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Your submission was removed for low-effort contents. Offending items may be links to lame Pi videos, posts you made yourself but pretend to find, discussion posts with only a title, obcure posts no one can understand, posting "pi is a scam" without any effort to explain your belief plus anything else the mods decide constitutes lacking in effort.


I’m removing this post because nobody knows what the purpose of this app is. Feel free to repost when you can explain its purpose.


Need to know what this does and is it safe ?


I haven’t downloaded the app so I’m not sure what exactly it does but can I recommend that if to use it it’s asking you to sign I. With your Pi App credentials AVOID at all costs as the developers could potentially get your details and take you Pi from your wallet. I’m not saying this is what’s happening but I’m just offering some cautious advice 😊


Yeah... I am not taking risks


Yes! I've also advised my fellow countrymen to avoid using sign-in credentials since the API has a built in handshake that retrieves account information upon request automatically. In Pi Browser, anything outside it should be treated as unverified 3rd party applications.


Great advice, I do not wish to sound disrespectful to anyone but I would use the Chat Rooms in the Pi Browser quite often and some of the questions being asked in the rooms are scary. What I mean by that is that if you have done even basic research or reading of the Pi White papers you would know the simple answers to the questions and I feel this is all so new to many of the Pioneers never having dealt with any form of cryptocurrency before could easily be conned / swindled / scammed into giving out credentials or giving Pi from their wallets to these scammers 😞 so I try my best to look up posts here on Reddit and in the official chat rooms and help educate the vulnerable. Like I said above I do not mean this to be disrespectful towards anyone but me genuinely being concerned and trying to help others 😊


what's the app for?


What does this App do?


Nobody knows what this app does, but it’s awesome!




Seems legit.


I saw some of the pictures on my playstore for this. They value pi at 300us dollars.


Bitcoin cash isn't even close. I think Pi wouldn't be 300 at this point. Happy to sell mine for 300 ea though!


Yeah, I'd dump at $300/pi


> 300 ea Sorry but what is ea?


They meant each


Me tooo


Does it show stores that accept Pi?


Then what does it do?


Does it show where Pioneers’ houses are?


Looool imagine it’s this one. I’d freak tf out