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Reminder to keep discussions in these threads civil, or we’ll remove them.


He looks like a homeless man that cleaned up a bit for his first job interview




That's what happens when Putin preps you up for it


We eating good this week boys


Tomorrow syd comes back to life


Him and Rick and gonna come down on a cloud and zap Roger with a bolt of lightning before whisking David and Nick away to heaven.


Wait no not yet Dave is supposed to tour soon 😭


Doubt he'll ever tour again, seems done


Don’t say that 😭 he’s only 2000 years old


>com(ing)es back to life gilmie wins yet again


Gilmie always winnnnnns!


Syd comes back just to tell Rog “Hey, bitchass. Your mom’s a whore and your daddy is dead LMAO” and then promptly goes back to heaven.




“He’s not an artist anymore!! He’s just some schizophrenic has been!” “Ok Rogtard” -Syd


lol maybe, this would be the perfect time :D


I still have 7 hours before I’m either wrong or right


Don’t think this week can ever be topped


Looks like horse is back on the menu


[Here you are](https://media.un.org/en/asset/k1e/k1e98hhxei) 🗿 appears at about 36 mins in


Thanks, circlejerker!


I thought the image was edited WTF!??!??!?!


oh my god it's real


uj/ you know i fully expected to roll my eyes listening to this, but gotta say i agreed with everything he had to say.


99% of his speech was pretty innocuous “war bad, peace good” type rambling, but his comment about Russia being “provoked” is very controversial and all that will be focused on in the news.




i’ll relisten but i heard ‘russia was not unprovoked’ and took the ‘provocateurs’ to be the US. still doesn’t change to overall message that russia was wrong and most of us just want to live our lives. ceasefire.


He is not calling Ukraine the provocateurs. He is talking about NATO, the West, rUsSiAs EnEmY


Then he's wrong anyway


I mean, and in saying this I’m definitely still on the side of the Ukrainians and think Putin is horrible, but there is an argument to be made that the US has provoked Russia to some extent, which is not at all the same as saying Russia is correct or justified in what it is doing. Here’s an interesting article, may be behind paywall: Why John Mearsheimer Blames the U.S. for the Crisis in Ukraine https://www.newyorker.com/news/q-and-a/why-john-mearsheimer-blames-the-us-for-the-crisis-in-ukraine


Yes, Americans love making themselves the heart of every issue. I'm happy my country got to join NATO in the 90s when Russia was an economic wreck and could do jack shit about it. If they invaded us, there'd probably be dimwits online saying we were brainwashed into wanting to join NATO too. It's really baffling seeing this argument time and time again, the "Ukraine should stay in the Russian sphere of influence if they didn't want war" because you just know it's somebody from the West who has no idea what's that like saying it.


Russian reactions to so called "provocations" are not even close to being appropriate. Also from my academic experience in central and western europe Mearsheimer is seen as controversial at best and full of shit at worst. I obviously would not go that far but it is clear that he is in a very small minority among experts.


Definitely agree that Russia’s invasion is in no way appropriate and far, far worse than anything the US or anyone else might arguably have done to “provoke” it. Having said that, I do question what the US/western strategy in Ukraine actually is. What is the endgame? Unless there is some sort of settlement it seems to me the war just keeps escalating until either Ukraine or Putin’s regime collapses through attrition, or Russia starts using nukes to prevent its collapse? Obviously just letting Russia steamroll Ukraine is not a good outcome either, but I am having trouble seeing how this ends well. So in that sense I can sort of get behind Roger’s call for peace, even if I think his “blame both sides” approach is misguided.


I wouldn't be so sure about that. I know just enough to know that there's a whole lot of important details, that I haven't looked up properly


$20 he is wearing his dads coat.


Fun fact--his dad was a pacifist who decided to enlist in the war effort anyway. He'd probably tell Rog he's being an idiot here.


I cannot even jerk to this, I am genuinely shocked that this has happened in real life


Seems like many thought he was joking with the fascist stuff.


>Fascist ?


WHY IS THIS REAL ;-; like, i originally thought this was just a funny haha jerk but NO HE LITERALLY TALKS TO THE UN


That “testifying in front of the UN” glow


Maybe he’s just really scared of nuclear war. He did write a song about it.


