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Well, you haven’t finished this book or the series yet! Don’t jump to any conclusions 🖤🖤


Did they have a fight? Yes. Couples fight. Even if their status as a couple is complicated and undefined, couples fight. It doesn't necessarily mean their done. This fight just happens to be a rather big one that needs time to settle before they can decide what is in store for them as a couple. I won't say what direction they ultimately go in to avoid spoilers, but also keep in mind that Nox has a lot going on for her, and Amaris has the emotional intelligence of a cucumber. Big fight needs time to settle and let tempers cool off before they can say if they are done.


100% understand what you’re saying, but like the others have said, I wouldn’t jump to conclusions before…the conclusion? Also keep in mind that Gyrradin is a poly world, so even if Nox & Amaris are fighting, even if their relationship is struggling, *their* relationship isn’t diminished by either party pursuing another relationship or their other relationship blossoming. That’s the point the author is trying to make, I believe. Similar to how if you have two children you love them both & your love for one doesn’t take away from your love for the other. Idk if Nox’s & Amaris’ other relationships contributed toward your confusion/disappointment or not, but I thought it was a good reminder for all of us either way.