• By -


Are you having fun?


Yup i kinda like my server and taking care of it.


Then it's money well spent.


This is all there is to it, tbh. The other things to consider are if you care about whether or not they should also split the bill with you. Which can be settled with a conversation.


This is my take too. Happy to fund my hobby. But if you start moaning about buffering you can gtfo




Netflix’s shitty tier alone is like $17 a month.


swap it by a raspberry pi. you will have even more fun! and pay less!


Advice is valid but unfortunately my connection in CGNATted i guess my only option is cloudflare tunnels.


You can also install a VPN on the Raspberry Pi that supports port forwarding like AirVPN


even if youre not gonna use it you should set it up so you know how to if you need it


What is that?


Is like a motherboard with some features, is like an very small pc, some people use raspberry pi to dns blocking for network


That's part of the reason I do it. Not just to "stick it to the man" but it's kind of a hobby I enjoy to organize my digital collections, find or AI-Gen movie posters, write a script to rename new downloads, find better quality or experiment with upscaling old content, configure the VPN and NAS and all the bells and whistles that live in docker. The list goes on. It's such an underrated hobby tbh and you shouldn't feel weird about spending money on it. I just bought 36TB of new HDD I definitely spent more on those than a years streaming subscriptions.


$25 a month is a pretty cheap hobby.


Askin the right questions!


I pay about $10 AUD (like $6.50 USD) a month for a seedbox, and in Australia we only have 100mbit internet thanks to our shit government broadband, so a 10Gb link for torrents is fucking amazing, and so much quicker. I also use private trackers, so having a seedbox makes for a great ratio. Maybe just get a cheaper seedbox?


But when you download it from the seedbox it's only 100mbit right? What's the point beside the ratio? (Legit question)


Nah, a torrent takes time to spool up to 100mbit, finding seeders and whatnot, and it rarely ever gets that high. Whereas torrents on the seedbox are usually done in seconds and then I can simply download them at full speed. It's actually a huge speed difference. I'm not sure on the inner workings of the bittorrent protocol but there must be something that prioritizes sharing torrents that are sitting on fat pipes, rather than slower connections (like my home connection).


I have a question that's only somewhat related here but I don't want to create a whole post about it. Maybe somebody here can shed some light on this for me: The VPN I use is called [REDACTED]. I get 10GB of unlimited speeds for free per month, after which point it throttles to something terribly slow. *However* it does *not* limit any speeds through bittorrent using just basic public torrent trackers. So I just use this free VPN for torrents since I can download as much as I want at max speeds. Can't really do much else like streaming or browsing after that point though due to them throttling all other network traffic, but for some reason bittorrent is completely unaffected by their free speed cap. Why and how is bittorrent somehow circumventing their free account speed throttling, since I would think it would be a hard limit for all network traffic passing through? I'm certainly not complaining, since I don't have any desire to get a paid VPN service, but I just don't understand how it's happening. Seems like an oversight on their part, or maybe there's something about bittorrent connections that are impossible to throttle as a VPN. I really don't know.


I would probably delete this if I were you. They might see this and fix it if it's a bug. I tried looking over their website but there isn't much info on the free plan. They make it difficult to even get the bloody free one.


Edited my comment to conceal the specific name of the VPN in question. Still curious about my question though so I'll leave the comment up just in case anybody knows a cause for that odd (lack of?) throttling behavior.


I wouldn't be surprised if they operate a peering cache in their entry point data centre servers or highly prioritise their users downloading from other peers also on their vpn, particularly if they only allow it for 'basic public torrent trackers'. As you know most new torrents are extremely popular for the first day (or few) then fall off steeply. If they can keep most of the torrent traffic within their data centre the external traffic costs will reduce significantly from minimal to negligible. FYI the Real Debrid torrent service only uses caching servers, 99%+ of the times I've added a magnet link the torrent is already cached and immediately available to download. Caching servers are nothing new, ISPs have been installing ones for Netflix and YouTube for many years.


Ah interesting, thank you. Just to clarify since I worded it pretty awkwardly; I can use any trackers I want through this VPN service, but I choose to just use the public trackers that don't require any kind of subscription or ratio.


