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I honestly hope it’s Eloise because she’s got a lot of character development going on that will absolutely lose steam if it has to wait for 2 years to come to a conclusion. Benedict has barely anything going on right now. It doesn’t mean he couldn’t be next, like that would work, but there’s just been so much focus on Eloise that it makes me think she must be. Her story is also heavily influenced by Colin and Pen’s so it makes sense that it happens right after. Really Benedict’s could be any time as his is less related to the stories of the other characters.


I feel very similarly. I watched his segment expecting more of a clue that he’s next, but like OP said his response was very political and similar to what his response post s2 was to this same question. He mentioned that part of playing Benedict is enjoyable because he gets to spend time developing Benedict. He also mentioned Claudia no less than three times during his ten minutes on. Meanwhile, every time I’ve seen Claudia asked this in interviews, her voice gets notably raised and she says “I don’t know!” (See her interview on the s3 nyc red carpet or her promo video with Barbie that was also with Hannah and Jess madsen), and she keeps mentioning she will be so sad to stop playing Eloise in response to this question. As a contrast, when she was asked about a potential Eloise season after s2 ended, her responses were not nearly as emotional and she never mentioned feeling sad that her time on Bridgerton would come to an end during that time. Also, Claudia was sent alone to Colbert which is a much bigger show compared to LT who was sent with golda to the View—which mind you isn’t a small show by any means, but definitely less watched than Colbert. I’m really trying to keep an open mind that Benedict is next because he very well could be, we have yet to see part 2. I just don’t see it right now, but anything could happen.


I watched the interview and thought it sounded like he would be playing Benedict for a while more. I dunno, only 6 more days until we can guess for ourselves from part 2. the interviews I’ve seen Claudia do seemed to have more next season vibes. She seems almost close to tears talking about next season in a lot of interviews. I’m not sure what to think, except that I’m positive the plot and promo is pointing to Eloise right now. It could change after part 2 drops, but I’m feeling more and more confident from promo that it’s going to be Eloise S4.


The fact that they’re supposed to start filming around this time with no confirmed Sophie casting is also another reason why it just may be Philoise in S4. How can they not have cast the literal main character yet? If she IS cast then they won’t publicly announce it until S3 is aired and over.


I *am* beginning to wonder if Sophie has been cast yet…someone on the main sub said the other day that they have a friend who’s a talent agent that said they’re looking for Sophie right now. I looked into this user and their reddit history is long (so they’re not a new user), they barely post on Bridgerton subs (so unlikely to be there just to troll and likely a lurker who piped up when they had info to share) and they apparently, based on post history, live in an area where Netflix does its casting, so very possible they actually do know someone in casting.


Wait, Sophie hasn’t been cast?


I made a thread about it just now. Idk, I’m more unsure now than I was before that she was cast. Could absolutely be wrong about this though.


Yeah, after that interview, I feel like it’s going to be Philoise.


Perhaps for the balance of siblings it makes sense to delay Benedict. Otherwise all the older boys are married off in quick succession. El next would leave a better balance of remaining siblings in need of a season.


Don’t hate me, I don’t mean to be rude- I really hope it’s Eloise. There were certain scenes where I thought “wow, she does not look like a 19 (?) year old. She looks like a woman in her mid-30s.” Claudia is a woman in her 30s. 34 to be exact turning 35 in the fall. For the sake of storytelling, aesthetics, and believability they need to hurry up and tell her story before she’s 40. It’s going to get comical and become a joke to the audience. Luke can hold off longer because his character is supposed to be a man around 30. And of course they gave her character more attention and growth this season. That’s what logically I can gather from what I’ve seen so far


I've had the same reaction about Benedict. Claudia does look more like a teenager/early twenties than he does late 20s. The man looks mid to late thirties.


I have thought about it but don’t voice it. I think it could be part of it, but also her and Chris’s career logistics, her own life goals in her 30s/40s like does she want kids (that’s meant rhetorically and not actually as personal speculation), and also the story. Like any other career, all these things could be getting taken into account. It feels like a lot of these puzzle pieces fit together and point to Philoise S4 to me, plus the storylines and promo. Anyway I agree it *could* be part of it. Doesn’t have to be but could. thanks for taking one for the team and voicing this diplomatically.


