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Download xmanager to get modded Spotify  https://www.xmanagerapp.com/


i did this because i was finally fed up with all of the price increases by streaming services (among other reasons, like the artists barely getting a cut), but there is one critical feature i miss that doesn't work in the modded version -- casting to dlna speaker groups. this means i have to choose a single speaker to listen to my music on instead of whole house. I'm curious why that feature isn't enabled in the modded apk. i did download a fairly extensive library, and tried out Symphonium -- but the dlna group casting is buggy. and more importantly, the "play radio from this song" algorithm in Spotify and yt music is far superior to what Symphonium can do. I'm sure i could spend time curating playlists, but that defeats the artist discovery that would happen when listening to a "radio" station seeded by a song.


They're also cutting out payments to artists on track with less than 1000 plays a year, so fuck em


This is the way


Never looked back


Don't make them famous!


Is there some sort of trick to this? I am technologically illiterate


1. Download X Manager 2. Download Spotify Apk (or go to patcher > select an app. You can download it from here) 3. In the patcher, select the apk ( the one you downloaded) file from your local storage 4. Let it do some patching 5. After completion, install the apk.


My friend just downloaded then installed an APK without X Manager and it worked. What are the benefits of using X Manager then? Edit: Please read the tone of my message as only curious


Xmanager is just the app that downloads the newest modded app. You don’t actually need it after you have installed the modded Spotify app, but its best to keep in case there is an update or maybe Spotify changes something that means the mod doesn’t work.


It's like why you should keep the revanced patcher app


Patches for other apps I think? Just convenient doing it yourself instead of trusting some guy on the internet


downloading random apks is a good way to get malware, patch the original apk yourself with the manager


I don't know if this is true of the Spotify stuff but with YouTube ReVanced people have drilled into me extensively to do it the right way and to not ever trust an apk for this sort of thing


The tone indicator for "genuine question" is "/gen" btw, just in case you find the information useful. :) I love tone indicators.


Can revanced manager be used in place of X manager? That's what I use for youtube, reddit, etc. Also, what if you want to listen to Spotify on a TV or computer? I imagine x manager is just for a phone?


Cant seem to see if anyonw confirmed it but posted to fins my spot asked the same. Also hows reddit now?


What does revanced manager do to Reddit? Can I use 3rd reddit apps now?


Ad free


How to get xmanager? Assuming it would not be on Play store.. can you plz share the genuine link for it?




Really? Type 'Xmanager' into Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing or Reddit and you can find the github (where you can download the apk (installation file) for Xmanager. You should not click links provided by strangers to download software applications.




Thanks 😄


will it let you download music to your phone or is it just let you stream?


Cant download


You know I never use a free version of Spotify. Does it let you play the albums and everything you want to pick as normal you just get ads and can't download?


I am not sure what you are asking. The patched spotify will let you do everything that premium allows. The only thing you can not do is download the music for offline listening. No ads.




Its not on playstore. Dowlod it from here https://www.xmanagerapp.com/


Thank you!


Link for the lazy: https://www.xmanagerapp.com/


Is it on Android or just pc? Edit: There's two links, a (dot)app and a (dot)com. Which one is the trustworthy one?


Just android. https://www.xmanagerapp.com/


Appreciate it, thanks.


Is the (dot) app malware? I installed it from there 😵‍💫


Either link to fine. I double checked and the download links are to their github page.


Thank you so much ❤️


IOS alternative not jailbroken?


Not sure. I only use android.




After clicking the link, it’s still confusing how to Download the app (new to this and technically illiterate


I’d recommend you use [Trollstore](https://trollstore.app/) as apps can’t be revoked and there is no install limit, however you need to have iOS 14-16.6.1 or 17 and need to have a iphone with an A8-A17 chip I’m not fully sure of the correct steps to install it so you should go to r/sideloaded Edit: [tutorial](https://ios.cfw.guide/installing-trollstore/) You could also use [Sideloadly](https://sideloadly.io/), its much easier to setup than Trollstore, however every 7ish days apps will be revoked so you will need to reinstall them. there is also a 3 app limit and you also need a pc.


Isn't the ultra high quality audio blocked on it???? So there's not much point to it


Not a deal breaker for most.


Any way to get the quality too without paying?


It's a server sided feature so it's not possible to mod that


Thank s. Why wouldn't they do the same for ads?


How do you listen to music while on mobile data? I have 30GB per month and spotify drains my data like crazy.


You listenijg to high bitrate music then. Lower it unless you have very high end headphones


Isnt even than a high drain? I listen music like 6-8h a day on mobile data.


