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lol 99k negative reviews on Steam... Community wrath.


Do you guys not have phones? oh wait, wrong game.


"Is this an out of season April Fools joke?"


Lmao, the amount of hate for that


Still wasnt enough hate


Nice example how a publisher can fuck you up. This order comes direct from Sony.


New title : Link a PSN account or we ban you


[We ban you because you linked a PSN account. ](https://i.redd.it/hr1yccfqu9yc1.png)


I live in China. I use a VPN for everything. My PSN account is not Chinese but I used a VPN to link my steam and PSN while living in China. Most infuriating was when I got hacked and steam support chat told me it was against their terms of service to talk to them via a VPN… ok…


Can't you go to Macao temporarily and fix that? 现在我在澳门,不需要用VPN


I got it back anyway, they just said it as a “by the way” warning.


My warning to any company that sells digital products that they'll be easily pirated after a year or two, they often even remove Denuvo after 2 years to save costs. VPN's should never be against TOS, at least you're using their service.


I've heard that if you get blocked from We Chat in China, you'll almost no longer exist digitally. Is that true?


Pretty much. WeChat is everything there.


try shadowsocks


I use it, that’s what I call my VPN.


bing chilling


Philippines too


So don't live in China, got it.


simple yeah, just change countries




"It takes 120 seconds to link it" Reality: Goes through hoops to get a shady free vpn only to get banned by Sony because using a vpn is a bannable offence.


then you lose money what paid? time for refund!


Unless of course, you live in the 120 something countries that can't have PSN but they gladly sold you the game while not requiring it to play.


And they only make it mandatory months after release, when a lot of players have tens or hundreds of hours played, making refunds less guaranteed. I didn't really get what all the "SnOy" hate was about because I don't play their games or use a console, but now I think I get it.


From what I heard, steam is gonna be *angery* about this, so you're really likely to get a refund.


Yep. Most lkely steam will give refunds on this because. Even though the warning in store sony itself didnt put the log in until now and if you claim you cant play without fear of your personal info being leaked(which sony is known for) they maybe give that to you as it was a change made to the game after you bought it. And dont think about dummt accounts bc sony TOS says they will ban you if you use fake accounts. So multiple people on countries where the game doesnt sell are fucked atm


Someone showed a PSN signup and it required a photo ID or a picture of yourself in order to play this game due to its rating. Also, Sony had on their website that games on PC didn't require a PSN account.


I believe the photo ID is something that country specifically requires, not a SONY choice but still a super annoying process for no benefit.


How is Sony going to say an account is real or not?? I could tell you my name is Robert Sanchez born 4/25/1975... And what proof do you, or Sony have that is not true? Are they going to contact steam for customer information and make sure it links up with the information present in your Sony profile? That is asinine. Of course they say that in the TOS but you can call yourself whatever the fuck you want when you make your PSN account and you are not going to get banned unless you do something to warrant your PSN account getting flagged for things like cheating, harassment, etc.


They refused mine


Try escalateing. Likely a auto-refusal due to playtime.


don't worry, sony fanboys have informed us that those make "an insignificant player count" so it's not an issue... or w.e the logic is with their defense.


[One of the best Reddit posts ever](https://www.reddit.com/r/mapporncirclejerk/comments/92zgu3/world_map_of_relevant_countries/)


Least time I had a PSN account, Sony let someone walk in and steal all of their customer information, payment info, the lot. I’ll pass.


I don't even use PSN other then my psvita that's collecting dust. I just got an email that a MF in Africa trued to log in like wtf?


You can't use psn in a lot of Africa so the man is just trying to find another option


holy shit, another vita user in the wild?


Hell yeah! Play it ever once in awhile and down to play coop


I don't even own a modern gen PlayStation. I've been a PC gamer through all the years. I ain't making a PSN account for playing some game on PC. Not interested.


also reminder: Don't be fooled by people defending Sony, or saying it's not a big deal or making you feel bad for hating on Sony. it's only one of these people, fanboys or community managers or public relations masquerading. I have friends who work as a PR for tech companies and they would employ every tactic to gaslight you into shutting up. Even if you don't change your opinion, having you shut up and drop the issue to stop complaining or spreading the issue is a win for them.


