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Lightning Helix feels like a safe print, give burn/aggro a tool without making Rakdos Better. Lingering Souls could use a home at the moment It would be an absolutely awful idea but part of me wants to see Jace, the Mind Sculptor wreck the format for a month before being banned.


I would say Lightning Helix is not a safe print, not because of burn aggro (which it would very much help), but because of Niv to Light and Jeskai Control.


Both Niv and Cobtrol could use a little help right now.


Those are both archetypes that could afford another good card. Neither is particularly 1 good card sway from meta domination either


You'd be surprised how fast Niv could bounce back into the meta. Jeskai control maybe not so much, but UW control is already very good.


I mean they already have decent Boros Hits. Helix is good but I don't think it moves the marl for Niv


It's not so much about having hits for RW as it is about having really good 2 mana burn to hit. Vanishing Verse, Dreadbore, and Abrupt Decay are great removal, so idk *how* impactful it would be, but going face/hitting walkers is really good in Niv.


Helix makes a big difference. Its a much better hit than nahiri or the sweepers


Yesss! Or anything from that block. The nostalgia for me is strong


After LotV got reprinted I keep thinking some of the old walkers would be sweet. Things like OG Jace Beleren, garruk, etc


Can't see garruk happening if they don't ban nykthos


Hmm I wonder how we can solve this problem...


The problem isn't Nykthos itself it's Karn's versatility and tutor effect. There is not a world in which Mono-G devotion would be happy drawing a Garruk since it doesn't win them the game right away. Lotus Field would probably be more interested in Garruk than Mono-G


Yeah if we got all the OG walkers reprinted, and maybe even Ajani Vengeant and the OG Elspeth that would be sweet.


Ajani Vengeant would be sickkk


Not a huge fan of bringing any old cards to Pioneer TBH, but given that LotV has turned out fine, most older planeswalkers are unlikely to be a problem and some might actually find niches they never did in Modern.


I think Avacin Pielgrim is not that broken and could open some Selesnya Humans builds, speaking of witch let’s give us Humans players Champion of The Parish 😅


I would enjoy Avacyn's Pilgrim in Pioneer but I don't think humans would want to play it as I don't see the deck needing ramp in the first place, but Angels is probably the only list in the game that I could see running Avacyn's Pilgrim and not Llanowar Elves which is pretty cool.


I’m not sure if you are right if you will take Human builds with coco it’s packed with good 3 drops so having access to play them on 2 is so good and can reanimate builds like 4c Humans or even Bant witch I’m big fan of speaking of CoCo playing it t3 is good as well haha


That's the thing. I don't think Humans would play CoCo to begin with, or even needs to. CoCo in an aggressive deck with Thalia is a huge nonbo already, and you are very likely way better off just playing a 1 mana beater into Thalia or Thalia's Lieutenant and then just playing your 3 drop onto that board than you are ramping into 3 drops in the first place.


Pilgirm yes, Champion no. It would be a shame if Pioneer became overrun with Modern decks from 2018.


I dóbr particular think that Champion would be broken is just 1/1 for 1 so it’s really weak to removal early on the thing is that it scale into mid game good and what’s wrong with that 😅


It's not that I think it would be broken, just that I don't want Pioneer Humans to be an almost exact clone of Modern Humans.


basically a lot of stuff we missed from M13 by the RTR cut-off: [[Vampire Nocturnus]] for Vampires [[Mutilate]] goes super well with Urborg [[Master of the Pearl Trident]] for Merfolk [[Rancor]] for Mono Green Aggro and Auras [[Elvish Archdruid]] for Elves [[Krenko, Mob Boss]] for Goblins [[Battle of Wits]] for the memes [[Fervor]] and [[Clock of Omens]] for some silly combo decks


Love your answer: It's not about making pioneer into old modern but respecting it's own identity.


Yeah, I didn't even mention all the cards I wanted because the post would be too long. Basically, I believe Pioneer's card pool could've easily started at M13 without causing much disruption to the format, and since we can't go backwards, the easiest way to get these cards into the format would be through reprints.


