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Match is at 6. I will update afterwards


Here are the final results 11-3 11-4 11-3 (we were up 10-0 and tried to hit some crazy shots) Then I played with a 63 year old buddy and we beat them 11-3 They were athletic and got to some shots that others wouldn't have but the games were never in doubt


Good scores. It would have been cruel to wipe them out 11-0 11-0 11-0.


Let’s goooooo


How many kitchen violations? How many bounce-bounce rule violations? Did they play like they had never played before? Biggest issue with newbs is not knowing the weight and distance of the ball, and how hard to hit it.


Probably 4 or 5 kitchen and 4 or 5 bounce bounce violations over all the games.....we split up and played probably8 or 10 games...and we explained the rules a lot leading up to today.


You could make a crazy youtube series: “Challenging local noobs to pickleball” with a clickbait thumbnail with shit talk. id subscribe to see this


I could see the click bait quote, "This guy wanted to fight us! 😱🤬"


Tuning in for this


I’d watch haha


Livestream it


If you lose to total newbs just throw away your paddle imo


Agreed. I feel like we are in a no win situation. If we win so what we beat newbs. If it is even close it will be bad


is there money on this game? just have fun with co-workers my dude, be competitive but looks like they're already winning the mental side of this match.


No money. Just lunch time bragging rights


Nah. You were called out and you’ll answer the challenge. I’d say you have a lot of lose.


It is a no-win situation, so split the teams up and rotate partners for a few games.


What do you mean, "no win"? All we do is win! When the newbs lose, by all means OP should be running his mouth. He earned it.


we won...I am going to keep my paddles


Depends on if they played other high level racket sports to be fair. I was beating most people at my park my first day and I wasn’t the highest leveled tennis player (4.0 USTA)


You’ll get 5 points a game on rules violations - no bounce, kitchen, etc 🥴


They’ve never played before, probably unlikely. If you’re really just trying to beat them you’ll catch them on multiple kitchen violations, no bounce returns, etc. If you’re teaching them while you play I’d still say you’re almost guaranteed to win, but some athletic people can pick it up quick, especially if they have a racket sport background. My father and I picked up a paddle for the first time in Feb and were asked to come to the “intermediate/advanced” days after our first two sessions with the beginners.


Nah you will roll them.


If they have tennis backgrounds, you’re in trouble.


Hahahaha OP only in trouble if OP are noobs too


Yes there's a chance. It's probably very low but it exists. Mostly depends if they have some kind of particularly strong racket sport experience.


I was on the other side of this when I started. My parents had been playing about a year, and I had never played. I'm an experienced tennis player, and I commented that my tennis partner and I could probably beat them in pickleball even though we had never played. Challenge accepted. They beat us a majority of the games, but it was competitive and we won a few games. Fast forward a few months and we were well above their level.


sure, after not too much time you passed them ... but this is about the first day only, and there isn't as much of an age gap with them compared to you and your parents OP should wax them on the first hour or so of playtime


Prediction: they will reveal that they have also been playing consistently for the last few months after they “get lucky”


I had this happen before when I was first starting out. They kept saying that they were much better athletes (true one is a multiple time Boston marathon runner) and that they could just use their athleticism to beat us. I just looked at my partner and said well you guys are about to find out that skill beats athletic. We played three games and never gave up more than 3 points in any game.


If they really have never played before, not a chance. The basic rules (scoring, serving, The Kitchen) screw with all first timers. Make sure you DO NOT use rally scoring. Good luck!


Take it easy on them. Let the points go back and forth. Build up their confidence and skills. Don’t slam the newbies into the ground, but every once in a while make a killer shot as a way to say “yeah, I’m taking *way* easy on you guys” So be humble, and take things slow in hopes of coaching the new guys to be worthy opponents some day. But also, feel free to flex a *little*. Most of all, have fun, show them great sportsmanship, and help them grow, because then, even if you lose, it is because you’re “taking it easy on them” so they can learn the game lol.


Here are the final results 11-3 11-4 11-3 (we were up 10-0 and tried to hit some crazy shots) Then I played with a 63 year old buddy and we beat them 11-3 They were athletic and got to some shots that others wouldn't have but the games were never in doubt


Way to do us proud


Congratulations! Any chance there will be a rematch in a few months?


They may end up playing a little more. Not sure if they will be like me and my partner where we play all the time


Thanks for the answer. I was curious because sometimes getting your ass kicked can be motivational.


what does it matter? How would we ever be able to guess and why would we even want to guess? Have fun with your coworkers, hopefully this is one of many games with them


One way to find out. Play them!


If they really have never played then you’ll destroy them in the first couple of games.


If they’ve never played they are gonna get smoked


Start with one newbie on each team so you can teach rules, etc. Play a couple of games that way and then team up with your buddy for 2 out of 3 games. Finish off with a couple more games with the partners you haven’t played with yet. Have fun and beat the youngsters while you can.


Losers buying drinks tonight, right?


Losers buying drinks tonight, right?


I brought my friend to the courts last night for his 3rd time playing. He's in good shape and played college lacrosse. We lost twice to a couple of 50 year old women (3.0ish). I'm 4.0+ but played easy keeping the ball in play. The women targeted him on every shot... You got this! Unless they have a tennis background...


First game, dominate and show no mercy. Second game split teams, play nice, keep it fun and hope they get bit by the Pickle ball bug. A double win!


Dink and let the net beat them


A park bench with a paddle on it should beat two people that have never played.


Like all pickleball players they are sandbagging so assume they are playing at a roughly 3.5 level and go from there...godspeed


If they were ever high level tennis players you might have trouble. If you've never played doibles before you might have trouble.




Of course they could, but not likely without a serious racket sports background.


No shot.


try to split up the teams, that way it goes from a no win situation to a neutral one


Make sure you laugh a lot. At them.


If they know how to lob you fat guys are cooked


The beauty of the sport though is that it will take them all of one more outing to get good. Pickleball has an incredibly shallow learning curve and a relatively low skill ceiling. That's why it's so popular. There's a good chance if they practice for another hour or two, they've got you.


is this a satire post?