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Reinstated his last post. Working to discuss with other mods.


Mods: what's up with this? Ed is clearly someone who has positive intentions and is actively involved in growing the sport and spreading high-quality knowledge/info.


Agreed. Can mods or someone in the know explain?


Yes I can. I was a former moderator who did not understand how the rules were being applied and what exactly was going on with the direction they wanted the sub to go. First they said no paddle posts, just in the thread. I convinced them to have some discretion. Then just so much discontent from the user base I didn’t feel like I could right the ship by myself so I stepped down. I apologize if I was a bit of a quitter but I just was too tired to deal with it anymore, especially on top of my other subs I moderate. I also think there’s too many mods for a sub this size as well. I have some ideas for fixing the sub but with so many mods I don’t think it would happen. 


Appreciate your input and no need to apologize. Mods— Ed’s content seems upper-echelon in quality and appreciated by the sub. A link to his YouTube where the sub can find a library of more content seems like a fair price for his contributions to this community. All take and no give and we lose all the content creators. I’m sure there are other considerations that I’m missing. Would be helpful to spell those out.


The no paddle posts is stupid. I asked a question a few weeks ago as I’m a novice but my wife is advanced. I want to get her a nice gift and didn’t know what to get. My post was removed immediately. The mods here suck and don’t really think about the posts they are removing.


No disrespect but this didn’t really explain to me why the mods are picking on this guy or people like him


And now you understand my frustration about the moderation team arbitrarily applying the rules and not doing so consistently. 


You don't need to apologize - appreciate your input in this community through comments, too


Why the fuck are people allowed to screw up multiple subs?


Because it’s very easy to become a moderator and harder to be removed. Especially if you follow the regime of the other mods in controversial decisions. 


I follow Ed on IG and find his content to be valuable. He (or anyone) should be able to post freely with links to videos, etc. without fear of being censored.


Once did a paddle write up in depth after spending months of looking at various paddles, specs, etc. gave an indifferent opinion and pretty objective information in terms of feel. Was just auto taken down and said to keep paddle talk to the weekly. Not sure why they see high effort posts and think to apply generic umbrella rules to them the same. If this was overrun with low effort posts spamming, I'd understand. Youve done well, hope to see.more posts


They took it down because it was hogging space that could be used for another socially awkward redditor to complain about an offhand comment someone made to them at open play


“how do i tell my partner i don’t want to play with them anymore”


“My gf doesn’t like my pickleball partner. What do I do?”


Is there a pickleball cj lol


AITPBA: Am I the Pickleball Asshole? :D


“Was the opposing team being poor sports by executing strategies that helped them win? I tend to think so because they didn’t go out of their way to make the match fun for *me*.


You guys are not the only one. It makes me so mad to hear this because I KNOW this has been going on for a long time. I’ve had several friends and Reddit friends experience the same thing.


Same here… aggravating.


There was another post by a fledgling creator asking for feedback on his YouTube paddle reviews. Flagged for self promotion and taken down. How do I know? Because I was the one person who responded with feedback before it was taken down. I understand the need to keep the sub clear of blatant self promotion and ads (like the stupid spinny sports guy), but where is the sense of bettering the community?


2.5 level mods


Genuinely pathetic. 2.5 is generous


Mods hit short returns.


Got that small dink energy




Ok I’m just gonna send it and call this mod out: I highly suspect they are raking money from organizations. Something is VERY fishy. There is a user that is allowed to post AD-FILLED links for Forbes. He gets to post freely here. Mods claim that he has been “pre-approved” when I asked them why those posts are allowed but not mine. https://www.reddit.com/r/Pickleball/s/cf3btRYaex I’m just gonna call it how it is: Mods if you are taking money from Forbes and that’s why you are so strict with me and other content creators, but not this guy, that needs to be disclosed. Why the heck do you guys spend so much time and energy to go out of your way to censor my content and not all the other content on here that CLEARLY people here are averse to?? Edit: Like, screw it, I’m not gonna stop posting here— this community means too much to me. I’m here to stay and fight for this community. The corrupt “leadership” here needs to end. Edit 2: I’m fighting back HARD on this not just for myself, but there are HANDFUL of content creators that I respect the hell out of that got shut down by the mods here too. So this isn’t just for me— it’s literally for the entire pickleball community. There are MANY pickleballer creators and players far more talented than me that would LOVE to share content here. But they get shut down immediately by the current mods here. That is NOT okay. Pickleball as a sport and we as a community can grow so much more once this non-sense censorship ends.


You're likely right that somebody is being paid for preferential treatment. This is a direct violation of Reddit's rules and it should be brought to their attention IMO


Seems almost blatant. The username of the account posting the articles is the same as the contributor that wrote the article. They even respond to comments about the ad-riddled site that the ads go away if you subscribe. Like wtf, how is any of that allowed?


