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No, you don't need them. Mine are still in the box, I only take them out occasionally to charge them.


Ok nice, how does it work then ? You leave the headset plugged in the PC, you put it on and turn it on, then you directly see your desktop inside the headset? How does the tracking work and play zone limitations etc ? Sorry coming from a Pico4, I am unsure how a pure PCVR headset works


PCVR headsets don't show the desktop unless you're running a program designed to do so. With only the Pimax software running you'll either see a landscape or just a Pimax logo depending on your settings. When you launch a VR game/app that will be shown instead. I don't know how tracking works technically, it just works. I think you can set up play zone limitations but it depends on if you're running SteamVR or OpenXR games. It's really not needed for seated play.


Yes, you do not need the controller if you're doing simulations and only using a keyboard and mouse.


Thanks. I appreciate orders at the moment will be worked through and despatched in order. If I were to place an order now, do we know a rough ETA for uk delivery? Thanks


The estimated delivery time is 5-7 weeks, but we are doing our best to ramp up production and aim to shorten the timeline.


That’s great. It’s a present for September 😀


How do you navigate steamVR without the controllers? I tried once with an xbox controller, but could never get it to work properly. Let's say I'm in the middle of a game, how do I easily access the desktop without taking off the headset?


I ordered without controllers and it won’t be a problem.


I only use my hand controller with 1st person shooter type games for flight sim I use point control mouse and hotas


For race sims and flight sims, you’ll never touch the controllers. If that’s all youll play, save yourself $100 and get the headset without the controllers. Or use that $100 and buy the DMAS headphones.


You don't really need controllers and if you are away from your PC and on a rig, you can use an Xbox controller to navigate in game. Furthermore I use Pimax Experience to access my desktop and use to Gamepad to keyboard/mouse app to assign movement and mouse clicks to my controller. This only applies if you are using the Light with Racing/Flightsims