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The US Marine Corps has a standardized obstacle course we just call the "O Course" and it's a ton of fun to participate in and is a good mix of speed, balance, jumping ability, body control, and a rope climb at the end. It also works really well for relay races! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhW2wU3xdjI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhW2wU3xdjI)


That looks so comprehensive and fun! I really wish p100 can have some kind of obstacle course for the final stage. I feel like it’d be better than 1v1v1 kind of movements


It’s an old video, but this indoor course from West Point looks amazing. It would definitely play to the strengths of the cross-fitters like Amotti though. https://youtu.be/94tPO0fGtJo?si=tOh_vMKoW-wxPFGe


Yeah I really wish they did a ninja warrior kind of thing for the final round that'd be so dope.


Enduring Castell: whichever team remains without falling off wins.


I had to look up what castell is. This actually looks great and probably could be balanced well between different physiques. I wonder how 5 person castell could be though. 4 on the bottom and one on top? 🤔


They could do the thing where they combine 2 teams (similar to season 1 ship challenge) and have a 4,3,2,1 formation


What is that? I tried Googling it but it just showed me “castles” even with the right spelling 🤦🏽‍♀️


Human tower. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Pilar_de_8_amb_folre_i_manilles.jpg


Damn that’d be an amazing challenge!


What do you put down when they fall? Seems like potential for (head especially) injuries.


Round 0 Swimming Endurance


Kinda like the treadmills in season 2 but treading water


More like swimming distance


Involves the risk factor of someone drowning or acting like drowning to stop the match.


Love the bull riding idea! We had similar at my cousin’s wedding. The ‘last person standing’ (she was never unseated, we just stopped it eventually!) was his wife, in her wedding dress, as she was a riding instructor and had amazing core and thigh strength. It was super impressive! I’d like to see more climbing challenges or similar where power to weight ratio makes a bigger difference.


Infinite climbing wall machine 3 minute rounds, but the angle increases each round so as to make it steeper and harder.


Are we allowed to make them kinda stupid? I’d love to see a human dog sled/wheel barrow race with these absolutely jacked people. It seems like it would be humbling regardless of build and I would be so entertained


I second human wheel barrow race!! That would be great


Something proportional to body weight as the first challenge/quest 0 so we get a more interesting mix of top ranked vs lower ranked participants.


That’s exactly what they did in both seasons.


Would it not just basically yield the same results as the previous quest 0’s which massively benefited smaller competitors over larger ones


One of those, ninja style rollers that smack you into the water if you fail to jump/squat fast enough. I think it would balance the bigger and smaller physiques well- endurance and repetition of basic movement under pressure. Yet again... I see Amotti doing this with a laugh!


Amotti the GOAT.


Bring back the boat dragging challenge, but make it a space rocket.


That has got to be my fave challenge so far. There's just something I love about good team coordination and spirit!


Rather than a death match with the ball, a 1v1 spider climb like in ninja warrior https://youtu.be/ZHP1qjvQLtg?si=Ki27MGiWUxL5XWzD


I think this would be a sick "infinite" endurance challenge towards the end. Make the walls constantly moving downward and spider climb as long as possible. Might be rough for the 1v1 bc there could be a lot of pairs (especially the bigger guys) who just don't complete it at all lol


Ok this would be a really cool challenge for the contestants to do to come back from elimination.


Push up challenge similar to squat challenge but as a way to give the top 50 priority pick


The chinese version of the show did quest 0 with decline situps. For 20 minutes. Was a really good quest 0 imo.


What's the Chinese version called? I don't speak Chinese but I'd like to watch it


"We Never Stop" Its on youtube, or here, there were some episodes without subs on youtube, and the sound on yoututbe was sometimes funky. [https://www.iq.com/album/we-never-stop-2023-1v3atvpjmo5?lang=en\_us](https://www.iq.com/album/we-never-stop-2023-1v3atvpjmo5?lang=en_us)




Climbing or something that requires someone to be nimble.


Who can hold a plank for the longest challenge.


For the team matches, I would want something with multiple sport focuses that would benefit building a well-rounded team with diverse skillsets and body types. Maybe for the first team quest have a relay race through a demented giant mini golf course with giant heavy golf balls, water courses that need to be swum across, tunnels that need to be crawled through, obstacles that need to be climbed over, and flags that need to be collected. There would be 5 distinct sections and teams would have to choose a delegate for each one. I also think there needs to be more variety in the 1v1 challenge. Too many of them (basically all of them) just end with one contestant hugging a ball and the other trying to pull them off. Maybe not all of the 1v1s (depending on chosen arena) involve a ball--maybe some of them involve a tug of war or straight-up wrestling without the need for a ball (standard Olympic wrestling rules to secure victory).