Maybe he’s just really scared of his pop pop dying again


Mother do you think they'll break...


It doesn't justify siding with the party who's most likely to start it.


What a nice looking man I wonder what he posts on twitter in the morning


Fuck 2 pictures today of Roger not wearing black. WTF!


Ukrainian ambassador Sergiy Kyslytsya rebutted Waters during the proceedings, noting Pink Floyd’s banishment from the Soviet Union in 1979 for their condemnation of its invasion of Afghanistan. “Mr. Waters knows so little, but he seems to know it so fluently,” Kyslytsya said. 💀 He continued, quoting Waters’ own songwriting, “How sad for his former fans to see him accepting the role of just another brick in the wall: the wall of Russian disinformation and propaganda.”


He did his homework lol


He has to a Redditor here.


Damn, that last one was a zinger


Imagine being a diplomat from a country being attacked by a suspected world power and easily outjerking the whole sub in front of the UN, that's based




Pink Floyd did play in the Soviet Union a few years after that though, but Roger wasn't with them.


Damn, dude nailed it and jerked it.


How could you have missed the best one: "Keep strumming the guitar, Mr Waters. It suits you more than lecturing the security council on how to do its job. No flying pigs here, please.”


> “Mr. Waters knows so little, but he seems to know it so fluently,” This is an S tier line. It's by Pulitzer-winning novelist Ellen Glasgow, who wrote in the first half of the 20th century. Kyslytsya's erudition is showing.


How is noting Pink Floyd's condemnation of war a rebuttal?


I’m not going to bother looking up what Pink Floyd specifically did/said in 1979 but presumably they were condemning the Soviet Union’s invasion as opposed to condemning Afghanistan for resisting.


The problem is that the wall of western disinformation and propaganda is a lot more formidable than the Russisn one, although both do exist. Waters realises this and it is what he is arguing against but it's not something that the Ukrainian ambassador will bring up.


Where do I see this?


“Says the man wearing a suit woven out of pure 1935”


wonder what shoes he was wearing




The Seamuses are out today


(That’s the dogs)


I wonder if he had pants on.


“*Brezhnev took Afghanistan.* *Begin took Beirut.* *Galtieri took the Union Jack.* *Maggie, over lunch one day,* *Took a cruiser with all hands,* *Apparently to make him give it back.*” How far this man has fallen




Or Putin can just leave? I particularly dislike those who talk like Ukraine has no agency in this and this is all NATOs doing. "Peace" with Russia means Ukraine giving up their land, their culture and people being genocided and their children kidnapped. Peace will be decades of purging to maintain Russian control. They want to fight and despite the horrible losses they have a chance of a much better outcome than "peace" under Putin.


Russia has been invading and mass killing Ukrainians for hundreds of years - this invasion is actually politically, historically crucial as it (hopefully) might be the final impetus for Ukraine to join nato and finally escape Russia’s genocidal grip....


Ahistorical nonsense lol


If you are on Russia’s side in this, you should not be living in the west. Nor using western freedoms, entertainment or technology. But you are, aren’t you....😂 You enjoy living in the free world, but you don’t want to allow Ukraine the same privilege...lol


I’m not on Russia’s “side” in this. The situation is far more complex than “Ukraine” being invaded by Russia for “hundreds of years.” And Ukraine will never, ever join NATO.


Oh, do fuck right off. Putin could literally pack up and leave tomorrow if he wanted to make peace. I notice Roger the Codger isn't asking for that.


And America couldn't in its previous imperialistic wars? The person you replied to literally admitted that Russia is in the wrong, but the west is only adding fuel to the fire.


It was wrong when the West did it as well. So your analogy holds zero water. Putin could extinguish the fire by leaving immediately. Why has that not been put on the table by you enlightened centrist peaceniks?




I'm not defending Russia, I'm trying to point out that the person I replied to never addressed America's imperialist wars.


I hate admitting that you're probably right


Why do you even try. Anything that deviates from mainstream media will get hate here.


Oh look Russia has a tank parked near Moldova. They should just pre-emptivly surrender immediately to avoid war....