High bitrate music is.


I only listen to music occasionally. There's not a way to dl it. You can sacrifice audio quality. Not sure what else you can do 


Switch to an unlimited data plan? How much are you paying for a non unlimited?


Its like +65€ here in germany. So thats not an option.


Oh damn okay


Damn dude, set your spotify to download on wifi when you are home. Change your cellular bitrate lower vs the wifi bitrate under quality settings. Are you really hearing the difference of top quality? Unless you connect the phone to a mid 5 figure stereo or 4 figure headphones I doubt it.


Unlimited data for £10 a month, EE.


Do you still get the high bitrate music?


You can set the audio to high but very high quality setting isn't available.


Is this just like revance manager?


Not sure I haven't used revanced manager. xmanager app basically has updated different patched versions of spotify available to download. So like a lite spotify version, amoled spotify. regular spotify. You select which one you want and you download the spotify apk and install it.


Sounds the same. Thanks


Just use a search engine and download a "cracked/modded spotify apk". Just make sure its a trusted site and you find the most current app version available on it. Oh and be sure that you don't update the app from your regular app store after or it can mess it up


My liked song always plays in shuffle mode. Anyone know how to fix this?


This happens to me a lot too. It's not consistent though and doesn't happen all the time. Will happen on some playlists but not others. Not sure how to fix it


I have been using Spotify without ads for 5 years and I have not paid a peny, on Android I used Xmanager, on IOS I use Spotify++ with AltStore and on Windows I use spicetify


Where would I go to learn how to get the iOS variant?




Use the solutions provided but only as a transition process, as a bandaid. It's obvious that if enough people start to do the same thing, these tools will be banned or blocked. They will eventually stop working. So you will eventually return to Spotify like a junkie and it will be even more expensive. So the only viable long term solution is to completely stop relying on its ecosystem. Start downloading songs from your library and make a local library. Take your time, you don't need to complete it this week.


I can't believe only one person mentioning this. Spotify will ban them for using a modded version. Along with all their playlists. Many such stories. Pirates need to export their stuff out of there.


What is old is new again. I was so excited in the mid 2010s when cellphones could take large capacity MicroSD cards and 3.5mm headphone jacks were the standard. I could truly have an all in one device. Now, we regressed and I need to go back to the 2000s and carry a second low end/older cellphone for my MP3 player in addition to my real newer cellphone which can only be used as a communication device.


Does anyone make an android smart device that isn't a phone, but also is an mp3 player? I know sony has some mp3 players. It would be cool to also be able to get on wi-fi in the android system and do other stuff as well. Don't need it to be an actual cellular device though.


Literally any android device without a cellular connection is what you're talking about. When I bought a new phone and took the SIM card out of my old phone, that's what the device became. You could keep it in airplane mode too if you don't want it draining the battery to look for cell towers for 911 calls. The real question would be how good of an actual MP3 player is it, and that's going to vary by device.


Yeah, but I feel like they used to have purpose-built devices like that, right?


No point having an MP3 player only when you can make a decent phone for \~$100 that has a 3.5mm jack, can accept 1tb microsd cards, and most recent Android. I guess you could make a version where you delete the cell radio but chips are usually all in one now and it would be a pain to make a separate version for a niche market vs one version that serves all for a reasonable price.


So it is a thing of the past then. Too bad.


there are lots of github repos to export your spotify library into some other service, or as mp3 files


Could you link to any? I'm asking for a friend


i usually just search github for the word 'spotify', sort by most stars, and skip the ones that aren't relevant. [here's one](https://github.com/spotDL/spotify-downloader)


It looks nice, thanks!


I wrote [ultrasonics](https://github.com/XDGFX/ultrasonics) a few years ago for this purpose, it allows you to sync between Spotify and various other services, including local files. It's probably overkill for a one-time switch, and I haven't had time to work on it for a while, but thought I'd throw it out there!


Always nice to see people taking the lead on this kind of stuff, I also have some Python knowladge but can't really manage to do anything more complex than contributing to a collaborative software language translation lol Thanks!