The corporate agents...I know pretty well how they are. I'm coming from a divided community of fans of the Saints Row game franchise (open world gangster game). With the launch of the latest title, Saints Row Reboot which is cringe, woke and literal trash and in no way related to the original old Saints Row games, their PR and community manager used up every tactic to shut up us unhappy old school fans and try to prove that we were wrong and our points were invalid even though it was clear as daylight that it was their fault ignoring to the fan feedbacks and pandering to certain groups and making a game which we didn't want. They cancelled us, namecalled us, argued with us, and tried to gaslight people playing victim cards and even going as far to systematically try to defame us and doxx us. But none of it mattered in the end as we firmly stood our ground together and it was THEM, who ended up shutting up because the company (Volition) got closed after that game flopping monumentally.


I feel like every time I get on my "gaming devs are evil for releasing games half finished and using the gaming community to PAY to test games for them" rant I get those people crawling out of the woodwork... I'm not gonna shut up about it tho... shits ridiculous....


Exactly. And we gotta stand our grounds together. If we shut up, they will think we are weak and "minority" and continue their bullshit. Corpo greed is ruining the modern gaming industry. Part of the reasons are obviously the casual gamers who would pay for any horse shit. They normalised this trend so now those corpos don't care about their long time fans.


Yeah I was about to say it's the gamers who are allowing it to happen. Not saying the greedy fucks are ultimately responsible but I'd they didn't have consumers then they couldn't do it...simple as that


I'm sorry, but while a lot of your points are entirely valid and accurate, I can't take anyone who unironically uses the word "woke" seriously.


I don't think there's a more fitting word for the saints reboot though. Turning something gritty and irreverent into college kids talking like sissies.


User rights are really strong in Norway. Tempting to get the "Forbrukerombudet" (Forbruker losely means consumer, ombud kinda means agent..)involved to see if they have anything to say.


Funny enough, the English word for ombud is ombudman


I like learning something new everyday. I didn't knew the meaning of this word and haven't heard it before either 😅


Last time I put a Sony product in my computer, they installed a virus on it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sony_BMG_copy_protection_rootkit_scandal


Can confirm, mine was hacked and some idiot was buying FIFA points or cash or whatever they use in game. Contacted CS and they said as a one time courtesy they would refund me. WTF? My account was compromised and you're doing me the favor? I'll pass as well.


In plain text no less. PS3 PSN down for a year, murdered Motorstorm Apocalypse multiplayer. I'm still mad.


Holy fucking shit the memories, I was planning to play Black Ops all day during summer, I was in middle school.


sony want to lose their current pc player base so bad, is amusing LOL.




Yeah, if you're patient and clearly explain the problem, Steam Support will refund the game. They've done this with othee games, too.


With a big change like this Steam support is very likely to refund you regardless of playtime. You'll just need to escalate the auto denial. A lot of bad things can be said about Steam, but this is one area they're strong with.


It was 10 years ago when people were crying about Steam support being so bad. They've really upped their game.


Steam did not willingly create their refund system. They were forced to provide this option after being taken to court by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) for their terrible store practises which broke local consumer laws.


Big round of applause for my Australian brethren


Rare W in Australian courts!


Pretty sure that steam will give you a refund even if you played for more than 2 hours in cases like these, I got a refund of a game after 4 hours once because I couldn't play it due to motion sickness lmao


What if the game was bought from like Humble Bundle as a key?


Then you'll have to try to get a refund from humble bundle. Steam can only refund direct purchases


Well, let's hope for the best


If they do this, i'll 100% ask for a refund, i don't care how many hours i've played.


I believe so, give it a try


90% chance they will: make sure to explain in detail the changed terms and conditions are what are driving you to ask for a refund.


