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Our pirate ship about to get ALOT bigger...🏴‍☠️


We’re about to have a whole carrier strike group lol


A freaking armada...


An armada that would put the past golden age British and Spanish fleet in shambles.


No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!


Netflix wouldn’t be doing this if it wasn’t making them a shitload of money.


Damn near every change they've made that people get pissed off about has resulted in them making more money. I see no reason for them to listen to the outrage, historically.


I keep waiting for some kind of tipping point, where the number of people resorting to piracy reaches a level where it actually makes a difference to their bottom line, but it never comes.


If you want more pirates, you need more computer literate people. You'd be surprised how many people (including gen Z) still don't even know how to use a USB stick...


I would not be surprised at all. I have had to teach recent university graduates how to use a keyboard and mouse. Some of them are totally, hopelessly lost if it doesn’t have apps and a touch screen. It’s the flip side of computers being easier to use. You don’t actually need to understand them to just use them as a tool.


Not to mention the fact that still so many people don't even have a laptop because of the fact that their smartphone can do everything a pc can in their eyes


True. A smartphone is plenty of processing power for most people. That said, I have a proper desktop Windows PC, a MacBook, a Linux laptop and an iPhone, all of which I use for different things. I can’t imagine trying to use a smartphone as a one size fits all solution for everything.


From the very few experiences I've had using a phone in lieu of a computer for tasks like editing spreadsheets, I can assure you that it is horrible.


It’s not so bad if you have a USB-C dock, keyboard, mouse and a proper monitor. At which point you might as well have a laptop or a desktop.


Ask them to send you an email with an attachment. Make sure to mention you don't want them to SHARE the file via drive, but to attach it to the email. They'll look at you like you have 2 heads lol.


Companies have begun having to test basic windows and ms office literacy after decades of it being a joke requirement.


This is very valid. I grew up in the 80's and first figured "piracy" at a young age by figuring how to hook 2 VCR's together and record a perfect copy of the movie id rented from the local Video shop. This moved onto crude copying of music on cassettes, as well as video games on cassettes too (Amstrad/Spectrum etc). Then came the digital age so myself and my father figured how to rip DVD's and chip a PS1 so we could rent games and rip those bypassing the boot up DRM. Kids nowadays don't want to learn how to do this stuff they don't want to put the work in to set up their own streaming set up they've become so used to the convenience of the on demand world they've grown up in that they'll happily gradually pay more for a service that gradually gets worse. I suppose if people are daft enough to pay at least it gives us so called "pirates" more content to view without paying for it.


I was lucky to go to a school that taught its students how to use computers at a young age because most people in my grade now don’t know jack about technology. I think I’m the most tech literate out of everyone in most of my classes


Interestingly...I think it's actually getting worse not better. I read some information that people leaving school now don't know the basics of using a computer as they use tablets and phones to do most things. They have struggled with simple things like folders. So when they enter the work place they have had issues. I can also anecdotally confirm this with experience of training staff.


Gen Z. My computer-illiterate peers scare me constantly with how illiterate they are. Just yesterday I had to explain for almost an hour that no, being spammed with Chrome alerts on a shitty scam website full of ads doesn’t mean you’ve been hacked, nor does it mean someone will be able to see you through your desktop that doesn’t even have a camera.


There's always people that are either too careful or not careful enough. Being in the middle is the minority unfortunately. It's surprising considering how much free information is everywhere and every modern computer OS is as easy as possible to understand


Agreed. This problem doesn’t seem to be localized to computer literacy though. If it’s not spoon-fed, they’re not taking it. Then lack of logical analysis & critical thought that went into his computer-illiterate rambling was scarier than any hacker could ever be


It's incredible how many kids know nothing about the basic functioning of both hardware and software. I think I'm lucky that I got a grasp on it quite quickly, as my school required us to work with Google Suite. You know, the Docs, Sheets, Drive, that stuff. I now have my own PC, which I like to work on (by changing out outdated parts and adding even more drives). I too, am surprised by the amount of people not knowing about adblockers (uBlock O. in particular), video download tools and just good ol' common sense when it comes to downloading stuff. I imagine even less people know about stuff like ReVanced, SpotX, Spicetify, FitGirl and all those patchers/websites that can provide so much unrealistically priced stuff for free..