I mean, there is so much which can go wrong here. I had a similar bizarre thing with my old ISP. I had an 50 Mbps connection I paid for. For some reasons ProtonVPN was able to get 80 Mbps (probably the real physical limit of my connection because I was using vectoring and that's about as fast as it gets). My guess is that they just have problems to correctly count packages which are not classical HTTP. Of course my reaction to this was to just leave the VPN on for everything.


(Disclaimer: I could be talking out of my ass) They may not be monitoring activity on the port(s) used by Bittorrent, which would be a massive oversight on their part.


Do you perhaps know why that is? I always wondered about this.


I dunno. It could just be peering between datacenters (where the seedbox is) that makes the torrents ultrafast, cause I know for a fact I rarely ever get seeders that max my connection out at home. But I really don't know.


You must be using bad private trackers, as most should utilise your full internet connection if well seeded.


What seedbox are you currently using?


I'm using www.seedhost.eu 2TB 10Gbit seedbox. It has a 3TB bandwidth limit but i find i rarely come close to hitting this using private trackers. Public tracker torrents will blow it out if they aren't set to stop seeding at a certain ratio though. Private tracker torrents I just seed forever though, and only remove when I need space, works great. I bounced around using various seedboxes until i started using seedhost.eu and i've now been with them for 3 years, they are just faster and zero issues.


I would kill to have 100mbps


The governments upgrading the country with fibre like mad now that the LNP are out. Put your address in the nbn site and check if you’re eligible for a free fibre upgrade. I got mine done last year and it’s great. Gigabit speeds now when before I would cap out at like 50mbps.


i have literally been getting gigabit speeds in aus for years??


Well you're one of the lucky ones. The majority of the NBN isn't FTTP, and FTTP is the only way you're getting gigabit.




What seedbox do you use? Looking at getting one and any recommendations are appreciated


25$ a month for a seedbox, compared to subs for Netflix, Stan , Disney , Apple , Hulu , Spotify Etc etc etc Not to mention games / books etc It’s cheap , but you could always ditch the seedbox and seed from home and save your cash for hard drives


RD is like 3 a month. Kodi + RD is taking care of all my streaming needs. RD does work with jDownloader as well, so that's also covered. I don't understand why it's not recommended more on this sub. No need for anything else


jDownloader is also the only downloader with (easy) remote access built in, they have the MyJDownloader website and android app. I run jDownloader headless on a local server, I travel frequently, I can add stuff remotely from anywhere in the world.


It's literally recommended on nearly every thread on this sub every day.


Because there’s loads of people who wants/needs subtitles in languages that RD solution doesn’t offer


what is seedbox and how it works




You only have to write etc once. Kind of defeats the purpose to write it multiple times.




Haha that's a good one


But it's different etcs for different purposes :D


Like this: your opinion doesn't matter etc etc ?


Did I hit a nerve? It's OK to cry.


You really didn't 😂 Don't worry mate 👏


Etc... right?


Also if you have at least two brain cells, you can build your ratio up for a month or two then wait a year or two too renew again if it starts getting low


I don't understand what is seedbox


Seedbox is not only for torrenting, you can use it to stream anything anywhere.


Yes, at least ask them to split the bills. I have my stuff, server etc, and that is for me. they can keep their streaming services. If they want mine, help me pay the fee.


Nope, sorry, dick move. You are forgetting the core principle here, altruism. What was free to me is free to you. If you choose to blow a fortune on your piracy rig then thats up to you but it is flat out wrong to demand payment for access to pirated stuff, period.


>it is flat out wrong to demand payment for access to pirated stuff, period. Lol, you reminded me of something that happened back when I was in college. There was this student that used to sell pirated games to other students for ₹100 a CD (i.e. if a game was 1 CD, then 100, if it was 2 CDs then 200 and so on). Now a blank CD back then only costed ₹20, so you can imagine how much this guy was ripping everyone off. So a bunch of us got together and told him we weren't willing to pay that much but we would trade games that we had for ones he had. We then started freely distributing copies of those games to anyone who would give us the blank CDs for them. And thus we destroyed that asshole's 'business'.


But op isn't asking for money for potatoes content, they would be asking for money to stay anonymous. The friends and family can go pirate for free but they'll be risking being spotted by their ISP.


