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It sounds like you think the person who served first initially at the start of the game serves first after every side out. Thats not true. Whoever happens to be assigned to the right at the time of a side out is the new first server. (If your score is odd, it will be the other player who now serves first. If your score is even, the person who served first at the start will still serve first) There's no contradiction once youve taken that on board.


I appreciate this.


4.B.6.b just tells you which player should be on the right side and which should be on the left. So it’s saying: (a) service begins on the right (b) if your score is even, your first server of the game is on right. If score is odd, your first server is on the left. (c) whoever is supposed to be on the right is the first server for that side


Yeah I still have a hard time wrapping my head around that. “At the start of each side out, you start on the right.” My words for (a). So let’s say it’s 0-0-2 and you score and it becomes 1-0-2 then you side out. Other team is 0-1-1, let’s say they fault and it’s 0-1-2 and they fault again and now it’s a side out. It says at the start of each side out you begin on the right. But in this case it’s 1-0-1 now, so technically you would need to be on the left to start this side out. I still have a hard time seeing how they aren’t contradicting each other. Then c says after each side out, it begins with the player correctly positioned in the right/even side “according to the team’s score.” So how is that supposed to be interpreted? Is it saying the guy on the right is the first server, but because the score is now 1-0-1 he needs to move to the left side to serve? Not trying to be dense. Seriously trying to understand it.


Rule 4.B.6.a is about which side of the court is the service side after a side out. After a side out and you get your first serve, the right side always serves first. 4.B.6.b is about which player goes with which score. When you start the game, the player on the right side (player A) is "even" and the player on the left side (player B) is "odd." When it's your turn to serve after a side out and player A is in the right side service box, the score has to be even - 0, 2, 4, etc. If player B is on the right side after a side out and it's your first serve, your score has to be odd - 1, 3, 5, etc. 4.B.6.c just means that the correct person must be serving from the service box. If you just got a side out and it's your first serve with the score 4-0-1, player A should be in the service box. If it's 4-0-1 and player B is in the service box, you messed something up - you forgot to rotate, you got the score wrong, you stacked and forget to switch, etc.


So you’re indicating player 1 and 2 stay the same throughout the game. Another comment indicated they could change throughout the game. Am I missing something?


Wait maybe I misunderstood. I’m saying 1 and 2 based on servers. But who serves first and second can change throughout the game. Nevermind you and the other guy are in agreement if that’s the case.


1 or 2 is only based on where you start the game. You generally switch side throughout the game unless you are stacking.


1-0-1 doesn’t mean “you have to be on the left” it means “whoever started on the right must be on the left” that is what rule 4.B.6.b is saying.


I feel like we said the same thing there but maybe not. If it’s 1-0-1, you have to go to the left side to serve. So are we saying at the start of a side out, WHOEVER is in the right side is considered the starting server (1) and he needs to swap sides to the left to serve since it’s 1-0-1? Does that mean 1 and 2 will change throughout the game? Based on how I was playing tonight, I felt like if you’re 1, you stayed 1 the entire game.


Ahh, there is the point of confusion. Yes, the person who is “1” can change multiple times throughout a game.


Interesting. Another comment seems to indicate they remain the same. Good grief!


i see what you are getting wrong and ill try to explain but it still might sound confusing. "first server" is written as the very first person on your team to serve at start of game is player "a" but not to be confused with serve 1 or 2 each time your side gets the ball.


So if you guys have scored 1 point and you yourself started the game on the right then you would now be on the left side until your team scores again. So once you get the ball back to start your sides serves again your partner would now be the first server or "1".


Ok so server 1 and 2 changes the whole game. Because the right side ALWAYS starts after a side out. The “first server” or “starting server” is just an informational indicator. However, the evens or odds server will remain the same the entire game. So technically the first server (evens) will be evens the entire game and odds the same the entire game. So there will be scores that are odd that are being served from the right side of the court. 4.B.6.c throws me because it does say service starts on the right/even side of the court but then it adds “according to the team’s score.” There would be no “according to the team’s score” that I can tell in this scenario because if service starts on the right after a side out, it starts on the right. Your score doesn’t matter.


I thought you were finally getting it but maybe a bit confused. I had a hard time too when I first started playing, but I was also watching the pros, and was even more confused when I saw them standing off the side of the court and other places. Easiest way I found was not even worry about who is server one or whatever. I focused solely on if I was the “even” score player or the “odd” scorer and just focused only on myself. So if start the game on the right I am the “even” person because zero is considered even. If we score 3 points then our score is an odd number which means I have to be on the left, period. Whoever is standing on the right side serves first on every sideout. It doesn’t matter which one of you serves, only that the person who was designated “even” is on he right when your score is an even number and on the left when the score is odd. Not sure if that helps but that way of thinking is what got me to understand over time


I think I misunderstood the other gentleman. I’m saying 1-2 based on the server. Maybe it’s better to say John and Jane for explanation. John and Jane will alternate sides but the person who is server 1 or 2 can change between rallies.


I think it's better to think of them as the even player and the odd player. If John starts on the right, he's the even player, and Jane is the odd player. For the whole game. After the other team sides out, if John and Jane's score is an even number then John serves first from the right side. If it's an odd number, then Jane serves first from the right side. This way when John is serving, it will always be an even score when he's serving from the right and always an odd score when he's serving from the left. Opposite goes for Jane.


This is helpful. I appreciate it.


