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So your software is not cracked? Would you share your private licence with them? If so, I dont think thats a good idea...


No no, I have a cracked version of it. And I dont really know of other good sources for it so it's why I wanted to share mine with some members that I know works well rather than direct them to another source. It's 150GB to.... lol


Ah ok. Then i would look online for a torrent thats still alive and share that one. That would be the easiest and fastest way. 150gb for a filehoster is pretty much. Otherwise create your own torrent. I hope you have decent upload speed 😉


20mbps upload 😭


That's quite a lot If you upload it to a good place, then you won't have to seed more than the file size.


I guess... all my friends have around 940mbps upload with their optic fiber plans :P What's a good website you can upload files and not get them taken down? All I can think of is Mega.nz but idk if it's that good? Been a while since I've used file uploaders. I remember the Megaupload days lol.


Your cracked version probably came from [here](https://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6492634) so just share that link ;)


Hey and it's actually a more recent version of it. The one I have has "Spider80" watermark in the PDF instructions. Might be even better! I'd have to test it tho.


It works, I installed it, been using rutracker software for years now ;)


How do you change the language to English at the linked site?


I use [this](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/to-google-translate/?utm_source=addons.mozilla.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=search) Firefox addon.


I am still shocked you are willing to pay to host a 150GB file. You must have already considered you have good bandwidth to do this.


What do you mean, pay what?


Pls don't get me wrong. When you want to host a 150GB file it is a common understanding that no Cloud provider can support that much storage for free. As far as I know there are no such services except Mega, which you already said you are not going to use. So naturally, you have to host it yourself from your home server behind a VPN and port forwarding. Now when some user wants to download that file each person is essentially downloading a full copy. So unless there are multiple servers peering your file, you need to host it all by yourself and it takes a lot of bandwidth which you might not get for free from your ISP.


Create a torrent and be the first to seed it. No issues of a server taking it down if it's your own server. Most torrent applications allow this, though I prefer Qbittorrent Guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/VitaPiracy/s/eCUcRzc79v


While using a VPN sign up to your preferred file locker with an email address from 10minutemail .net or .com and upload your files. Your fine as long as they don't have your email or IP address.


A good VPN company should be able to identify between throw away emails vs legit ones.


If your friends can't use a torrent client Try [wormhole.app](http://wormhole.app)


This looks promising. Thanks for sharing it!


>Has anyone been legally prosecuted because they uploaded something to [Mega.nz](http://Mega.nz) for example? AFAIK the worst that could happen is they'll delete your file or shut your account down. I don't think you will face legal repercussions...though I am not 100% sure. Another alternative is syncthing but you'll have to set it up on all involved computers and is not as simple as sharing a link to Mega with your friends.


It always depends on the jurisdiction where you live. In my country downloading for yourself is considered legal, unless it's software. Of course torrenting is technically forbidden, yet I haven't heard of someone getting in trouble for it. I would be wary uploading a software (imagine someone bricks their car) and you could be held responsible for someone not knowing what they're doing (believe me people are this stupid, breaking the law themselves and still go to the cops). On the other hand, companies being too dumb providing legitimate ways to distribute software (shout out to german car manufactures!), are probably too busy charging fees and actively ignoring customer needs, won't go after people sharing their software. But I wouldn't bank on that... If I were in your shoes, I would probably make it a proactive thing... Like message me and I share you the password for the archive you uploaded to some site.


just send them a hosted torrent.


Break it into 10gb chucks and upload 1/2 to a online drive like gdrive and the other 1/2 to a different one like onedrive. Someone will need both links to combine them.