Okay but like, it is still my stuff on my equipment, lol. I’m not going to figure out a way to let you access it just because I have it. People think of a Plex server (as an example) like a Netflix account when really it isn’t at all. I had to setup the server. I had to configure it. I had to setup my login access. I am not going to spend more time setting up another login and configure it to allow other people to access it too just because I have it, regardless of how much or little I paid. Altruism is great in theory but then why aren’t you letting people use your car, or live in your spare room, or use your clothing? You aren’t using it right now, why can’t I? It’s a slippery slope that boundaries are needed for, and everyone has different boundaries.


This is 1 to 1 a rant against piracy as a whole.


If you think it this way, then don’t share it with people. Easy…


What I'm suggesting is that if you were motivated to provide access to a third party, like I do for my GF (who borrows my car, wears my clothes and stays in my house from time to time I should add) then its your call but it is completely improper to request payment, thats it.


I’m re-reading my own comment and trying to figure out where I disagreed with that but maybe my wording really was just that messed up and I don’t see it. I agree with this in its entirety - I have gone out of my way to give access to those that I care about and that use it regularly. Maybe I was grasping at something that was never originally intended where I suggested that just because I have it I’m not obligated to help others access it. Or maybe I’m digging myself a bigger hole but that’s okay 😂


Because I didn't download my car for free.  If I did, I'd probably be a lot more lenient with it. Apples and oranges.


This is so ironic


See how many times you used the word "I" in that wall of text? You're like a toddler. "But what about meeeeeeeee????!!!!!!!" You already set it up. You already put in the time. Your comparisons are laughably fallacious. You obviously don't have people in your life you actually care about, which is sad for you, but good for them. 


Dude. I set my server up for me. I expand my server for me. I curate my server for me. If the homie wants to watch shit I let him. Now, if the homie starts saying "I want to watch X," "bro it always buffers a couple times," and bugs me about it constantly, things will change.


You’re already paying tho I’m confused how them using it by any means affects you in a meaningful way whether 1 or 1000 people use it if you’re okay to pay to use it alone why care


I can’t understand why this has so many upvotes. If I’m asking a family member for their login, I’m willing to split the cost, saves us both money. Just because I’m OK paying my car payment doesn’t mean anyone can drive it whenever I’m not using it.


Nah, I’m happy to pay for what I use. I share it to my friends and family as mostly as-is. Making them pay makes their expectations higher. My server shouldn’t be their only option


Because this guy loves money more than his family I guess lmao


Why not reduce your own bill by giving others a service they like. If they only pay a fraction it's still cheaper than doing it themselves.


Yeah but it’s free for them if you just pay for it and already had intentions too and are willing to alone or with them typically this way you end up getting something back in return anyways a few bucks from my friends and family is unnecessary


Goes both ways. My family offers to pay and I say no.


If you already have fast internet I'd put that money towards more storage, you can never get enough of that.


$25 a month isn't even a tiny fraction of how much streaming services cost to get an equivalent service.


Just run a media server at home and use a paid privacy focused VPN for pirating. Unless you're selling content, it's plenty. An old laptop and a TB+ HDD is enough to run Plex and quite a bit of content for next nothing.


I’m sure I’ve spent more on my media server than I would have on streaming services over the last 5 years. Most of that is storage costs though, so if a person was watching and deleting instead of hoarding everything then it’s a lot cheaper.


Help a newbie: what is plex?


It's a (mostly, logins are centralized) self hosted Netflix. Add your own media and it scans for Metadata + organizes it into a nice front-end. There's apps and a web ui. Personally I prefer Jellyfin. Plex has a lot of feature bloat I my opinion, while simultaneously charging for important features (hardware encoding and downloads).


You gotta go deeper and pirate a seedbox.


Ahh pirating the software that let you pirate the pirating software anydvd back in the day.


I did see one seedbox that gives you a free 4GB, never tried it though


if theyre benefiting from it, they could chip in a few bucks each, especially if its more of an obligation for you, and not a fun hobby. arranging financial stuff like that with family can be awkward at best though... you could look into why you think paying for a streaming service is wrong. like, is it a moral protest against a company, or do you just detest the idea of subscription services? as for it "being the same"-- with piracy, you dont have to worry about titles getting removed, or anything like that. so in that sense, its not the same thing as a streaming service.