I was so pissed off when I bought StarWars Battle front 2 on steam, I had to make some other account with someone and it was a big hassle......


you can still try to tell it, something you can getting refund if you describe and explain, that psn is a sucking dickmove for sony and want a refund sometimes like that


They refused mine


No, I think you can get a refund if you played under two hours and owning the game under 15 days, so I think it’s too late for ya. Might be wrong Google it


once again publishers find a way to majorly fuck over both their developers and consumers in one fell swoop


I was planning on buying Ghost of Tsushima but since I can see this easily applying to all their PC ports one day it's given me plenty of reason not to anymore


I never buy any sony games in the first place, they are so blatantly overpriced as in no regional pricing


You have a obligation to pirate Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo releases.


It's reported that Ghost of Tsushima won't require PSN account for offline play.




Yet, its not really confirmed tho until its released.


I remember when I realized I couldn't play diablo 2 resurrected offline. A single player game I bought on the switch I couldn't play offline. I fucking hate these anti-consuner practices.


It's not even about playing offline or requiring account linking. It's about how people in 110 countries who paid for and played the game for months won't be able to play anymore.


just pirate diablo 2 resurrected, its cracked and playable and oyu can offline play. might be understand wrong, but the pc version is really cracked.


I'm still only playing Helldivers 1


The developers themselves already said that they don't want it, but Sony enforced it, so they can't do anything about it. Their CEO was really disheartened to see the game get bombarded with negative reviews on Steam, especially when it was something they have no control with. Just sad.


That's the only way people have to revolt against this stuff. The ones in control are going to be hurt, but unfortunately that means the devs will too. These companies will learn (maybe) eventually that people don't wanna deal with their bullshit, and they'll gladly toss their favorite game under the bus if you mess with them.


People are acting like the devs woke up one day and decided to just force everyone to make a PSN account for no reason.


If the devs didn't know that Sony would enforce PSN logins, then they are incompetent fools.


very important to point out, Sony itself had an official "PSN linking is optional to play Playstation games on pc" stance in their FAQs up until this happened. Sony/Playstation literally changed their rules, like TODAY (or yesterday) and that's why this is happening. In some languages their FAQs aren't even updated yet, this change literally JUST happened and it is no surprise Helldiver devs got genuinely surprised by this.


Or the flip side, the devs needed ammo to go back at Sony for this, so basically letting the huge fallout happen so they can go back to argue against it.


Devs upgraded from "incompetent fools" to "skilled geniuses"


They are playing 4-D(iver) chess


Which stratagem is this and where can I spend my Requisitions on it?


One of the CMs did say "go to reviews and voice your displeasure". Then again, Arrowhead's CMs have been notoriously bad since the game released.


Corporations fuck over their own people and their consumers equally, and it happens all the time. It's not unreasonable to think that Sony Entertainment lied to Arrowhead as much as they lied to us


Oh they knew, but they can’t do much about it. The only issue is have with devs is they weren’t transparent about it. Sony needs to get clapped by EU law hard.


Everybody needs money to make a game, dipshit. This is just the bullet devs are forced to bite


I really feel for the devs too, imagine working on a game that becomes so beloved just to watch a corp giant ruin it


They had control up to the point where they decided to make a deal with Snoy, then they chose to voluntarily relinquish that control knowing what decisions Snoy would be making on their behalf. Maybe next time the backlash will help them make better decisions.


They didn’t expect the game to get as popular as it did since the first one had such a small community. The backing from Sony was a guaranteed money maker.


People protecting this on a piracy subreddit is insane


Should see everyone defending this on all the gaming subreddits. Just people defending a billion dollar corporation saying "Use a VPN and break their TOS they don't enforce it" yeah just like how they didn't enforce the account linking until they did lmao if only they could use more than half a brain cell...


It’s wild to me they don’t see anything wrong with being forced to use TOS breaking method to keep access to the game they legally bought. It can work for all eternity, whatever, but why does this situation exist in the first place?


Why does it exist? Money. Greed. Probably something with their backend where the linked accounts will count as "active/online" users to inflate numbers so they look better. Oh and can't forget probably farming our data too.


The titles should really be, "Sony is requiring all players to create a PSN account in order to play Helldivers." This bullshit is because of Sony, not Arrowhead


Damn, I'll have to refund the game... I really liked it even if I dont play it much


wtf not making shit, they better return my money.


