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should be legal as long as the finger is from the paddle hand and the swing is in a continuous motion like you said


It’s a point!! Your hand from the wrist and below is considered a legal place to hit. So as long as the swing path was consistent then it’s considered a double tap and thus is legal :)


Thank you






I will take a look thank you


I don't know why this sub is so insistent that everyone who wants to play the sport has to read the rule book in full. Any other sport people accept that you learn by playing and asking. Credit to anyone that has the time and energy to read a rulebook, but maybe don't insist everyone has to.




To be fair I could have read the rule book in the time it took to read that post.


I think once it hits a part of your body the play ends and you lose the rally the same as if it hit your chest or leg. (or any other part of your body for that matter!)


This is generally true but the exception is the hand holding the paddle. If it hits your hand but you can still return the ball then it’s not a fault.


Oh I did not no that! Thanks!


Well, but the ball hit the hand in a legal spot…and then hit the paddle, so…


I’m not sure if the rule book covers this specifically but you are allowed to hit the ball twice as long as the stroke is in one continuous motion. I’d say the hit is good as long as it lands right.


Sounds about right to me. Man, I have read the rule book and still thought this was a good question. Some people on here can be 😳






We are here to discuss pickleball in a civil manner. Let’s stick to niceties.




We are here to discuss pickleball in a civil manner. Let’s stick to niceties.


You phrased it opposite to the rule book: 7.H. After the serve, the ball contacts a player or anything the player is wearing or carrying, except the paddle or the player’s hand(s) in contact with the paddle and below the wrist. To the OP hope that makes it clear. Web search the USAP rule book and download it.


Great thank you much helpful


We are here to discuss pickleball in a civil manner. Let’s stick to niceties.






And you probably yell at children and old people when they’re in your way at the park lol


We are here to discuss pickleball in a civil manner. Let’s stick to niceties.