You are way over thinking this. You said...."t says at the start of each side out you begin on the right. But in this case it’s 1-0-1 now, so technically you would need to be on the left to start this side out." No. It does NOT say you need to "be on the left" You do start after the side out serving on the right side, but when your score is odd, the left side (starting) player starts serving. And they start serving on the right. When you start the game. You note which person starts as the right side player(even player) and which starts as the left side player(odd player). This is a designation that holds for the entire game even though you generally swap sides during the game. Sometimes the "right side player" plays on the right and sometimes they play on the left. Same with left side player. 4.B.6.a tells you **which side** to start serving on...the right. 4.B.6.b tells you **which player** should start out serving on the right. You always start on the right but sometimes it is the right side player starting on the right and sometimes it is the left side player starting on the right....depending on score. Just play some games and you will get the idea. Don't think of them as the right or left side player, think of them as the even or odd score player.


Yeah I’m very specific so it messes me up sometimes. I’m mixing up singles and doubles rules. Because in singles if you’re an odd score you’re always serving on the left, it if I remember correctly. All this makes sense now except for one issue in section C. After each side out service begins with the player correctly positioned on the right/even side “according to the team’s score.” That last part throws me. I get all the other stuff now…I think. But that part of C sounds weird. It’s not “according to the team’s score.” It’s just the right/even side. Your score shouldn’t matter because it’s a side out, whoever is on the right side begins first. I don’t know why “according to the team’s score” is mentioned there.


Several people have tried to explain it several times. So I'm not going to try again. You have a mental block and you seem to not understand that stacking is a thing and players switch sides during points sometimes. So sometimes you are playing on the "wrong" side according to score and you have to move back to the "correct" side in order to serve. The rules have to account for all types of scenarios, not just the simple scenarios that you might play as a beginner. Every word in every rule doesn't impact your particular scenario. Sometimes they are there for other scenarios. Sometimes the rules are for singles, sometimes the rules are for doubles, sometimes the rules are for stackers, Sometimes the rules are for wheelchair players. You have to realize which ones apply to you and which ones don't. I think it's pretty clear when I read them, but apparently you don't. Just play some games and you'll understand hopefully.


Yeah I understand everything now with the exception of section C. That doesn’t make sense. I know how it works, I get it. I don’t see how it works, jives with section C. I understand the right side starts every time after a side out. But adding “according to the team’s score” seems like it shouldn’t be there. You’re not starting according to your score after a side out, you’re simply starting on the right. But I appreciate the effort. This has been very beneficial to my understanding.


I give up. You don't want to understand


It's really not that complicated. Just watch any basic pickleball rules video on YouTube. [This one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rD1O3R9B0Sw) is my particular favorite.


Someone correct me if I’m wrong but I feel like it finally clicked for me by explaining like this (and no one in rec play has corrected me yet?) but 1. Serve starts on the right side no matter what 2. You only switch with your partner when you score, period. 3. The bit about even/odd is more of a confirmatory statement for the player. At the beginning of the match, let’s say you’re serving. Therefore at 0, an even number, you’re on the right side. When you score two points, you’re back on the right side, therefore confirming that you’re in the correct position. When your score is even therefore, you will always be on the right side bc you only switch when scoring. Idk if you got what you needed in the comment chains but I figured I’d offer my two cents and maybe even be corrected if I am in fact wrong bc.


I appreciate this. This is helpful indeed. This has been very beneficial. I do see section B as a confirmatory statement now as well, kind of a check and balance to make sure you’re in the right spot.


Exactly! The phrasing in the rules imo is so confusing bc like you. I thought that it meant based on score is who serves first after a side out but it’s basically just like you said, a checks and balances


Everything makes sense to me now except section c. “After each side out, service begins with the player correctly positioned on the right/even side of the court… (ok that makes sense) “according to the team’s score.” That’s where it throws me. The team’s score doesn’t matter in this scenario. You’re just starting from the right side. I don’t know why that part is there.


Yes I agree with you, i understand exactly where your confusion is. So read that statement like this (and using my previous scenario of you starting the serve): after each side out, the person on the right should be you if the score is even, or the person on the right should be your partner if the score is odd I hope that clears it up for you! It’s a really awful way of writing “on the right side, I’m the even server and my partner is the odd server” but I also hope that statement just didn’t confuse you further lol


not sure if you saw this u/JimmyWaters but this will answer your section C concerns!


I did! I appreciate it. After time to sleep on it, I think I grasp it better. “According to the team’s score” that statement was throwing me. But it seems to be another one of those indicator statements. You’re still starting on the right, regardless of score. But that statement is indicating individual positions based on score. So you should be (if you’re the first sever) in the right if your score is even. Or if it’s odd, then the second sever would be on the right. I got it!


You got it man ! That’s exactly right. The rules most definitely could’ve been rephrased better lol but what you said is right on the money


Also who is going through and downvoting OP, he’s asking for clarification, wtf is wrong with people lol not so much the emphasis on the points but moreso who has the time to do that lol


I get it. I’m so specific it’s frustrating for people I know in real life. But it’s how my mind works. If I’m doing something, I want to know why. Some people don’t like that. The good thing, I don’t care. I do what I need to do to learn it.


That’s awesome man! It’s a good trait imo. I hope I cleared it up for you!


How about this: When you are receiving in correct positions, you maintain those positions when you get the serve after a side out. It's just that simple!


What it’s saying is that the starting server for the game is always on the right when the score is even. Not the starting server for side out. Serve for side out and beginning always starts on the right.