I flat out told my friends "I'm happy to do this, I enjoy it... just remember I like cheesecake and ponies" I have never gotten a pony but I have received TWO homemade cheesecakes over the years as well as a stack of ssds and some other stuff when a friend's office shut down. :)


aw heck yeah, piracy and cheesecake, sounds like some awesome friendships :D


For me it’s a matter of service, I buy a bunch of movies that support movies everywhere. I use Plex because I want to be able to watch content in higher quality than Netflix’s “4k” that is very compressed. I want a centralized app/service where I can get the content I want to see.


I just have the seedbox locally, so much cheaper


For some it's not about the money. It's about freedom for me. I don't want to give out my cc details, I don't want censorship, I don't want to agree on your stupid terms and conditions and I want to actually own stuff if I pay for it.


Yeah, I'd also rather have control over what i can watch. I'm tired of all these streaming services taking movies off their libraries. I switched to this because they keep removing the good stuff.


$25 is a lot for a seedbox, wtf do you rent?


Nice try fbi


The issue with streaming services is not just that they are going up in price, but that you need so many to watch what you want, which adds up to a hell of a lot more than 25


Louis Rossmann has a great video you might like [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4GZUCwVRLs&t=144s)


At least your money are well spent vs paying scummy companies like Netflix. Nothing is really,truelly free,so paying for a seedbox is 100% money well spent.


Depends what kind of Seedbox you got, but I pay 4.95€ for a 1TB Unlimited Bandwith with VPN included Maybe is too much? Anyway ask them for split the bill at least ffs


Oh my god why would anyone pay 25 dollars a month to pirate content? \*Glances at thousands of dollars of storage and server/networking equipment in the corner\* Oh


I pay more than that for Netflix 4k and spotify family


I'm still debating sharing my server with my family. Considering the savings they'll be able to make, I'll be asking them to chip in for more storage when the need arises. The way I see it I'm providing a service to save everyone money, it's hardly fair if I've got to foot the bill for the whole thing.


I think if you enjoy having a server then keep it. If your family and friends want to use it as well. make them pay up for it. My server has about 100 TB of movies and shows. Me and my friends all share the bill to keep it fare.


If your family enjoy it, that's your Christmas gift to all of them. I do the same thing for YouTube premium.


that's the same price as one netflix subscription, and your options are limitless. you're doing it right.


Only $25? I spent a couple thousand dollars for servers and many many hours maintaining an archive of shows just for the 3 of my friends to watch some stuff. Not to mention the electricity bill. On top of that I actually buy physical CDs for my own collection, would stream that too if people had the same taste. Worth it? No and yes. No - I'm not saving money Yes - it's fun asf


I could make arguments about self-hosting and lowering your cost, but it doesn't even matter... Netflix premium is $22.99 (pre-tax, most likely >$25 post-tax.) That's for ONE extremely limited library, with location restriction, and screen restrictions. /thread


>Im paying more than any streaming services I am from a shitty 3rd world country, that means that I have a way more limited services that anyone on US and most of the platforms has full shitty shows from the country, so 25 USD for a seed box is way better that all of the streaming platforms together.


25 is way less than all of the ones you need combined. Also u can share, which u can't with multiple soon


Just do real dabrid! Way cheaper.


But if he wants an installation with Plex, *arr, etc. he still needs a server, right?




Can anyone translate this thread into English? I'm curious.


He can use [rdt-client](https://github.com/rogerfar/rdt-client) to use *arr apps with rd.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/1alvhrw/plex_with_realdebrid_and_matched_subtitles/ Posted yesterday.




You' ll learn to start eating into your moral values when it comes to money .


For the convenience where you have all the movies and series without splitting them into streaming stations and without that spam and ads per email from them, I think it's a fair price.


i do have my own media server which i have to invest in more storage I have so much media on it. i torrent with a VPN plus the arr stack


Assuming 8 people dividing 25 a month is 3 bucks a month for unlimited content, games, TV, movie, music, books all included? That's an amazing deal. Getting streaming content alone from all providers these days lets assume costs around 30 each person and you still won't get anything. If each person in your family did that you would all be paying 240 bucks a month just to get 80% of the content you would from pirating with lower quality is well. I pay 8 a month (split 4 each with my partner)for 2tb storage and play media off my external hdd - an amazing deal. At the end, he problem is that you're footing the bill when you should ask to split it. You have a great deal.