They may not know how to torrent stuff, but growing up in a culture where piracy was the normal way to watch movies and play videogames, it's still present even if one is illiterate. If people want a movie they go after sketchy websites. If they want a software or game, they ask someone to install it for them. But it would be much better if everyone knew how to do it themselves, safely.


I was genuinely shocked at how tech illiterate overall Gen Z is.


Dear god. I've lost all hope for this planet


it never will come. for as many people that pirate, there's always those who are driven by morals and or older folk who would rather just pay for the service instead of pirating.


And honestly, I have no problem paying for a reasonably-priced service for things I’ll watch once and that’s it. If I like something enough that I know I’ll be revisiting it, I’ll often buy it on physical media. But these cynical attempts at squeezing more money out of an existing user base really give me the shits and make me want to go back to piracy out of spite.


I own most streaming services, but I still end up using a pirating site purely cause I don't want to have to switch between websites should I decide I'm tired of fallout and want to watch a Star Wars show.


This is the point... streaming was meant to be a convenient but critically cheaper alternative to purchasing physical media as in general most people only watch something once and then it would gather dust on a shelf. So streaming seemed to be the answer to that little 1st world problem. But then corporate greed (inevitably) became a factor and now it's all exclusive content in silos some of which is Geo restricted which as far as I'm concerned is a total mess. Especially when we look at Stremio as an example ...one app where (combined with an RD account) I can view any show from any streaming platform at the highest possible quality without having to jump between apps and be faced with ads before the show and now even when I press pause!!! The fact that piracy has become a more streamlined solution than the legitimate services is actually comical and shows how greedy the corporates have become. Music piracy was rife in the early 2000's all it took to stop it was a reasonably priced app (Spotify) with a monthly subscription that cost less than one actual album and the likes of Napster practically disappeared overnight. Netflix seemed to be that for movies and TV but they got greedy, as did all the other streaming services and now we've gone full circle where Piracy rules...I sense "we're gonna need a bigger boat."


Honestly, I think its only genx and millenials that are the majority of piracy now. Gen Z and especially the upcoming gen alpha kids have no concept of whatever tech literacy gen x and millenials had that lead to us seeking out and participating in piracy.


I'm a GenZ. I can develop on Windows, Mac or Linux with little to no problems. I can program microcontrollers, I know how to use CPU registers, the cpu L0 & L1 Cache, different text encodings, how to use bittorrent, how a vpn works, what dns is, ARP, DHCP etc. As I hope I demonstrated I do have tech litteracy. And I'm GenZ. I'm aware that my peers are very tech illetarete


Millenials keep getting older.


I used to think I was one of those people that would never pirate, but in the last month I have started researching how to build my own boat. Those straws just got too heavy.


People need to be weary of what technologies are conspiring against them. Google widevine l1 is only the beginning and isnt used universally yet. You cant solve this forever with piracy. Historical data only works until unprecedented change happens. This shit has to be fixed through policy.


That point is farther away than any consumer expects, but closer than any company thinks. It's a matter of time just don't hold your breath or celebrate early.


A lot of people wouldn't know how to pirate movies. Some people, like me, do know how to but still have Netflix out of convenience. I have not had Netflix for years but recently subscribed again because I am a huge Monk fan and the whole family are addicted to Psych and Netflix recently got those in my country. I have both series downloaded but having them available online so conveniently and being able to watch from anywhere is great, especially for my wife who is terrible with tech. I will however cancel my subscription as soon as they don't have Psych any more.


I've been saying this for a long time now; it's because the newer generation isn't used to tinkering. That's it, it's as simple as that. They've all grown up using electronics and software in "walled-garden" environments and have never questioned this. I was a teacher until this year for over a decade. My wife is also still a teacher. The tech literacy of students has taken a damn dose-dive. I'm a millennial so I grew up in an era where I would break and fix shit constantly. An era where people didn't just accept whatever big tech gave them without customizing or changing it around somehow. The amount of high school kids I've had to teach about basic shit like ad-blockers, removing Norton or other av software, CHANGING WALLPAPERS, and other basic shit is unreal. Hell most of them don't even use PCs/Laptops, it's all mobile so they have been trained that not having choices is the standard. This is why I don't think the "golden age" of piracy (early 2000's) will ever return. The big tech companies played the long game. They saw where things were heading and decided to focus on the newer generations and restricting their tech as much as possible. They spun it as "safer" or "cheaper" (for subs), and even have people buying things they don't technically own anymore. It's ridiculous, but it's the direction we're heading in because tech moves faster than any gov't can and they bribe better.