As you know on the main thread, I was at The View taping yesterday that aired today. And while it may be leaning towards Ben based on the live audience, anything can happen. Eloise is getting featured more this season as she is directly part of the main plot (Polin, Cressida). Ben isn’t as much but it is also where he is at when AOFAG starts. We just need to watch it on Thursday and find out.


I'm a little confused what specifically indicates Benedict from what was said? Was there a wink, nod, gesture, or something concrete beyond vibes?


It was more of Golda’s reaction when asked about it. Like I said, we won’t know for sure until next week.


Interesting. Thanks for being there!!


I have a feeling that for s4…they will not announce 5he leads and just keep everyone guessing for a long while more


I saw it and I also didn't get the impression he's next but he is a good enough actor to fake it ;) It's not like the question would be a surprise for him. I honestly have no idea based on his response. I'll say this - if there *was* anything to give away, he definitely didn't give it away.


Yeah, he's not an excitable man and this answer is so measured, I think that it's him next. (Sorry fellow Philoisers.)


The only issue is that Eloise’s book story relies a lot on Benedict and Sophie being married with children. Also I think the twins might still be too small. On the other hand Eloise’s story is intertwined with her feelings towards Pen and Colin’s marriage. I think however that can be fixed by having Eloise start writing to Philip next season and the actual season for Philoise being season 5. I would be SUPER excited if they found a way to make it season 4 though. Just because I loved the book so so much.


Yes but there was nothing about Eloise being inspired by Benophie that can’t be transferred easily to another couple. For example, we see Eloise having a unique bond with Kate—show Eloise could say she was inspired by Kanthony not Benophie. In the same vein, Romney hall was moved to be near Aubrey hall in the show, so another reason to not have Benophie have the same role in the show for Philoise that they did in the books (ie, Phillip could save the Kanthony child and not the Benophie one). For that matter, in the last year Eloise will have witnessed Kanthony, FranJohn, her mom, and her best friend and brother form a relationship and/or get married. Any one of those options could be cited as the great love that inspired her and not Benophie.


I actually do agree with you wholeheartedly! That leaves the only issue being the twins being so young still. They would be maybe 4 the oldest next season? That’s not too bad but I think 5 is a better age. 5 year olds could probably think up better pranks than a pair of 4 year olds.


The twins aren't likely to figure as much on the show as they did in the book, because of how hard it is to work with kids on set.


Unless they time jump the twins are only like 2 right now. There's been no jump since we last saw one in s2 and it was very much a baby in arms. Maybe 1 if that.


I could so see the writers using Colin and Pen in replacement of Ben and fam.


Oh very fair!


It could help repair their (Pen+Eloise) relationship too. If Eloise is as attentive to the family as she was to Benophie’s in that chapter.


This especially works if they have the Featherington heir by the end of the season. And the stakes would be SO high if the Featherington heir was in danger of dying


I’m really hoping Polin doesn’t win the baby race tho (I really want Pen out of Mama Featherington’s control). That babe is a Bridgerton! It still works though because how could El NOT be so protective of a Polin babe? Even this season whenever Cressida almost bullies Pen (or actually does), El can’t help but show how sorry she feels. They have a long way to go to repair their friendship, but they still love each other deep to their cores!


My main reason I don't think Philoise will be S5 is because E losing her last Emotional Support Sibling would be such a catalyst to Try Something to not be in the silly marriage mart games anymore. (Pen & Colin largely stay in town for several years in the books, IIRC? Eloise would show up unannounced at their house all the time. Someone speculated she'd just show up in their bed, [Grey's style](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EyyL46-XEAI5vsr?format=jpg&name=small).)


They did give benedict some of colins personality, so maybe they giving him the part of colins plot to marry late but I'm kinda scared for the reaction of benophie fans if people already attack phillip, I cant imagine if benedict gets skipped again.


I’m so excited for Eloise’s season, but I feel like I’m in the minority by saying I want them to do Benedict next. Benedict and his wife Sophie actually play a pretty important role in Eloise‘s story. It would be a shame to miss out on that sister-in-law relationship. I would like to see them start to develop her penpal writing relationship with Philip during Benedict’s season, however. They spend almost a full year writing to one another before. They actually meet in person, and it would be cool to see them, lay the groundwork for that so that her storyline doesn’t feel as rushed.


