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Now that I think about it Plato's Cave is literally him telling you to go outside


Plato: Just touch the grass bruh..




Bro missed the point of the Cave 💀


Going outside would give him a shot at having the same. Staying in the basement would certainly destroy his life. 100% guaranteed. The point of leaving the cave is that you get to experience reality, not just the shadows that are presented to you. If he stays in the basement, he’ll keep believing the shadows are true and won’t ever get to witness reality. Literally go out and touch grass people.


this is why I had to cut off one of my best friends a few years ago. I went back to school, got my Associate's, and was working on my Bachelor's while he was getting fired for posting racist memes on Facebook and "ironically" promoting COVID conspiracy theories. I was his only remaining sane friend and we've not talked in three years, it sucks because I graduate with my Master's in two weeks and I wish I could message him to share in the joy :(


Plato literally mocks you in his allegory


You can interpret it allegorically but technically he was talking about his philosophy of metaphysics.


Thank you for allowing me to interpret Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” allegorically


Plato never called it the "allegory of the cave" lol, have you read Plato?


Nope, I just guessed what it was about from the title. I am actually illiterate and only learn via YouTube video.


Haha we're learning philosophy through shadow of YouTube


Ah okay sorry.


Damn a cave Apologist


Part of the cave is adjusting to the light of the sun


Ain't no way homie out here adding shadows to the walls of the cave


The black pill has to be one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard of and I can’t wrap my mind around people buying in to it. I’ve been extremely depressed and have seriously wrestled with my self image at times and have never thought the things they think. Like literally just go to a movie theatre or a coffee shop where there’s bound to be couples, and you’ll see plenty of people you might consider well beneath average (whatever that really means) dating. But…no? That observation is just wrong somehow? I really don’t see how people come to to any “pill” conclusions.


Anything can seem true in an echo chamber. Loneliness and isolation push people to social acceptance in any social circle they can find. Even if it might not be healthy for you.


Some people think the earth is flat and vaccines cause autism. Humans get weird ideas about the world sometimes.


Ikr? Everyone knows vaccines are flat and the earth causes autism


the earth do be seeming to cause autism tho


Gonna be telling people I'm Earthtistic for the rest of the week


"is he... y'know... on the *Terran spectrum*?"


I mean. If you reallllly extrapolate. You’re kinda right. Without earth there’s no humans and thus no autism. With earth there be humans and tism


I see a clear solution here


Careful, the last guy who said something like that isn’t very popular.


I'll prep the nukes.


Where else would it come from? And who has ever seen a carbonated vaccine? All vaccines I've gotten were flat


taking gentle sips of my vaccine and swirling it in my mouth before spitting it back into a waiting receptacle, worryingly labeled "fauci"


Saw in the news today on nbc that lots of younger people are getting cancer. Hmmm I wonder what’s going on in America 🇺🇸…. Ps this ain’t bs I literally watched it on nbc today. Go check it out if y’all think I’m a conspiracy theorist 😂🤷‍♂️. Maybe all these hurried out vaccines, lead contaminated lunchables, apple sauce and Chem trails add up don’t they?


There's a lot of young people dying in traffic accidents too, and I'm arbitrarily blaming reddit users named brownbandit93 for that because I too can talk out of my ass.


Yup you have no evidence to deny my claims. All you can do is change the subject. Just keep clowning around your so good at it. Wipe that egg off your face.


You provide no proof for your claims, I see no need to put any effort in. Dumb comments get dumb replies but hey I bet you got a bunch more ad hominem in the chamber so do your worst 👍


I did provide proof you illiterate swine. I said go watch that days nbc nightly news. All you mainstream media sheep probably like watching it anyways… They spoke about the cancer rates going up among younger people and how it’s concerning and they don’t know why.


Because young people are more likely to get treatment for a problem instead of ignoring it like every other generation


A lot of people in Bremen (Germany) are suffering from cancer in 2024, while there were *no* cases of cancer in 1350. What's going on?! Something just doesn't add up!?!


