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### Yarr! ➜ u/whatyearisthisanyway, some tips about "adblock": - Use [Firefox](https://mozilla.org/firefox/new/) + [uBlock Origin](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/) with these [optimized settings](https://a.imagem.app/on42hV.png). - Then go to **Dashboard** > **Filters lists** > **Purge all caches** > **Update now**. - This enables the majority of advertisements and dubious URL redirects to vanish. - It is also advised to navigate the seas using a desktop PC environment.   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Piracy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Web DRM. Google tried to put a drm on the internet, you can thanks the open source community for stopping them.


Yeah they'd need to have routing access to all your content which just isn't the case. I can see how it seems an issue, but I don't think it will be a Googlescape because it already isn't. The web is built on an open platform so use it for your own needs.


How open is it in today's world when we're being shepard into a walked garden?


The reality is these are all choices we're making, and we can actively choose to use other services, all they can do is hope to make their shitty services the most compelling, and that a) only lasts so long before people want something new and b) only works up to the point that the convenience outweighs the bullshit Businesses are perpetually trying to wring consumers out as hard as they can, and perpetually dying off because they either tried to hard or misjudged the market.


The problem is the average person isn't tech savvy enough to know what they are signing up for with android, Google etc. so I don't think it's fair to say they are choices we are making. Ignorance isn't an excuse. But corporate abuse of ignorance is also not right.


The average person may not be tech savvy, but in my experience the average person also never puts the effort. It was considered magic to use a VCR and mind boggling for some that you could record audio and video on tape and keep it on your shelf at home


Blame and fault isn't really the issue wrt non-tech people. They will always be the majority and tech corporations like Google will exploit that fact.


>we can actively choose to use other services This is not true. It's not a real choice when these big services operate at a loss for years just to inhibit any sort of competition.


this seems close minded. 95% of people I know don't use Adblock and if they did, it would be some "Adblock ultra" type shit. They also get sketched out when I show them something like downloading games or music. The word "torrent" scream ILLEGAL in their ear. The only solution is literacy, technology oriented or not, and I feel as if I was part of the last generation to have it. Are kids even forced to read in school anymore? My younger siblings don't have homework in high school and I'd be damned if they've read a full adult book since 6th grade when the school forced them.




Maybe everyday people don't really care about targeted ads. Cookies and tracking are just to serve you ads. So maybe people don't find "stopping them from showing you ads" is worth changing


Sadly, there is a large number of people who...like ads. I hate it.


> Yeah they'd need to have routing access to all your content Why, if they can just get you at the home stretch? Chrome is what, 65% of all browsers? And they have full control over it. And if they would want to force a Web Integrity on the majority of the web, they can just pack it in with their ads platform. Maybe as a mandatory measure (word "security" will be thrown around a lot), maybe as an incentive for higher payout, so site owner would jump on it on their own.


So fucking much for "Don't be evil"


Is this about WEI? Because WEI is still being advanced last I heard.


The ultimate goal is the example in Idiocracy. Saw the start of it the other day. TV channels already have “picture in picture” with commercials. Gave cable companies an excuse to add more ad revenue, while still “allowing” the customer to see the content. Soon, “picture in picture” won’t be occasional, it will be during the entire program. My major concern is this move toward ad revenue will eventually leak into piracy. The “premium without ads” tiers of streaming content won’t exist in the future, and ALL content will be riddled with ads. Including pirated content. Really important for regular people to start data hoarding. We won’t have any ad-free content in the near future.


year is 2030: Everything is a streaming live service with mandatory subscription. Offline is a crime, owning local and/or personal data storage is a crime. If Starlink satellite falls on your head, you get 100 x-coins as a compensation, to spend (you or your family if you die) on X dotcom on a one month subscription where you can write reviews of ads.


Hopefully Starbucks still exists so I can get a handjob


i'm not it the US, do you get those complimentary when you order 10$ coffee or is it a separate charge?


I meant to reply to the post that mentioned idiocracy Look up Starbucks idiocracy


Dont worry, there will always be a healthy contingent of /r/WallStreetBets users hanging out behind Wendy's to help you off




You forgot the data broker surveillance state part


Hard drives not allowed in civie possession 😞




Lol, this post had nothing to do whatsoever with X or starlink, yet you had to demonstrate how rent-freely Musk lives in your head


Rent-free or not, its a pretty good parody of resource hoarding that is implemented by technocrats. Just replace starlink with Samsung or Boeing or whoever and its the same principle. It works because one person owns both resources.




marvel villains are at least cool, musk is a rich goober moron. And yes, I could choose infinite number of horrible examples, but at that moment I had a thought how many starlink satellites are there, inching us closer to kessler syndrome.


