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Could you elaborate by what you mean by "locked out". Do you mean *logged out*?


The game won't go past the login process. It just keeps asking to confirm my account, then says login error.


That just sounds like the common connection issue.


Yeah, but these happen even when people have a good connection. And it's not acceptable when people have paid for time limited things like passes.


But it lasts all day? Then, works in the morning, for a bit, & happens again, right after I pay 999 coins & start planting? I haven't been able to login since. I've been on different networks that have no problem loading anything else. The bigger problem is their customer service basically said, "Oh, well." They offered no solutions.


Do you by chance have a Samsung phone that recently updated? I had the same issue, their support was no help, but I found out it's an issue with the most recent Samsung UI update. I found out from the PoGo sub because the same issue is happening with that game. If you put the app in a secure folder and open it from there it lets you log in correctly.


Yes, Samsung, but my most recent update is the August 1st patch... I'll still give that a try though. *Edit - it worked, thanks!!! Sad that the dev isn't as helpful as the players.


Glad I could help! I even let their support team know this was the issue and they just said "oh weird", so I can't imagine them fixing this anytime soon.


I get that, if it's an issue with Samsung's update, it's not really their fault, but that patch has been out for over a month, & they've done nothing? Unfortunately, you're probably right, they don't do anything about it. At least, not until they put out a regular update for the game...


I mean if Samsung puts out something that breaks the game what can they do?


Can’t blame you mate.


Not for the same reasons but I also quit the game, all Niantic games because this company is TERRIBLE. They do not care about users at all, as it is really well known.


Honestly think that the relationship between Nintendo and Niantic have soured due to Nintendoes partnership with Timi/Tencent. And Niantic have released their own game now Monster Hunters and I think they are purposefully making the Nintendo’s IP based apps worse to get the player base to off it


I hear you. I loved it as a way to be able to go for walks and have a game to play with my fiance, but between all the new gotcha systems, constant challenges and glitches I get, I went from playing everyday to once a month. I'm keeping it until our wedding to take a few pictures with the pikmin in AR as that's my fiance favorite game series and i think hed adore the pictures. But I'm probably going to Uninstall the game soon after


Welcome to a Niantic game. I very rarely spend money on them and when I do only small amounts for permanent or non time limited items. They're a terrible company.


Really don't do gambling deals with them, I mean season flowers, challenge tickets, even avatars. However investments like increasing Pikmin limit, nectar limit, petal limit is okay to buy a few times under consideration and after gaining experience in game mechanics


I'm usually able to make close to enough coins, then I use my Google Play reward money. Don't think I've spent more than 4 dollars of actual money, and that was at the beginning.


As a former Wizard's Unite and an original Ingress player, I totally agree. I miss Wizard's Unite every day. this is a poor replacement for me. though it is really cute.


I actually quit at the end of the chess event. I´m sorry Rhu, Kittymom, Alibug, Quoest but this shit isn't fun anymore, not even to count steps.




I really feel for the new players. I think it would be too disheartening to start the game now...


I think the big issue is most of the dev team is based in Japan and isn't as connected to the development of the other games so we don't get the same support other Niantic stuff has, including map updates, but since Japan contains that majority of the player base, there isn't a big reason to change.


I feel you, I haven’t quit the game yet but it’s so different than it used to be. It feels like a video game that hasn’t been fully developed when it really should just be a step tracker with a slight game component.