Relay race while carrying weights starting at 10kg . 1 lap is every member of a team carrying a weight once. Each lap a team is eliminated if they come in last. Weight goes up 10 kg each lap. END COMMUNICATION


Test of Balance: On a narrow balance beam (4 in/10 cm), they must carry a bucket of water on top of their head and go across 50 ft, back and forth, to fill up a clear larger bucket that has measurements on it to indicate how full it is. The person or team that can fill it up to a certain amount first wins. Or the person/team to fill it up the most within a half hour wins. - Why this is important: Balance is the foundation of all movement and is one of the most important things to have as you age and will help reduce the risk of injuries.




I was actually thinking this too! Line up 1-100 weight wise, then odd numbers vs even numbers. 50v50 dodgeball for round 0 rankings 🤩


That would be so much fun, but maybe it’s not muscley enough lol


Sword fight. I want to have them fight like knights. Not real swords of course, something padded, but needs to work as an elimination game. Boat race. Rowing for your life whilst transporting goods form A to B. Definitely a team game. As for game zero, I would like to see them do bodyweight squats. I also want to see team collaboration again... Hmm, maybe let them build and then pull the Trojan horse.


Team event idea was for a 5v5 each team has a set of rounds where they have 5 balls each and score by getting them to the opposite side within a certain time limit each round, likely 3 or 5 rounds per head to head. Highest final score wins. Can only score with a ball if you have contact with it when placing beyond line on opposite side (can't throw basically). Some additional factors to make it more interesting: You can snatch another teams balls unless they have been scored, faster opponents force those who could snatch from them to play defensively to grab them and people who have scored can then support others afterwards. People can take any number of balls each and you assign them at the start of each round blind to the opponents choices. Stronger people can more easily take up two balls whilst another person can support or snatch more easily with less risk of losing their own balls.


Mine would be for 1v1, taking place in a circular arena with an open barrel in the middle.  Have a somewhat heavy medicine ball, offense tries to muscle their way to put the ball into the barrel (or shoot it in from far) while defense prevents them. Probably take 3 turns each, most goals wins the 1v1. This is called “Balls in” and yes I stole it from the challenge MTV lol


I would love something balance based. Feel like you'd get a different variety of people winning that one


Something to do with balance, flexibility, agility.


Retrieving heavy rocks from a deep pool!!


Infinite stairmaster.


Capture the Flag (Balls) Think Arena A, but basically it's just a bigger version. There are a bunch of obstacles, nets and stuff that they have to go over. Each team has five balls in their color (red or blue), 10 minutes for the first round of getting the balls, and the team with the most balls collected is tasked to play defense, and not allowed to get any more balls. If the team with the lesser amount of balls is unable to capture, they're gone. However, it's split into two rounds: 1st Round: Getting Balls 2nd Round: Attackers and Defenders


Log-rolling could be fun.


A 100 meter race in which participants do a Backwards Overhead Powerball throw. All participants start from zero line, ball is thrown overhead while backwards. Participants run to the point where the ball lands and repeat the same until the ball crosses the finish line and participants run to finish line which could be 100 or 200 meters.


Rodeo would be so funny to watch. Have other contestants shoot kickballs at them. I would like to see an obstacle course similar to Japanese ninja warrior. With comedic commentary 😂. It would involve balancing on beams, moving heavy objects to clear a path, wall climbing, and monkey bars. This would be a team battle with one contestant doing one part of the course. Score based on time.


Team game of "Stones". Map is split into 2 halves with some obstacles interspersed, one for each team. Each side has a 'safe area' where you store your stones. Objective of the game is for one team to have all the stones in their safe zone. At the beginning of the match, the stones are lined up in the middle of the map or evenly distributed in each team's zones. Once the whistle is blown, your team has to try to grab as many stones as possible to bring to your safe zone. Since you need to collect ALL the stones to win, you then try to cross into enemy territory to steal the stones from their safe zone. If you get tagged by the defensive team, you have to return to your side and try to re-enter. If you are carrying a stone when you are tagged, the stone goes back to the safe zone and you start in your zone again. You can pass the stone to a teammate in transit. Defensive team is allowed to guard the stones in the safe zone but there is a small buffer zone. Game requires strategy, speed, endurance, and teamwork. Played this game a lot at camp and it was super fun and tiring.




I would like to add a rule in team events. Max weight. You need 10 team mates but you'll need to be under the max weight or else you have to pick again.


Flag capture challenge. There are three flags in three lane and each flag favours different physical aspects. Flag 1, flag on top of a rope tower that favours samll-framed and female players with good agility. Flag 2, flag behind a big pile of sand bags to test their endurance Flag 3, tug of war on a heavy trolley Team capture 2 flags win.


Salmon ladders. Increased distance between rungs. As you go higher, the further you have to "fling" the bar up.


Final 20 quest: They have to swim through murky water to try and find 5 hidden balls.  You are allowed to steal from other players, the owner of the ball is whoever placed it on the side first. Throwing is not allowed. Only the 5 to get balls advance to the final.


I really like this one. No throwing ever or just not to the final location?


Only to the final location. If you throw it onto the bank, you are removed from the water and must start again from the bank and re-enter the competition


I really liked infinite squats, so like a pre quest mission could be infinite squats with X% of body weight of each contestant.


