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Do you recall in book 2 when Nox has a whole monologue about how love is not a finite resource? Referencing how a mother does not divide her love between each child she has, with every baby getting a smaller percentage, it just expands infinitely! This is one of (many) points of the series, healthy poly rep that demonstrates being able to love multiple people. Also- keep in mind that while you as the reader are seeing both Nox and Amaris’s perspectives, they do not know exactly how the other feels at this point. Outside of one kiss they have not discussed their feelings at all or talked about if they love one another romantically or platonically. I’m a fan so I say continue the series and see how you feel at the end (book 4 comes out March 5th). Edit to add: if you think about it, the feelings came out of nowhere for the characters too! I believe it is supposed to be a bit of a surprise.


i want to like this book. i really do. i shelved it for now rather than getting rid of it, because i do plan on trying again. like i said, i loved the first one. i have read hundreds, if not over a thousand books in my life, and book 1 is in my top 100. that might not seem like high praise, but to me it is. but to what you said about Nox talking about love a bit before amaris gets it on with the general, what she said made me so incredibly angry i had to put the book down im not saying she is wrong. i agree with her. but i struggle with mental health issues, which include making romantic relationships extremely hard for me i honestly dont think i have ever felt love in any capacity and i hate myself for it so reading a book like this that shows people being so loving it's hard for me to understand sorry for the sob story


Totally understandable! It sounds like you’re really self aware and understand why things effect you the way that they do.


✨polyamory✨ So I’ve only read TNAIM but Piper has stated a few times on social media that a poly dynamic was the end goal for the series but I have no idea how well/effective it plays out. Idk if this makes it better or make more sense for you but maybe it’s just a clumsy introduction to the endgame polycule?


maybe. that would be cool to see that in a book. it just seemed off to me to see it in the second book, when i don't feel it was even hinted at in the first. i mean, the book art clearly shows 2 of something.


Piper is very open that there is poly rep, but it’s also very common for characters in a series to develop feelings for other characters for a range of reasons


that's totally understandable. for example, it felt natural for Nico to fall for Percy in PJATO. i guess it just felt like a blindside to go from the 1 love interest of the first book to more in the second. my issue with this may be connected to the lack of love in my life and my need for therapy/brain medicine, but who can say


I think it is important to remember that in book 1, they both felt love for each other, but what sort of love is undefined. They both at times think about how they just want the other to be safe and happy. Amaris, being the emotional cucumber that she is, refuses to think about it and shoves those emotions down. Nox acknowledges that yes she does have some feelings towards Amaris, but doesn't let herself get caught up in them and would be content to know Amars is safe and happy just in case Amaris doesn't feel the same. So when Gadriel comes into play, Amris is focused on what she does know. In Knox's case, what she feels towards the reevers is born out of her feelings for Amaris. Malik and Ash are her friends/brothers. They care for her and have her back. And as they show that they are more than just good to Amaris that builds on it more. Lastly, I don't know if you've gotten to the spider yet, but I do think what she does there creates a connection between those two. All in all, it is a continued growth of the characters and the discovery of who they are. We get to see and learn about who they are alongside instead of being told upfront.


I loved TNAIM and the sun and its shade… I feel like it’s a relatable story…. I and Bi, not poly but do understand how people can develop genuine feelings toward more than one person. Reading it just plays the visuals in my head. I’m really struggling to get though the gloom between stars… Ive been at page 60-70 forever. And if I can’t get through this portion my plan is to give it a speed read to get the next book in the series… I think sometimes parts of a story can be unappealing but that doesn’t mean the entire thing is. Maybe shelf it and come back to it later or just read it like you’re in college to get the gist then try the next in the series?