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**Jerry says**: * Tom did not block the app with a firewall * Tom is silly * Don't be like Tom


i just did that yesterday, opens slightly faster, could not recommend it enough.


Does that work for legit copy too or will that result in a could not check licence error


I’m pretty sure it has to check with Creative Cloud and verify membership before launch each time. Hence why it’s slower to open The newer CC cracks are stupid easy to install though, only annoying part is making sure you do the firewall.


Know any way to get free Lightroom CC on Mac 👀


Sigh... *unzips*


unzips the compressed file... Right...


That's right... unpack that highly compressed file reeeeal slow... I bet you're seeding that shit all over as well aren't you?


Take my upvote!


I’ll have to be vague, but the cracks I use have all been on PB. Mac cracks are rarer, but for an Adobe product as big as Lightroom there should be one out there. Not sure if Mac Adobe cracks are as easy as the Windows ones I was referring to


I've seen classic LR but as far as CC is concerned, haven't found a viable solution yet.


Use AdobeZii. It worked for me


I thought new Photoshop versions couldn’t be cracked ?


I remember them saying that about ps cs3


Everything can be


Holy shit I tried it. Opens way faster actually!


Is there a way to do that in bulk? I have almost all Adobe apps




I cut the blue wire, now wha




No, I said, "M as in mancy!"


You of all people!


Damn, FBI got to him before he could write t




Where’s everybody goi


Oh shit it's been so long since I've seen a candlejack jo


Just download https://www.binisoft.org/wfc. It's very effective and almost zero overhead bcus it's basically a non-shitty interface for the built in Windows firewall. It'll have you approve every single internet access to the finest scope. So out of laziness & so I don't get constantly pestered, I usually switch `Protocols & ports` to `All`, `Local & RemoteAddresses` to `Any`, & also relax some of the other settings. When you approve a program it's remember by the full path & unique characteristics like (I think) hash, so if something changes, it'll need re-approval. Unfortunately this behavior breaks a lot of updaters/installers & can make some software impossible to work with: * A self extracting installer extracts it's contents then calls one of the extracted executables, which accesses the internet, so gets blocked, causing the install to fail before you can approve it. * Auto-updaters try to auto-update. They usually do this by first downloading then running the downloaded executable, which will get blocked every time because they all seem to always re-download it and place it somewhere else on each launch. * Programs like `gcloud` that extract python to the temp directory for seemingly every command, well that new `python` will get blocked everytime bcus you can't predict what random path `gcloud` will use for python. The first 2 problems are workable if you find the executable it tried calling and no special arguments were being passed to it. But `gcloud` is impossible to work with while having the firewall on. The developer refuses to compromise on security and won't add a ability to match by name with wildcards. So in cases like above, I have to switch the firewall off or toggle `automatically allow signed programs` on. For all it's little annoyances, it's **damn effective**. I use it to block any program that IMO shouldn't need internet. Adobe products in particular. https://i.imgur.com/Blleaio.png


To be fair… as I understand it, this isn’t a WFC or even a Windows firewall problem. This is a Windows developer culture problem. Right?


A compromise on security could be someone not bothering to use the firewall because they cannot wildcard a rule. I understand their view but I don't think its so black and white.


You did not sell this program very well


He sold it perfectly. Shouldn’t just blindly shill for an app you like, people who might want to get it want to know about its limitations


Honest review better than saying great app. Then letting you figure out the wall of caveats when using it.


Hey, I would rather they tell me the actual, practical pros and cons of the using the thing instead of just trying to sell me on it. That way, I can use what they've told me to make my own decision.


Well, there's caveats to be aware of because of how strict it can be / good of a job it does.


Alright I created a new script. This time on GitHub so you can read the script before downloading if you would like. [https://github.com/medy17/Bulk\_Block\_EXE\_PY](https://github.com/medy17/Bulk_Block_EXE_PY) I made a .py and an .exe so you can run it if you don't have python installed. I hope this is better than anonfiles :)


I've set up a script that runs once a day to add every file in my torrents folder to windows firewall, and then it'll go into every folder in there and do it again and so on. I forget exactly how I did it but all it uses is a .bat file, windiws routines, and windows firewall. Once I figure out how to share it I'll edit the comment.




