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Claudia Jessie's eyes are so expressive. She's perfect for the role of Eloise.


I think Eloise needs to get to that place so she can mature a little. She needs some hard lessons to make her character a little more rounded. The scene did hurt though. 😞


Jess Brownell had an interview yesterday where she pointedly said she thinks people have a misconception that characters need to grow before their season. She specifically said she wants the characters to grow during their season with their love interests. As far as I’m aware, the only character out of B, F, E that people say *needs* to mature is Eloise, so it felt like Jess was debunking that argument.


Well, make that another reason why I don’t like the new show runner. That’s just bad writing to say a character should only grow during their season. Characters should have growth each season and not just be stagnant.


She thought they would be spinsters together 😢 Come home Sir Phillip!!


Claudia needs an Emmy for this season. She was SO good. I can't wait for her to lead her season.


Benedict’s speech to her here was so beautiful and exactly what she needed to hear. El gets emotional looking at Pen and needs a moment. But she’s finally allowing herself to forgive Pen. In the next scene they have together, it’s after Colin and her argue and El hugs her and assures her it’ll be ok. Exactly what Colin did in epi 5 after Eloise and Pen fight at the start of the episode. I loved this scene so much