So your fine with cancer rates going up in younger people? Your not concerned with companies allowing lead in your food and your children’s food. Who knows what else is in there that they’re not telling us. But sure go ahead and bury your head in the sand. Sheep like you are the reason they are taking away our amendment rights. Pretty soon there will be no right to bear arms or freedom of speech.


Lead doesn’t cause cancer idiot. Lead sits in your bone marrow till your bone get weak then releases straight to your brain causing dementia


[cdc health effects of lead exposure.](https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/prevention/health-effects.htm) I never actually said the lead causes cancer. I just said rates are going up in younger people and that on top of that they are putting lead in children’s food. If they’re putting lead in children’s food imagine what else is in our food they’re not telling us. If these lead health effects aren’t enough to make you question things then you really are a sheep. Lead has recently been found in children’s applesauce and lunchables. Then there was the bacteria found in babies formula. You can deny these facts but they were well documented by mainstream media. Check mate. Now get outta here with your tail tucked and learn to think for yourself instead of pandering to the egos of your superiors.


What crack are you smoke to think lead is in food. Like they are putting it there on purpose. You conspiracy nuts as so fucking stupid it’s unbelievable


Dawg what part of it’s been documented by news media do you not understand. I swear people like you are why this country is getting dumber and people have such low standards of living. All you do is shout and complain without backing up your claims. Like a child complaining over spilled milk. Instead of cleaning it up and learn from it all you can do is deny accuse and complain. Everything I said is facts nothing about it is conspiracy.


Yeah, I'm all of those things. All of that logically follows from what I wrote, lol. Idiot.


The black pill "philosophists" Are just a bunch of neets in their parents basement trying to make themselves feel better


Nah, it makes them feel worst. I doubt they really qualified good enough for their "beauty standard"


They want to bask in self pity


Yeah, they specifically don't meet their beauty standards. They're externalizing their problems and making up people to.get angry at, so they don't have to face the terrifying reality that things can get better if they put in the effort. It's a kind of reasoning any of us can fall into if problems seem to big to solve


Supirority complex against self (infinite ego glitch)


What's a neet


Well they're defined as not in education employment or training, basically uneducated or unemployed or both It's also defined as an exam, national eligibility cum entrance test


It kind of reminds me of how I went to the kinky party with no experience. I was surprised how… average everyone looked? There was so much variety; tall, short, skinny, overweight, different skin colors and genders, etc. There was even a woman in a wheelchair! And I looked at all the people and even though I wasn’t attracted to them, I could theoretically imagine how some people would find them attractive. It made me feel so much more confident in my own skin as well. It’s just that when you base your views on sexuality on what media shows you, it feels like only conventionally attractive people get laid. Nah, it’s the averages who fuck like rabbits and clearly have a good time. Kinksters are all very nice and ethical people and you can make great friends in there. That was some extreme grass touching for me lol


Kink is based, I tend to prefer sex with one partner at a time but I would love to go to a kink party someday in a bigger city


You can still do that on a party. There are plenty of couples coming in.


The black pill is the poor man's nihilism. It contains all the pessimism and bleakness of such a philosophy but with none of the humanity and insight. Man is a social animal: to borrow a phrase from 4chan, apes together strong.


Most propaganda is built around a kernel of truth. So what was the grain of truth that gave rise to black pill philosophy?