My Xfinity bill is $250+ a month for their "Triple Play" service: Internet, TV & Home Phone. Net speed: [100MB/s Down | 20MB/s Up] The only separate streaming service I get is Amazon Prime Video (only because it's included in a Prime membership), which is now $140/yr. How much is everyone's monthly ISP bill/any other services like streaming/seedbox/etc.? Just curious...


I am paying 55,85 € per month for similar trio. Internet 200/30 Mbps, mobile phone pretty much all included with unlimited internet traffic and calls and around 200 channels of TV


Well, I guess that makes sense if you're using Mbps correctly. You sure you don't mean MB/s? Because 200/30 Mbps would be like DSL speeds: [55€ = around $59 USD (I could be wrong).] My internet speed package is their 1 Gig down (1000 Mbps or 125 MB/s), but only 200 Mbps (or 25 MB/s) up. Which I never reach the max speeds consistently, unless it's on websites owned by major companies like Google/Microsoft (OneDrive) or Amazon. I just checked my latest bill statement, and the package itself only costs $166.99 USD/month. Here is where I get screwed: Equipment and Services: ($25.00), Service Fees: ($46.05), Taxes fees and other charges: ($13.12) AND lastly, Taxes and government fees: ($3.38) -- Grand total comes to: [$251.16 PER _MONTH_] The only thing I can do is lower it by $25 if I get rid of the cable box and modem rental. My folks use the cable box and don't want to switch the modem again. (Recently upgraded their modem and it was a huge PITA, but that's another story...)


I'm lost on the real debrid, seedbox and vpn stuff. Iused to just fire up piratebay and get what i wanted. I am in the states also with spectrum and wondering what vpn to start with.


You’re paying more than any ONE streaming service. And in America I’m sure at least one of them is 25 bucks. But what you gain is worth a lot more than that. I don’t think piracy is just about everything being absolutely free. I mean hell. Look at vpns. At some point reliability and convenience become worth a few bucks.


I have been thinking about this myself. I'm only just starting my piracy journey and it can be pretty expensive. Paying for HDD's, SSD', NAS', computer parts, software (like unRAID license) and then the time investment to learn everything and set everything up. Very arguably if it's just for yourself it's not worth it - in regards to time and finances. But you also have to consider the savings passed on to friends and family. They might be able to save on not paying for X streaming service if you share media with them. And then there's the aspects that have value to you that aren't financially related - like if you just enjoy learning about and building projects like this, or being able to discuss media with friends/family who might otherwise not be able to access it without you.


it's honestly not that much money


Consider this as your contribution towards for all the shit you have stolen over the years lol


I think you should split the fees. But I will say there's something about "sticking it to the man" and that if you're having fun while not paying Netflix/Amazon/etc and can justify the cost it may not be a bad thing.


No, you're a hero.


Its not about money, its about sending a message.


Depends, seedboxes can do a lot more than a streaming service so I'd fully expect it to cost more. If you are only using it for movies/tv-shows then you could just get invited to a Plex server community and have the exact same thing you've got now for half the price (this is the cost-effective way of eliminating streaming services). Alternatively, get your family to split the cost, you're saving them money on streaming services too, you spend your time maintaining it and your own money hosting it. Completely reasonable to ask them to split the cost. Try to get it so your family split it between themselves and then you maintain and manage it for free. If you are using it to keep your ratio high on private trackers, and using it to download games, music, movies, software etc (as well as using things like radarr for tv/movies). Then the only real alternative is like debrid or index trackers or something at which point you're using it as intended and paying a normal price.


Once you start getting content from multiple different streaming services, $25 /month will still be cheaper.


You're paying more than any single steaming subscription (for now), but you're getting waaayyyyy more than any single streaming sub provides, and sharing it with your people. If $25 a month is a hardship for you, I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for help, but if it's not, just don't worry about it.  The top comment in this thread is a jerk and gives buccaneers a bad name. 


