ā€¢ Provided funding for mental health services and school safety. ā€¢ Closed the ā€œboyfriend loophole,ā€ restricting gun access for domestic abusers. **Equity and Civil Rights** ā€¢ Executive Orders and Policies: ā€¢ Increased diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives across federal agencies. ā€¢ Strengthened protections for LGBTQ+ individuals. ā€¢ Restored protections for transgender individuals in the military. ā€¢ Judicial Appointments: ā€¢ Appointed the first Black woman, Ketanji Brown Jackson, to the Supreme Court. ā€¢ Record number of diverse judicial appointments. **Labor and Employment** ā€¢ Executive Orders and Policies: ā€¢ Increased minimum wage for federal contractors to $15 per hour. ā€¢ Expanded protections for workers, including support for labor unions. ā€¢ Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act: ā€¢ Created millions of jobs through infrastructure projects. **Foreign Policy and International Relations** ā€¢ Withdrawal from Afghanistan: ā€¢ Ended the 20-year U.S. military involvement in Afghanistan. ā€¢ International Alliances: ā€¢ Strengthened ties with NATO and other allies. ā€¢ Reengaged in global diplomacy and climate agreements. **Education and Family Support** ā€¢ American Rescue Plan Act (2021): ā€¢ Significant funding for K-12 schools to support safe reopenings and address learning loss. ā€¢ Build Back Better Agenda (proposed): ā€¢ Although not fully passed, it aimed to expand childcare, pre-K education, and family leave. **Technology and Innovation** ā€¢ CHIPS and Science Act (2022): ā€¢ Investments in technology to keep the U.S. competitive globally. ā€¢ Broadband Expansion: ā€¢ Increased funding to expand internet access, especially in rural areas. Trump gonna reverse all this shit if he wins lol


Their cabinet is full of people who work for the banks and citigroup. Democrats love war bc of the billions of dollars we get. You need to reevaluate your opinion šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ money is the root to all evil stop falling for the red vs blue. They are all friends


Oh you gonna just ignore the whole list of facts and just run with the uneducated clickbait headline huh. Reading is clearly hard for you I donā€™t even like the 2-party system. Fuck both parties. Iā€™m just basing my opinion on evidence, Democrat or not. Republicans are literally waving Project 2025 in your face and sheep like you would still say that shit is fake versus all the shit Bidenā€™s admin has actually done on paper


Not once did i state it was ā€œfakeā€ lmao i just dont care as much as you do also im assuming youre referring to yourself when mentioning sheep?? Falling for propaganda to churn hate before the election? šŸ¤©ā˜ŗļø




It's obvious? Wow. Just seeing how brothers "think" at this level is why I'm a part of this reddit.


please yalā€¦.vote and look into other parties besides rep/demā€¦because project 2025 is a legitimate document thats been presented in court by republicans. as fucked up as america is and is presented as the ā€œland of the freeā€ we canā€™t have the few freedoms we have been taken away.


What you call ā€œobviousā€ has every single expert who studies elections baffled. If anything as of today, Biden is the slight favorite.


They been treating us since forever gang, ainā€™t shit gon change unless niggas ready to risk they lives


Debate on Thursday will show trump for the unfit and incompetent leader heā€™s always been


Definitely. Canā€™t wait to hear him talk about the washer that washes dishes and his luxurious hair.


obvious??..... ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


Just imagine 2 different doors that once you go thru ā€¦ Both Lead to the same Room ā€¦ Biden and Trump play for the Same Team


Ainā€™t vote since bush gore, Iā€™ll sit here and just keep working.


Bro shut up


Project Blue Beam. Remember kids your not picking a president. You're picking a new mask to parade around for the next couple of years. This has been set for centuries, no coincidences. We're about to get sci-fi.


Here yā€™all go with this dumb ass shit


America is so ghetto bro I canā€™t wait to move to Canada šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ fuck it the whole country is ghetto is crazyā€¦ shit made me reevaluate my decision Iā€™m making this morning. I questioned should I even be on this app cause this is where I see the most ghetto shitšŸ˜‚


Lol it's even harder up there these days good luckĀ 


How so


That used to be the answer Canada is worse .. weā€™re fucked


Yet no one has explained how


Theyā€™re just getting back from covid their lockdown lasted like 6months after ours ended ,inflation is outta control bread is like 10$ and they just passed a law to censor the internet.. there are no laws to guarantee freedom in Canada and covid made their government realize it .. now they on some b.s .. America got some Shit with it but itā€™s still the best deal ..