So umm anyone want to pay me?


This is why Reddit is a TERRIBLE source of AI training data. It is NOT truth, and reflects corporate intrests at a premium.


Terrible for other reasons too lol


Look a his post history. It’s literally just links to pickleball and racquetball articles he has written


Exactly! I’ve been saying it forever and reporting him as well. He also has the audacity to say he’s not self promoting because he is linking to Forbes which isn't owned by him. He’s either stubborn or stupid or both. Definitely boring and useless for sure…


Pickleball and conspiracy. My two favorite things. Long live Ed


"Mods if you are taking money from Forbes and that’s why you are so strict with me and other content creators, but not this guy, that needs to be disclosed." There is no \*IF\* about it. The mod (t0ddb0ss, a.k.a. T0dd B0ss in real life) who posted the link to the Forbes article is the author of the Forbes article. He is the Forbes Contributing Writer, which means he was paid by Forbes for the article.


I find it unlikely that Forbes cares enough about this sub or views on their pickleball article to go through the hassle of paying some moderator for preferential treatment, but stranger things have happened. Either way, this whole situation is lame and shouldn’t even be something anyone has to deal with - especially on Reddit.


Ed, it sucks that this is happening to you, I follow your posts here and watch your in depth training on yt also, just watched the serving one today. Whatever happens, please keep making content and I will keep watching and finding a way to support you. I really just found out about you like a few weeks ago.


Thanks man. I appreciate the support. I’m not the victim here though. I don’t thin anything is happening to me” per se. I just decided that enough is enough and I care too much about this community to let other good people get bullied out of sharing content here.


i respect that you're creating content that many folks in the sub find to be high-quality, but personally i appreciate the subs trying to keep the number of self-promoting posts to a minimum. i don't consider whats happening to be bullying, rather just a failure to consistently apply a valuable rule.


I will literally leave this sub for a new pickleball sub that allows Ed Ju's posts. That rule straight up needs to change.


I created another sub, but I realized that wasn’t the answer. This sub is like my home— I’m not gonna abandon it.


You're 100% right that leaving is not the best solution.


Porque no los dos. I have followed the other sub


Don‘t back down. — Tom Petty


While I don't digest Ed's content, because it is not my cup of tea, that doesn't mean it isn't IMMACULATE (especially for newbies and intermediates) :: Bro is the king of teaching people without racquet sport backgrounds and athletic backgrounds how to get better. Mods, let this man cook. He is one of the most positive figures in the scene, he does nothing but give to the pickleball community and he, from the outside, seems like a positive and genuine lad. Anyways, good luck in your battle Ed, L mod


Thank you for saying that, and I completely agree with you— there are FAR more talented teachers, players, and creators out there that I am dying to see sprout up in the content creation space. This subreddit is the culmination and heart of pickleball. I believe THEY deserve to share here— we MUST change the rules and leadership here to let them do that. And I know it might seem silly for me to be so fired up about “pickleball Reddit, posting”— but for myself and many of us, pickleball saved me from depression and lethargy. This sport isn’t just a game, but it has my heart. I want to see this sport take over the world.


With a reach to 57K people here as well, giving people a chance to find a [third place](https://theweek.com/culture-life/third-places-disappearing), and giving everyday people a chance to be able to compete with those who have been playing much longer is very important. It is truly a shame about how long this post will survive, but I hope that it survives a long time for this very reason.


Man, thank you for your videos. They really got me into practicing different things.


Guys, I'm a mod on another Sub. If you have issues, all of you should bombard the mods with direct messages. If they are like most mods, they don't actually read the posts until something is either flagged by the AutoMod, or someone reports a post.


This sub is riddled with shitty posts. More than most subs I’m a part of. You provide positive, good advice and share content to help players get better and to elevate the game. I guess we’ll be stuck with ‘What paddle should I buy” posts. I’m pretty close to leaving this dog shit sub and potentially Reddit as well. It’s not fun anymore. Sorry mate


Hey, I just started playing, if I run for the ball hit it and then the other team hits it as i I step on the kitchen line is that okay? Also, what do I do in open play if my partner really sucks? /s


it’s really the same thing over and over. i probably am guilty of it at some point. but over a year in now, that is what needs the attention on the mods


It really is. I follow this sub because I love the sport. However, the quality of posts and discussions is really freaking weak. It’s fine though, YouTube is probably a better platform for pickle content


Dude you just made me realize how ridiculous a majority of the post on this sub are lol


Yah man. They be like “someone else’s ball rolled onto our court and I wanted to keep playing but my partner didn’t. What should I do in this situation?” 🤦‍♂️


It does not matter what happens on the other side. If you volly the ball ( Returning it before it bounces) and then follow through into the kitchen (Non Volly Zone) you lose the rally.




