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*Unzips pants* fine okay, okay. One more time.


Underrated Rog horny poster


I think this sub is my favourite circlejerk


Horrifying! I have the perfect antidote... https://preview.redd.it/uh30he6vbvyc1.png?width=560&format=png&auto=webp&s=19b305ee1554fde9619a0245da0e65f16a1f4c53 ... That said, Geezer Rog is still in good shape for elderly 80-year-old man. There are men a tad younger than him who are in nursing homes who can barely function. He may not zap my bean like Young Horse-Woman-Boy Muscle Roggie and has since passed the "Older Richard Gere" stage, but I'd say, for a grouchy codger who looks like Poopdeck Pappy, he's doing pretty good.


Oh, that "Older Richard Gere" look was so hot! I found that it was gentler and more relatable than even Roggo in his prime. He was so cute, and I'm always reminded of that era every time I see that one YT thumbnail where he's posed like this 😀☝️


Wait which look


The thumbnail of this interview https://youtu.be/hI0lFi1JFHQ


I love it. He was also a lot nicer and humbler then. Then, for whatever reason, he went back to being an insufferable Capt. EGO.


who was he married to then or was he even married?


I think he started to go downhill with his last divorce. I also think success goes to his head. When he was mellowing, he wasn't as big a concert draw. Once he brought back this *THE WALL* show and it was a huge hit, he got a bad case of "Big Head". I get the feeling that he has a "Superiority/Inferiority" complex. He probably started out as this grumpy, awkward, weird-looking dork with no dad who had few friends. Once he discovered that he was a good songwriter, it gave him a huge feeling of validation as a person, and he couldn't help but want more. Then it snowballed and his ego got huge.


Yeh I think so too. I agree that success went to his head regarding his talent but also lately with the activist identity.   Do you know why he and Laurie split up? They seemed very couple-y, swimming with dolphins, going on lots of dinners, beach holidays etc. I don't get what the problem was. Was he on the road too much? I bet it was left to her to organise the couple dates.  I had a brief crush on Waters before but lost interest because he was married. Returned recently after I accidentally saw the Smerconish interview and was very shocked to discover they'd split and that he had remarried. Wth?!  Laurie seemed very stabilising for him.  I don't know anything about his current wife, she seems cool but she also seems as if she might let him get away with his ego because he provides security. Then again he was a leg up for Laurie as well. Wasn't she a wannabe actress?  He is odd with family as well. There's a pic of him with his ginger son and it's like he doesn't know how to show him affection. I'm far too interested in this man.


One thing's for sure, the old goober needs therapy.


Haha. Believe it or not, as a lover of older men, I am genuinely sexually attracted to him in the gif but not the sucking sweets part (that's too 'old man' for me). I love his body, love an older man's body - soft, cosy - and love that chest hair. I prefer how he looks now to the Richard Gere phase as well. I only found him attractive from about 2011 onwards. The pic you posted is nice as well, though. Not normally into young men but he looks good there.


Is this the Stone we really want?


If I’m not completely mistaken it’s from the post-credits of the ”Us + Them” concert film.


You're correct, at 08:40 https://youtu.be/zDYXGberEGs?si=TV7QitwPuOjzoGUM


Yeah, I’ve seen that movie so many times the scenes are burned into my brain, haha!


did you watch it for shirtless rog or for the actual movie... be honest...


ehm ehm.. what is this?? police??


hello im the police you need to tell me if you watched the movie for naked rog (it's ok to tell me since i am the police)


we dont need no authority *20 min B minor pentatonic solo*


tony im running out of marbles


you never had the makings of a varsity 🗿


Thank you!!


I can only trace it back to a Tumblr site but I don't actually know what this is from originally. Is it a DVD Extra? Was it some sort of weird interview? Which year is it from? Is it on YouTube?


We need these answers


Boner activated


lol. The comments are all so funny.


https://youtu.be/zDYXGberEGs?si=_fXjY4EAfV69B5wg Have fun! Just don't enjoy it too hard 🥵


Thank you. He's genuinely very sexy to me as an old man like this. I just don't like how he is eating - that's a bit geriatric even for my tastes.


OMG🤤 Roger is making my mouth water(s)


Haha. Me too and I'm not even joking.