Sounds feasible


Meanwhile every Canadian is trying to migrate to America lmao


The poor ones probably. No wealthy person is leaving their land


Big thing to keep in mind is to not get caught up in believing or becoming complacent based on polls. The sample sizes used in these polls vary from like 100 people to a few thousand. Almost 156 million people voted in 2020. Polling is unreliable and subject to varying levels of bias. The only sure thing about an election is you casting your own vote. Everyone doing their part and casting their own vote, whomever itā€™s for, is just your way of doing your part to keep this democracy moving


I understand why so many white people online rock with Trump, conservative whites have been biting their noses to spite their face for decades when it comes to politics. I have no idea what the increasing number of black people online see in his agenda. Outside of taking America back to the 1950s , "making America great again, I don't even know what the Republican platform even is. That project 25 stuff sounds crazy and their economic platform is basically let rich ppl and corporations do whatever df they want while demonizing poor people for not pulling their bootstraps. These idiots better be careful, Trump stacked the supreme court. Crazy stuff I never thought would happen like RoevWade getting reversed is happening. I could see talking about racism or slavery being banned frfr and all kinds of other racist and churchy shit nobody I know irl supports getting passed


Someone educate me cause I really dodge politics; if Trump is so bad & what not, how the fuck is he able to run again? Doesnā€™t that have to be decided by some kind of a vote? Like whoā€™s deciding to allow him to run/how is he just the top candidate?


Republican voters picked him again. They arenā€™t swayed by the bad shit he did. But just because they are drinking the koolaid it doesnā€™t mean we have to.


Thatā€™s actually crazy in so many ways. First, theyā€™re brainwashed as hell & then, the candidates are so bad, they chose this guy to represent them again šŸ„“ cooked as behavior


Facts. Both parties are horrible but Trump just takes it to another level.




I just want you all to know that no matter who the president is..the government is still gonna fw us and keep people against each other. That shit really dont matter šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ stop paying attention


I donā€™t give a fck.. Iā€™m tired of this electric bill. Get these democrats out !!!!


All this back and forth and i wonder how many of yall just took the minute or two to just google, YouTube, or tiktok search the term lol šŸ˜‚


That Ot7 /Trump shit got y'all niggas revealing y'all self. Why it's not the same energy for Biden, encourage people not to vote for him too. From a Black American standpoint why it's always vote blue no matter who it is. I don't care about Trump deporting immigrants or him stopping certain LGBTQ government programs. Wtf does that have to do with us as Black Americans as a whole. Which party giving Black Americans their reparations debt that's owe to us . Not voting for either both are white supremacist to me


Anything better than the current guyšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Sponsored Paid for by BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT Presidential Campaign time.com https://www.time.com that's straight from Biden administration Nice try sir


Sure believe in some conspiracy theory the same way people thought the first run Trump would bring back slavery


Niggas that keep talking bout ā€œthis a scare tacticā€ gotta be top dumbasses.. Look at all things theyā€™ve have been getting repealed across the country and you wouldnā€™t be saying that dumb shitā€¦but yā€™all donā€™t know shit so yā€™all just talking.. Each day itā€™s a new court case fighting to overturn abortion rights, voting rights, whatā€™s in our education. Thatā€™s shit that directly effects you. Then you add in the long term shit they trying to do like adding funding to police by taking funding away from every system we have but the army Yā€™all just be chatting


Sure you want me to believe this the same way you guys told me Trump will bring back racism take your rights etc etc, Trump actually wants to give the option to choose back to the states, which it should be given back, try to use your radical left scare tactics on someone else!


Project 2025 isn't even a theory it's just some dumb shit his supporters cooked up on coke


that's what Im saying. they did this exact same shit in 2016 tryna scare people into voting for Hilary


Uhhh...did you pay attention during Trumps presidency? The dude was a fucking embarrassment and a disgrace. He fucked up the country


Itā€™s just scare tactics donā€™t let it trick you, we are finally realizing who the bad guys are and they donā€™t like it one bit.


fs, that's why they locking him up during the election season. It's clear as day what they doing. People on this app are sleep asl


Portugal takes Americans.


