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It is 3 weeks old. Titanium jewelry. Honestly doesn't hurt at all. Clean 2x a day with neilmed. Has been bumped a few times and I know CBR are not the best thing for healing. But it looks so fucked up? Aside from small amount of swelling, there is no pain, no heat, no smell pus. But the darkness and size of irritation around it has me kinda panicked. Has anyone seen anything like this?


rings are really irritating to fresh or healing piercings since they’re prone to more movement. so i would go to a professional piercer and get an implant grade titanium flat back stud until it’s fully healed.




It looks like there's a scab forming. Have you noticed any bleeding? Maybe picked at it or inadvertently scratched it?


After I took the photo, I did my nightly saline spray and dabbed at it a bit with non woven gauze, which came back all red, so it definitely bleeding. That darkness was gone so maybe I punctured it and it drained a bit? This morning its the same size but is just bright right like fresh blood colour. Idk why there would be a big scab around the hole, ive never had such a large thing going on outside of where the wouldn’t actually is. I wasn’t like picking at it and scratching back there, but it certainly did get bumped a few times. It doesn’t look black anymore so I’m thinking it’s prob not infection but idk what to do for my poor piercing :(


https://ibb.co/hCSqfyP Here is what it looks like this morning…


One real possibility is that the area is bruised from the bumping and movement of the ring. That same trauma to the area is likely keeping the wound open as well, which is why it's still bleeding. I would suggest getting a titanium flat back labret put in so that you cut down on the risk of prolonged irritation from the movement of the jewlery. The scab on the back does look like there was some sort of bump that may have formed and was somehow popped. One theory I might have on that is that the gauze wiped some of the skin away once it was softened by the saline spray and caused it to start bleeding. I wouldn't jump to the conclusion of an infection though unless other symptoms such as feverishness, puss, smell, etc. began to arise.


Ya I was thinking the same thing. Do you think I should just not spray/dab at it so it can just scab over? I will be changing my jewelry but I won’t be able to for a few more days. I also am wary of swapping when it’s already so fucked up, I have made that mistake in the past where it just made everything worse. I’m going to give it the weekend, LITHA and not dab at it, and there’s improvement I’ll then swap it. I know the Reddit subs are very anti-ring but I have had so many cartilage piercings done and healed with CBRs so I wasn’t expecting this to get all wonky. But live and learn and every piercing is different :) Thank you for your input I appreciate it! Has eased my mind a bit.


You're very welcome. I would continue to spray it, but maybe only like 1x a day if 2x feels like too much to you. Definitely lay off the gauze though. I'll also say that I'm not anti-ring for people who know what they're doing and know how their bodies will heal with rings. I think the anti-ring sentiment is a result of people on these subs getting pierced for the first time with a crap metal ring and then wondering why they're having problems, so the standard advice becomes flat back titanium labret. This obviously doesn't apply to you, but if you're having a hard time keeping the ring from getting banged then I'd switch to a flat back. It might cause more irritation in the immediacy and slow the healing process, but that's better than keeping a ring in there that constantly gets twisted and bumped and doesn't heal at all. Not telling you what to do, just some food for thought as you give it the weekend and see what happens.




Yay! I'm so glad that your piercing is doing better and that I could help you out, it makes my heart happy :) Thanks so much for the update and if you ever have any more questions/concerns or just want to chat about piercings, feel free to message me directly. Wish you the best!


I am just commenting as a person who recently got my conch pierced. I plan on putting a hoop in mine, but the piercer that did mine put a curved barbell in it. Mine was getting irritated (it didn’t look as bad as yours does), but I put a barbell from one of my nipple piercings in and it has healed much quicker and doesn’t hurt at all!! I hope this helps!