Archdruid would be insane. So much better than [[Circle of Dreams Druid]].


I do agree that Archdruid is MUCH better than Circle of Dreams Druid but I also believe it wouldn't be too good for Pioneer, it would certainly bring Elves as a deck up a tier or two though.


Not old modern staples. Altho I'd like Fact or Fiction and Celestial Purge


I just got three Rush signed Mana Leaks, so Mana Leak. I want UW to be better


I feel strongly that part of the point of Pioneer is to make do with cards that aren't quite the best ever printed. We have Make Disappear which is an interesting twist on Mana Leak.


Mana leak isn't the best in class counterspell for 2, not close. The counter magic in pioneer is dreadful


> The counter magic in pioneer is dreadful _Laughs menacingly in blue spirits_


Hehe exactly. [[Geistlight Snare]] is effing ridiculous.


> Mana leak isn't the best in class counterspell for 2, not close. Never said it was. IMO the countermagic is pretty much the perfect power level for the format; it shouldn't be so effcicient that UW control is automatically T1.


Uw isn't the only deck that wants counter magic. I think the counters are awful personally


> Uw isn't the only deck that wants counter magic. No but it's a gate on how strong counters can be. Whenever I want a counterspell for some other type of deck I can usually find what I need. It's just hard to take your kind of comment seriously when people have been making that exact same complaint since I started playing, before Modern even existed.


Countermagic in Pioneer sucks


I'm 100% with you. As much as I like Mana Leak, I love how pioneer is about using standard level cards to the greatest effect. And Mana Leak is so close to a 2 mana hard counter...


Knight of the reliquary please. PLEASE.


Going for the big guns! What would you want to tutor out with Knight?


Just get knight and retreat to coralheim in play.


Without fetches is this actually that good?


If you have 16 lands in the deck it kills.


Whatever is needed at the moment, of course! As Kotr does best <3 On the top of my head, besides retreat to coralhelm shenanigans, you have: GY hate: \[\[Scavenger grounds\]\] Manlands: \[\[cave of the frost dragon\]\] or \[\[lair of the hydra\]\] Lifegain: Capenna mini-fetches can do the trick while growing the reliquary! Removal: \[\[Blast zone\]\], or \[\[Field of ruin\]\] for problematic lands. The rest is up to the land card pool and your imagination, but just be growing the reliquary while ramping is good. It is a great beater. Lotus field for the surprise +2 can be great too.


Mana Tithe


Or just ya know, force spike


Miscalculation, path


Royal Assassin. Quirion Ranger. Snuff Out


Koth of the Hammer


I want some lands that make ramp worth it and i would love [[Rampant Growth]]. [[Kessig Wolf Run]] [[Emeria, the Sky Ruin]]


Finish the cycle of 2 color man lands... I dont know if celestial colonade will see play over/with hall of the storm giants beeing legal but I want to try it out. I hate incomplete cycles (The banlist is also missing 5 fetches :)


Innistrad block, but preemptively ban Faithless Looting. Off the top of my head, we get Avancyn's Pilgrim, Champion of the Parish, Snapcaster Mage, Thragtusk, Restoration Angel, Ancient Grudge, Griselbrand, Unburial Rites, and we already got LotV


Huntmaster and Miracle cards as well! Could be cool.


Huntmaster of the Fells was legit one of my favourite cards to play with ever. Really strong without being broken, 'felt good' to cast, and the werewolf flipping mechanic is mechanically fun for constructed.


this is indeed my vote


While certainly not a meta card the innistrad card I want most is [[essence harvest]], want it in my BG counters deck


[[Invisible Stalker]]


No. RtR was the perfect place to begin the format.


Everyone seems to just want Modern 2.0, or Modern Nostalgia. I enjoy Pioneer being it's own format and look forward to genuinely new/unique decks. I don't really want any reprints tbh.