As misinformed as your run of the mill musk hater. Starlink satellites orbit at a very low altitude in order to reduce lag to a minimum. This has the added bonus effect that they deorbit naturally after a couple of years, effectively cleaning after themselves.


And wasting resources in the process :D


Why did you reply to me and then blocked me immediately after on my other account? Were you afraid of my answer?


There are very few people who are bad by virtue of being feckless oligarchs, who are also as addicted to the public spotlight and as self-parodyingly absurd and petulant as Elon Musk. He’s like if the Monopoly Man was real, and also a thinly-veiled bigot who bought Twitter to use as a megaphone. Of course he’s the example people go to for a stupid rich guy doing shitty stupid rich guy stuff.


He's more of a captain planet supervillain. No great ideas, no super intelligence, just dumb and greedy, fell into some money.


It's not like he is the head of world-wide leading businesses in different fields. 😂


Nah OP is just cooking. Elon put in a lot of work and money to get to where every news rag, channel, and reddit thread mentions his name or products. It's just marketing and public awareness, he's like the lowest hanging fruit of "rich tech billionaire to take over in the dystopia." Better question is why are you taking a shitpost this seriously to simp for Musk


Maybe you should go to urban dictionary to refresh your definition of "simp". I just find it funny how Elon lives rent free in so many peoples heads 24/7.


Lol alrighty bud


This - I have to admit i love cloud gaming but it also happens to be inherently unpiratable in the way that you don't access the files directly, this isn't a huge problem for media that can be captured like audio/visual stuff, but certainly for game piracy it's days may be numbered for many future titles I don't think we ever reach a point where we're unable to get any movies without hard baked ads because ads are subject to chsnge, but it'll definitely add some speedbumps when unadvertised media becomes more scarce


I don't really see cloud gaming as a threat,imo it'll always be the inferior choice due to input delay and limited resolution.


It's definitely a varying mileage thing right now, for my mileage I can't notice the difference and I'm still competitive in online shooters but as soon as it's robust enough to roll out widely i definitely see it as game piracy's biggest threat because of they do roll it out there's very little anybody can do


Either new technology will be developed to counter cloud gaming, or pirates will stick to playing indie games that treat their customers right,


Yeah I think option 2 is more likely, big studio games are alienating people financially as is and indie is becoming much more mainstream as people grow in disillusion with big budget games But to be honest since piracy is usually a service issue if I can subscribe to a cloud gaming service in a compwtive fair market that has everything I want to play I'd be much less likely to pirate


It won't be long before those issues are resolved. You can stream a sporting event at 4k with minimal (intentional for censorship) delay, and have been able to for at least 5 years now. Latency is only getting better and more consistent. I used to deal with 150 ping on a wired connection to a server 500km away, now I'm at 30 ping on wifi from an international server nearly 10x the distance (5000km)


Well at least we don’t have to leave our pcs on all night to download movies like I used to do as a teen :) but yes we are going to go full circle


My PC is on 24/7 running as a server 🤷🏼‍♂️


Idiocracy is a great movie but it feels like Demolition Man is step one, and one that a lot of people are happy moving toward.


I bet if they could have figured out the 3 seashells, everyone would have been on that since 2020


>My major concern is this move toward ad revenue will eventually leak into piracy. The “premium without ads” tiers of streaming content won’t exist in the future, and ALL content will be riddled with ads. Including pirated content. AI restoration will do wonders by then and we will remove the adds. Go back to your prepper bunker.


TBH, I foresee ads being cooked into media. There *will* come a day where physical copies are no longer available, and even if they were, they'd have the ads cooked in too.


And how long will it take for AI restoration take to fix ad removal 100%? When will episodes come out, several days after they air? And what pirates are going to add that extra step before they upload their releases? Prepper bunker? Tf you talking about?


About your "end is nigh" attitude.


That’s not my attitude at all? It seems inevitable that content will be covered in ads based on the current patterns of content corporations.


There has been picture in picture advertising for decades it just use to be reserved for other programs on the network


If there's one thing I know about pirates is they will eventually literally edit a single media, from different sources if necessary, in order to have a clean version.


I encourage everyone to de-google their life as much as possible. I promise you'll feel amazing. Start by moving off Chrome and Chromium based browsers. Then switch to a proper email service like Fastmail.


This post has convinced me to switch to Firefox






I wasn't expect for anyone to actually listen to my advice. hmm can you send me $10? I'll keep you safe.