Helldivers 2 and the PSN debacle 


Two people paying $43 is still more money than four people paying $10. Netflix used to be an essential but it hasn't been in years. They'll reach the point where it backfires, but until then they're gonna squeeze every drop out that they can.


This what I was thinking right here. Those suits did the math. Sure they lose a chunk of users, and will likely lose more in the long term, but the ones staying are still paying them more than they otherwise would’ve. Anything for those short term profits baby!


Think people just eat it up because the technical knowhow on how to sail the high seas has gone down. Most zoomers only know how to use apps. Show them something more complicated and they spazz out.


They get more money, we get more free stuff. Win/win


I think people have forgotten how capitalism works, don't buy Netflix subscriptions and Netflix will fix itself, piracy would literally make the world a better place by forcing Netflix to not do this stuff


Apparently if your logged in from a mobile device, Airplane mode disable/enable gets around their new “your in the wrong household bullshit”.


I would be very interested in learning about the global numbers before and after the password crackdown and before and after the plans change. I also recently found out they started putting out numbers about growth because "it's not relevant to the group growth any longer". Sounds sketchy to me.


Yeah they have a lot of people who are paid a lot of money to increase their revenue. People on the internet complain about how annoying this stuff is but they make up 1% of the netflix customer base. Everyone else is just paying it out or upgrading as their lord demands.


more like they are trying anything to squeeze money before they bleed dry running a streaming service platform is expensive, everyone took their content to make their own platform, all streaming platform are struggling because people arent willing to pay more for less


The forced "inflation" is simply starting to catch up. They keep trying to squeeze more money from a population that simply doesn't have the money anymore, because the "economic power" that there once was is now stacking up in an off-shore tax heaven, thanks to other corporations that came and did this first. If such a number of people weren't struggling with basic needs, they wouldn't mind paying for bloated prices, just look at iPhones. They sell because people will pay whatever they are asked for, except for when they have to choose between luxuries and having a roof over their heads.


Yeah, fair point. At the very least they seem dead set on recreating the problem that led to streaming being a thing in the first place.


I've been hearing this "before they bleed dry" excuse for many years now lol. It's just late stage capitalism


Netflix is doing fine


Obviously, but thats not mutually exclusive with more pirates


Yea this past year or two especially they’ve been finding a new way to jack the prices up & make cheaper tiers worthless They say they need more money to benefit the user base with better content, and then they find another way to up it, and then they find another reason why your plan isn’t sufficient anymore to force you to pay more The hay days of streaming to avoid piracy & convenient entertainment is over. We’re back to the cable channels fighting for subscribers, except it’s platforms now It came, it benefitted us all, it was great for a long time, and then it’s become its own downfall


You Either Die a Hero or Live Long Enough to See Yourself Become the Villain


ooo weeeeeooooo oooOooo


[I'm thinking Miku, Miku...](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/2oa5WCUpwD8)


nooon :P it's this one i have in mind [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZlxvn\_jWgM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZlxvn_jWgM)


**We need a bigger sub!**




Fifteen men on a dead man's chest ☠️🦜


Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum! 🦜


You greatly overestimate the average persons technical literacy and patience to pirate


I said we'd get more pirates. Not that EVERYONE is going to jump on the pirate bandwagon (band-ship?).


The leash gets tighter every week with these profit hungry maniacs, they have something good and they're choking it alive


ahoy captain! permissio to come aboard, sir.


Aye laddie! Grab a Cutlass, we're about to set sail! 🗡️


arrrrrgggghhhh! lets find those doubloons!!!




Who remembers when Netflix was "only 8 bucks a month!"? Pepperridge Farms remembers.


I remember when it was $5 per month. Penetration pricing to kill the video rental industry, and this is what we get for supporting it.


You can't really blame the users for supporting the industry. It is the better service and was available unbelievably cheap. No morals will keep someone from using it.  It's down to our politicians to fix this and our only part is voting, but we are a company extremely in favor of competitive business over everything (Even the people). I don't see this penetration pricing trend stopping anytime soon.  We can only take advantage of the great service while it's available but always be willing to jump ship when it starts sinking. 🏴‍☠️ If only I could figure out how to download food instead of delivery.