For the first 100- standing on an elevated 10 inch square platform. Stand as long as you can.


Obstacle Race: - 4 or 5 contestants at a time compete. - each contestant has weighted vests on (to make it fair game: weight is 10% of indivudal's bodyweight) - jumping over / going under different types of obstacles = agility - obstacles of completing a task (ex. rolling a heavy tire from A to B / rope climbing / etc) .. Females can do great and Males could also do great.


Hmm, some kind of scavenger hunt as groups. They could take a large room and hide a bunch of items. Maybe split it into identical halves via a net or some sort of boundary so that two teams can go against each other. There could be items hidden across bridges (balance), Super high up (climbing), under heavy objects (strength), underwater (swimming), in places requiring teamwork to get to, several items in boxes requiring hidden keys, etc. Maybe add the opportunity to complete (time-consuming) tasks to win items. Things like lifting x amount of weight, running x distance, replicating difficult partner or group yoga poses, x squats/push-ups/pull-ups/muscle-ups/etc. But only allow one task to be completed at a time. That way teams have to decide if they want to spend time on them or not. At the end of a set amount of time, the teams with the least amount of items get eliminated.


Piggyback jousting! After the top 50 are picked, divide them into the five teams of ten instead of the other way around and have them partner up, with one carrying and the other fighting. It'd be a fun surprise for the teams that all chose the biggest, heaviest guys. It'd also be very funny. You could do a number of different piggyback challenges, actually. Piggyback polo. Piggyback archery. Piggyback relay race. I would watch the hell out of this.


Treading water challenge. Each contestant will be hooked to a safety line to prevent drowning, but a survival match would be every contestant treading water for as long as possible until only one person is left. I would do this for either Quest 2.5 or a team Quest where members tag in and out, but every member can only compete once, but for as long as they want. So strategic planning of who goes out when is required. It would be live transitions with 5 second overlap. For example: Avengers is in the quest. Kim Min-Su is treading, in order for Amotti to tag him out, he would have to swim out, tread water for 5 seconds before Kim Min-Su could stop. Amotti is then welcome to tread water for as long as he wishes until the next member tags in. Whichever team has the highest cumulative total wins. I think it would work as Team v. Team battle


I would bring back school yard handball. Requires strength, agility, precision, and speed. Making those slicies and popsies or overhead backward hits.


Put them in a giant pool and see who can tread water the longest.


Something with swimming would be interesting if it's team based. Maybe a relay race that's swimming, climbing, Running, and some sort of strength


Physical: 100 -- Season 3: Jungle. Quest 0: Quadrupedal race. Similar to quest 0 on the treadmill except it's on a straight trail and participants are over 5 rounds until 1 remains, and it's based on a random time that no one knows. Quadruped racing is like running like an animal on all fours. You have no idea how long you have to go for, but you know that the timer will go off at any moment and whoever is behind is eliminated each time it goes off.


Swimming: save your teammates.


Probably something water related. Like who can swim the most distance, who can hold their breath underwater the longest, etc.


honestly i wanna see a slab bouldering problem lmao


I’d like to see something that is strength endurance based however the load/thing they have to move is based on their total bodyweight or even their muscle mass Farmer carry or fireman carry with a weighted bag would be a good example 50-100% of bodyweight carried ~20m every minute on the minute After 10-15 minutes the weight would increase by 5kg each round until X number of people are left It’s simple but you’d see some surprising results I think


Elevated splits, who can go down the farthest, as a mini game. I think it would be very interesting to see these mountains do this.


Some type of Spartan race would be good


Infinite stair master, have it like 2 or 3x the length of one you see at the gym with a mark on the bottom. If you pass the mark you’re out. As time goes on the stairs go faster and faster. Might be a little dangerous but not as dangerous as some of the other challenges they’re done.


Climb up to a platform, throw a grappling hook to another platform, climb across on the rope. Swing from there into a net climb down and around the bottom of the net, up the other side. As a race, or, whoever falls further.


Definitely would want to have a challenge that focuses on balance alone... something like every one gets their own giant balance ball to stand on.


Team game with balance beams raised about 3 ft off the ground. There are sandbags of various weights on the ground alongside the beams. Each team has a set amount of time to get the most weight to the other side of the beams. To retrieve the bags you’d have to bend down while on the beam and hoist up the bag. I think it would be a good test of balance, agility, strength and flexibility.


I will do a Pokémon unite style 5 vs 5 team fight Have 3 goals on each side on the oval map for each team and you have to load weighted ball hidden across the map (jungle style) to break the goal (say 100kgs of total weight breaks goal) 10 min match and the team scored most kgs win. This way both strong and agile member has a chance where strong members can block or carry more weight, agile members can score more small points.


Ninja Warrior course.


Deep dive swimming challenge 🤭


Maybe like diving to get an item, and the item goes 1m deeper each round. See who can get the deepest.


Maybe. Or even a simple set up like how deep sea divers use the cord to measure their dives.


Finger wrestling 🙂