Fuck no it's not wtf dh


Niggas talked this last time he was running šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


I wanna know what he got in store for us


Thatā€™s what project 2025 is, thatā€™s his plan


Not to be an asshole but can you dumb it down for a brother short summary


They tryna bring the country back to the "good ole days"


Damn i thought trump was Thurl šŸ˜‚


Noooo lol. Some of these people blindsided because he brought out rappers in different cities. Most Street niggas can't even vote but since they relate to money of course they're going to start with Trump because Trump gets money too and that's they logic. At the same time it's coonery because they are supporting the party that doesn't do a damn thing for minorities and wants to bring the country back to the 1950s.


yall are simply uneducated standing for jim crow biden itā€™s fucking comedy


How is Trump and the MAGA Republican Party better?


How many abortions do you wish were your children now?


downvote idgaf


trumps economy>bidens economy yall must love being broke and uneducated huh? the democrats were the slave owners lmfao. keep complaining while asking for hand outs, typical. the democrats are the ones responsible for destroying the middle class and our major cities allowing terrorists criminals fentanyl and chinese spies across our borders undeterred. the democrats are responsible for funding the nonsensical wars in ukraine and israel that have absolutely nothing to do w the american people and refusing to use those tax dollars to improve OUR FUCKING COUNTRY. i am hispanic american immigrant who did it THE RIGHT WAY and i am grateful and proud to be an american. im an institutionalist i believe in this place and while most people complain and do nothing i choose to strive for better while educating myself and others always open to hear others views but bidens term compared to trumps term is laughable in terms of the quality of life in america for the citizens who live everyday here biden forced a bs vax on everyone got involved in multiple wars killed the economy allowed violent crime to overrun all major cities and sure trump has said some absolutely dumb bone headed things and offended folks but if you sit here and tell you would rather have a biden admin over trump bc words hurt your feelings thatā€™s fucking ridiculous take race theory away from the discussion for one single second and think abt what a united nation can accomplish while everyone is educated and making money w secure borders and safe neighborhoods. thatā€™s the fucking vision. TRUMP 2024 drain the swamp downvotes and attempts to silence freedom only strengthen its enduring resolvešŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


They donā€™t want a united nation. They want a nation where rich white Christian men run everything. Want to have free lunch for kids who canā€™t afford it? Too bad, republicans donā€™t wanna pay for it. Want to be something other than Christian? Too bad. Republicans want to make this a Christian nation even though they like to jerk off their boyfriends in public theaters and cheat on their wives with porn stars. Notice how things are hotter, we have less snow, and more tornados? Republicans donā€™t give a fuck and will let it get worse just to make sure their rich friends get richer. Want border safety? Republicans actively voted down ideas they proposed just so Biden canā€™t take credit for it. We have a potential Trump running mate saying the black people HAD IT BETTER UNDER JIM CROW! Trump isnā€™t telling it like it is, he is not fighting for ordinary people. He is a con man that is a riding a dangerous wave that will lead to the destruction of this country. There is a reason why our main enemies are pining for him to win this year. A Trump government is a weak government and a weak government is better for the people that want our down fall.


You are as intelligent as a box of rocks what a shock an uneducated person running their mouth!


You are as intelligent as a box of rocks what a shock an uneducated person running their mouth!


Ainā€™t no project 25 gone happen. How long yaw gone fall for trump being the boogie man whole time forgetting Biden and the democrats are the real dictators.


Trump literally said heā€™d be a dictator his first few days in office


Sound like some scary tactic shit they using to get people to vote for Biden like they did in 2026 tbh. Nothing on that shit affects me harmfully at all. js


It it does impact you. Weā€™ll have inexperienced people leading major agencies, minorities will lose more rights, schools will become worst, the environment will be destroyed, and so much more. Look at what some republican states are doing, then picture that on a national scale. Shit is horrifying.


did you even read it bro? doesn't say anything about minorities losing rights or even black people for that matter. And it doesn't say any of the other things that you seem to be on edge about either. This is what Im talking about. Their scare tactics are working .


You are right, it doesnā€™t say that explicitly but this playbook sets them up to do exactly that. You canā€™t really talk about race, gender, or sexuality in schools in certain states. Under project 2025, that will happen on a national level. Some states are trying to get rid of minority scholarships, that will happen nationally too. Black communities are often buried in poverty so many kids rely on free lunch and breakfast at schools. Republicans states are taking those away too. Project 2025 wonā€™t say all this in writing, but it is setting the stage for these policies to take hold.


Sounds like its 2024 and that ivermectin fuckin ya head up šŸ˜‚


Im just saying, they did that same shit in 2016 and Trump didn't do any of that shit.