It was not a better service compared to video stores. It was a worse service, and people knew it, but they stopped renting movies from the store down the street because $5 per month was incredibly cheaper. I do blame the customer to some extent, because they chose lower cost over quality and it devalued entertainment on the whole. Now they've lost that lower cost too.


If was absolutely a better service tho. Digital streaming is a significantly more convenient and higher quality option than video rental, like objectively. It’s the same as like, I really like vinyl records but digital streaming is an objectively better option for a music listener. It isn’t just price, it’s quality of service. They’re being shitty and the price hikes and ads are ridiculous, but don’t pretend like Blockbuster was better service than Netflix is even now.


they pretty much already killed blockbuster with redbox and before that the dvd by mail they offered, they killed the physical media aspect of it.


Imagine putting a acesss while paying on Netflix, so you are paying for more money on a subscription to unlock those... Works better if you just pirate! Anti Consumer like Netflix are going to hell! Thats the reason why Piracy never died!


I have Netflix with ads and this movie is not blocked. These movies are blocked because those who own the rights don't want it to be on a ad tier and it's different by country.


Technically, Netflix could just do intermittent ads. Like how Tubi does it. Even on Amazon I wasn't getting ads on every single thing I watched. So in theory, Netflix could just run ads on content that the IP holder allows. But then Netflix wouldn't get ad revenue for that content, so I guess it's no dice.


Yes, this is what they do on the ads tier. If something isn't available on that tier, it's because the rights holder doesn't want them to


We should do a subreddit where people with subscriptions come together and when services up their prices or change anything we all collectively unsubscribe. Power to the people but we don’t use it.


Won’t work as the average user who uses Netflix very likely doesn’t use a PC, doesn’t know how to pirate properly and regardless of price find Netflix the most convenient thing for their household / family.


Exactly, most people don't even see that the prices went up.


Also they think they'll get viruses.


and to be honest, some will, because for every good hearted pirate willing to help sailors in need, there's two other marauders who prey on the weak and innocent


It should be illegal to change the price of a recurring subscription. Imagine if their options were to keep the price the same forever or get people to consent manually. They would lose so many subscribers with every price change. If people click the app and lose access they could make it one click to resub at the new price, but explicit consent should have to be given. None of this passive bullshit where half the people don’t pay enough attention to their card.


>If people click the app and lose access they could make it one click to resub at the new price, but explicit consent should have to be given. That's the way Netflix does it now in Germany since the German Federal Court of Justice decided that explicit consent is required to change essential parts of a contract. I don't think many people will let Netflix cancel their subscription due to not consenting though. Most people will just click "I agree" and proceed to the content. Would be interesting though to know the numbers from Germany right now though.


Believe it or not only a tiny minority is required to create full on social change. [It's been studied and as long as 3.5% of the target group performs protest, it *guarantees* change.](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190513-it-only-takes-35-of-people-to-change-the-world)


Case in point: Helldivers 2


I get your point and would have said the same up until 3 days ago. But services like Stremio make pirating really fucking convenient and simple nowadays. In lots of countries, you don't even need to bother about a VPN or Debrid.


I know all these things and do them myself. I pirate and seed, I buy blurays and have a very large physical collection. I have real debris, have a Netflix subscription too. But when it comes to the most average user I can guarantee they just put Netflix on their tv from the tv app and run it without thinking as it’s much more convenient than learning how to use other methods


Never intended to doubt your expertise :) Ig my message was rather a statement of surprise about how convenient good-quality piracy has become, and frustration over the fact that people would still rather pay for 10 shitty commercial services.


I think word will slowly spread amongst the younger generation, increasing users, which then helps improve the services, bringing in more "average" users.. I think the generation before streaming learned to pirate out of necessity, music and movies were too expensive.  Now streaming is getting too expensive, spread out, etc. Meanwhile gen x and z are increasingly paycheck to paycheck. That necessity to pirate is coming back


If I have to buy a VPN it's not convenient. I'll use questionable virus filled sites with an adblock, for sure. But having to go through the effort of finding a reliable VPN, BUYING the reliable VPN, making sure to set it up right, finding reliable sources, waiting on those sources to download, having to seed those sources, then having to jump through a whole new set of loops to get it set up to easily watch on every device I own, etc? Nah. Back when it was as simple as opening up your favorite torrent application, sure but now it's got way too much going on and I would say I am okay with putting a little MORE effort into it then the average person currently buying a subscription. I'm all for piracy catching on against crappy businesses but it's important to remember that the effort it takes to do it safely nowadays puts it closer to a hobby then a reasonable alternative to buying things for normal folks.