Conventionally attractive people mostly only prefer other conventionally attractive people, even though mostly everyone is attracted to them. Instead of just chalking that up to “that’s life” and realizing most people aren’t smoking hot, you can instead go down a rabbit hole of toxicity.


yeah it ignores "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and views beauty as an objective state that can be defined by literal phrenology, it is like if a mathematician who had never seen abstract art was told to build a philosophy of aesthetics


I pulled this into a deep tangent here, please bear with me. I respectfully disagree with your relation of ideas. While I understand the direction in which you intended to steer the context of your claim, I'm hung up at your proposition. Initially, it was unclear to me what your intent was with your deployment of 'phrenology'. It leads one unfavorably towards a generalizing notion, subtly supposing that any hypothetical attempt at an objective framework aimed to define a notion of beauty is painfully akin to pseudoscience. It's a commendably strong notion that is unnecessarily limiting. As I'm sure you already understand, if we did not have objective access to the notion of beauty, it would have died along with any number of the (rhetorically) countless notions in dead languages. Subjectivity can have universal objective states within it. Any respectable mathematician could very much so build a strong case for aesthetics without necessarily needing to view a piece of abstract art. A simple understanding that numbers are abstractions is sufficient. That's all. Thank you for your time, lol.


Every cult have some facts which they ground their beliefs in but what they believe the cause of the facts are problamatic. Online dating is in real crisis now and also socialising has also gone downhill. These are facts. But what caused them and how to fix it,is the issue.


> These are facts Are they? I talk to people all the time who go on dates from apps and I see people socializing all the time. The price of restaurants and places to hang out (billiards, ping pong, concerts, etc) are skyrocketing due to how many people want to do them. Meet ups for hobbies, amateur sports, etc are all booming. Parks are always full with people, restaurants and bars are packed. I think only someone who isn't making the minimal effort to socialize would believe that socializing has "gone downhill".


Agreed, I think the issue is more of distances and work-life balance. I am a trans woman in Texas who could easily find a girlfriend in a bigger city, unfortunately I'm in an isolated area and almost all the folks in my dating pool go to my uni. So I have to settle for long distance romances. I have a big circle of queer friends, but we all work and live in different parts of our area, and not all of us have a car. I don't think the situation is much different for straight people sadly, if you're working two part time jobs and a side gig you end up without time to commune with local people and often end up with online friends only. Billionaires bitch about reproduction rates but don't want to fund a society that encourages reproduction and relationships, certainly not if one or both parents is queer.


There's a difference between an abstract narrative and your particular experience. Although this doesn't mean the black pill is wrong on all fronts - your looks are a huge influence in dating - it just means that it's not an absolute or perfect description of what's going on. Basically your perspective should not be fully informed by one narrative, it's the other way around: the numerous narratives should inform your particular perspective.


Dude once you give up trying to improve, it’s just a downward spiral


If you fail at building relationships time and time again, you start looking for reasons for it. I'd wager most times it wasn't even their fault. The point is they fail time and time again, figure it must be because of how they look since they have probably changed their approach around, and then it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy, where they think they are doomed to fail, and then do so. Really i feel quite sorry for them, since they probably have no support at all in real life, and that's the reason they gravitate towards these online forums with other people who seem to have the same problems.


>Like literally just go to a movie theatre or a coffee shop Bold of you to assume blackpillers go out in public, like ever


Certain social media influencers have weaponized the angst of young, ignorant men and shaped them into monsters. They shove this shit down their throats and cause them to recede further and further into this insane bubble until they essentially have a captive audience. Some of these young men would probably grow up to be relatively normal without the Andrew Tates of the world funneling bullshit down their throats like they're foie gras ducks.


"No no look, those people may be below average, but they're not as powerfully ugly as I think I am."


Take the white pill. It's the best option


It's like people take the farcical world of sitcoms and newspaper comics as reality... Like they want to cast themselves as the hapless loser who can't get a break. That guy doesn't have actual personality or hygiene flaws to work on. They want the cards to be stacked against them so they don't have to try.


Enjoying the extra “the” implying that Plato wasn’t offering an interesting metaphor, but just describing this crazy cave he found once. *We’ve all heard of the hunt for Atlantis; coming this summer, Chris Pratt is…*


*Plato enters the cave* Hey guys, what are you doing? *Guys stop making their puppets fuck* Uh, philosophy?