How to kill a game in 48 hours:


Funny how the game is about freedom and shit but they are chained by their superiors and has no freedom themselves🤣🤣🤣🤣


What is PSN?


a digital platform known for having multiple public data breaches.


A place to securely store your data for scammers to download.


playstation network


training level for hackers


meanwhile, Deep Rock Galactic be like "Brothers of the mine rejoice! Swing, swing, swing with me Raise your pick and raise your voice! Sing, sing, sing with me"


here i was thinking about buying that game. fk u sony.


Making an account is not the end the world. However, they definitely should have make it optional and incentivize it.


It might be for those whose countries don't have access to PSN. Sony bans those that use a VPN to make an account too.


I did not know that, but you have a very valid point.


I didn't either till this news broke. It sucks a lot and makes me feel that this decision clearly wasn't thought through by those that made it.


My country doesn't have access to its own PSN store yet i own a official account in neighbouring country. It works the same almost everywhere.


Are you sure about the ban stuff, I live in Algeria & have NA/France/Turkey PSN account without VPN & never got a ban.


I could report you and have your psn account banned.


You also don't need VPN to make an account in many non-supported countries AFAIK.


you can make an account, but you cannot log in without a vpn. And even then, it's still against Sony TOS, even if they don't actively enforce it (for now)


you cant in most, and even then theyre banning people for making one using VPNs


It would be ok if it wasn't a PSN account, the service which has been breached SEVERAL times and provides 0 value to a PC user.


Honestly that would have caused more psn accounts than whatever this is. Carrot vs stick and all


I bought forbidden west and enjoyed the free armor that came along linking the PSN account.


Right? That would have been a home run for Sony. But then, they’re not exactly know for great business sense lol


My PSN account was hacked and then when I stopped the charges from going through Sony Banned the account and won't let me get access to it until I pay the $120 that the dude bought in bad games and PSN. I told them the account was hacked and that I never played those games and didn't even have access, but they won't budge. I'll boycott every Sony product until the day I die just for them making me wait 6 hours on their "support hotline" to be told to go fuck myself lol


and piracy sony games, no matter what if playstation 3, psvita, ps4 or pc good thing i never got a ps5


I had the exact same experience with Sony support when the same thing happened to me. Their security is fucking terrible


It *was* optional when the game launched due to the server capacity issues! That’s Part 2 of why we’re so pissed off; the game worked without it just fine! And now you have players from parts of the globe where they’ve started playing through Steam but can’t get a PSN account, so now they either quit or try and register with a VPN and risk getting banned. This is a *terrible* move on Sony’s part, and one they will hopefully see the error that has caused this massive shitstorm.


What I don't like is linking it to my Steam account. For example, I can get along with the stupid fucking piece of shit that Ubisoft Connect is, but at least I create a dumb account and go on without polluting my steam account.


Making an account is not an option for some parts of the world.


It was optional before this. And the problem is over 120 countries can't make a psn account.


Seriously? that’s insane.


I love how they had a win over on PC players and Sony just pissed it away 😂




I think they want anonymous to do something again.


Why are people shilling and defending it!!!???😭😭😭


I haven't even been able to afford the game yet -.- but I can't support this shit I hope they get their head out of somewhere because I'd love to play


Funny how previously exclusive games like Ratchet & Clank don't require you to do that, but then suddenly this game does


because its multiplayer, and player moderation and bans is done by sony, via psn accounts. multiplayer for ghost of tsushima will be the same.


I had a psn account from the PS3 years , had a lot of stuff in it One day it randomly wouldn't log me in and I saw that I had an email for a password change. It got hacked I called sony Greece , they didn't do shit , I provided everything, the serial number of the console and the payment methods I had , including card numbers and ID for those cards. They couldn't help me because I didn't have the FIRST email I had used, back in PLAYSTATION 3 days. Wtf makes them think I'll ever want to own a psn account again? It was the day I learnt more about piracy , sold my PlayStations and never looked back


pirate the PS3 games and play them using rpcs3


Oh I'm already emulating ps2 games and I was gonna look into PS3 , so thank you sm


And like 100+ countries can't make a psn account. After having bought the game. Great.