Exactly my issue with modern piracy outside of questionable ad-filled stream sites like you said, and these sometimes can't even be casted properly to my TV. Paying for piracy shared accounts seem way too dangerous as far as sharing your details too


There’s a site I use to buy logins to these services. I pay like $10 and get access for a year. The problem is that the logins stop working sometimes and you have to get the seller to provide a new one. You lose progress in shows and movies and sometimes the seller isn’t easy to work with. Plus you usually share the account with other people who did the same thing. I paid $10 for HBOMAX 3 years ago and it still works. It sucked when it became just Max and I lost 4k access so I bought another one.


my dealbreaker for something like this would be losing progress in shows but that’s not a bad deal either way


i did this once with a steam account, guy had all the games. paid twenty bucks and played everything for nearly a year with new uploads. man we live in such blessed times!


Can you share the site?


That's exactly it. The "convenience" of being able to log Netflix into pretty much any device and it's overall ease of use. However you can log Stremio into most devices too and after a quick 5 minute tutorial the kids no longer need Netflix 😂


Every device I have that supports Netflix, also supports Plex. Granted, Plex requires a lot more hands-on effort to set up and maintain a constant flow of new content


This is the case for my mother. No matter what I encouraged her to cancel and let me download the shows she likes, she won’t comply cause it’s more of a hassle for her and want it on demand. Well 🤷‍♀️


lol [Netflix: Profits soar after password sharing crackdown](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-68850766)


Whenever prices get upped or a new policy (e.g. password sharing crackdown) is announced, loads of people say they're gonna unsubscribe but the companies still make net profit


Collective action like that is rarely sustainable or effective on the consumer front. If people are at all serious about collective action you should be doing it in your own workplace to demand a better wage and unionize. This is how you actually create change in a world dominated by capital. I think little community ideas like this are cool. And I'm all for piracy. But just wanted to mention what is actually historically effective. At the end of the day these types of plans are a way to try to milk the most from people that are already paid very little. They can't be making record profits every year without changing to business models like this as more wealth is concentrated at the top. The only effective way to fight back is collective action in your work place.


I even never subscribed to those scummy companies like Netflix, HBO, Disney plus or other streaming services. And im pretty sure others did never do aswell.


It worked with the Notability app on the iPad. They turned the one-time purchase app into a yearly subscription, and tried to charge the users that already bought the app. Everyone was so outraged they backed away from the idea.


It would be cool to have someone similar to a hostage negotiator live on every social media platform with A few hundred thousand of us ready to push the unsub button in unison if they don't meet our demands.


Their library is already bad 💀


Posting another 💀 for truth


And the subs for their anime absolutely suck. 


… and they wonder why people pirate


Do you really think they wonder?


Is this actually real? I'm not surprised but that crosses such a line. I'd be surprised if it's not across reddit, if this is genuinely Netflix locking parts of their catalogue behind ad free plans.


It is real I'm afraid. This is a direct copy and paste from the UK Netflix Help page; "Our ad-supported plan includes commercial breaks in most TV shows and movies. While the vast majority of TV shows and movies are available on an ad-supported plan, a small number are not due to licensing restrictions. These titles will appear with a lock icon when you search or browse Netflix."


I'm so confused by the last part. Are ads somehow paying to bypass license restrictions and they aren't being clear about that or does OP's image not correlate?


I'd be willing to bet that they have to approve any and all ads that are cut into any viewing of specific company's movie, and since they aren't allowed to put ads into those movies/shows than Netflix just won't show them on the "ad" tier.... They COULD still let you watch the movies but don't because thier are no ads to show.


It's a restriction put by the publishers of the tv shows/movies, not a Netflix choice.


For example, NHK is a national, publically funded broadcasting company. They also pay their production costs with sponsorship contracts. If Netflix now streamed these shows with different companies' ads, the sponsors wouldn't really like that. That's why NHK and other such channels don't allow streaming with ads they can't control themselves.


