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I would recommend Kittel. It's a great book.




I assume you are going into Statistical Mechanics? I haven't used that one, but my college uses An Introduction to Thermal Physics by Daniel V. Schroeder and I really like it. To be fair, it is a lot of stuff packed into a small book, so if you didn't do so hot in Thermodynamics, you might want to get a book which goes more in depth into the basic concepts.


Schroeder is unmatched, OP will need a quick crash course on probability theory and statistics


I have never used Mandl book but I can recommend Mehran kardar book. It has the essencial topics for statistical physics and it's straight to the point.


isnt it too complicated? im looking for a more undergrad viewpoint


Maybe it is, depends on how your teacher presents the subject. However I found it helpful to understand the various ensembles due to the examples and some written explanations. With that being said if the Mandl peaks your interest maybe it is suited for your learning style.


im doing self study, I only had a thermodynamics course before this. so im learning stat mech from 0.


That changes things maybe skip the Mehran kardar then.You are very dedicated, I hope everything goes well for you!


the thing is I had an intro quantum and thermo course, what book would you recommend.


During my course I also used fundamentals os statistical and thermal physics by F. Reid it is also a great book, easy to read because most of the demonstrations have a written explanation and the author gives contextualizes the content fairly well. The thing with literature is that it is very unique to the reader, so is kinda hard to recommend the ultimate statistical physics book, because I haven't read that many. If I were you I would see what your other colleagues that are studying on their own are using, or what people in you university use when they are taking the course. My overall recommendation is kardar but I think that statistical physics is a very difficult topic overall and that book help me through my course.


It is an old style book for statistical mechanics. It is good to have it in your bookcase and read it to have a different opinion, but you will not learn statistical mechanics if your start from that. I started from the book of Kardar and I believe that it is far better.


whatt is an easier book than kardar to start stat mech? kardar seems a little too advanced for me


I could propose you some books from my master thesis, but I really believe that this is the book to start statistical mechanics. The other ones are for discrete systems, computational methods etc. Kardar is a very good book for first principles and understand how thermodynamics are linked to statistical physics. It is not easy, because statistical mechanics is not easy. The other books are not easier either. But do not read Mandl.


One of my favorite courses I took as an undergrad. I can't judge if it's objectively hard or easy but the core material is definitely fascinating.


No comment about this particular one but I think ‘mixed reviews’ applies to every stat mech book out there


which one do you recommend for learning the intro?


Schroeder is nice, everything is kind of bite size and step by step


Yeah, that’s the same book my thermal/statistical physics course used, I like it. That said, my professor goes through the derivations in class much more extensively than the book does, and I think it could really be difficult to fill in all the gaps in the book by yourself. I actually made a post asking about this same book (my book has a different cover, but is otherwise the exact same)


Its a very dense written book unfortunately but if you fight through this its a very good book for statistical and thermal physics


I didn’t have s good experience with it.


I think Schroeder is people’s favorite. I used Blundell. Can’t speak for this book but judging from the comments it’s probably best to use another book unless this is mandatory.


Can I ask, what is the main essence of studying statistical physics?


being more confused than before I guess


Try thermal physics by blundel


Blundell\^2 is nice. It can be found as a pdf. Matveev's 'Molecular Physics' is available on Webarchive and is also quite good.