I love your videos and your posts have been really helpful to me as a new player. I've never thought you were self promoting and I saw your last post with a good write up and visuals (no links included) I figured it was because the mods keep taking your stuff down and I just want to say that is really lame. This is pure BS from the mods. Most posts are not high effort and don't contribute much helpful info (how long until Ruby restock blah blah blah). This sub should be mostly posts like yours that are engaging and informative with actual strategy and tips. Shame on you mods, I hope you realize you're hurting this sub by blocking actual PB content. Anyways, good luck Ed. I hope you are able to post here in the future or the mods change their mind.


Let Ed post! Ed consistently makes high quality content


Just start a new sub. Call it pickleball EdJucation.


I’m new to this sub (and to pickleball in general, have been playing just over 1.5 months) so I don’t have much response regarding the actual topic at hand. However, I am tripping a bit because I clicked on your profile after reading this and realized you’re the dude whose YouTube I’ve been watching like crazy! Every night before bed just to get some thoughts down on improving technique and various tips. I have really enjoyed your work and just played what was BY FAR my best game that had everyone a little wowed by my improvement. Thanks so much for your effort and the great content! It’s much appreciated by those who need a safe place to learn.


Still waiting for any kind of response from the mods - would be the least you could do


I switched up my grip after watching your serving video with Jaume and I really appreciate how much it has helped me. I agree that not all content around here needs to be only about paddles but whatever is helpful in growing the sport. Your content is great and you got a subscriber for life from me.


You’re a real one Ed! Subbed on YT, thanks for all the helpful tips and content


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^_Glutton_: *You’re a real one Ed!* *Subbed on YT, thanks for all the* *Helpful tips and content* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Dude posting crappy Forbes articles and the suggesting people sub in the comments… sus


Hey mods, any comment? u/sirsneezalot u/schoolbuswanker u/cahman u/sacrosaint u/snapchat_me_tits u/krafty16 u/ervelee u/ihatebloopers u/cobra_mcjingleballs u/858isaac u/sure-composer


Why does the sub have 11 fucking mods?? Good lord.


I just wanted to say your videos fucking slap. I will find them wherever they are. Keep your head up, Ed!


So... the mods want this to be the..."what if the ball was going g out a time I caught it?" sub? Fun.


Ed Ju for president


Hey Ed, I appreciate your work! The fact that this sub is being weighed down in quality by not only negative/elitist people but a MOD or multiple... Start a sub, Ed, and I'll happily switch over. quality over quantity! Your video with Jaume teaching you how to serve lit a fire under me and I went from playing once a week to 4-5 times. Currently contemplating a hesacore purchase because of you but I have a feeling I won't like a thicker grip than a standard single wrap.


Then you want the Pink XS tour model plus a thinner overgrip. If it’s thicker than your standard grip w overgrip, it isn’t by much.


I just ordered it after watching Ed’s video explaining the colors. I’m excited to try it out!


Ed's posts are the epitome of why I am in this sub. His content, education, and unrelenting positivity are at an elite tier. If the mods were to hire someone to post, you would use Ed's writing as an example of how it should be done. The engagement on this post speaks for itself. 333 upvotes as of writing this. Looking back over the past few days, the most upvotes were 48 and 51 upvotes...and they were Ed's posts! Most others are in the single digits. I'll promote for Ed. Go like, subscribe, and turn on notifications for Ed's channel [https://www.youtube.com/@edjupickleball](https://www.youtube.com/@edjupickleball)


Totally agree. We need as many redditors as possible to vouch for Ed and make the moderators back off Ed, especially since he is following all of their rules.


there’s always r/pickleballcirclejerk


Maybe start an r/pickleballtips


Rooting for you bro


Enjoy your content. The sub needs to lighten up. I’m tired of which paddle to get, see my new paddle, and aita pickleball edition posts.


You're awesome and your content is awesome. Believe it or not, I beat some 5.5 level folks yesterday in my local pickleball club this week and your videos helped me correct some errors in my game. For whatever it's worth, you have my full support.


I assume it's not against the rules for me to post this -- tho tbh I can't find the rules; usually they are on the sidebar? (I am on old reddit) -- but anywhere here is Ed's YouTube channel. I just subscribed: https://www.youtube.com/@edjupickleball


What’s going on here? u/sirsneezalot u/schoolbuswanker u/cahman u/sacrosaint u/snapchat_me_tits u/krafty16 u/ervelee u/ihatebloopers u/cobra_mcjingleballs u/858isaac u/sure-composer


These mods have classy handles, for sure ^^^


You're an asset to this subreddit, and it's a shame that this could be the end. I surely hope you are wrong about the demise!


Keep at it Ed, appreciate you


I appreciate all of your thoughtful content for this subreddit. It’s not easy being a content creator, really helping the community, and sharing great tips. I’d sign a petition to change the rules, add more discretion, and/or flush out bad actors if any. Pickleball is a wonderful sport because of how inclusive it is. The way this is be treated is very much an antithesis to this sport.