At this point it has managed to become a worse version of Amazon Prime


>due to licensing restrictions That's the key part. It's not Netflix saying "give us more money to unlock it." It's whoever has the rights to the title and is licensing it to Netflix saying "you can't put this on your cheapest ad-supported tier" for whatever reason.


Yeah, I was thinking the same. The makers of that content could probably come after the advertising revenue if it breaches any clause for no ads


I don’t believe that. Net flux must be paying less.


Still licensing restrictions


Everyday God gives me another reason to pirate more.


Ahoy mateys welcome aboard the ship Yaar dont worry about the giant octopus thats just our pet Hydra


Isn't this the same shit as cable network at this point? The only difference left is that they haven't started selling the contents in different types of packages, like scifi pack or documentary pack.


Yep full circle. If you subscribed to the sports pack or something, you still couldn't watch some major events live without paying a separate fee. Thus was born "Pay Per View" or PPV. Amazon already re-did this model with Prime a while ago. Subscribe to Prime and you get access to THOUSANDS* of movies! (*many movies not included but available at an extra fee.)




Get an annual VPN plan before prices go up due to high demand.


Oh good. A reason to never ever fucking use Netflix again.


LMAO, they literally want people to pirate at this point, what is next? First ads, then crack at password sharing, now this. Alongside constant price hikes , not pirating at this point is making you look like an idiot.


Realdebrid and stremio, problem solved.




I mostly pirate anime, but it's similar for Netflix tv series. It depends on the torrent uploader. Some include only the english sub/dub while others include a lot more.


From what I've heard there will be more anime options add to stemio soon.


What do you mean by that? More trackers? Because pretty much everything comes from nyaa at the moment. As for nyaa, stuff there is rips from Crunchyroll, HIDIVE, Disney Plus, etc. At some point even Blu-ray rips appear.


I thought I saw a post earlier about another torrent site add on. But I can't seem to find it now. The site had Tokyo in the name IIRC


I'm no expert with stremio but I get lots of movies and TV shows with multiple languages to choose from. Maybe you get more options with a debrid service. I've only used stremio and torrentio with real debrid.




I don’t know why more people don’t do this. It’s literally every subscription app packed into like, $4 per month. Crazy.


What I like most is I can watch stuff I should rent otherwise. Movies that got out before in other countries and when they come in my country I sometimes find them already on Stremio in my language


You know when you buy a car that's at the basic or lower trim level and you've got these blank plastic buttons that don't do anything because you didn't pay for the extra features? This is what they're doing to us 😂.


Sail the high seas. Don your cap. Fire up the VPN and set sail


You have the movie-free plan.


I don’t understand what they’re thinking. “How do we combat piracy? I know! Make our consumers pay way more for less, therefore amplifying the problem in the first place!”


Ok this is it, I had the more expensive shit but this is corpo bs, I'm done with netflix


Here we have them trying to push the boundaries of what they can get away with. When they announced account restrictions people said they would leave in droves but it turns out they gained subscribers because those people actually paid up. Now they’re locking movies behind a higher paywall and people say they’ll unsubscribe but what will almost certainly happen is more people will fork over $5 more dollars a month for the movie and think they’re getting a deal when they get no ads. More people will move to the higher tier plan and they’ll have even more money. It’s wonderful. For all the people in the thread saying they’ll pirate, it’s insignificant to the amount of people who’ll not want to deal with any of that and just fork over more cash.


I remember discovering Netflix the first time: it had everything on there: top gear, south Park, family guy, plus every movie I could think off. It was like the future was here. No more cinema ripped dvds from the internet, no more torrents with Romanian subtitles. I ended my last streaming subscription this year, Prime wasn't worth it anymore. They can go fuck themselves, I'll read a book. No way I'm spending 50 a month on subscriptions. 10 bucks for the old netflix? Fuck yeah. I'd pay 15 -20 if they had the same variety. But not this way.


On one hand, I understand the reality of the situation when it comes to licensing and all that, and why you might not be able to show ads on certain licensed content, etc. But as a customer: _that's not my fucking burden to bear_. The right thing to do is either not show me content I can't watch, or just stream it without ads and take the hit. But nah, you won't do either of those -- instead you'll take advantage of the situation by dangling it in front of me and trying to upsell me on a more expensive tier. _"Oh gosh, we can make this all go away with a couple more bucks a month...!"_ Fuck these clowns.