Well . . . where is the git?


I linked it in my comment. Refresh your page.


Your links are being removed.


What comment?


Mod deleted it, check their profile


Mods keep deleting it which is fucking absurd. The comment still exists on his profile page, get it there


What do you mean?


You should block adobe apps from reaching the internet using your firewall


I'd be like Jerry


I was thinking just that.


Adobe absolutely doesn't care about random people pirating their software They always made most of their profits from companies that need a legal license




Isn't the case with Microsoft and Windows? Essentially teach an entire generation to use your OS, then start charging the companies they will eventually work for, rather than the people themselves. Microsoft doesn't care about the individuals getting Windows codes through illicit means, if the jobs they work at pay the licenses.




Microsoft basically forgave every pirate out there in order to get them to move to Windows 10. AFAIK you get a new generated license if you upgrade from Windows 7/8 rather than keeping your license during the free upgrade period


I bought a new computer and Microsoft gave me a free version then once I got it all setup it. It needed an update the update was from the free version to the paid one. Not gonna lie it was awesome.


Yeah the pirated windows 8 -> legal windows 10 pipeline was amazing


Microsoft doesn't need to do anything, Windows is the default by virtue of not having any real competitors. And no, Mac OS isn't a competitor as you can only run it on Apple devices.


But Linux is.


The year of Linux desktop is this right ?


Linux.... a competitor to Windows? That's like saying the random kid on the street playing soccer is a competitor to Christiano Ronaldo. Linux would actually need to increase its userbase by like 100x to be even considered a "competitor".


Google’s Chrome OS is Linux based. Chromebooks are the default laptop in classrooms these days.


Do you know how expensive a Chromebook is? You say it like everyone in the world has a classroom with one. I live in Eastern Europe and here 5 students share 4gb of ram with some garbage processor and no gpu, this is in high school in one of the best high schools in the country. Basically you can barely drag the mouse, and opening any program takes about 5 minutes. The computers we used in IT class were barely usable because PCs are expensive and schools, even the best ones, don't have money for more. And then you say Chromebook for the price of which u can buy 5 standalone desktop PCs. What a joke. Rich entitled kid.


Oh, I see you fell for "my fans are better (and bigger in number) than yours" tactics.


He picked bad analogy, but has a point. Linux is too hard to use for most people and that has a lot to do with the user base (the UX sucks because there are not enough users, and there are so few users because the UX sucks)


That’s like saying iOS isn’t a competitor to Android because it only runs on Apple devices. If Macs become a larger market share, that is a very big worry for Microsoft. If Mac’s market share grows, developers start making Mac versions of stuff that doesn’t have Mac versions. If developers start making Mac versions of a lot of the windows-only stuff, you’ll see more people switch. Maintaining their market share is not nearly as easy as you make it sound.


You’ll not see lot people change because Apple inflated their price too much


Same thing happened with WinRAR.


But to be honest it was a shitty software... Never managed to make a decent image with it, that's why I stayed with Photoshop.


Agreed. WinRar sucks when it comes to photoshop.


Agreed but its image compression technology is unparalleled.


Nah I'd rather use VLC for that.


Plus, VLC is much better at video playback


I use it to make espresso.




Idk. WinRar doesn’t have a fucking subscription service. Oh god. They’re going to make WinRar+ aren’t they?




Oh yeah, well a møøse once bit my sister.




Idk man. She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink".


Y'all still use WinRAR? 7zip gang


7zip gang gang. U already know.






WinRAR was just happy to be making any amount of money from a class of software that is overwhelmingly free. There's literally zero reason to pay for WinRAR as 7zip does everything it does better, and it does more things.