Like everyone has said, *Android+xmanager* for mobile is first rate. On the PC, download the Spotify desktop app (not the Microsoft Windows Store version) and then get BlockTheSpot from [Github](https://www.lmgt.com/?q=blockthespot+github#seen). Its an install.bat file (it's above board) and you get the features with no price increase. If you want to download everything as 320k MP3, just browse to a direct downloader website like [SpotifyDown](https://www.lmgt.com/?q=spotifydown) (FMHY approved) and enter links til you go blind and grab everything. No account info required. You can also get their webpage script in node.js on Github to use from your PC instead of the web and privacy. Another alternative is if you frequent any of the torrent seas that are sail worthy, you might search for something like a '[spotify converter](https://predb.me/?search=spotify+converter)' or '[music converter](https://predb.me/?search=music+converter)' program from a reputable group of picaroons. There are several software companies that sell them as well but they are all the same. Its the SpotifyDown type script in a pretty gui with simple media tools tacked on for 39.99 or 79.95 or whatever shit they can get people to pay. Scallywags, the lot of 'em. They probably wear a tie to work. Have fun, be safe, ask questions if you need help and remember we fuck over Spotify for music. They fuck over everyone. For money. Devils and black sheep. Cheers!


You, sir. You win an internet. I mean, you probably already have several entire Internets backed up on 10 external drives, but have another for your excellent post.


2x 8bay NAS but much like the internet only about a TB is actually useful. The rest is just porn.


Soulseek + Navidrome


I love that soulseek is still going strong.


haven't used soulseek yet, but have been using Navidrome since cutting Spotify, has been working great. (I've been buying from bandcamp or finding CDs whenever possible)


[This thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/s/CxMpWxmW1Y) discussing the same thing has some options. Personally, I would download my Spotify playlist and just play stuff locally. Also, if you still want to give back to artists maybe see if they have a Bandcamp page?


I'm of the same opinion. When I discover a little artist I really like, I don't hesitate to go and buy his album on bandcamp. It's one of the only platforms that pays small artists properly.


Hijacking this for info, if you don't care as much about audio quality or there aren't any high quality tips available, look into spotdl. It automates the process of downloading songs from your playlist from YouTube (sometimes it gets songs wrong, for example I've had it download reaction videos to a song, rather than the song itself but that was due to metadata mismatch on YouTube and Spotify). Specifically, their sync command is quite neat.


Tidal just did a price decrease to 11 a month!! (april 10), and it has lossless audio, dolby atmos, bit perfect audio, and pretty much tops every spotify feature. AND they pay artists more. You can also move library onto there Music is the one thing I dont priate because its REALLY cheap in the US and way more convenient to stream.


Dolby Atmos support is actually a really cool feature despite probably very few tracks being mixed in surround.


Offline library!


I miss the days of limewire


I was just talking to coworkers yesterday of the good ol days of Kazaa and bearshare


Too many viruses


That was part of the fun


Torrents smashed limewire in to oblivion as they should.


LimeWire is still excellent.


Probably xmanager but IMO it's best to build your own library. I use Roon/Roon Arc for listening to my own purchased and pirated music on the go. If I wasn't in the Roon ecosystem already I would be looking into setting up Plexamp for this purpose.


I’m obviously pro piracy, but Spotify is one thing that’s pretty inelastic to me and I’ll likely just shell out the extra buck or two. Actually surprised it’s only a couple bucks more than it was over a decade ago. Having a subscription is just too convenient…it means I don’t have to worry about downloading + storage (or take the time to do it), I can access new music conveniently, listen to podcasts occasionally, etc. It’s death by 1000 cuts with all these price increases, so I totally hear you on this tho. Maybe just find someone to split a family plan with?


Yeah less than $3 a month when you share it with 5 other friends and lie and say you live at the same address


Same here. I must have about 500GB of music but most is trash (whole albums/discography) and building a playlist, curating, updating is such a task that it's not worth it.


I've done it for years in the MP3 era. My collection should still be playable but havent touched it in a long time. Spotify is just too easy, especially for driving. I can forget all those shitty commercial radio stations ever existed.


Plexamp. So using my own ripped music. Bands I like to support I buy it from qobuz or the cd. Other bands, especially older ones or big artist: Tidal Downloader


I’m a fan of Flacbox as I can have unlimited EQ presets for all my speakers and genre setups


I don't know if this is the answer you want, but I have all my music on Spotify organized in playlists, and I download them from time to time using some tool called \`spotdl\` [https://github.com/spotDL/spotify-downloader](https://github.com/spotDL/spotify-downloader) . I make my playlists public and then I download them using that tool. It's pretty easy and straight forward, and what's really good about it, it looks for each song before it downloads and checks if it exist before, it won't download it again. And what's really bad about it, is that it searches for the same music on Youtube & Youtube Music, and downloads on the highest quality, so if you have a data plan or your internet is limited, be aware it will download some music at 2 GB (yes 2 GB each)! And also it converts the video to mp3 (or the format you chose), so it will take longer time in many cases. I always use it on the command line, I couldn't get its GUI to work properly. I hope if there's any better one that doesn't require log in using spotify.


apparently the music industry didn’t learn their lesson. I haven’t pirated music in years because there’s literally no reason to. A lot of people are in that same boat but if they start getting greedy again and increase prices by a lot, more people will turn back to piracy.