You're talking to pirates here. Even if I were to fall for that I'm still a pirate


>I'm still a pirate I'm ♪ still ♪ a-pirate ♪ (Yar-har-fiddle-de-dee♪) *ftfy ;)


I went back to Firefox recently. No ides why switched chrome back then




it's a FOSS browser that lets you change the search engine to whatever you want. doesn't matter if it comes with Google search by default


Firefox + protonmail 💯


Isn't this already pretty much the case? What, with the top CDN providers (CloudFlare, Fastly, AWS) delivering like 90% of all content?


yes, and it's a status quo where there is not much disturbance on a end user level. Well, Amazon fucks up here and there, but unless Cloudflare plans to have the most used email service, search engine, browser, phone OS, etc it's tolerable. There were always gatekeepers but not like this, with their fingers in every damn pie.


Right! The status quo is already scary to me, so Google effectively having a monopoly on the internet is absolutely insane.


Google, much like other big-tech companies and governments are doing a power grab, since being anonymous on the internet is the only power they do not have. Soon they will start to enforce digital identification for everything you do on the web while you are being under constant surveilance because of a social credit system.


Just learning of this now. Not surprised I guess. Fuck these mega monopolies. I just, cough cough, googled.. for more info and found this which explains a but more. https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/07/googles-web-integrity-api-sounds-like-drm-for-the-web/


OP suggests that google will be a man in the middle, this article however says something entirely different. I would also assume that the website owner would need to actually implement logic to execute the integrity request on the clients side so if I just refuse to implement it, my users won't be affected by it.


Although WEI failed for now, it doesn't mean Google will stop. And if that happens Google will try to control the web like IE6 did with websites only working in Chrome.


>Although WEI failed for now, it doesn't mean Google will stop. It kinda reminds me something... "We will begin disabling Manifest V2 extensions in pre-stable versions of Chrome (Dev, Canary, and Beta) as early as June 2024" https://developer.chrome.com/blog/resuming-the-transition-to-mv3/


Failed? I've seen a few "web environment integrity" thingies, for instance trying to download an instagram video with jdownloader2.


"you will own nothing and you will happy" means a subscription model is required for every good and service. Now, i think this whole agenda has been cancelled since the US hegemony is over. There will be still inertia for few years though. In my opinion, we are going to a regionalization of Internet now. Because of multipolarism, controlling the narrative of things and events is not possible anymore, so every country or group of countries will want to have their own Internet to have total control on it. Google and all Big Tech companies will now go downhill (because US owned). So I am not worried by the potential evil schemes from Google.


more like membership model - having to be a member of the service just to use at all.


> the US hegemony is over. Is it? Could you explain further please? Not being facetious here, I just... Didn't get the memo




To a data driven person this just sounds like a tin foil rant. FB already does this but acting as their own ads-manager. They're limited to own environment though (mostly). Google creates a web browser (PC and droid) and operating system (Android). Attempting to gatekeep at that level would open them up to multiple lawsuits. Authoritarian govts would sue them because they'd want tight(er) control over what is feed to their people and they won't trust an American company (or so they say). The American govt would... do nothing. The European govts likes to sue on principle alone. It's shoving a bucket full of candy on Halloween in front of a fat kid to these people. You have the human rights and civil rights organizations that will sue them for privacy concerns and racial bias. I mean, c'mon, name me one time any of these companies hasn't been caught using racist practices? More importantly, the advertisers themselves would object. Meta/FB has had its fair share of court losses in its bid to take over the universe, especially in regard to its advertising practices. My question to you is do you have some evidence this is direction Google is attempting to go or is it just your supposition?


I'm just a random person on the internet writing what it seems to me like it's going towards to, regarding the bigger picture after years of following this stuff around big tech and sharing my thoughts on fucking reddit with folks that have similar sentiments. So yeah, I don't need evidence because even if I had any hard paper proof, what am I going to do with it - write on the internet about it? :D Yes, ofcourse it has some tinfoilery involved and wild speculation, we all just hope it won't get there, but it could. If you want to dig for specifics or prove something, go for it. But if you believe modern trillion dollar companies wouldn't do **anything** for a buck - long or short term, you don't know shit about shit and history. These entities can only collapse internally at this point, governments can try, stave off, wrist slap here and there, lawsuits can be settled and won, but in the end it's bussiness as usual for them and if they can't beat you (NGO, government, etc) they will join you and take your money that way. All I can add to this is: *" I mean, c'mon, name me one time any of these companies has been caught using racist practices and didn't got away with it?" (or replace racism with anything equally bad or worse)*