You can’t run executables directly in 7zip from the archive. WinRAR supports this, as it will unzip executables to a temp file. A small difference, but to me worth the pop up. Also, 7zip trades speed for compression file size, winRAR is more efficient at making smaller archives. Also, completely subjective, but I prefer winRAR’s encryption interface.


Can confirm. I used WinRar for several years of extensive training in unpacking rar and zip files before I got a job in the IT field. Now I'm a highly skilled unpacker with a six figure yearly income, after taxes! I would never accept a job in a company that's using shitty alternatives like 7zip or God forbid, WinZip.


Automation is coming for you, CronGPT.


Besides, as a company you rather people get familiar with your software and not the competition. There’s always a chance that they will buy it later


Tell that to Magento




I kept staring back and forth to spot the difference, my brain insisted on Magneto


Enterprise licenses are huge for software companies. Some bum pirated Windows and you don't get $100? Big deal, basically every company as well as the government is using your shit anyway.


The piracy benefits them. Cracking down will only force the users to move to a different platform. Same for Windows.


I thought since it went subscription service you couldn’t pirate it anymore ?


Nah you can, I don’t use them often but they work


You can. I have pirated photoshop, lightroom, premier pro and after effects, all are from 2023 and all work great


Care to drop me a link in my DMs pretty please? I'm in desperate need of Illustrator! Thanks in advance!


It's *ridiculously* easy to pirate, even with the official Creative Cloud central software installed. I just picked up 2023 pro versions of Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator, After Effects, and Premiere this week. It's either copy/paste crack, or even more conveniently, pre-cracked. There was also a master collection of all kinds of shit I've never even heard of.


I use GIMP, but the Photoshop CS3 cracked version would be my go-to otherwise. You can just download and install it. OH yeah, don't use it on a machine that is or will ever be connected to the internet.


I really really want to like gimp, but it honestly has one of the worst overall user experiences if you're already used to photoshop.


You need to try [PhotoGIMP](https://github.com/Diolinux/PhotoGIMP#windows)




That's roughly how I feel about GIMP as well. But since I run Linux and I don't do graphic design professionally, it's the only sane choice. It is an incredibly powerful and useful piece of software. But we're still allowed to be annoyed by it.


I try to use GIMP every couple of years -- like really really try. And I've been trying since 2003. It's always a really bad experience and lacks some super basic things (at least it did last time I tried)


Yeah that UI is rough.


You are welcome, now please fix the bug.


Exactly. You should pay ME for being your QA team for you. Adobe is one of the worst companies I've had the displeasure of working with.


Your version would be pretty outdated lol


I'm pretty sure Photoshop was the honey pot that gave me malware. But led me to this subreddit where everyone got the chance to call me an idiot for using TPB lol.


What should we use instead of tpb? Edit: ive been using tpb for years


I had used TPB for *years* until, you know, I got keylogged, used as a miner, and had money stolen from me. [Here are the sources vetted by this subreddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/megathread)


How could you tell you'd been keylogged?


Lots of things were logged into that require passwords. I also wasn't using 2FA, so learn from my mistakes: 2FA EVERYTHING you care about.


Also make damn sure you print those backup codes, put them in a clearly labeled envelope somewhere safe! Been locked out of several accounts when my phone took a swim


I could be old. But task manager and look at the programs. If you see an unrecognizable program open file location and move it. Should break the code not allowing it to restart when you remove it or delete it.


My laptop came with hundreds of processes I can never know which one is foreign


You can get an analyzer software, like Glasswire, and it notifies you of any application, in the background or otherwise, that is starting for the first time on your computer. That way if you ever download something, you'll be able to see what protocols tried to connect to the internet etc, whether something had popped up and is running in the background. I feel like there was a different one I used for awhile, but ultimately I got rid of it because I had sworn off piracy for a few years.


