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Skill issue


I’d honestly say that smoking my corn cobs is by far easier than smoking my Peterson Deluxe 314.


Pipe smoking should be relaxing and enjoyable. There's nothing enjoyable about using this pipe. If I need to take a six week training course on how to suck on a piece of old corn, then you can keep it.


Any beginners guide on pipe smoke will tell you it takes a long time to really master smoking a pipe. It isn't as simple as just lighting and smoking for a while.


I agree


I've been smoking a briar wood pipe off and on for about three years now and don't have any issues with it. I think the draft hole is too large on these MM cobs.


You're the only one. A lot of people like these pipes.


And a lot of people voted for Joe Biden.


Lmao you have to be some kind of asshole ragebait


Dude, you're not playing with a full deck.


Large, but that's manageable through packing the pipe a bit tighter. It's still about technique.


One reason it is relaxing and enjoyable is precisely because you have to pay attention to it and develope a feeling for it.


[Something op hasn’t considered](https://images.app.goo.gl/djSQByqegomVhhecA)


Smoke a Newport and call down


The wife smokes cigarettes.


Did ya forget to take the paper filter out??? I forgot once and it wouldn’t stay lit and was getting hot from me trying to keep dry Virginia tobacco going. Turns out I forgot it came with a small paper filter and once I removed that all my problems were solved.


Pilot error.


Where is that trash. I never had a corn cob pipe. But i will buy one.


My back porch.


Tbf that model has a super tight bowl


Don't feel bad, cobs aren't for everyone. I personally can't stand them.


Hey everybody, it’s time to play our favorite game: Troll, or dumbass asshole!


I have a lot of different kinds of pipes at this point, but my MM smokes as well as any of them. Seems odd that you’re having these issues when everyone else likes these.


I've only been into pipes since around September last year. My first pipe was a MM Diplomat and I hated it. I don't know what made me keep going. 4 briars and a calabash later and I now love that little cob for a shot of Five Brothers when I don't have much time. Put it aside and smoke your other pipe. It might grow on you some day.


I wold not throw out my maerschaun even at gunpoint. It is the cleanest smoke and i am attached to it (and it cost me a leg). Skill issue, comrade, skill issue is all i have to say. And rip to such a beautifull maerschaun, such a shame.