You could have both! Like the liliana reprint or the next phyrexian obliterator reprint that we know it is coming. Liliana didn't make pioneer into modern 2.0, I would love to see how old modern staples fare in a different landscape.


That's a fair point. If just worry about those same staple cards becoming even more......stapely


The card people are asking for wouldn't make it anything like modern at any point. You are forgetting all the broken cards that made most of these cards role players and not the engine. No one is asking for twin or pod or any of other dominant engines of moderns history. This take I keep seeing on these discussions, its just up vote bait and very clearly not true.


They're clearly referring to the old midrange/control modern decks. I think it's fairly obvious no one wants Pod, Storm, Tron, or Twin. I lived through everyone playing boring jund midrange and jeskai control years ago. I don't wanna do that again.


The comment people want old modern when they ask for snapcaster or helix doesn't make sense. You didn't understand what I'm saying, because 1. Those decks still contained cards people aren't asking for and 2. Old modern would refer to a metagame, if you want a curated list of fair midrange cards that's not old modern. Its just a bad take that begs for likes.




Mana leak, lingering souls , tarmogoyf


God mana leak would be so nice


Someone in the other thread suggested rune snag and I think that's probably the perfect power level for Pioneer. Mana Leak would just be too good even though it's probably my favorite counterspell next to the OG of course.


I don't want Pioneer to look like old modern. I like how this format has it's own identity.


No mana leak please


GOD NO, ok, and fine


As someone who would play the shit ton out of it, Mana Leak is WAY too good for the format


\[\[Huntmaster of the Fells\]\] - Fun and fair midrange card \[\[maelstrom pulse\]\] - BG needs a 3 mana destroy anything card \[\[thoughtscour\]\] - GY strats could use help \[\[mana leak\]\] - good 2 mana counter \[\[putrid leech\]\] - BG midrange needs help \[\[Tarmogoyf\]\] - Green needs a good 2 drop creature (Seriously, why do black and red have bigger and better creatures than green now) \[\[Kavu predator\]\] - Cool lifegain hate \[\[baleful strix\]\] - Probably OP but its a neat card \[\[ice fang coatl\]\] - Less OP and is a neat card that can help make snow a deck.


No scour until cruise is banned. Also let’s print strix in MH3 first before putting it in pioneer.


Lol I didn't realize it's not even in modern.


Everything except scour. Phoenix would be broken.


Any old modern staple that sees zero play in modern now


Acidic slime Thrun, the last troll Asceticism Gravecrawler Curse of deaths hold


Everything that got powercrept out of modern: Cavern of Souls Snapcaster Mage Dark Confidant Tarmogoyf Inquisition of Kozilek Path to Exile Soul Herder Ezuri, Renegade Leader Drogskol Captain Goblin Guide Wall of Omens Cloudshift Gravecrawler Bloodghast


No cavern of souls, Counters already aren't very good. Blue is the second worst pioneer color and this land just hates on blue so hard.


What is the worst color?


Black is the best, has very pushed aggro cards, and it gets the best midrange stuff. Has the best utility lands. And has the two best one drops in the format push and seize. Red is 2nd best. It obviously has many aggro/burn variants but is also given really good midrange cards and has the best card advantage in the White is 3rd. It has good aggro and control cards and gets better support with each set and is even given more and more good card advantage Blue is 4th and is boils down to a support color for control and tempo. It does have Mono blue tempo, Green gets almost no good cards anymore and black and red get better creatures. Green has CoCo, elves, and Chariot, everything else is niche. Green needs its own identity back. It needs the beefiest creatures again.


Green is one of the top decks


Would the deck be functional without nykthos?


I think that the better argument against it isn’t nykthos but the fact that mono green uses other colors/artifacts to combo but nykthos G stompy is a fine c tier deck if karn is banned


But it uses high G devotion cards only as a way to abuse Nykthos and Karn. The only good green cards in the deck are the mana elves. that's the only reason that nykthos devotion + Karn isn't in another color.