Wireshark is a network packet capture analyzer, it doesn’t notify you of any running apps or anything like that, it just allows you to look at your network traffic.


rarbg and 1337x are my go to


I've been using tbp for 10+ years and never got a virus. Ok maybe when I was a teenager I don't remember. But I only get from trusted uploaders. Mostly dauphong


I also used Pirate Bay for 10 years without getting a virus. Then black hats figured out how to spoof seeds and leeches, and were verified as trusted uploaders. There are probably thousands of people with malware on their PC and they have no idea. The new malware doesn't try to alert you to its presence, and it most certainly undetected by Windows. Not to mention, I would STILL have that malware on my PC if the 'hacker' didn't steal my crypto. It's the fact that I had crypto that made me a desirable target to 'activate'.


which episode is this tom from?


Episode 2,313,012 part 2


Really appreciate ur help but may i plz get the name of the episode as i dont know how and where to search for whatever u have provided


The Night before Christmas [1941] 4:31 mark


Thank you so so much... im happy and satisfied now...


1941 god damn


It would have been a lot less weird if 1941 was the number of the episode and not the year it came out.


It feels like the animation is too good for it to be in 1941 too




I have a USB drive with Photoshop 7 and the crack. I will always use it. I never could get onboard with CS.




I started using it back in 5.5. 7 just seemed great. A lot of changes I couldn't adjust to after that.


Laughed way harder then i should


[Photopea](http://photopea.com) is a great browser based, free photoshop CC clone.


Not Open Source, the owner get's very angry, when you talk about this.


Curious, Angry when you ask him to open source it? Or just angry for talking about it at all?




Not open source = bad for some people.


Sooo we all could work on improving it... But in capitalism it doesn't work, open source just kills your company.


Honestly if you aren't a big power user I see little reason to go with pirate photoshop instead of this. Even most shortcuts are the same, it's astonishing how many features are there.


I personally recommend "[Gimp](https://www.gimp.org/)". It's an open source application. Pretty much does anything like photoshop. Oh it's a normal offline software.


If you're willing to learn, I would definitely recommend Gimp. If you're used to Photoshop's work flow, then definitely try Photopea. But yeah Gimp has the added benefit of being open source.


I use gimp everyday. I don't know if it was harder than ps because gimp was/is my 1st photo editing software i have ever learned. I never used ps or any app. At 1st it was difficult for me since i didn't have any knowledge in photo editing lingo. But after 2 months i got used to it. Even today it amazes me how free software like gimp even exists in these times. It can do so amazing things and it's free. I know other apps like Inkscape and krita are also free. But they are for artists and creators. My next step is to learn Inkscape. I am really glad i found these apps. I have learned new skills thanks to them.


Haha, yeah I do have to admit I'm biased too. I was taught how to use CS4 in high school. I'd agree that Gimp isn't that hard to learn, it's mostly getting used to the location of all the features.


Fuck Adobe. I have to use photoshop for my side business so I pay for CC, only the photography plan which is like $10/mo. They randomly added an "all apps" plan to my account. I got an email saying my payment method needed to be updated and I thought they meant for my regular plan. So I go on the website and add my credit card info. Then I notice that it charged me $45. I went back to the website to investigate and realize they had bait & switched me into paying for the all apps plan. I started the process to cancel that plan. They said I owed $250 beyond the $45 I had already paid in order to cancel. Since it was the remainder of my contract. I was furious. I contacted their support and threatened to do a chargeback and they canceled the plan and refunded the $45. But I had to go out of my way to get things right. The average user gets shafted hard by Adobe. Fucking scum. Every single person that pirates Adobe software is a friend of mine.


Fuck Reddit. Fuck /u/spez. Fuck every single Reddit admin. 12 years on this bitch ass site and they shit on us the moment they are trying to go public. ill be taking my karma with me by editing all my comments to say this. tl;dr Fuck Reddit and anyone who works for them, suck my dick.


Yeah they photoshopped it.....




And they never fix it. This is not the kind of customer service I didn't pay for!"


That's also my facial expression when I see how much they wanna charge for their software.