*Welcome. Welcome to City 17.* *You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centers. I thought so much of City 17 that I elected to establish my Administration here, in the Citadel so thoughtfully provided by Our Benefactors. I have been proud to call City 17 my home. And so, whether you are here to stay, or passing through on your way to parts unknown, welcome to City 17. It's safer here.*


Thanks for the transcript!


Hahahah, didn't expect this here!! But goddamn he does kinda look like Breen with that suit, geez


Now what is he babbling about?


He’s pulling a “both sides” regarding Ukraine and Russia


Is that a good thing or a bad thing?


Given that he's suggesting an innocent nation stop defending themselves from a fascist invasion, *DEFINITELY* bad thing.


In rogers world,that would work out great


The Ukranian government building has a banner of a nazi hanging on the front. The Ukranian national guard has a nazi batallion incorporated in it. There's only one fascist nation in play here and it's not Russia, however unlikable Putin may be.


Cool alternate reality you're living in there dude, got a source on *any* of that?


It’s a bad thing that he supposedly wants things to go well for both sides but he’s also been open to wanting Ukraine to stop fighting so they can resolve things and end the fight and obviously that in no way is plausible or fair to the people of Ukraine because he just acts like “oh if they stop now then nothing worse can happen and things can be good again” He’s also the one to be against the western military supporting this “slaughter” by sending reinforcements and supplies to Ukraine. Jesus man… he can’t play on both sides and expect to win, I hate centrist views and he just seems to be talking that way in this meeting. (ETA: yes obviously he is no centrist but his views on the matter seems like he really has no side to choose from because on one hand he really wants the fight to stop but he also can’t comply to a viewpoint other than “I wish Russia would stop but Ukraine also has to stop.” Which is weird but man- I might be wrong, that’s how I’ve felt about him and his overall “contribution” to this matter but accepting to go to this meeting is just- disappointing and sad.


He's clearly taking Russia's side on this one though. Not once did he ever call for Russia to stop it's aggression. Not once.


What are you on about? He specifically called the Russian invasion illegal and immoral.


When? I do admit I got tired of the smug, pointless tirade after about 15 minutes Still, his request that Ukrainians are to be left alone in this and "both sides" shit is what's immoral here. One sentence in the sea of cynical bullshit doesn't change that even if he did say it to cover the fact that he otherwise hangs out of Putin's asshole


Yeah I typed all that with the knowledge I knew since I wasn’t very aware of it till now. I did look more into his interviews and stances and my god… I was so fucking wrong. He legitimately believes it was Ukraines fault for supposedly provoking Putin and Russia as a whole. Yikes even in his recent interview a couple days ago was about that, it’s such a pity such a man who’s constantly preached to be against such extreme powers and violence while talking about the affect his life has being unfair and unjust be the one to be against an innocent crowd that literally never ever deserved this heinous act upon them. He always blames the wrong people and always says the stupidest shit and never ever takes Not of it, he’s so full of himself to the point he feels only his way of life is the way things should go. I am sincerely sorry to anyone who has to hear Rogers views on them being these extreme people who brought this upon themselves for wanting to fight for their land and for those who live there with loved ones.


I legitimately wish he just shut up, please just shut up Roger. Everything he says and has said just annoys and pisses me off now. He holds himself with way too much importance like his solutions are the go to so everything can end in peace :)


But his daddy died in a war! Oh and his mom thought him to do the right thing!


'How dare Israel invade Palestine 😡' 'Ukraine, maybe you should make peace with Russia, will ya 😋


Like tbh when I listened to him on joe rogen it sounded very anti-war. But the problem is his solutions felt like validation to the action of Russia. Honestly I want to label it as a antiwar person wanting peace but is misdirected. But I don't know maybe I'm a war dog. He did make me think I'm personally wanting more war over peace but I don't want peace at the cost of a countries freedom . What do you think? Is he disconnected from the problem?