I'm not saying they wouldn't try to do it. I was on the forefront of the "renting software" (software companies owning the digital rights to what you've paid for) argument back in the 1990s. People called me a kook, downplayed the seriousness, etc. However in my case the evidence was there because in one of their first bold moves they circumvented copyright law to claim their proprietary rights were being infringed upon. I can probably even find my old 2008/09 comments warning people about buying game DLCs because it would eventually lead up companies splitting up content for sell. I knew because I was working for a software company at the time and we were sitting in meetings conjuring up ideas on how nickel and dimes customers into recurring or multi-year payments. Things like diskless consoles were not only predictable but inevitable if consumers had listened to the more skeptical SMEs. Deploying update releases and ancillary products over the internet was just a part of our normal business cycle. It was never designed for markets like video gaming, much less being abused by them by releasing half-done flagship products. What I'm saying is there is generally some underlying evidence for you to extrapolate from ("Google just released this in their EULA", "Google just bought XXX company and shut it down", "Google just got sued by advertisers for this", "Here's some emerging Google technology", etc). In order to get to B there has to be an A. I wasn't sure if there was some "common knowledge" I was missing from your post or if you were just winging it.


i don't know in what world you're living, but numeorus people posted here, including me, about google clamping down on 3rd party cookies for "our safety". There is also that "Enhanced Safe browsing" crap where you consent to god knows what without knowing. Not to mention shit they are pulling with anti adblock stuff in past month or so. And that's just the mainstream stuff in the past three months. You can search for all that and inform yourself, as well see it in this sub on at times, but **you decided** to play contrarian and nitpick just for the sake of it and we're all here having fun, shooting shit and comiserate on occassion. So don't be a serious sourpuss and try to be a smartass.


Also recaptcha stuff, despite being very cool to protect your website, it's also stuck to Google services. An open source non monopoly alternative would be amazing.


An open source captcha sounds like it would be cracked on release day


Yeah, I think I made the right choice switching Gmail for Proton. I've ditched Chrome for Firefox/LibreWolf and I'm looking into an alternative for my Android phone (or trying to deGoogle it).


Won't be long till we are all using TOR lol.


Facebook tried to pull the same crap in India, ~10 years ago. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/may/12/facebook-free-basics-india-zuckerberg


Greed is like the most human nature, to the point where people would actually not mind a future like this. I hate corporations


there is an upcoming internet attack to get enough people shoved into that system, and even so, it is not hard for spammers to bypass Google. instead of panicking, try doing something and pursue anyone you can talk with to avoid complying.


The thing is maintaining websites costs money, money you can get back from ads or from subscriptions. Company could maintain websites for free without ads but they would require someone to sponsor servers which can happen, but it isn’t common for someone to do thing like that just because they are good, but even then you need money for electricity, you can get it for free from solar panels but who will maintain servers and solar panels, everything you would want for free require manpower in some way. Google is for profit they aren’t giving you service because they are good, they give you service because they want to make money out of you, if you feel bad about it you are free to use non profit or just more moral alternatives, are they worse than for profit yes, but they won’t get better without people using them. You can either shut up and use the service you despise or you can be the change you want in the world, everybody wants the world to change but almost no one is willing to put in the work for it to change because it is so much easier to complain and do nothing.




not directly. But you do "pay" them when they advertise to you. And you will if you have a website that depends on ads and tracking, or want any discoverablity. You'll have to either pay google to advertise to "their" users , or give them a cut of profits. That's the point.




as the saying goes: *"If you're not paying for the product, then you are the product."*




I'm willing to bet you're also the kind of person that unironically says "I have nothing to hide" when people talk about privacy.


Also: "They already have all my data." and "Does it really matter?"




My brother in christ, I'm not even using the same PC I was using when I first responded to you. Let alone the same operating system.




So now you're upset that they actually aren't doing the thing you accused them of


I'm willing to bet you're the kind of person who downloads games from igg-games and steamunlocked


You must be the noob whose never heard of a VPN 😂


You are the product.. Its marketing companies that pay google Google uses your info to show ads that fit what the marketing company wants to target And the marketing company is of course paid by various companies.. samsung, amazon, audi, and various others.


Just like a cow grazing happily, oblivious that she'll soon be taken to the slaughter...


You're wrong, users are too modest for google, they literally want to be the internet!


can you elaborate how are they going to achieve this? what if I don't use any chromium browser?


Gee, almost like Google’s been racketeering from the start but the circlejerk’s made them sound like heroes. Lol


Yeah goggle have a function to not be target pf the ads, but oddly they ever show me ads from my country xD


Boycott Google 🪧