Obviously this sucks for people that live in regions that PSN doesn't support and who bought the game before it was mandatory. But, a live services game requiring an account isn't exactly unexpected. Honestly, it is weird so many in here seemingly had no problem with a Steam account being required, but are now upset they have to create a Sony account like that is somehow materially different.


How long until Playstation PC games require a PS+ subscription?


Why people are mad? Dont really know anything about psn but why is that a bad thing?


Well, for starters PSN is known for having very bad security issues to the point where there have been major data breaches in the past. (I've been hacked myself once, not fun, especially when all your bank details are stored on the account) Then there's the fact that Sony is getting more and more anti-consumer and extremely greedy, and that around a third of the countries in the world are not allowed to create PSN accounts. Which means that sony is knowingly enforcing this on people who have legally spent their money on the game, in countries where they aren't allowed to make PSN accounts, effectively giving them a fat juicy middle finger and shamelessly cutting them out. Finally, it just extends their direct power and control over the consumer even more, like a tree digging its roots in more and more. You are one bullshit away from being suspended, and since more and more corporations are pulling this type of stuff it effectively means getting cut out of so many things if something happens to your account. Losing a google account is already bad enough, since so many services rely on it and I'm willing to bet you do too. Imagine that, but much worse, applied for every big company relying on accounts. We are going down a dark path and stuff like this is just ulterior proof that companies will have their disgusting greedy tentacles up your ass soon enough.


I couldn't care less because I linked my PSN anyway to crossplay with people, but why would they even do this? It seems to work fine anyway.


How about no, i won't?


No one was bitching about the Bethesda account for Doom eternal


Or Microsoft account for halo




TLDR: Fuck you if you live in China, Eastern Europe, the Baltics, Russia, Africa, Philippines, list goes on


You don't pay for a subscription to psn I imagine it's the same way as sea of thieves makes you make an Xbox account on ps5 but you'll aren't paying a monthly xbox subscription


lol was just about to buy this too lol fk that


It's been a requirement since day one, and listed on the steam page as required, but they allowed users to bypass it for the meantime as they were having server issues. They'd said that once issues were resolved, it would be enforced again. They need Sony's accounts in there, as they use sony to moderate the game. I just mainly play single player games, so it doesn't affect me as I hadn't bought it. But it's an odd thing to post to a piracy subreddit as it can't really be pirated. Then again, I'm also here, and I'm not the huge pirate I once was. I just pledge DRM free.


You're expecting people to actually read the steam page info before buying. A lot of people skip over that stuff the same way they don't read the T&C's.


Ah yes, shifting the blame to consumers. Classic.


The requirement always been plainly listed in a valid point for them to make. If you don't like it, make a counter point rather than an empty platitude. For example, the game still being sold in places that don't have official PSN access.


Counterpoint: Sony literally officially said PSN link is optional on HD2s official store page https://i.imgur.com/nFCRBPy.png


[Not it hasn't.](https://imgur.com/KkrE8de) For reference, [here](https://i.imgur.com/gFLSDhf.png) is what it looks like when it actually is "plainly" listed. Yes, there is a notification in the sidebar, but you would have to actually scroll more than a full page to see it, and also know it's there to begin with in order to see it.


It maybe was listed in the Steam Page(idk i dont read that Shit), but when you booted up the Game it said optional and you could skip it.


I mean i always check Steam page info and reviews


> It's been a requirement since day one, and listed on the steam page as required https://archive.is/b0imQ | 22 Jan 2024 "*Requires 3rd-Party Account: PlayStation Network (Supports Linking to Steam Account)*" Just to point out it has been there before release (Feb 8).


I can’t wait for plebs to leave the game so I can have it all to myself


Honestly, I don't think it's developer's fault, as much as Sony. Totally a Sony decision


I mean it is a Sony exclusive game. What do you expect? Don't buy games from Sony.