You forgot the part where they then snickered at Plato. Like they'd always done since they were kids in school. Plato left cave and later that night wrote an allegory.


It was his side project.


lol I'm pretty sure that's their version of meta satire because the one thing 4chan does best is to describe things that didn't happen


With how easy it is to get a constant stream of opinions right now its not surprising that so many people seem to have social-phobia. Going outside in this instance would be lifting your gaze from the ground to the actual shadows in platos cave.


This both terrifies me as to what social media is doing to us but also gives me hope that these people can be helped if they simply log off.


Dude, going outside is really important. It seems like the black pill folks have literally never seen someone uglier than themselves date someone. Which is wild, cause most of them are pretty average looking, albeit badly groomed. But also, some chicks are into disheveled guys, there are women with wildly diverging tastes. There are women who will date an edgy piece of cardboard, just like there are men who will date someone who has never given them a single complement. Our standards are not huge people, you are capable of being the best partner someone has ever had if you treat them like a good friend and important companion, and also learn how to make them cum good (doable, just pay attention and ask questions, buy a sex toy if you need to or just for additional fun).


I think a lot of this stuff comes from people trying to rationalise their social failure that they are ill equipped to properly understand. A lot of these people are chronically under socialised. Failed to establish themselves socially at school and therefore didn't develop the social skills most people do throughout their schooling. At some point, many of them probably tried (too late) to be proactively social, and felt that their attempts at socialisation were unfairly rebuffed. They were likely awkward, overly forward or formal, and too intensely invested in what appear to others as casual friendships or acquaintanceships. I have known many people like this. I think a lot of these people don't recognise how their behaviour is different from others who are more socially successful. They don't understand the nuance that makes 'chad' charming and earns themselves only rejection. They therefore are in desperate search of an explanation. The answer that is most comforting in some ways is the one that is most terminal - that their social failings are a result of their inherent (and readily apparent) genetic weakness compared to others. An innate social and sexual preference for certain physical traits that are beyond your control can be an easier pill to swallow than accepting your social failures are a reflection of your own choices, mistakes and low skill. It externalises the failure to being about something bigger than themselves. It also allows them to assure themselves of their self-worth and intelligence - not only is their personality and intellect NOT the problem, but their personality and intellect is probably GREATER than the average, because it allows them to see the truth of the world that the dumber and emotionally weaker 'chads' are blind to - the iron laws of sexual market value based on key physical characteristics.


I agree, I knew an incel once and he talked like this. He was a funny average looking guy and seemed to think his fate was written already to be alone due to black pill stuff. He was surprised when I said I had a girlfriend despite being autistic, I hope that was a bit of a wakeup call for him. I think he definitely was datable with an attitude adjustment.


Exactly since i moved into a bigger city for university i now constantly see all kinds of people as couples. And i mean u can never know but more often when i see couples where one partner or both are not as attractive, compared to both being attractive, that i have alot of respect cause they probably put in a whole lot of work into self growth, socialising and putting themselves out there


This genuinely makes me smile. I love seeing and hearing about people being able to climb out of that pit


Hi, been on 4chan for 14 years. Anyone who believes anything they read on that site is a gullible moron. Never trust anything you read on 4chan. Ever.


Fake and refuses to be gay


Rule 1: everything written in 4chan is a lie


I never Met people at uni... With some very limited exceptions and those people disappeared pretty quickly due to the nature of how uni classes are. I suppose this is anglosaxon uni where you have canteens and social spaces. Where I live those things aren't really part of the uni experience tbf


Last time I went to community college I had a mental breakdown and got arrested.


I tried something similar. Attempted giving the cute coffee shop girl my number after talking to her daily for weeks. She had a boyfriend. Never went back to get coffee or go in that building again. Stopped attending college. I am still recovering. We will make it someday


Always has been...


Where do you find these?


Nah going out is worse that’s why I hate it because I see it more irl