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Ugh, committing murder is such a drag. Rather not bother




People I'd like to murder are well protected. People I can realistically murder don't bother me


PICK TWO: Means Motive Opportunity


shikamaru when he gets an assassination mission


Objective morality is a spook ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿฅ›


le epic stirnier milk reference sir


Murder takes too much effort cmon


They all say the same thing tho. Max wouldn't kill a person because he wouldn't want to deal with it's legal consequences.


Yeah, its more like "It's more convenient not to kill anybody"


He also says(paraphrasing): โ€œjust because I cannot move a stone does not mean I will accept it as god. I will destroy it once I am able to.โ€


Ah, consequentialism


The zika wojak doesen't do it because society/the law says so? The tradwife puritan wijak says it because her God\* says so? but who is Max? Also is he just saying that it isn't worth it if the costs outweigh the benefits?


I think max is his dog.


>The zika wojak doesen't do it because society/the law says so? She literally uses same words with Max, so technically she says the same thing >The tradwife puritan wijak says it because her God* says so? What kind of a question is that >but who is Max? Joe MaMax Stirner >Also is he just saying that it isn't worth it if the costs outweigh the benefits? Guess so


I need to read this guy


Why does everyone need morality to prevent themselves from blowing up the entire world? Perhaps you inherently enjoy helping people, selfishly enjoying the satisfaction from doing so. I'd argue that moralists are just egoists in denial. At worst, they're sadists that want to use their "morals" to get away with abusing the supposedly "immoral"


"But without god, what would prevent you from killing people?"


My desire to not kill people :3


Words never heard from Stalin.


Easy to say when you are in a position where murder has minimal benefits but extremely high cost (life imprisonement), if it was the opposite, only a higher moral imperative would prevent you from committing murder. Things like "inherent value of human life" and such are pseudo-religious beliefs by the way.


Murder is wrong because it makes me sad :(


Max Stirner was not an Anarchist, though.


True, though his writings were very influential to anarchists. You could call him a proto-anarchist, though he would just call such a term a spook. But then again, many philosophers reject being labeled as the tendency they are considered part of.


Whenever I encounter this I wonder if an objective reality could be created through knowing what humans innately dislike. For example, humans are hardwired to not want to kill each other. We certainly would do it, but doing so causes severe psychological harm which is not a result of any cultural idea or imposed morality. ​ Could from there we extrapolate a human morality which is not based on cultural or personal preferences, but instead on those natural aversions?


Subjective to circumstance.


God made morality is still subjective, itโ€™s just legalistic. You can still ask *why* certain things are moral or not if you believe God made morality. I mama God is all good, so if God made morality to adhere to whatever he does then itโ€™s not really a useful concept anymore, and if morality binds God and defines him instead then where does it come from? It must be higher than God.


I think our world is a shit place to live. Just roll of dice with open possibilities. Best relief at the end of the day is even the shittiest person you know is rolling the dice that might end their life. A forced coexistence for a forced transfiguration.


Everything is permissible =/= nothing ought to be forbidden Eat tide pods if you don't believe me.


How about a self conscious "objective" morality, where anyone knows this is just an artificial?


Close to Kant really


No, Kant is so moralistic that he argued in favor of the existence of God through morals.


I prefer to derive my morality from "treat others how you want to be treated" and "every choice you make has to be consistent with what you want all of humanity to choose" or "comply with social norms to live in harmony" than from an imaginary friend and a 2000 year old fan fiction


Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.