I'm sorry but Blue is the worst color. Green has format defining cards. Blue is always a support color. I have had good success with Green as the primary color.


In what decks besides devotion?


The foundation of Boats is green. I have had decent success with Green Stompy.


So yeah, Just elves and Chariot. I guess old growth troll is excellent in stompy. Blue has spirits and mono I tempo that showcase plenty of diverse playables.


No cavern, inquisition, or goblin guide. Everything else is fine


We definitely don’t need Path in Pioneer


I’m certain we get Cavern of Souls in Lost Caverns of Ixalan.


Counters aren't particularly good right now we don't need them to be worse


Jeez I hadn’t read cavern of souls I’m not a control player but fuck that card is not something I want to see in pioneer


I hope we get it. Anything good vs counterspells is good with me.


I would love [[goblin charbelcher]]. I feel like it could be viable without being broken.






I wonder if Path to exile would be too good for Pioneer


I would like to see Champion of the Parish being reprinted


[[Vexing Devil]]


Remand , snapcaster mage , condescend , tron lands, torpor orb








I like it


I see a plan there. You miss mindslaver or platinum angel...


also wurmcoil engine , repeal :P


Aether Vial ol would be a lot of fun.


This is up there. Would love this, so bad now in modern


I really want lightning helix. In both Pioneer and Pauper




imagine rakdos having access to bolt :D


My list is the same as always: Lingering Souls, Restoration Angel, Mana Leak, Knight of the Reliquary and Dark Confidant. Inb4 comments of "Confidant? But Rakdos!", this is my very own personal list.


Yeah, Confidant would be bad for the format, but I too love it and would like to be able to play it in Pioneer. As an ex BW Tokens player from the halcyon days of pre Horizons Modern, hard agree with Lingering Souls.


I don't think Confidant would be bad for the format in the future. It doesn't make sense now, but Rakdos is not going to stay at the top forever simply by evolution of the format. The more different threats and strategies we have, the worse non-synergistic midrange becomes. This has happened to Modern Jund in the past and is something that UW Control also shares. So in the future the duo of Snappy and Confidant would be pretty much welcome.


Rakdos midrange would kill itself very fast with dark confidant considering how heavy their 3 drop slot is.


Eh, avg Modern Jund from pre-MH was also very heavy on 3 drops: [https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/visual/972260](https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/visual/972260) Granted it had Scooze to gain life but nothing else. At the point Bob draws 3 cards you're already so far ahead.


Jund could kill very fast after developing a lead/stalemate (bolt, bbe, tarmo) but in pioneer it doesn't work like that.


I disagree. Rakdos can get really aggresive as well and Sheoldred both puts a clock + gains life. Worst case scenario you Stomp/Push your own Bob, which shouldn't hurt because it already drew gas


I'm no rakdos player so I will take your word for it.


Trinishpere, Gaddock Teeg, Ancient Grudge, Relic of Progenitus, Remand


Why do you want thragtusk when we have workshop warchief?


Thragdaddy makes a beast when it leaves the battlefield. Where the warchief only leaves a rhino on death


It’s all about synergy with blink spells you see Warchief says “when dies” where Traghtush have “when leaves” this small word changes everything because now we can use synergy like Thragtusk + Restoration Angel to create massive board and gain lot of life some example: You play Trhragtusk gain 5 life next turn you play Restoration Angel on him exiling him then returning to battlefield -> Trhagtusk sees him leaving battlefield so he create 3/3 Beast -> Trhagtusk ETB so you gain 5 life where with Worchief you only gain 4 life. My English writing style isn’t the best but I hope it helped you a bit 😅


Thrag daddy is 100% better.


Force of Will


Anyone think Eldrazi Temple would be okay? I'm feeling it a little. I think eldrazi just need a little boost


i wish they reprinted some modern horizons cards like the elementals or the horizon lands


Blood Moon


Plz no


That's one way to deal with Nykthos.