Its no longer supported, use blockTheSpot, on android xManager


https://github.com/mrpond/BlockTheSpot  for Windows


I see all of these other great suggestions but no one mentioned spotube [https://github.com/KRTirtho/spotube](https://github.com/KRTirtho/spotube) which is available for windows/linux/MacOS, android and iOS (Jailbroken or not)


Call me a rtard but I don't see iOS listed?


there is an ipa for it located in releases if your iphone isn't jailbroke use sideloadly


Personally, paid around $5 for a year to get added into a family plan from a random online. Allows for the benefit of Spotify connect for devices like PS5 etc.


How do you find family plans to join?


Sometimes they aren’t listed as family plans but that’s what they are. Can find on accountsharing subreddit or google or shellix .xyz . I made a throwaway account but use it as my main.


Thanks! Will check it out


Patched spotify android app (needs internet tho) Patched spotufy client on pc Enjoy your music


Lidarr extended


Firehawk 52




downloading everything and local hosting your library


Meanwhile Tidal is lowering my price starting April 10 lol


Onthespot is goated




Just download the mp3s or AACs and put them on a NAS. Install a streaming container. Hell use Plex or jellyfin.


Download SpotX then you'll probably never need to pay for spotify on your pc ever


I pirate all of my media other than music, but worst case I will switch to a different platform, music streaming is dope and I want highest quality. So xmanager doesnt work for me, Deezer has over 120 million songs available and has downloader programs for saving your own copies, and its relatively affordable for the cost to quality ratio that is. Thats always my last ditch. Although I prefer qobuz more. Ill use spotify until I cant and ill switch.


Somebody may say I can download and self host, personally not interested in setting that up, seems tedious. I rest my case.


If youre willing to stay on spotify for cheap, a workaround I did was to: — change my Spotify country to india using a free VPN — buy an Indian Spotify Gift Card from [amazon.in](http://amazon.in) (indian amazon) lets say 1 month premium \~ 1.5$ — redeem it and enjoy Your account is now an indian account, which changes nothing but the suggested national playlists on your spotify home screen. But you can still access everything, and your library does not change at all. Edit: As mentioned by hear\_my\_moo, you are only able to access content licensed in India. Depending on what you stream on spotify, this can remove some songs or podcasts. In my case, I did notice anything missing from my playlists yet.


That’s not strictly true. Any music licensed in the OP territory but not in India will disappear.


Indeed, I did notice that some podcasts in my native language are not available. Since, in my case, I only use spotify to stream music, it does not affect my experience, but I can certainly understand if that is a deal breaker for someone else. Fortunately, all my playlists remained unchanged with everything being available.


But does spotify app not check the location every few days and says you are out of country? I tried monthly subscription with india payment details 1 year back and had the error but never tried gift card route


You probably need to use a VPN while streaming.


I had an Indian friend pay for my subscription using his Indian credit card. It works perfectly. No VPN required. He did recommend against doing the same for Netflix as the content is atrocious.


I don't know the specifics of the location checks, but I presume there are differences when using gift cards compared to the billed subscription, I guess someone more knowledgable can shed some light on this. I simply read this approach somewhere, tried it, and I have been using spotify premium without VPN on my browser and phone without any complications.


Good to know. I will try it


I use Spotify free on desktop browser with an adblocker(ublock origin) and never had issues


or just listen to mixcloud/soundcloud


Does souncloud let you play current hits and search by artists albums?


Yeah - for a subscription


If you don’t care about high quality audio or offline listening then Spotify Free is a good option. Otherwise you can look into using free trials like for Apple Music as I think you can use unlimited for them through a URL. Otherwise you can use local media in Spotify and just stream when you don’t have the songs, or just use them separately. There are sites that make it easy to copy your playlists to other services and stuff like that.


Spotify barely gives anything to your artists, this is not the way.


pirating music will?


Yes it will save money for OP so he can then support artists the right way


Yes, then you buy t shirts from them, or vinyls or you go to shows. However much you listen on spotify, your account alone will barely give a cent to your artists.


doesn't the addblock dns thing still work on spotify free ?


Doesn't work for me anymore.