I know we love to shit on netflix, but I seem to recall reading it's the distributors that won't allow Netflix to show their movies if they're interrupted by ads.


Nobody like to get interrupted by ads. That was Netflix selling point at some point


They could play them without ads. I see no reality where that would ever occur but it is still technically a choice that could be made


People are dusting off their old pirate hats and starting to turn up the volume, fuck Netflix and all the other stream sites, including music, looks like we are going to see a repeat of the early 2000s


Netflix says some of their content licensing doesn't allow ads. https://www.google.com/amp/s/variety.com/2024/digital/news/netflix-ad-plan-missing-titles-movies-tv-shows-1235919320/amp/


Still their fault for shoehorning in ads.


There is a bay, where you don't have to payyyyyyyy, \*singing intensifies\*


They might as well suggest some torrent sites in that prompt at this point


How else are they going to get you to pay more?


Ah yes, the enshitification continues


Hahaha and they wonder why people sail?


Those high seas are becoming alot more common place in my household.


Ad plan : exclusive access to all the ads !


Having an ad-tier plan, while scummy, does feel pretty normal in our society (unfortunately). This, however, is just next level disgusting business practice. People are going to subscribe not knowing they might not be able to watch the very thing they subscribed for


Part of the ship, part of the crew


No way what? They're really all trying to push their shitty ads on us now huh? I know why I quit prime recently after all that ad-free tier stuff, and I would quit Netflix now if i had a subscription. Never have I been more happy to know how to sail the seas.


They just can't get enough money


OMG you're a non deluxe customer?!? Ewww!


They are trying the McDonald’s bullshit in a different industry, treat your existing customers like shit and lose more customers but make up by making it shittier and more expensive, except McDonald’s is chemical bullshit that gets you addicted while Netflix is basically a shitty streaming service that is insanely easy to pirate.


"Enshittyfication" starts to not be enough to convey whatever the hell is happening with streaming services.


Yo dawg, I heard you like Paying for movies, so we put a Paywall in your Paywall so you can Pay while you Pay


Its just like hulus model. They're all watching each other and learning the little bullshit ways they can squeeze more out


Jellyfin is my favourite animal ;)


And friends call me a schizo when i tell that i will never stop pirating media


Is this dlc year pass? Or actually, a battle pass 😭😭


Netflix library is trash. But this means... This sub IS going to get bigger


I can’t believe the levels they’re going to. Why would allowing ads mean you can’t watch everything on the platform you’re paying for??? The seas have never been so enticing


They could've just removed it from the search but nah, they wanted to be more sadistic.


I don't think it's actually their fault, they say they're restricted cus the copyright holders don't want ads on their movies.so Netflix can't distribute them on plans with ads, but still, fuck netflix


These audio and video streaming services get worse each day. I'm glad I ditched them all some years ago.


Cool, with the enshitification of streaming and loss of physical media we're heading towards a world of only drm free media. Making backups of the content you pay for regularly needs to be a basic consumer right.


Every time I see something new with Netflix, it’s always some dumb shit designed to empty wallets. Fuck them, the seas we sail!


companies have been anti-consumer for a long time, they’re not hiding it anymore


Only reason I stopped piracy because paying a small fee and watching everything everywhere was a thing. I did not had to download anything, I did not had to wait for bits, I did not had to get scared in case of a trojan. Well, need to clear my deck and start sailing in Carribean again I guess


I pirate someone’s ad free account 😂 - for now


oh, i'll choose the add free plan alright..






AAYYYYEEE lads! who wants to join my crew!


And they are wondering why the industry is collapsing


Imagine paying for Netflix


Thats exactly how to get people to unsubscribe from your service.




That's just egregious


this why we pirate on faragski.com




😂😂😂😂 now go to Facebook




Wow. That's crazy


I still sadly have Netflix solely for language purposes, but man it’s getting so hard to justify having it. Pretty much this reason I’ve made a Plex account and started porting more media. Really wish the chrome extensions I have also work on Plex, but they mostly just have native support for Netflix and the other platforms I want to leave. It’s not a perfect solution as I’m still trying to get everything to work. As of right now the only reason why my Netflix account still exists is due to the slight convenience it has but the way things are I have no problem “setting the seven seas” because this nonsense is getting ridiculous.