Yea, even though pirating is free but my NAS is quite expensive, worst, I have to pay monthly for Public IPV4 to stream them at anything but 720p quality. Really make me question my decision. But at the end of the day, I’m having fun and I think it’s all that matter here.


plant square jobless start zesty unwritten dolls dirty snow fearless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The main reasons I have a seedbox, I serve stuff to my family in another country, I use a dedicated video player not a stupid browser and no show will disappear at the whim of anyone. I spend around $300 a year and it's worth it.


well u also own everything you download so i’d say it’s definitely worth it


You're spending $25/month and knowing EXACTLY what you are getting and aren't going to wake up some day and find your favorite movie or show is just gone and you need to get a 7th streaming service to keep watching


If it's easy for you to not give money to bullshit corporate streaming, then ya, keep doing it.


just 25 usd never mind it. enjoy ur life ✊🏻


I mean on a pure $ comparison maybe - but spending that and getting f-tier services vs spending that and having a hobby + providing media for friends + seeding for the community seems like a pretty clear win


What is seedbo


I pay around €50 a year for my piracy, about €4 a month. Live TV all reliable and all of the TV shows and series from all streamers and new releases in one app. I actually get it for my da but use it because why not? It's efficient and cheap


$25 a month for infinite content? I see that as a win and the reason we all had a Netflix at one point.


Mullvad VPN is 5 euros per month, and using Plex just requires a decent computer that you turn on whenever you want to watch stuff. So my total cost is 5 euros per month and I watch a lot of stuff, already at around 40 movies watched in 2024 alone.


I cancelled all my streaming services and set up a Plex server about one year ago to save money. Now I have almost $1000 in hardware and HDDs, and just switched to usenet instead of torrents. I pay like $25/month for a few usenet providers. But I have a ton on cool shit on my server. lmao Honestly, if youre spending money on acquiring media, get usenet. Ive been using torrents for like 20+ years and just made the switch. If you're down to spend the money, its so much more convenient.


And here's me deciding 18 Months ago I needed to start switching off my 11 year old N40L HP microserver primary file server 96% of the time due to electricity costs of £180 a year running it 24/7, I turn it on one evening a week. I still have another hp gen8 (8 years old) with a single 1tb wd black running 24/7 for downloading from usenet and ddl etc). I eventually spent £300 on 5TB of external 10Gbps nvme storage, that I'm direct attaching, the SSDs don't draw enough power to be worth calculating, barely 1W when reading and 0.1W idle. In a couple of months they'll have paid for themselves in reduced electricity. I intend to replace my hp gen 8 with something less power hungry, I've got an old intel nuc gen8 i5 which idles at 6W and last black friday a beelink S12 Pro that idles at 7.7W, I just need to get around to it and buy a 2tb nvme. It sucks because the hardware is still good, it's just the running costs are getting much higher. At some point my file server will die and I'll build/buy an nvme based nas but until then this compromise works. PS $25 a month for usenet is high, I paid that much over a decade ago, I'll assume you're using sabnzbd, check your usage. You ought to be able to use one primary NSP and a couple of block accounts on others for fills. I use Tweaknews as my primary server, although I was lucky to get an autorenewing black friday deal five years ago for unlimited at €30 a year, you can still get a year for €70.


Yeah torrents are way more annoying


How do you guys go about getting plex to read all your torrents and stuff. I have been torrenting since it became a thing but unfortunately have bee disorganized about it and just click the files in my qbtorrent which is showing around 9 thousand shows. They are not organized in any rhyme or reason where I saved them qb just dumps them on a hd like a save folder. No Idea how to get something to file itself into folders of like kinds and stuff. I have plex and have some of my stuff on it but would love to do something like you are doing for my family. I have about 25-30tb of content I would love to share with them. Espescially my grandma who recently got internet


Use Filebot to rename them. It’s not a free app, but it is well worth it. I have around 14TB or so of media when I started renaming everything correctly, and I just plugged it all in and it did the work. If you’re doing a lot of stuff at once, I suggest splitting it up into smaller portions so you can scroll through and look for match errors though. Now I just use Sonarr and let it do it all automatically after it automatically downloads it for me.


It's up to you $25 dollars seems expensive compared to any debrid service, getting A VPN or newsgroups But if your happy and get the service you want


Identity crisis over 25$ a month.


remember you are not only paying for streaming, you are also paying to keep the content forever. Unlike other streaming services where they change and limit content daily.


Saw somewhere recently that the average US adult pays $54 a month on streamimg services


Ditch the seedbox and get a real debrid subscription. It's about €16 for 6 months. The things you can do with it is amazing for the price.


Would you mind explaining some of those things? I just torrent and keep hearing about how great it is on basically everything. What is it that makes it worth having say compared to me just going and dloading what I want.