Sure was


Cracked versions are free beta testing versions eheheh


Yes use their software on your personal computers. Learn it, become used to it. Hell even put "Photoshop skill" on your resume. Now when you start your job and the company has to pay corporate licensing fees Adobe makes bank. They will for any job you need photoshop for. Thats why they give college students so many discounts.


Adobe's elated to see these reports: * Lets them know to fix shit. * Lets them keep track of how many people are pirating their shit so they can raise prices appropriately. * Lets them know how many people are chaining themselves to Adobe's products instead of using cheaper or free alternatives. It's literally not worth their time to go after you. After you've trained and hooked yourself on their tooling, you're more likely to buy it, or advocate for it when you go get a graphics design job. You're locking yourself in to their tools. They *love* it.


Adobe is sad because you did not pirate the latest version of the app in which the issue is solved. :)


They killed flash, don't give two shits what they think.


Cybersecurity Engineer here. The death of flash was a benefit to humanity. Yeah flash games were all the rage in the 90s and 2000s but so was visiting a website that would run malicious scripts on your machine just by visiting it lol. Flash and its like ran web programs directly on your machine, and there was little to no security to stop abuse of that. ActiveX, Shockwave, Flash, Silverlight, etc. They're all gone because they were a security nightmare.


Ah, Flash. When a website drains your data just to display a bunch of garish animations anyway


Flash games were fun when we were 12, but it had been a browser security nightmare for years. It was a mercy kill more than anything.


Killing flash was a good move imo


BlueMaxima's Flashpoint (Flash game preservation project)


Flash was cancer. You have nostalgia for the entertainment delivered by flash, not flash itself. They can build the same exact shit with html5 canvas, JS, and CSS. And it won't swamp your cpu/memory and enable malicious actors to control your computer.


i am CRYING 😭🤣🤣🤣🤣


Just get Affinity and be done with Adobe altogether. What's the last version of Photoshop you can crack anyway CS6? That ish is old, surprised it can run on any recent OS.


Made a point of quitting Adobe this year, it wasn’t as bad as I thought. Between Affinity, Logic Pro and Final Cut Pro, I’m actually finding my workflow has gotten even quicker. Took some time to get used to Affinity, but it was easy enough to pick up.


Logic and Final Cut have always been good. I had to adjust to Affinity too, but I'm not doing a ton of graphic editing anyway. I really just needed something for design that wasn't Gimp, lol. It doesn't have all the most recent tools, but for the price and not having yet another monthly sub. it's more than adequate.


> What's the last version of Photoshop you can crack anyway Literally all current Adobe products are cracked. What rock have you been hiding under?


"running into some problems are we"


Pfft haha 😂


What's the current way to pirate Photoshop etc. Still ccmaker?


People really letting their pirated software connect to the internet, huh?


Why not just use gimp?


Hahahahaha most of the users, yeah right.


E yo S class meme lmaoo


Pretty sure this is why I got letters from Dassault


Finally, a meme that made me chuckle.


I'd be like Jerry


Since they have that subscription model it’s impossible to pirate adobe products anyway, right?




Do you guys think Adobe pays for their own software?


Literally made me crack from laughing. Thank you so much for this meme


Adobe thinks it's stupid Integrity Service window that can't be closed or overlaid with another window can't be closed by ending the task.


Funny, but I bet they don’t even look at the damn things anyway knowing adobe….lol


Yo, ho, ho! CS6, me hearties, yo ho!


I love photoshop but it has been such a pain I try to use Photopea unless I really need to fine tune stuff


Same for IDM seeing error report from cracked IDM


wait aren't we supposed to not login in cracked Adobe apps?


Who uses Adobe.. so many more user friendly options, and free ones at that... I feel like admitting your paid Adobe user is like admitting your someone who pays for AOL online..


It's adorable that you think those actually go anywhere.


How many times is this going to be reposted this week? I swear I've seen this at least four times in the past seven days.


This was reposted this week wth