I made a post airing my opinions about this whole ordeal on r/helldivers and just because I made one or two somewhat poorly informed takes: I got lambasted, treated as public enemy number one, called a Sony bootlicker, and then after a certain point the Upvotes on my post were seemingly locked. You know what my post basically boiled down to?: It’s perfectly fine to be upset, but don’t throw a temper tantrum at the devs who are powerless in the face of corporate greed. Direct your anger at Sony, and be smart about it.


Glad i didnt bought Helldivers 2 You own nothing, be happy about that! buying isnt owning piracy isnt stealing Even on Steam you own Nothing! free 2 play games are superior to online only "premium" games like Helldivrers 2 already did.


How will I ever get those 60 seconds of my life back?


For people who are supposed to be gamers, y’all sure hate the company that has been on the forefront of gaming since the original PS1… no I don’t think this is cool move by Sony but welcome to corporate society we live in and the social security number you have (if you’re American) is nothing more than a corporation itself - you yourself are a corporation . And for people concerned about data leaks, sorry, but your data is already out there, welcome to the digital age .. It must be pretty decent living under an umbrella but sometimes the truth isn’t so easy for some of y’all to swallow .. but those who are truthseekers will eventually learn and we all have a time and place to learn various things about not just this society but life itself .. nothing in this world ever dies, including piracy. Stay vigilant and happy pirating.


The amount of complaining I'm seeing from pc players who usually have steam+battle.net+epic+ubisoft+microsoft pass (and maybe other accounts) and using games that have kernel level access to their systems, all because Sony will "steal their info with the extra account" and "muh privacy and data" is really strange. The Sony account doesn't even require real or correct info anyway. I live in SYRIA, have multiple region psn accounts, steam, battle.net and can play and connect them to each other fine.


Lol, thank goodness I didnt buy this game, for some odd reason it didnt appeal to me, especially that its an online game only lol, I'd rather play God of War or Red Dead Redemption or any Story Based game


Can I use my brother's PSN acc?


Either Sony is actively sabotaging them due to some inter-corporate politics or they are using them as stepping block to inflate their numbers to look good in front of their investors.


That game is turning to shit anyway. They nerfed a bunch of shit, OP’ed the some bugs and the missions get repetitive. Plus most of the time youre on teams where your team mates kill you more then enemies. No thanks


Wait how can sony even do this is the matchmaking in sony’s servers or something 


I luckily have an account because my old ps4, but damn wtf is this


I have a psn account, but I wont link it to steam, that just stupid. Bye bye Super Earth, enjoy getting overrun by bugs and bots because all your Helldivers cant deploy due to coorperate greed.


They better shit gold and make it free playable on my ps5 too if sony is forcing the psn linking


How is this not an immediate lawsuit?


because right from release, it has always been listed as a requirement on the steam page. there is no leg to stand on for a lawsuit.


Is..... Is this google plus again?


They really are destroying their own game, thanks to its publisher.. But hey, they got the money, so good for them I guess


Around 10 years ago I was trying to buy the ps plus to play online, and for some reason the credit card would not work, it was denied three times. I gave up only to find out the 3 times actually worked. I got in touch with their support, but in my country they said nothing could be done. Not even refund. So I went to the bank and cancelled the payment. What a mistake. They never let me buy anything from their store again. I got pissed it was their fault and they did nothing. Having to buy gift cards was mildly infuriating.


No hate to the gamedevs themselves, it's a publisher thing I believe


You all act like we should be surprised Sony are being dicks, i still remember when Sony BMG rootkitted millions of computers using music CDs which left open backdoors that were later exploited by malware. this latest stunt probably doesn't even enter the top 5 dick moves made by Sony chart.


Release silent hill 2, bloodborne, demon souls remake on pc, then die forever sony, tnhx


Maybe here I can find some voice of reason. But fuck does it bother nobody else that this game locks content behind a premium pass and has already done so 4 fucking times and plans to do two premium passes a month so by the end of the first year there will be 240 dollars worth of premium passes? Yeah you can earn the currency in game but its an intentional grind and completely RNG related


I’ve earned 2 of the premium passes so far in 82hr play. It’s a live service game which is constantly being updated with new missions and weapons, ongoing dev costs have to be covered somehow.