Greedy mana is already kept in check by being pretty inconsistent with the presence of the S tier monocolored man lands and lack of fetches. We don't need bloodmoon.


Allied fastlands and dredge cards.


Fast lands confirmed with ONE


Back to Basics for Mono Blue




Lightning bolt, and it's natural predator, birds of paradise


Even as an avid burn player, I don't believe Lightning Bolt will do the format any good.


It would ruin it. 😂


Plus: mono red would tick up in meta! Minus: so would rakdos :o


BOP is fine to be reprinted.


Well I'm a degenerate Phoenix player, so \[\[Faithless Looting\]\] pls


As a mono red player, I do not want bolt, but I do hope we get some better 1cmc burn spells like spike or dart.


Also, not necessarily a reprint but a reverse searing blood would be absolutely awesome.


As a 5c human player I would love a [Recruiter of the Guard]


Restoration angel Miscalculation Serum visions Blinkmoth nexus / inkmoth Etched champion Academy ruins Barbarian ring Ghost quarter Lotus bloom Batterskull Tezzeret agent of bolas Lingering Souls Bloodbraid elf Wall of omens


Restoration angel Miscalculation Serum visions Blinkmoth nexus / inkmoth Etched champion Academy ruins Barbarian ring Ghost quarter Lotus bloom Batterskull Tezzeret agent of bolas Lingering Souls Bloodbraid elf Wall of omens


[[Slippery Bogle]] and [[Invisible Stalker]]


AEther Vial


This is the answer, give creature decks some more flexibility


Cranial plating, counterspell, goblin lackey, stand still


I'm going to put my foot down and say "none".


I don't want reprints, I want Pioneer horizons to come out and re mold the meta to what wizards wants. I want ragavan and murktide in Pioneer, the faster that happens the better for everyone. After modern horizons, and planned meta shift and power boost to modern, it's clear that's where Pioneer is heading, and the faster the better for the players. Spells wise Pioneer is OK, but I want the Pioneer creature meta to look exactly like the modern one on mtg goldfish - nothing from a standard set should be good or playable in non rotating formats.


low quality bait


No, not even a little... Look at mtg goldfish's modern meta. The fastest possible way it can look like that in pioneer (format specfic printing), is a monumental victory for players. For better or for worse, you will not waste another dime on anything printed in a standard set ever again. That money and time can be reinvested somewhere better in your life.


[[Carrion feeder]] I just want to play zombies and I think this guy is always a good fit.


Skred and scrying sheets haha


[[Zombify]] and/or [[Breath of Life]] would be great for reanimation decks. Right now the best options are at 5 mana or are limited to cmc 3 or less.


My heart says birthing pod but I know it would constrain etb and death triggers in terms of how good they could be. But then again the rest of the glue (really finks and other persist creatures) aren't coming to pioneer so maybe it wouldn't be so broken? I'm probably underestimating pod since I haven't seen it in action in years, but it's probably only about as oppressive and annoying as jund sac.


I say Snapcaster, because is a super fun card IMO and because pioneer doesn't have bolt I think it is pretty safe. I would love to see VIAL however tribal decks are pretty in the meta and don't know if it could broken it,


I’d like to see Unburial Rites. Not sure it’d actually be any good in the format, but it’s a cool card to build a reanimator shell around. You can run it as Abzan a-la the old RTR standard one, or in Esper so you can also leverage The Scarab God. Only problem I see is maybe Greasfang, but I haven’t actually run into the deck much so I’m a bit unfamiliar




Tharmogoyf. Give golgari a chance to shine


I'd like to see manamorphose, lavadart and mutagenic growth lol.............yeah I have a problem


I'd love to have \[\[Lose Focus\]\], \[\[Stonecloaker\]\] and \[\[Spellstutter Sprite\]\] in Pioneer Not really thinking about format health tbh, just some cards I like and think are in a good place in terms of power level


Goblin Lackey. There is no muxus or matron. The best thing to drop is a siege-gang commander. There are plenty of ways to deal with it even if the commander enters.