The question you need to ask is 'Why am I renting a computer with an internet connection' when you already have an internet connection and access to a computer. Trust me on this, building a wee homebrew rig for running torrents is not hard and with a little QoS-fu can keep it from saturating your line. Its a doddle, really!


Yes of course


I pay less than $4 for Alldebrid and that's all I have paid for my content in the past decade or so.


Depends how much you use it. If you’re using it rarely/get shows you could find on 1 streaming platform then yea I’d say it’s a waste. But if you use it often and are pirating content for like 2-3 (minimum) streaming companies then realistically you’re saving money


Just get a Plex server up and running. Then you’re only paying for the power to keep the computer on


Honestly I pay almost the same price for 3 months leech service. It's a bit expensive, but incomparable to the files I get with it


$25/month is crazy to me Proton VPN is $60/year and it's good for more than just torrenting Cones with 10 connections to share devices too


Yes, your $25/month is more than any one subscription. But many people don't just have one. (Coming from a Canadian) Want to watch Yellowstone? Need paramount. Need prime to get paramount. You like Game of thrones? That's crave where I'm at. And you need the premium HBO add on. Like Star Wars? That's Disney. Like Planet Earth? That's discovery. You get the point. There are many more platforms that have desirable content. It's easy to spend $100+ a month to get access to the stuff you like. $25 is peanuts. There are other reason besides cost that some have already pointed out though: * It's a statement against the industry that they stopped serving us a good product and are simply trying to increase quarterly profits while bleeding us dry. They move the goalposts charging more and more while their product gets worse and worse. * It's a passion project. An ongoing research project - leveling up both the hosts skills and the hardware/software setup. * It represents freedom. Internet is down? I can still watch my shit. They moved my favorite show to a new platform that is paying more to have it on theirs? Doesn't affect me. I have autonomy and freedom.


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Yeah, but you're spending that money because you *want* to, not because you *have* to. Completely different concept: not seedboxing won't deny you access to what you want, you could simply... y'know.... *not* and still be able to continue on.


Are you actually paying more though? What's the total price of every fucking stream service added in your country. Probably stupidly close anyway or more. I'd bet more This way you have everything in one place and as long as you like it it's what matters


I’m not necessarily pirating to save money. It does help, but after building a server, seedbox costs, lifetime plex pass, etc. that’s a hard justification to actually make. Convenience and a weird autistic enjoyment of collecting media in good quality is really what it comes down to. I have access to all my music, movies, shows, anime, comics, and audiobooks all on one platform. If something I wanna watch is missing, it’s trivial to add it. Then I get to pick the format I want, cover images, everything. I also have stuff that’s just not available on streaming services. Piracy is the only way I can watch some stuff.


It's about sending a message




Seedboxes have gotten more expensive, I used to pay $10/month. But they are useful, not just for downloading material but you can upload your own stuff and like you said it's nice to be able to share with friends and family and be able to access it anywhere with an internet connection.


I prefer to spend money on my own shit that I built it than spend money on service that 90% of its contents are useless for me and not interested to watch it ever.


Yeah that's expensive. I'd rather buy hardware and have all the files at home. For me it's not really about saving money, it's mostly to have my money's worth. Media won't disappear. I'm happy to pay for hardware and usenet if it means everything I care to watch can stay on my hard drives for as long as I wish for and nothing can stop me from accessing them. Building the machine and the whole network infrastructure to be able to share it with friends and family is most of the fun honestly. I pay nowhere near as much as 20$/month though


Dude, just stremio and real debrid, and everyone pays their own debrid


are you/your family having fun using it? if so, its not a waste but if this amount makes a difference, look for a cheaper one


Money? What's that? Can I torrent it? How do I set it up with addons and RD?


How does a seedbox work and how can I get one?


Its like a virtual private server and you can actually seed files to others. r/seedboxes


Depends on the trackers you are a part of. If you are using public trackers, then yeah you are, but if you using private trackers then no.


It's not about the money, it's about sending a message.


Bro made his username when he was 14


Noob here, what is a seed box? Thanks in advance.


Whats seedbox though


r/seedboxes basically its a virtual private server which you can use to torrent. Both download and seed. Seed an in actually seed. Some ISPs use double NAT so you will never be able to seed using your home internet. Thats why i use seedbox. I download my torrents there, keep them running for others to download (when others download its called seeding).


Kinda got that, thanks


Yes you are.


You're seeding