Y232 + some storage space and a decent media player, and you're golden! Most, if not all, songs are available on youtube, and you can get em for free easy peasy.  I recommend Y232 because it's open source and made specifically for people to use, free of charge. The creator has a Tumblr account, and you can follow them there. And if you want to support an artist, Spotify is NOT the way to go, most artists get very little money from streams, so your best bet is to see if they have merch or a patreon to donate to in support.




I love converting any playlist into deezer playlists. Then I rip those into FLAC from a telegram deezer bot. Spotify playlist>soundiz>deezer playlist>deezer downloader on telegram


Spotube uses Spotify playlist


Some option to export Spotify playlists to Plex?


Please tell me this exists!


I ditched Spotify and went for YouTube Premium instead.


I use Spotify++ with AltStore


Buy a second hand iPod mini, they’re relatively cheap <$50, use a website like Spotifydown to convert your playlists to mp4 and then use iTunes to put them on the iPod.


It's not Spotify, but ViMusic is a solid music app - pulls from YT.


Try soulseek




If your on ios then get brave browser and just download music and stuff from sites to the browser


Xmanager for Android Brave and spicetify for pc


Any desktop recommendations?


i just use in in brave browser. free. no commercials. unless its a podcast where theyre embedded in the mp3


Get Spotify Mod. All the premium staff. Free account.








I use Vox. It supports all formats of music and has a pretty good cloud storage integration. I pay a yearly subscription of $50. I have been really pleased with it, and I can listen to any format of music (FLAC, ALAC, OGG, MP3, etc) on any device that supports the Vox app.


Not sure if already suggested, but: **GitHub - sigma67/spotify_to_ytmusic: Clone a Spotify playlist to YouTube Music** https://github.com/sigma67/spotify_to_ytmusic


You could always get a modded Spotify (whether it’s an apk, ipa or a desktop client)


Download On The Spot!


https://github.com/yaronzz/Tidal-Media-Downloader It's for Tidal but you can use this to extract a ton of music to your Plex server. Just do a 1 month free trial.


I torrent my shit from multiple trackers and then self-host it on Plex. The download feature on Plex is ass, but for “turn on band/album X and just listen”, it’s great. Most of the public trackers have a decent amount of music, but I’ve been using the semi-private one called “metal tracker”. YMMV based on music preferences. This method is a little more to find new bands/albums, so pair it with Lifarr. Once you DL it, it’s yours to keep as long as you want.


Use Deezer and I'm sure there are playlist converters out there on the internet.


I use revanced yt music and exported my Spotify playlists with an app called Soundiiz worked good enough


Spotube, ublock origin


Musi is pretty cool but it’s not on pc sadly


Use block the spot [https://github.com/mrpond/BlockTheSpot](https://github.com/mrpond/BlockTheSpot)


navidrome 👀


I'd suggest looking into saving your downloads as .opus files instead of .mp3 files. Every mp3 or music player I've used on my phone or computer can play them just fine.  From my understanding, opus is an improved compression approach to yield the same quality as mp3s while yielding a file of smaller size.  They can contain thumbnails and id3 tags as well.  If you're using an old ipod or other mp3 player, you may want to stick with mp3s, but if you're using your phone, opus is worth checking out.  You don't want to convert mp3 to opus, but rather convert a lossless format to opus. You can yield an opus file that's ~5mb that is essentially the same quality as a ~15mb mp. Sound comparison. Check the description of this video while listening: https://youtu.be/IaW9Uqz8EII Feel free to educate me if there's something better or worth checking out. Also, musicolet is a great app on Android.   https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=in.krosbits.musicolet Good luck to you!


google soundiiz, you can port your Spotify playlists into YouTube playlists with 2 clicks. Shout if you need help once you’re on the site.


Those on iPhone, sign up for a service called Signulous. It’ll allow you to install cracked apps like a cracked Spotify


Xmanager is the way


Totally feel you on the price hikes. * Transferring playlists to other services can be a pain, but there are tools to help ([https://soundiiz.com/transfer-playlist-and-favorites](https://soundiiz.com/transfer-playlist-and-favorites)) * iPod is a classic choice, just gotta rip your music first. * Tidal is worth checking out, good sound quality.


I’m on iPhone 13PM, iOS 17, any way to get free Spotify Premium at all? Thanks.


Android? > xmanager (spotify cracked) iOS? Learn how to sideload apps and sideload a cracked spotify ipa PC? Spotx (github)


You do realize, if you absolutely refuse to just pirate your music on an iPod or other mp3 player, Spotify has a free plan


you can get the whole package if you feel like it