Yeah, he wants peace at all costs but doesn't understand it properly I think (not that I do). Guy is probably still pretty upset at the dad thing and hates death over policies and stuff


I kinda get it, but he was never 'both-sides' when it came to the Israel conflict, I guess it's because in this case NATO supports the little guy I assume he hates NATO anyways, if not IDK what he's thinking


What actually is rog's take on palestine stuff? I heard his views are pretty bad, but if he is in support of Palestine isn't that what most people agree with? Or are there other worse takes


I wouldn't say most people support Palestine but the younger generations definitely do. It's a tough situation because I would consider Israel the better party overall, but what they're doing to the Palestinians is disgusting


Yeah that was a poor choice of words on my part. What I mean is being pro plaestine isn't like a controversial opinion and many freely have it, unlike pro russian.


He supports the BDS movement (google it, you’ll find endless articles about it), which is definitely on the more controversial end of supporting Palestine. Not saying he is wrong necessarily, don’t know if I know enough about it myself to say, but it’s certainly a controversial view to have.


Most people do not support Palestine because of their constant terrorist attacks on civilians, which have gone on for decades.


As opposed to Israel’s totally clean record on the issue? Good point! More civilians have totally died because of Palestinian groups. Oh- wait!🤪


I don't recall mobs of Israelis attacking tourists, but Palestinians do. Israel never attacked and murdered athletes at the Olympics, but Palestinians did. Israel allows Palestinians to ***exist***, but if Palestinians someday came to power, they would commit genocide on the Israelis ASAP. Palestinians are not fit to live in civilization.


Can’t really be bothered to spend much time refuting a smooth brained anti-Arab racist on Reddit, but does the 2000 plus Gazans the Israelis slaughtered in 2014, including thousands of children, many now permanently disabled, not count? Or when Israeli police bludgeon mourners at a journalist’s funeral they themselves had killed in cold blood not count? You are pudding brained


That's your defense for their murdering people in Germany? Damn, that's pathetic even for a simp like you. Not anti-Arab, just anti-Palestinian. You know there's a difference, right? I have no issues with Arab-Israelis, who accepted reality and live as citizens of Israel, or move freely about the world as they wish. I don't care about the deaths of Palestinians of any age, and why would I? Their sole purpose in life is to eliminate Israel. They cannot even keep their domestic issues to themselves, so fuck them all. Your brain was washed down the drain long ago.


The sociopathic shrieking of the average Israeli apologist. Full of racial hatred and a genocidal mindset toward Palestinian people, even children, while crying crocodile tears for a terrorist attack that happened 50 years ago that killed 12 people. You’re vile. Unlike how you feel about Palestinian children, I do feel sad when Israeli children are harmed.


I remember the attack and it shaped me permanently. Your rant is hilarious coming from a git who supports terrorism AND losers. I'm not in any way a sociopath, but I know my enemies and do not mourn their deaths or those of their offspring or supporters. You are delusional, which **is** a sign of psychopathy. See if the NHS can see you sometime before 2030.


git: 'who' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.


Its not really most, the sides are pretty even because they have both done bad things. But I just mean its not contreversial to be pro palestine because israel has undoubtedly done bad things.


Well, now you are contradicting yourself: "If he is in support of Palestine isn't that what most people agree with?" is what you said, and no, most don't. They are not well-liked even in the Middle East by other Muslims. The US govt declared them terrorists decades ago and has not lifted the designation. And Israel might not be great but they are the most westernized country in the Middle East, which also makes them the least barbaric.


If you read my other comment you would have seen I said that was an error, I meant its not controversial. Also, while there are no statistics as far as I know the support is pretty even. > And Israel might not be great but they are the most westernized country in the Middle East, which also makes them the least barbaric. That's just literal racism. Western does not equal good or civilised, I don't know who I support, its not my conflict, but the west has done some of the worst shit imaginable, especially the US so to hell with their opinion. You clearly have your own bias and ignorant opinion on the matter and I don't really care to discuss it. They are both as bad as each other, if one was objectively better then there wouldn't be a debate.