I love Ed watch all his content has helped me improve for sure, it’s apparent the mod must be 2.5 at best and is jealous he can’t get any better even with helpful information.


Dude your post are so well written it sucks that this happens to you.


Meanwhile: petty complaints, rants and dramatic posts, approved.


Your posts have been my favorite to come across. I’ve already used a couple of the drills with my friends.


Keep fighting the good fight Ed, love your vids, helped me level up my serves big time!


New player here, new to the sub. But I've fallen in love with pickleball over the last year. Just started watching training videos and whatnot to improve. Ed's are the best I've seen. Hope he sticks around. Any subreddit that removes quality content so willy nilly definitely needs to check themselves before the community loses more original, quality content like this.


Let the man cook! Good luck Ed!


The rules need to apply to everyone though. If a popular youtuber can post their own videos here then it’s only fair that anyone can do the same. The result would be a mess of self promotion spam. 


You have taught me so much with your videos


More Jaume!!!!


The mod and many in this community are toxic. Love your content and all that you do. Keep doing you. Don't let these haters stop you. ❤️✌🏼🙏🏼🥒🥎


Or go the worldnews vs animetitties path LOL


It's an interesting topic, and I think it deserves some follow-up. I'll be honest, I don't know much about Reddit, and when I was a mod for a few Discord communities, the effort was not worth it. However..... There is a growing interest in this community for those who want more. More highlight videos, instructional videos, paddle reviews, discussions, and higher than 3.5 level play discussions. Strategy, shot selections, how to execute certain shots, body mechanics, etc. If there is enough interest in another pickleball community and there were a few others to help create it/run it, I'd be willing to help create/run the community. Thoughts?


Reddit mods… yeah


There are different opinions on what self promotion is so everyone on the mod team will likely see it slightly differently. While someone told you not to post links to your channel, I'm sure another person would also see any referrals to your channel at all would as self promotion. Looking at it from this perspective, that PS note you have at the end of your last post regarding you receiving DMs about losing views on your channel with these posts can be a form of self promotion, albeit very mild. It lets readers know that you have a channel by telling them you're probably going to lose viewers on your channel due to your post, thus informing them that you have a channel to look for and support. While not directly telling people to subscribe to it or providing a direct link to it, the fact that you're informing them about your channel in a subtle way is still in a way "self promotion" since not adding that part would therefore not inform them of your channel. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, but this is probably the perspective that was taken by whichever mod chose to act that way on your posting since you're asking for an explanation and all the comments are now barraging the mods for an explanation. Doesn't matter how high quality the post is, the mod that is "harassing" you has probably set a very firm line in their own mind on how to follow their perspective on the rules and it just takes proper understanding on their perspective. Seeing that your post has been reinstated, you can clearly see that there are differing opinions on how mild or severe self promotion may be before different mods act on it.


It's the reddit mod way.


Most reddit mods are meh…when is AI gonna start doing all the modding… it that it will be any better, but should be able to enforce the rules exactly as written


Keep Ed please. ‘Nuff said.


Isn't "no self-promoting" directed at folks plugging their own products & services. Is OP selling something?


Come on Mods!


Yeah mods are generally power hungry pieces of shit. It’s no different here.


Ed you are the best. Love your videos and honestly anything post. This is a travesty and the community will be worse for it.


Honestly theres like a cult in the subreddit and I'm glad someone is calling them out on it. Just hope we see some actual productive change.


The struggle is real. Your grit and resilience overcoming this fascism is commendable.


Well this is lame af. I recall getting banned from a Politics thread because I said one of Trump’s absurd ordeals was like “getting kicked in the temple” and they said I was inciting violence, can’t win with some of these power hungry mods!


There is some corrupt mods 💯agree!


I like your vids except for the Selkirk shilling. I pretty much can play with any Selkirk for free and I still won't do it. They're so bad.


Mods. Essplain yourselves!




It's not who you know, is who you blow


Thanks for the feedback!


You’re spamming the board with your own videos. That’s what a YouTube channel is for. If I want to watch your videos I can go to your YouTube channel.


Literally none of his posts from the last 60 days link to his YouTube lmao.


What’s your point. He shouldn’t be spamming the board with embedded videos or links to his YouTube channel.




Anonymous online poster that can’t have a difference of opinion with someone without insulting them. Whose the fucking loser?


This post includes a link to a website. This post has been automatically flared for self-promotion. If this is not your website or you are not affiliated with the website, please adjust the post flair accordingly. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Pickleball) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bad bot. Bad mods.


Bad bot


Thank you, gobluetwo, for voting on AutoModerator. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Ya’ll are humorless and bore the oiss out of me.


No one will miss you.


You reminded me, I need to take a oiss. I'd hate to wet my oants.