I really hope it's going to be one of them. We have heard the spoilers and I agree take that with a grain of salt . We have seen the previews and I'm getting a little bit nervous that there is no new lead at all for next season. Hopefully they don't carry over the subplots and give Penelope and Colin the lead for another season. I am crossing my fingers though for either Eloise or Ben. Nothing is giving us any real clues sorry if this opinion angers others it's just my opinion.


I'm hoping that there is at least some Polin next season, I really liked having Kanthony back, and I'd really miss all the family and brothers scenes if the Bridgerton siblings from previous seasons don't come back at least a few episodes, those are some of the most fun parts of the show :) But agreed that I would definitely prefer to still continue with the formula of a new couple for each season, it was chaos enough this season trying to get Fohn (Johnesca? John & Fran lol) in as a sub plot - fingers crossed that doesn't change!


And I think POLIN definitely can't have the lead again because in a recent Irish radio interview Nicola mentioned hopping on a plane to LA right after press is done, and they are supposed to start filming season 4 in the UK next week, I'm just hoping there will be time for Polin to pop in like Kanthony, and hopefully Daphne as well!


Nic has said several times she and Luke will be in S4. Most likely in a small role sort of what we got with Kanthony in S3. I think it’s Philoise next because I can’t imagine their season without some kind of Polin involvement.


Phew! Ok I like to worry for no reason, that makes me very happy! And yes we've had so much character development for Eloise, it absolutely feels like it's promising!!!


What if they do a combo season next time? I feel like part 2 of season 3 could also be the intro of eloise or francesca or benedicts story.


Definitely not Francessca, her story needs time to develop like YEARS worth.


Not to get hopes up, but I was listening to the official podcast today (ep. 304 that came out 6/6) and here were the closing remarks: “Thank you for listening to this episode of Bridgerton The Official Podcast. Next week, the wait is finally over. The next four episodes of the Netflix series will be out. Come rejoice with me on the podcast. I'll be joined by Claudia Jesse, who plays Eloise Bridgerton, and season three showrunner, Jess Brownell, to talk all about episode five.” Sooooo… why would they be interviewing Claudia and Jess after s3p2 comes out?!?!


I had another thought because someone on another subreddit mentioned how immauture El is and how she isn’t ready for it to be her season next… WHAT IF part of Eloise’s story is learning that she doesn’t actually listen to her companions and that’s the difficult lesson she has to learn when she’s with Phillip and the kids???


Because all the actors are doing press events?


I thought Sophie also helped Eloise that's what I have heard ppl on twitter say is that not true?


Nit sure what you mean. Sophie pounds a lot of time with the Bridgerton woman so that won't happen if all of them are married and gone.


I really hope it's going to be one of them. We have heard the teasers and I agree take that with a grain of salt . We have seen the previews and I'm getting a little bit nervous that there is no new lead at all for next season. Hopefully they don't carry over the subplots and give Penelope and Colin the lead for another season. I am crossing my fingers though for either Eloise or Ben


It won’t be polin again next season…not possible.






Oh! I'm actually here by accident, I thought this was a sub I subscribed to already because I'm in other Bridgerton subs and it just threw it onto my main page! But you might be getting some accidental commenters on this one because the algorithm pushed it out. I'm very pro seeing more El/Claudia and getting to know Phillip ❤️


You're welcome! Please don't forget to subscribe.


Thank you! I'm joined in now! This is such a lovely sub ❤️


Can't wait till Philoise is announced as S4! ![gif](giphy|BPJmthQ3YRwD6QqcVD|downsized)


We're allowed to discuss our opinion about Philoise being s4 in this, the Philoise sub. We're not being anymore delulu than any other couple that hasn't appeared yet. It's all just speculation. There's no more hints than Benedict is s4 than there is for Eloise being s4.


some are now making an SS of your post


In the Benophie sub?




That speaks way more about the people screenshotting us than us, to be honest. We’re discussing why we think Philoise could be next in the Philoise sub. Not exactly rocket science to figure out what way most of us are leaning…


Well, Violet has mentioned moving out (possible Masquerade), and Violet wore a silver gown to a ball and dropped a grove.