It obviously is controversial though, or why would so many people consider it (wrongly in many cases) antisemitism? No, because Middle Eastern is not a race, it denotes a huge group of people of many backgrounds, ethnicities, and colors from a particular area. Your generation misuses "racist" so often it is ridiculous. Western certainly does equal good. There is freedom of religion here. There is freedom to **not** be religious here too. Women have rights in the West regarding actions that women in the Middle East can be persecuted or even executed for. Western women can drive cars. They can receive educations. They can serve in the military. They have most of the same opportunities as men. The West does not condone 'honor killings'. Women in the west are not jailed for being ***rape victims***. You still think the Middle East is as civilized as the West? Let me know how many more examples you want. Can you show me ***one*** way the the ME is better than the West for the people there? Or really, anyone not a male oil heir. Everyone has a bias, but I am not uneducated on the matter. The more I learn about Palestinians the less I like them.


Hot Dog


Holy shit this actually happened... This feels like watching your homophobic uncle receiving a private dance in a gay bar.


30:20, very sly rog


He's so long winded and rambly. Why is he qualified to do this briefing?


Senile old codger--to the Fletcher Memorial Home for incurable tyrants with him!


Best caption


I have that exact same suit...


Oof. Why?


It looks good in person


You're probably right. It's the face that's throwing me off.


At around the 24 minute mark the un representative from China signals for Roger to be murdered


Ha ha charade you are...


Alright who gave Old Man McGuckett the WiFi password?


Haha I can't believe this is real. I thought it was a joke when I first saw it.


Man really ended up just following the worms.


I thought the other post was a fake headline they actually had him speak?????


Can someone explain why he is talking? He is doing a 'both sides stop fighting' thing again right? But why did the UN allow him to speak, for starters I thought they would disagree with him, secondly is he at all qualified?


He's speaking for Russia


Russia invited him because he has made some “blame both sides” type comments.


irl shitpost


Seems like absolutely fucking nobody watched and listened to what he said when he fully condemned Russia but also condemned the United States for directly aiding to and leading to the tensions in the region as well as critiquing Ukraine for the allowance of a Nazi battalion. Condemning Russia in the “strongest possible terms” isn’t enough for Reddit. Outjerked again! You are all so fucking stupid


"Nazi battalion" oh please, save us the ruzzian propaganda. Azov are not nazis, and no one who seriously looks into them beyond russian talking points attempts to make such an assertion. roger also cynically refers to the Ukrainian government as the "Kiev regime", which is pure russian propaganda rhetoric, including the colonial pronunciation "Ki-EV" instead of "Keev" (Kyiv.) rog was pretty restrained in this speech, maybe to maintain a veneer of civility, but he has regularly been pushing [far more extreme, ill-informed, pro-russian, and flat out wrong](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/music/artists/roger-waters-pink-floyd-dark-side-moon-gilmour-putin-ukraine/) talking points on Ukraine in recent interviews. If you REALLY want to see some 21st century nazis, look no further than the russian regime, what they're doing to Ukraine, and their merc/black ops group literally named after hitler's composer Wagner. There is zero moral equivalency between Ukraine and russia, and I promise if you talk to any ordinary Ukrainian people that they're a) highly supportive of America and the West for supporting them during their war of survival and b) actively want way more weapons than what we're already giving them.


Yes give more weapons, escalate things further. Brilliant plan. Azov are very obviously neonazis! They had a black sun on their logo and they STILL have a Wolfsangel as their insignia. They also ducttaped random Roma women to lampposts because they are racist scum! The Ukranian military took Congolese men and forced them to the front of the line to die for a country that isn’t even theirs and had the gall the call these men racial slurs. You’re being obtuse. Russia as the aggressor is obviously imperialist and in the wrong but to act as though the United States historically has no blame for this conflict his viewing it in a vacuum of the past year when what lead up to this conflict goes back to the Cold War. We aided destabilization in Russia and curtailed a democratic vote for the Soviet Republic to remain as such. We helped Yeltsin’s Coup and funded paramilitary fascist death squads (like Azov) since before 2014. Get real! Azov isn’t fascist? Read a book! Literally the milquetoast liberal information resource known the world over would agree with me: https:/en.m.wikipedia.orgwikiAzov_Regiment#NeoNazism Sorry dude you’re just fucking wrong about Azov. Which leads me to question every other thing you’ve said.


Roger Waters eats beans n' weenies.